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Martyn Wyndham-Read's Song Link

14 Aug 02 - 05:14 PM (#765429)
Subject: Song Link
From: Chris Amos


I was unable to gey to Sidmouth this year as Angela, my wife has just come out of hospital following an operation, (which has proved successful.

One of the things I was hoping to catch was Martin Wyndham-Reed's Song Link, did anyone get get to see it, how was it?



14 Aug 02 - 08:01 PM (#765532)
Subject: RE: Martin Wyndham-Reed's Song Link
From: McGrath of Harlow

Pretty good. The underlying theme which was to show hopw the same Engish songs turned up in Australia didn't actually work that well for me, since in most cases the version from Australia were pretty well the same as the ones back in England.

But a concert with Bob Copper and family, and Martin Wyndham Reed, and John Kirtpatrick and others, and Shirley Collins introducing it - a highlight of the festival. (Every time I hear Martin I can't understand how it is he manages to bring out meaninhgs and images in songs I've always known, and never known till then. An incredible man for putting across the story in a song.)

There'd been rumours that Shirley would sing us a song, Babes in the Wood, but she didn't - maybe the horrible topicality of it this week (with two little girls missing in the Fen Coiuntry, feared kidnapped or worse) might have got in the way of her feeling able to sing it. But we had a great version from the Coppers anyway. And Bob Copper was on cracking form. Well, they all were, but Bob's got a few more years on him than the rest. You wouldn't know it except in the way of added skill.