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Llanstock III

25 Aug 02 - 06:21 PM (#771429)
Subject: Llanstock III
From: Llanfair

I'm checking in from Lincolnshire, where I'm visiting my son, daughter in law and grandson, but we'd better make a start.

Mid-October gathering in beautiful Mid-Wales. Some minor changes, one being that there will be a programme of workshops......potential leaders please PM me, and another is that there will be a small charge because the cost of the Institute has doubled since last year.

Camping and caravans should be OK at the railway again, and Pippins is still open, phone number on request. I'm a bit wary about organising accommodation this year, because of problems last time, but I will do what I can.

Hands up who wants to come!!!!!

Cheers, Bron.

25 Aug 02 - 06:45 PM (#771436)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Snuffy

Can we be trailer trash again, bron, pretty please?

Wassail! V

25 Aug 02 - 06:49 PM (#771437)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Gareth

Count me in - Gareth

26 Aug 02 - 04:41 AM (#771619)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Manitas_at_home

Me and LTS and Bratling!

26 Aug 02 - 04:48 AM (#771623)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: MudGuard

Trailer Trash please for me as well!

Liz/Manitas: could you bear with me in the car again? And perhaps a night each before and after the weekend in London?


26 Aug 02 - 06:07 AM (#771638)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III

which weekend in Oct?

26 Aug 02 - 08:11 AM (#771661)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: lady penelope

Me too, me too! Can I have the number for Pippins, please?

TTFN M'Lady P.

26 Aug 02 - 08:15 AM (#771662)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Morticia

which weekend,Bron, only I will be in the States for some of October?

26 Aug 02 - 02:58 PM (#771851)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Manitas_at_home


I think Phoebe would be delighted! You can help her to dust the lightshades again!

26 Aug 02 - 03:57 PM (#771874)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: MudGuard

Did I help Phoebe to dust the lightshades?
Can't remember having done that...


26 Aug 02 - 06:27 PM (#771956)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Crane Driver

Yes, I'd be interested, only be gentle with me, it's my first time! Details, it all comes down to details.


26 Aug 02 - 07:13 PM (#771984)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Gareth

Drinking and Music - Andrew, only on a more civilised basis than the Mumbles Mile !


27 Aug 02 - 04:31 PM (#772451)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Llanfair

I have just arrived home to the news that Pippins has been sold, and is to become an art gallery!!! I'll verify it tomorrow, and let you know.

I'll try to find an alternative trailer for you.

18th 19th and 20th October seems to work for us!!!!

Any more takers?

Cheers, Bron.

27 Aug 02 - 04:40 PM (#772458)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Gareth

Pipins Sold ! To become an Art Gallery No more wholemeal Fried Bread ! Its bad enough with the Gentrification of Kairdiff - But Llanfair as well, words fail me !


27 Aug 02 - 04:44 PM (#772462)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: MudGuard

I wouldn't mind having pieces of art hanging around the trailer... ;-)


27 Aug 02 - 06:10 PM (#772508)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Crane Driver

Mumbles and civilisation! Oh my! I could probably cope with that. If only I can find somewhere to lay my weary bones at the end of the day - preferably somewhere with room for all the weary fat as well - 18 to 20 October sounds good so far.


27 Aug 02 - 06:10 PM (#772509)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Susanne (skw)

Yes please, I want to come, Bron! Trouble is, I won't be able to ... Enjoy yourselves, everybody, and I'll go and plot how to get my early retirement.

27 Aug 02 - 07:06 PM (#772539)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Eric the Viking

looking good-any chance of a bit of cushion in the trailer? I'm short enough to fit on one of the bunks.

28 Aug 02 - 02:37 AM (#772755)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Liz the Squeak

We were a bit concerned about Pippins, last year the owner was toying with the idea of putting on the market just to see what interest there would be... obviously there was enough.

Got any other B&B places in the town? Failing that, I'm happy to be trailer trash but Manitas is getting on a bit and likes his comfort, besides, I'd hate to subject others to his snoring. Bratling sleeps in the starfish position wherever she drops so that's no problem. I have in the past, put her in a box and pushed her under a table where she remained asleep until a dog licked her ear....

We would camp, but August was wet enough, October would be just too much!

Lady P are you requiring transport again?


28 Aug 02 - 05:19 AM (#772796)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Trevor

Yep, me too, and probably some of the other BC regulars. Do you want me to sort the beer? (Could do with the last barrel back BTW). And I know we're a bit away (half hour-ish) but if anybody wants accommodation at Squilver give me a shout.

28 Aug 02 - 03:09 PM (#773116)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Liz the Squeak

SHOUT!! SHOUT!! Can you manage a couple and a bratling??

I don't care where I sleep (shut up you lot), Manitas snores and Bratling will sleep where she falls.

We all like animals (although sheep can be a bit troublesome and Manitas has this thing about big spiders) and we don't piss in the wardrobes. Well I don't. Bratling hasn't done since she was 2.


28 Aug 02 - 05:38 PM (#773199)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Gareth

Sheep ? Sheep ! Sheep !!!

No I've no objection to sharing a fold with a Ewe or Two.


28 Aug 02 - 06:38 PM (#773232)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Noreen

One hand up over here Miss! Looking forward to another great gathering.

Now, the new owners of Pippins (shame, but hope all goes well with the sale) won't mind if we use the trailer as usual, will they.............? Or can you fit the trailer in your back garden, Bron? *grin*


28 Aug 02 - 06:40 PM (#773236)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Noreen

(Why you shouting, Liz??)

29 Aug 02 - 04:48 AM (#773438)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: alanww

Very much hope to make it Bron ... other possible commitments permitting ... yes please to being trailer trash again like last year ...

"Now is the dark time and the cold time too"

29 Aug 02 - 05:54 AM (#773464)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: MudGuard

Bron - a question just in case the trailer is not available:
would it be possible to use the Institute?
Plenty of space there, but of course there could be regulations against sleeping in there...

29 Aug 02 - 08:41 AM (#773528)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: alanww

Good question, Andreas ...


29 Aug 02 - 02:17 PM (#773773)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Noreen

Ah... after saying I'll be there, it turns out that I will be recording with Navy Cut that weekend.

Therefore, sadly, I will not be able to be there with you all *sniff* but I will be there in spirit :0)

I'll enjoy reading about the preparations here.


29 Aug 02 - 04:45 PM (#773834)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: MudGuard

Noreen, may I get the phone number of your boss so I can sort him out?
Tell him I will visit him (and don't forget to mention my height...)


29 Aug 02 - 05:58 PM (#773884)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Llanfair

I am going to write to the Institute committee about accommodation, Andy, I had thought of it.

We will miss you, Noreen, but I'm sure we'll see you soon.

There will be no accommodation at Pippins, Julia and Jim are moving out at the end of September, but there are some alternatives that I am checking out!!!

Cheers, Bron.

29 Aug 02 - 06:16 PM (#773897)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: bradfordian

I am very interested in coming along. Indoor accommadation if available please.

29 Aug 02 - 06:19 PM (#773899)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Liz the Squeak

I'm shouting because Trevor told us to if we wanted accommodating.

Hate to be left out in the cold by the chip shop with no-where to lay my little bratling but the gutter (like it would be the first time she's slept there.....!)


29 Aug 02 - 07:42 PM (#773943)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: alanww

Sorry, can't make it now. Boo, hoo!
Got to record a demo CD with Navy Cut so that can get booked at some festivals next year!

"It is time to go now ...!"

30 Aug 02 - 04:09 AM (#774072)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Trevor

Sorry Liz, just having a doze. No probs. Anybody else?

30 Aug 02 - 06:50 AM (#774155)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: MudGuard

Trevor, if Bron doesn't find a trailor replacement, I'd be interested!

30 Aug 02 - 06:51 AM (#774156)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: MudGuard

PS: can bring camping matress, so I require only floorspace, no bed.

30 Aug 02 - 08:06 AM (#774173)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Trevor

Okey Dokey! Let me know. Accommodation as recommended by Noreen!

30 Aug 02 - 03:52 PM (#774439)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: april showers

I'd like to come to Llanstock, where is it please?

30 Aug 02 - 04:41 PM (#774466)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: MudGuard

Llanfair Caereinion (no guarantee on the spelling) near Welshpool, on the border between Wales and England, a bit west of Shrewsbury.

Or: 52°39' North, 3°19' West

30 Aug 02 - 05:21 PM (#774484)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Gareth

No Mud'G safely on our side of the border !


30 Aug 02 - 05:26 PM (#774488)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: MudGuard

Viewed form England: across the border
Viewed from Wales: before the border
viewed from my home: which border? There is no bloody border near there, Britain is Britain ;-)


30 Aug 02 - 07:34 PM (#774553)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Gareth

Not a million miles away from Welshpool, to the East, about halfway between thre and Shrewsbury is Welshmans Ford.

This marked the boundary where all Welsh had to be to the West of before nightfall, on pain of Summary Execution.

I have no doubt that the converse was also true.

Remember - Us Celts hold grdges untill they die of old age - Then we have them stuffed and mounted so that following Generations can join in.

Hence Click Here


30 Aug 02 - 09:14 PM (#774594)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Liz the Squeak

Go to Shrewsbury and turn left.


31 Aug 02 - 04:20 AM (#774730)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: MudGuard

Gareth, did you see the smiley I placed in my previous post?

31 Aug 02 - 03:37 PM (#774917)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: MudGuard

This might be a small meeting.

If I count correctly, I come to
13 (including Bratling) + some BC regulars

or more detailed:

Llanfair Bron
Liz, Manitas, Bratling
lady penelope
Crane Driver
Erik the Viking
Trevor + some of the BC regulars (whatever or whoever they are...)
April Showers

Come on, what is keeping you all from coming, UK catters?

Btw, should the count of participants stay this low, I think I will not come (it is considerable trouble to get there from Germany... - sorry Bron, this is not against you!)


31 Aug 02 - 07:05 PM (#774980)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III

31 Aug 02 - 07:27 PM (#774986)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Leadfingers

Do you want a whistle workshop? I stil claim to be the only jazz whistle player on the Folk scene.Apart from the songs ,guitar ,mandolin and banjo.

31 Aug 02 - 08:16 PM (#774997)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: John MacKenzie

Sorry guys, love to come, but it's too far for me.

01 Sep 02 - 01:22 PM (#775223)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Llanfair

Leadfingers...thanks for the offer, you're No.1 workshop.

Ihope there will be more people coming, Andy, but the shortage of accommodation may be the problem....I'm getting on to it this week.

Cheers, Bron.

01 Sep 02 - 03:22 PM (#775284)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Morticia

well, I won't be able to make it this time, .....which is a real pity, I was looking forward to boring you all silly with my Getaway stories and name dropping like a maniac....ah well.

01 Sep 02 - 03:24 PM (#775285)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Gareth

Andy - Yup I did see your smiley - but some aspects of History are beyond humour.

See how things devulope - but hope to see you there !

Gareth ;-)

02 Sep 02 - 03:40 PM (#775716)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Eric the Viking

Gareth-I'll meet you on the steamer-we can gaze at sheep together!!!!

07 Sep 02 - 03:21 PM (#778747)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: MudGuard

Come on, convince me Llanstock 3 is worth coming from Germany!

Where are all your bookings?

07 Sep 02 - 06:32 PM (#778820)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Llanfair

There's nowhere to book, as yet, Andy. I'm still searching......

Cheers, Bron.

08 Sep 02 - 05:25 AM (#778992)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: MudGuard

With "booking" I didn't mean a B&B,
I wanted to get the people to confirm they are coming...

08 Sep 02 - 10:18 AM (#779071)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: GUEST,HelenJ.

Think JohnJ - Diz and self will be present but only on the Saturday. If we set off at crack of dawn and leave for home as late as possible it should leave us a good few hours to enjoy.

Cheers, HelenJ

09 Sep 02 - 04:34 PM (#779965)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Eric the Viking

Sorry to have to say, I'm looking a bit doubtful, due to family commitments, but still time to try and work out a solution-so maybe I might not make it.


09 Sep 02 - 05:04 PM (#779983)
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
From: Gareth

S'ok Eric - We'll save a sheep for ewe !!!
