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CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?

08 Sep 02 - 10:47 PM (#779398)
Subject: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Jack the Sailor


So we have a date and a location for the wedding. It's going to be on October 12 in Wheaton, Maryland (USA).

We're going to be having a reception/jam session after the ceremony. If there are any Mudcatters who would like to share this special day and/or make a little music with us, please PM either Jack the Sailor or CarolC, and let us know.

Jack the Sailor (Rob Dale) & CarolC (Carol Cunningham)

08 Sep 02 - 10:51 PM (#779403)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: hesperis

I am going to do my best to get there, even though I start school two days later!

Anyone going from Toronto who can give me a ride? We can stay somewhere the day before and the night of, then swing back home the day after. Sound good? PM, please.

08 Sep 02 - 10:59 PM (#779405)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: wysiwyg

Hess, get real. DC is five hours from HERE!


08 Sep 02 - 11:13 PM (#779409)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Sorcha

I can't, wish I could. Maw in Law will be here killing something and besides, it's a 3 day drive to DC Area. Have fun!

09 Sep 02 - 12:19 AM (#779444)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Amos

Sorcha --

If your mother in law is going to show up ready to kill something, why not go to the wedding anyway? That way you can ensure it isn't you!


09 Sep 02 - 01:37 AM (#779471)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Mark Cohen

It's kind of a long walk from here, but if you guys want to honeymoon in Waikiki I'd be happy to find you some music...Mazel tov, I'll be there in spirit!


09 Sep 02 - 05:47 AM (#779529)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: gnu

Praytell.... where is the University of Maryland located ? Is it close to Wheaton ?

09 Sep 02 - 08:28 AM (#779590)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: MMario

According to mapquest - it is about 12 miles.

09 Sep 02 - 08:40 AM (#779594)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Willie-O

Damndest thing...I can't think about going cause my mom is getting married on October 12. To a nice gentleman from her Unitarian congregation, who, like mom, was widowed last year after a long period of time as an Alzheimer's caregiver.

All I can say is, Cupid works in tres-mysterious ways.

I might make it to FSGW though.

Plan on and best of wishes.


09 Sep 02 - 08:56 AM (#779604)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: SharonA

So, WYSIWYG, are you going? Maybe you can pick me up on the way?

09 Sep 02 - 09:23 AM (#779617)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: SharonA

(BTW, congratulations and best wishes, Carol & Rob!)

09 Sep 02 - 09:34 AM (#779620)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: wysiwyg

No, Sharon, no can do this one.


09 Sep 02 - 09:35 AM (#779622)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: GUEST,YA in Ramallah

Many hearty congratulations to CarolC and JacktheSailor, my two favorite American friends.

I would love to come to the celebration of your love for each other. Unfortunately, the zionist Sharon will not let me return home should I leave and your Bush has made it clear that I am unwelcome on his "turf." But you know that the best wishes of our people will be with you on that day.

Maybe we'll send a martyr to Tel Aviv in your honor.

09 Sep 02 - 09:44 AM (#779626)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Naemanson

Congratulations to the two of you. I can't get there from here but I will be thinking of you on your special day.


09 Sep 02 - 10:24 AM (#779658)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Jack the Sailor

Thanks for the kind wishes everyone, even the troll. It is never completely a Mudcat event without a troll. ;-) I hope you can make it SharonA.


Thanks everyone.


09 Sep 02 - 11:02 AM (#779689)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Amos

Well, shake my bones and rock-a my soul!
Carol C's got her very own troll!!
His head's too big for a normal hat,
And he thinks he's Yassir Arafat!
He's in there plugging, raising sparks
With anti-Zionist remarks!
But you guys just keep rocking and rollin',
And leave that a**hole to his trollin'!
He's a wannabe has-been, got no soul,
But -- what's a day without a troll?

Happiest of weddnin's to the two of youse!


09 Sep 02 - 11:58 AM (#779722)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: CarolC

Thanks everybody!

Hey gnu! The University of Maryland is pretty close to Wheaton. Maybe about twenty minutes depending on the traffic. Any chance of you being there?

09 Sep 02 - 01:21 PM (#779810)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Fortunato

Jack and Carol, wonderful news, but my rotten luck on dates. I live 5 minutes from Wheaton. Susette and I could have made music with you and celebrated your nuptuals. But we're out of town that weekend. I've bought the tickets already. Are you staying around for the Getaway the following weekend? I hope so. We can join you there and have a glass of champagne or your pleasure. I'm dreadfully sorry we'll miss your wedding and reception.

regrets, and best wishes, Chance

09 Sep 02 - 04:36 PM (#779966)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: GUEST,Kinky F. in El Paso

Mazel tov there Jack. CarolC is one hell of a cute little shiksa.

09 Sep 02 - 06:28 PM (#780041)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: gnu

CC. Maybe ! Sending you a PM with the details. Just want to know one thing..... can I Hran at the session ?

09 Sep 02 - 06:38 PM (#780053)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Jack the Sailor

You are welcome to hran. We would be delighted!!

09 Sep 02 - 06:48 PM (#780058)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: GUEST,Claymore

Sorry Carol, but I'm doing a bluegrass festival at the Peter Burr farm that entire weekend. Mary and Sharon will also be there as "LarkFire" with Charlie and Robbie. This week we've got the Hammmered Dulcimer Festival in town and that means back to back jams, so I will be busy. I did pass on the news to the others and they all say Hi, and Congratulations.

Incidently, the check was delivered to Mary. When you get back, just bang on the wall when you want to introduce Rob...

09 Sep 02 - 06:58 PM (#780067)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: CarolC

Claymore; gotcha. Thanks.

gnu; of course you can hran at the session! Hope we see you there!

Fortunato; we're planning on being at the Getaway. I was there last year, and I somehow managed to miss meeting you then. I promise to do better this year ;-)

09 Sep 02 - 07:16 PM (#780082)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: gnu

Jack... can I bring me cous ? Ee's a doctorate student at U of Maryland. Ee plays fiddle, guitar and sings Irish Trad (and ee's a Celtic 'istory buff - to no end !!!... don't get 'n started !!!).... and ee's a polite and refined young gentleman.... better hoff to 'ave 'im attend than I sir !

09 Sep 02 - 08:41 PM (#780122)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Jack the Sailor

Carse ye can bring da cuz! sure 'es praclickly a Newf! Wit all dat talent and being from New Brunswick han' hall.

10 Sep 02 - 03:46 PM (#780681)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Fortunato

JACK and CarolC. When you get to Wheaton be sure you stop in at the Royal Mile Pub on Price Avenue. Just tell the bartender, Julie or Pete to let Chance buy your first pint or iced tea or whatever. Be sure, Jack, you tell the owners, Ray and Joie, that you came all the way down from Newfoundland just to have a pint at the 'Mile. Cheers, and best wishes, Chance

10 Sep 02 - 07:37 PM (#780865)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Bill D

gee gollies!...and wow...and hooray!...other exclamations of happiness at the news!..

and as you know, Carol..WE live about a sneeze we shall see! And it's great you'll be back at the Getaway!

10 Sep 02 - 08:15 PM (#780891)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Genie

Jack and Carol,

Congratulations on your upcoming marriage.  Though I haven't met either of you (except in cyberspace), I'd love to join other Mudcatters in helping celebrate your wedding in song.  Time was when I'd have been able (and willing) to hop in the car and drive from Philadelphia or Toronto and drive to DC for a day and then go back the next.  Now I live on the west coast and, as Mark C. says, "it's a long walk."

So I'll just have to join all of you in spirit, along with Mark.


(Hey, guys, I'm jealous.  You're getting wedding posts from Kinky F. -- my favorite Jewish curmudgeon/songwiter.)

YA in Ramallah ("Unfortunately, the zionist Sharon will not let me return home should I leave...")  I take it that's Prime Minister Sharon, not our own Mudcatter Sharon.

10 Sep 02 - 09:28 PM (#780915)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Ferrara

Well, Carol & Jack, this is great news! We'll do our best to make it.

Let us know by PM, where the reception will be, okay? Time, and everything. Can I bring big-Z and little-z? (Zither and zither-Harp)? And would you like us to spread the word to local Catters who may have missed this thread?

Will answer your e-mail about the Getaway after I do a little checking....


10 Sep 02 - 09:37 PM (#780919)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?

Gosh, where have I been???? This is big news! Congratulations! See you at the Getaway. Carol, forget about the damn print. I had no idea you were otherwise occupied.

11 Sep 02 - 10:21 AM (#781229)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Fortunato

Or better yet, Jack and CarolC., I'm back in town on Oct 15th meet us at the Royal Mile and we'll celebrate in person. Maybe they'll let us have a bit of a singaround, as they did last year. Let me know if you're up for it. chance

11 Sep 02 - 10:46 AM (#781246)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: SharonA

Genie: You are correct. I'm SharonA, not A. Sharon!! :^)

11 Sep 02 - 12:14 PM (#781332)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Steve in Idaho

Well I thought this thread was about CarolC and JTS playing for someone's wedding. I was all set to say that whoever the lucky couple is - well - blushing red with embarrassment!!

Having met Carol I am thrilled for this occasion!! Jack I think you are one very lucky man and I have no doubt that the two of you will make some lovely music together. My heartiest congratulations to you both!! Large HUGS to you guys -

I'll be there in spirit - take pictures and post them on the picture part - K?


11 Sep 02 - 04:51 PM (#781498)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Bill D

Pictures will be taken...and posted subject to review by the happy couple!..*smile*

11 Sep 02 - 04:55 PM (#781504)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: DougR

Congratulations and best wishes to you both! One thing for sure, you shouldn't have any political disagreements! :>)


11 Sep 02 - 08:14 PM (#781639)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: CarolC

Thanks everybody!

Bill D and Ferrara, we would be thrilled if the two of you would be there with whatever instruments you care to bring. If you're offering to take some pictures, Bill, that would be great.

Thanks for the offer, Fortunato. We'll have to see closer to the 15th whether or not that will be possible. But either way, we look forward to meeting you at the Getaway.

Wow, DougR! I hadn't thought of that! That's just one more thing to be thankful for ;-)

12 Sep 02 - 11:28 AM (#782102)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Fortunato

Or perhaps Oct 17th would be better if folks are in the area early prior to the Getaway?

12 Sep 02 - 11:46 AM (#782119)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: MMario

I know *I* was hoping there would be a get-together at the Royal Mile on the 17th...

(but if there turns out not to be I just have an extra day off...)

12 Sep 02 - 11:49 AM (#782121)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Jack the Sailor

17 will definately be better than 15th! We'll still have to see how the packing goes.

13 Sep 02 - 11:30 AM (#783062)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: CarolC

Hey Fortunato. We will be in town (Silver Spring) on Thursday the tenth of October. Would it be possible to meet at the Royal mile then instead of the following week?

15 Sep 02 - 01:31 PM (#784470)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Jack the Sailor

Hey Fortunato, and all! How does a drink or two at the Royal Mile on the 10th sound?

15 Sep 02 - 08:51 PM (#784743)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Steve in Idaho

I will be there in spirit - know the spot and enjoyed my evening there with CarolC, BillD, Ferrara and a host of others.


16 Sep 02 - 08:55 PM (#785621)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: CarolC

Thanks Steve. That was a lovely and memorable evening for sure.

We're in the process of sending out invitations now (with directions inside), so if anyone would like one, send me or JtS a PM with details about where to send it, and we'll pop one in the mail for you.

17 Sep 02 - 08:37 PM (#786284)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Fortunato

Hey, Hey, Jack and Carol, sorry I'm late answering, I missed this thread. Yes, yes, I can make the 10th. I'll be there for sure. Anybody else? Or, would you like to come Chez fFrtunato for dinner? I live 8.75 minutes from the Royal Mile. PM me. We could have a bit of a singaround at the house before or after our pint at the pub. Lots of possibilites... but we WILL have some fun! cheers, Chance

17 Sep 02 - 08:39 PM (#786287)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Fortunato

That's Chez Fortunato...urp.

18 Sep 02 - 08:09 AM (#786575)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?

The Wedding Song

Best wishes.

18 Sep 02 - 03:09 PM (#786890)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: CarolC

Sounds great Fortunato. I'll send you a PM.

Thanks Guest, for the song and the good wishes.

18 Sep 02 - 09:25 PM (#787137)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?

Any Mudcatters care to fix the wedding dinner, or maybe just bake the wedding cake?

20 Sep 02 - 01:17 AM (#788015)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: hesperis

That would be cool...

24 Sep 02 - 11:57 PM (#790733)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Jande

CC & JTS...

Received your Wedding Invite in the mail, thanks!! :)

Can you clear up some confusion for me? In a couple of posts/threads here you state that the date of the wedding is OCT 12 (a Saturday), but the Wedding Invite says October 10(a Thursday). So can you clear that up for me?

I sure would like to attend with my partner, James! I'm hoping that it IS the Saturday, Oct 12.

Bless you both!

~ Jande

25 Sep 02 - 01:55 AM (#790777)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: CarolC

Hi Jande! We goofed on the invitations. The October 10 date that you see in there is incorrect. The wedding is going to be on October 12.

We also forgot to include the time for the ceremony which is 4:00 PM. Thanks for pointing out the mistake. We've got a lot of phone calls to make and corrections to mail out.

25 Sep 02 - 08:00 AM (#790900)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: MMario

Every wedding seems to have an 'oops!' that occurs - seems like you've gotten yours out of the way early. Should be smooth sailing from now on.

25 Sep 02 - 10:52 AM (#790991)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Jande

Right you are, Mario! (At least that's my wish.) :`)

Thanks for the quick response, Carol! James and I were leaning towards using up a couple more of his few remaining vacation days for this. Now we don't need to do so.

I also didn't notice an RSVP on the Invite. Shall we let you know if we're able to be there?

~ Jande

25 Sep 02 - 11:09 AM (#791007)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: CarolC

*G* Sure hope you're right MMario!

RSVP information is on the back of the sheet with the directions, Jande. If you didn't get that with your invitation, please let me know and I'll get one in the mail to you right away. I hope you and James can be there!

25 Sep 02 - 11:41 AM (#791030)
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
From: Jande

OOPS! You are so right Carol! the RSVP is on the back of that sheet.And the time is written on there, too.

I have some wondeful memories of Washington DC from this summer that were triggered again by seeing a corner of the District showing on the map.

James will be relieved to hear it is on a Sat. He'll be home around 5:30 so I'll be able to let you know very soon. I do hope we can be there!

Now I'm orf to see if I can find a thread about the Getaway! :`)

~ Jande.