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BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia

08 Sep 02 - 11:36 PM (#779421)
Subject: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Blackcatter

Greetings all,

Got a project for this Friday. I've been asked to come up with some research on the above subjects. I have a bunch of general stuff from the web about history and superstition, etc., but I was hoping yall could help me out with some personal opinions, stories, songs, rumors, etc. about 13 and especially Friday the 13ths.

Thanks in advance!

pax yall


08 Sep 02 - 11:41 PM (#779426)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Bert

When I was an apprentice, the company used to have a Christmas raffle, a shilling a ticket, three for half a crown, and loads of prizes.

I just took the next three tickets, 11, 12 and 14. Someone before me had bought 13 thinking it would be lucky. I won ten bob each on 12 and 14 and he won nothing. Boy did he swear at me. But of course he was a boilermaker so it was only in fun.

08 Sep 02 - 11:44 PM (#779427)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: katlaughing

13 has always been a very lucky number for me. In numerology, it becomes 1+3=4, which is a number of completion, with a solid foundation, kind of like a three-sided pyramid, with a square base. Friday the 13th has always been a good day for me, too.

Early in my life, I think I just decided it would be so because I liked to flaunt flout conventions. I delighted in telling my friends it was my lucky day when they and everyone else were moaning about whatever dire things they imagined might happen.

So, who knows? Perhaps it is lucky for me because of the metaphysics and/or because I made it so with my thinking, which, of course, can be the same thing.*bg*

BTW, I've always had a black cat, too.:-)


09 Sep 02 - 12:01 AM (#779433)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Amos

Well, given the data, Kat, you could be an agent from the Dark Side of the Force, too -- if you wanted to believe that possibility!! Not to worry, though -- I am sure you don't (believe in it)! :>)


09 Sep 02 - 12:03 AM (#779436)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Bert

Our kat from The Dark Side? NEVER!

09 Sep 02 - 12:16 AM (#779441)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Peg

I find 13 to be a lucky number for myself, too! (my main one is 23, though). I graduated 13th in my high school class and the number 13 seems to come up frequently in my life. On those rare occasions I play the lottery it is often a number I pick.

09 Sep 02 - 12:17 AM (#779443)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

My personality is NOT ALWAYS abrasive or insultive...however, on months including the number 13 and a Friday...the venomee spews forthee in a tyrentee...un-supassee....


unless suppressed by a lady unsurpassed.

09 Sep 02 - 12:38 AM (#779453)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Amos

Wll, garg, since all the months I know of have 13ths, and also have Fridays, I suggest you consult your physician about doubling your meds....probably less expensive, I reckon...


09 Sep 02 - 02:26 AM (#779476)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: mouldy

I have no real opinion on the good/bad luck aspect. Our first house was a 13 - the builders asked if we would like to renumber as 11a! We have since lived in another number 13, and it was while living in these number 13s that my kids were born. Conversely it was a Friday 13th last year when my mother died!

Mind you, it's a good word for use in pub quizzes.


09 Sep 02 - 05:11 AM (#779513)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Ella who is Sooze

I don't have any problems whats so ever about the number 13....

It's my lucky number....

And what's more, I was born on Friday 13th!


09 Sep 02 - 06:43 AM (#779538)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Ringer

I think, kat, you like to flout convention rather than flaunt it, don't you?

09 Sep 02 - 08:23 AM (#779585)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: GUEST,Raggytash

I think you will find a connection in various religions for example according to Christian tradition there were 13 at the last supper when Christ was betrayed. I am sure other people with a greater knowledge of other religions will fill in the rest. For myself when I started work with my present company no-one parked in bay 13 so that became mine and like another of your respondents I make a point of confounding convention by making out it's my lucky number/day. I have started other jobs on the 13th or been offered positions after an interview on the 13th.

09 Sep 02 - 08:45 AM (#779597)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: GUEST,Giac, dog sitting

Yup, I like 13, too. When I was a small child (dark ages) in the 1940s, we had the same phone number at our newspaper office, and at home -- 13. It was sad when longer numbers were instituted and we had to give up that number. My whole name has 13 letters. My current address is 513, which is numbered from one end of the street. From the other end of the street, my house is the 13th on the right.

~:o) Mary

09 Sep 02 - 08:53 AM (#779602)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Wolfgang

Songs? A most hilarious song about Friday the 13th is here (I could also link to the (orig.) German version, if that would be more helpful).

Speaking about words for pub quizzes: PARASKEVIDEKATRIAPHOBIA is (one of) the terms(s) used for the specific fear of Friday 13th (an alternative would be friggatriskaidekaphobia). And I always thought it was only the Germans who constructed words of sentence length.


09 Sep 02 - 09:03 AM (#779608)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Wolfgang

Blckcatter, if you have found good stuff about Friday 13th and its history on the web, please link to it. I always like to read such things.

For instance I once read that cultures that do use the lunar calendar (13 months) don't see anything special in the number 13.

I'd also like to read how it came that Death is the 13th Tarot card in case that is known.


09 Sep 02 - 09:44 AM (#779627)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: GUEST,maryrrf

Regarding the Death Card in the Tarot, bear in mind that this card is not necessarily negative, nor does it imply physical death. What it does signify is a drastic change in which a situation, relationship, etc. will be transformed into something new - and suddenly. The change may or may not be traumatic. Physical death in a Tarot spread would be indicated by a combination of several cards which most Tarot readers would recognize instantly.

09 Sep 02 - 10:03 AM (#779641)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Peg

I know something of the tarot (have done a lot of readings over the years) and I confess, the configuration of several cards which indicates certain death, as being one recognizable instantly by most Tarot readers, eludes me. What would those cards be? And if you do not know, why do you think this is true? I know a lot of tarot readers too, and not one of them has ever mentioned that there is a death configuration, nor have I ever seen it in any books on the subject. Combinations of cards are not just about cards but about their positions in the spread. I would be very interested to know what this configuration is or how you learned of it. I believe most people who engage in divination practices do not try to place this sort of meaning on anything. It seems very karmically dangerous.

09 Sep 02 - 10:50 AM (#779678)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: GUEST,maryrrf

Probably shouldn't have gotten into Tarot here and I don't want to get into a discussion about it on this forum. There is no combination that definitely indicates "certain" physical death, but there is a combination that indicates a grave illness, danger, accident, possible death, etc. I'm sure you can surmise what those cards would be. My point really was that the "Death Card" doesn't really mean physical death, despite its sinister looking appearance. My post was somewhat off topic, however, so let's just drop it.

09 Sep 02 - 11:12 AM (#779694)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: katlaughing

Ringer, you're right! Thanks!!

Oops, no wait a minute, when I look it up, flaunt seems to be what I wanted all along: to show off proudly or defiantly

flounce doesn't work: to move with quick, flinging motions of the body, as in anger

Nevermind...flout works for me.**BG**

09 Sep 02 - 11:56 AM (#779720)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Bill D

I was in a band once who flaunted their flautist.

09 Sep 02 - 12:08 PM (#779734)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: catspaw49

Better than flogging their flautist unless the flautist was flat or was a flautist into self-flagellation.


09 Sep 02 - 12:45 PM (#779764)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: katlaughing

But did they flaunt their flouncing flautist, who followed flagellation with fast and furious fists of fury, thus flouting convention and showing flexibility?

(Blackcatter...sorry for the hijack:-)

09 Sep 02 - 07:13 PM (#780081)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Snuffy

Flute - flautist Lute - lautist?


Lute - Lutenist Flute - Flutenist?

09 Sep 02 - 09:40 PM (#780149)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: McGrath of Harlow

"flaunt" means to display, "flout" means to defy. There should be a word flount meaning both, but there doesn't seem to be. But of course you can always flaunt your defiance of the conventions in the course of flouting those same conventions. For example by wearing a cat on your head...

09 Sep 02 - 10:22 PM (#780167)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: katlaughing

LOL...too-shay, Kevin!

Anyone have any more comments, stories, etc. for puir Blackcatter?!

09 Sep 02 - 10:37 PM (#780175)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Wincing Devil

All of which is better than a flatulent flutist. AKA a toting tooter.

Back to subject #13:

09 Sep 02 - 11:33 PM (#780202)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Blackcatter

Thanks everyone & keep them coming.

Wolfgang - didn't find anything particularly interesting with a quick web search - and of course, I didn't keep notes as to which pages I visited. I just did a Google search on Friday & 13 as well as the two words in my thread's title.

Here's some of the better things:

13 is a Fibonacci number. You generate Fibonacci numbers by adding together the two previous numbers in the sequence: 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 3 = 5, 3 + 5 = 8, 5 + 8 = 13 - and so on. Fibonacci numbers are named after Leonardo Fibonacci of Pisa who lived in 13th century Italy. His description of the numbers appears in a book called Liber Abaci and makes use of an example about the rate at which rabbits breed. The numbers have so many interesting mathematical properties that they have become quite famous.

Past disasters linked to the number 13 hardly help triskaidekaphobics overcome their affliction. The most famous is the Apollo 13 mission, launched on April 11, 1970 (the sum of 4, 11 and 70 equals 85 - which when added together comes to 13), from Pad 39 (three times 13) at 13:13 local time, and struck by an explosion on April 13.

Napoleon, J. Paul Getty, Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt were all practicing triskaidekaphobes. FDR might have been our most superstitious president. He was scared to death of the number 13. When lunch or dinner parties numbered 13, he would ask his secretary to join the guests to make an even 14.

Roosevelt's fears extended far beyond the table, affecting even his travel arrangements. If he was going to travel on the 13th, often he would make the conductor leave at 11:50 p.m. on the 12th or wait until the early hours of the 14th. He died on Thursday, April 12, 1945 and it was almost as if he said, I'm not leaving on the 13th.

A recent article shows that a new superstition has been 'invented' involving the number 13. Now some serial killers has been bunched under the 13 letter group, and it goes something like this: Jack the Ripper, John Wayne Gacy, Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, Theodore (Ted) Bundy

Every year contains at least one Friday the 13th. The most number of these days that can occur in any one calendar year is three; the last time that happened was 1998, and the next will be 2009. Way back when, a decree was issued in French Lick Springs, Indiana that every Friday the 13th all local black cats had to wear bells.

The Farmer's Almanac says that the USA is full of lucky 13's. For instance, George Washington laid the cornerstone for the White House on the 13th. The cornerstone of the Supreme Court was also laid on the 13th. There were 13 original colonies and the Great Seal of the United States still contains 13 stars, 13 bars and an eagle with 13 tail feathers holding 13 arrows and 13 olive branches. And 'E Pluribus Unum', the motto of the U.S., Latin for 'out of many, one' also has 13 letters.

pax yall

10 Sep 02 - 07:31 PM (#780857)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: BanjoRay

Well It's my birthday this friday the 13th and I'll be 60 - if that's not unlucky, I don't know what is!


12 Sep 02 - 02:15 AM (#781806)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Callie

The number 13 is lucky in Italian culture. You'll often find lucky charm bracelets which include the number 13 and other unlikely lucky charms (one of them is a hunchback!) Callie

13 Sep 02 - 08:11 AM (#782907)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Murray MacLeod

I thought it was common knowledge that the origin of the Friday 13th superstition was the edict by the Pope on Friday 13th 1307 ordering the arrest of the Knights Templar. 2000 knights were slaughtered and the date was decreed to be evil henceforth.

Actually, I didn't know this either, until I read it on my AOL welcome screen today ....


13 Sep 02 - 08:17 AM (#782911)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Naemanson

Friday the 13th is on Friday this month!

Churchy La Femme

13 Sep 02 - 08:29 AM (#782915)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: Mr Happy

another name for tin whistle is 'flageolet'.

so if you get hit with one, is it 'flageollation'?

13 Sep 02 - 10:02 AM (#782970)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: SharonA

Born on Friday, September 13, 1857: Milton Hershey, who gave the world the Hershey Bar and other Hershey's chocolate candies. Sounds pretty lucky to this chocoholic!!

13 Sep 02 - 02:50 PM (#783247)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: open mike

our contra dance caller, Reina, coreographed a dance called trisk---etc. i will try to find a reference to it on her page-- (tried--no luck..) but i did find this:

13 Sep 02 - 03:01 PM (#783261)
Subject: RE: BS: Triskaidekaphobia, Triskaidekaphilia
From: open mike

here is an article about the Triskaidekaphobia Illuminatus Society