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Imaginary Friends

19 Sep 02 - 07:12 AM (#787360)
Subject: Imaginary Friends
From: GUEST,Swansong

My three year old daughter walks around the house singing songs and laughing to herself, when I ask her where she heard the songs, she replies from Jessica. Jessica is her imaginary friend. Some of the songs are quite good, others ar actual songs that my parents remember their parents singing and haven't heard since childhood. STRANGE! has anyone ever experienced similar imaginary friends like this in kids.

19 Sep 02 - 07:47 AM (#787386)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: GUEST,Morticia @work

My daughter had an 'imaginary'friend who she saw from about a year old at whom she would laugh, point and babble ,needless to say I couldn't see them.A little young to make things up, I thought.

19 Sep 02 - 09:02 AM (#787416)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: wysiwyg

Are you sure she isn't talking about a Mudcat pal?


19 Sep 02 - 09:03 AM (#787418)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Wincing Devil

What do you mean imaginary, and why just children? My friend "Honest Jock Matlow" isn't imaginary, he's invisible! (Oops, make that "Visibility Impaired")

19 Sep 02 - 09:05 AM (#787419)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends

My imaginary friends don't talk to me any more - they prefer to talk to *their* imaginary friends.

19 Sep 02 - 09:20 AM (#787430)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: GUEST,jennifer

The first time my son heard Maddy Prior he would have been coming up to three - he said "that lady's dancing in Daddy's speaker, she's a big singer and a good dancer" which is a pretty good description and we hadn't told him because we'd only first seen her the night before. He also recognised John Tams and called him "Tam" before I ever knew JT was called that. But singing songs out of folk memories is way spooky, I'm impresssed. Jennifer

19 Sep 02 - 10:36 AM (#787469)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Amergin

i have one....i call him george..

19 Sep 02 - 11:02 AM (#787484)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Uncle_DaveO

My son Ted (now 35) when he was a little one (maybe 3? 4?) had a friend named Nammy, whom we could never see. Nammy did this, Nammy did that, Nammy didn't like this, Nammy was crazy about that. No ancestral song-memory or "spectral television" in a speaker, though.

Dave Oesterreich

19 Sep 02 - 11:05 AM (#787486)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: mack/misophist

All my friends are imaginary. Who else would talk to me?

19 Sep 02 - 11:10 AM (#787493)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: MMario

I don't think any of my sibling or cousins had imaginary friends that were individual - but we had several collective ones.

Pamplemousse - the most active - has entertained two generations and I suspect will last at least into the third.

19 Sep 02 - 11:27 AM (#787501)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: JenEllen

I'd pondered long and hard about getting another dog to keep company with the one I have already, but I just wasn't prepared to go through puppy-training again. Problem solved: Got the dog an imaginary friend named "Buck".

I highly recommend it. No extra food, no extra mess, and whenever anything goes wrong; "Buck did it." Only problem being that the dog seems to be falling for it. You ask: "Where's Buck?" and he looks longingly out the back window. Buck is out chasing rabbits and answering the call of the wild. Buck is out knocking over garbage cans. Buck is out peeing on the tallest trees in the forest.....

19 Sep 02 - 11:51 AM (#787520)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: GUEST,Les B.

One of the best lines I've heard recently is - "Religious wars are fought by groups of people claiming to have the best imaginary friend!"

19 Sep 02 - 12:08 PM (#787536)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Rick Fielding

Apparently I had two very important imaginery friends when I was quite young. One was 'Georgie' and the other "Doight" (!!). My mother told me that I wrote Doight's name down several times, so they knew the spelling. Simply can't figure where the name came from....apparently the character was female. I used to draw endless stories with these two characters in the lead, on hundreds of sheets of paper.

I used to have animated conversations with them as well, and was later told that this wasn't unusual for confused creative kids.....or perhaps I was (am) just friggin' nuts!



19 Sep 02 - 05:12 PM (#787729)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: GUEST,Uncle Metal Detector

Fibula Mattock used to have an imaginary horse called 'Bokells Cokells'that jumped over the sea to London and then to America.

maybe I shouldn't have disclosed that piece of information - ooops!! sorry Fib.

19 Sep 02 - 05:48 PM (#787750)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: GUEST,KingBrilliant

I had an entire world that I used to visit. Unfortunately it was called "PoofyLand", much to the amusement of my family. It completely disappeared the day my sister "helpfully" drew me a map of it (how she imagined it). I never found my way back there, though I tried and tried. sob.
later on I had a huge colony of multicoloured "ants" that went everywhere with me. It drove my parents mad when they had to wait until all my ants had got in before they could shut the van doors. I very genuinely saw these ants, and I think it was probably a vision problem.

19 Sep 02 - 05:56 PM (#787758)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Kim C

I don't remember having imaginary friends myself, but...

My friend Lisa told me that her little girl, Grace, talks about her "other brother." Well, Grace only has one brother. What that means, I don't rightly know. I have heard, though, that children aren't as far removed from the Veil as we adults are, for those of you who believe in such things.

Some of you in the US may have seen a story on 48Hours or one of those new programs, about a 4-year-old girl who got lost hiking with her grandparents. They did find her, alive and well (albeit hungry), but in an unlikely spot. She had to navigate some nasty rocks and water. They asked her how she did that, and she said, "My friend helped me." She was very matter-of-fact about this.

She said her friend was a little girl named Alicia, or something like that. It turns out that a little girl with a very, very similar name had got lost and died in that area many years ago. I'm not making this up.

Anyway, it gave me the willies. I think we should not pooh-pooh the little ones' invisible playmates. What is that verse in the Bible about entertaining angels unaware?

19 Sep 02 - 06:52 PM (#787804)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Helen

My imaginary (well, so everyone else said) friend was called Betty. Betty did lots of things, but I often got into trouble for it even though I told Mum & Dad that "Betty did it!".

I can't say for sure what the explanation is, but I am psychic, and I seriously suspect that she wasn't just in my imagination.

I dreamt about her once when I was in my 20's and she was dressed in a pinafore of the fashion close to the turn of the century (1900's) and our house was furnished and painted in the style of that era as well - which is when it was built. So, I lean more and more towards the belief that there was someone there, although in spirit rather than flesh.

I am not quite sure when Betty arrived, but I think that it was when my sister went to school and I was left at home. My sister and I are less than a year apart in age and were inseparable, and more like twins.

One of my favourite films is Frop Dead Fred, partly because it is really funny, partly because it has a serious psychological side to it, but mostly because it deals with imaginary friends in a nice way.


19 Sep 02 - 08:11 PM (#787882)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Amos

The problem is not that we have imaginary friends. What worries me is trhat we may be their imaginary friends.

And if they grow up, and concern themselves only with what is real (to them), we may thereby lose our ability to cross over. We'd be just sort of solid, meat-headed, dead-of-mind mechanisms shorn of life energy...

Come to think of it....



19 Sep 02 - 10:32 PM (#787976)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: MAG

Margie Adam:

When I was growing up,
My best friend was a unicorn
The others smiled at me and called me - crazy

But I was not upset
By knowing I did not conform
I always knew their thinking must be - hazy

The unicorn and I would while away the hours
Dancing prancing and romancing in the wild flowers
And we'd sing ...

Seeing is believing - in the things you see;
Loving is believing in the ones you love (repeat)

Two more verses. I'll find 'em and post 'em if you want. Must be other Margie Adam fans out there ...

And no, I didn't have imaginary friends; I just talked to my dolls in the full expectation that they would answer me back.

20 Sep 02 - 01:24 AM (#788017)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Wincing Devil

How do we know that children's "imaginary" friends aren't there? Maybe growing older, kids get more cynical, and start to ignore their I.F.'s...

20 Sep 02 - 03:44 AM (#788063)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Jeanie

I was born with a stillborn twin sister, and although I wasn't told "officially" about her until my teens, I *always* knew. We used to skip along the pavement side by side, and sometimes she would run ahead, and I was always so happy when she was around. Even earlier memories than that are of my friends "Gang" and "Mato" (pronounced mah-to - in reference to the tomato/tomahto thread !)These were kind of elf people, about one foot tall, and I saw them as clearly as I saw anything else. Gang was black and spiky and used to turn up when I was in a bad mood. Mato had a red hat. He was the "good guy", and I used to make room for him to sit next to me in my pushchair. A bit later, when I was about 4, a wonderfully flamboyant lady called Dornis Tremenda came on the scene. Whereas Gang and Mato, and my twin, were totally real, I remember that Dornis started out being real, but I then rather enjoyed elaborating on her.

My daughter had a whole troupe who used to follow us around, who were called "The Daties". They used to drive along behind us in their caravan, which they then parked outside our house. She used to get up in the night sometimes to look out and check that the daties were still there.

I'm very interested in the post that started this thread: Swansong's 3 year old daughter singing very old songs taught by her "imaginary" friend. I never sang old songs, but a lot of the "made-up" words I used as a small child, were, it turns out, Berlin dialect words. I was born in Britain, with no connections with German or Germany. German always came amazingly easily to me, and in translation exams at school and university (which in my day were always without dictionaries) I was always right in my "hunches" of the meanings of unfamiliar words. I wonder if this is some kind of tapping in to a collective unconscious, and if this is what is happening with Swansong's daughter ? Fascinating.

This has become rather a long post, but I must also add here a poem written by my seriously disabled but fiercely independent friend Claire. One of the most moving performances I've ever seen was Claire reading this poem about her imaginary friend Susan, who was her helpmate and lifeline as a lonely, disabled child:

Susan was a pretty girl

With shoulder-length blonde hair,

Bright and vivacious,

She didn't have a care.

Susan was all I wanted,

And wasn't at the time,

She helped me see I had a life,

I wasn't marking time.

I thank the Lord for Susan,

Though she is now set free.

She was never real -

Only imaginary for me

To cure a sense of loneliness,

But now I am so glad

I need Susan no longer,

For by God's strength, I stand.

20 Sep 02 - 04:25 AM (#788070)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Catherine Jayne

I had a bright red dragon as my imaginary friend and when my dad bought a mini I was upset because I thought my dragon wouldn't be able to fit in it!!!


26 Jul 12 - 06:53 AM (#3381666)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: GUEST,Claire M (Permanant GUEST!)


That's really interesting about your friend, Jeanie. I had a very good imagination, full of pixies and castles and witches and elves (but not 700 of the latter, thankfully)

Now more often than not there is a singer in the stories I write who leaves you "spellbound, and people drinking enormous quantities of ale, and the lead character always has a disability as do I.

26 Jul 12 - 11:49 AM (#3381768)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Bettynh

From John McCutcheon's website:

Imaginary Friend

Song credits:
words & music by John McCutcheon & Si Kahn

He gets up in the morning
He doesn't have to go to school
Unimaginably smart
He's impossibly cool
Speaks eleventy-nine languages
He's an educated fool
And he's waiting just for me


Imaginary friend, imaginary friend
When you're here beside me
The party never ends
When Mom comes in
And says, "You better turn out the light"
I lie there and imagine
That we're staying up all night
You know I really love you
Yes I do
Beautiful imaginary you

I see her in the movies
I watch her on TV
I hear her on the radio
She's singing just for me
Each time she wins the lottery
I get it all for free
Imagine how surprised they're gonna be



They say they don't believe me
They'll never say her name
They say I'm being childish
It's just a silly game
They say that I'll grow out of it
They say I'll soon forget
Imagine their embarrassment
As we step off our private jet

As we grow old together
We'll never be alone
Because we'll have imaginary
Children of our own
With a long unlisted number
On our imaginary phone
If you find it, you can call me up for free
And you can be...


©1992 John McCutcheon/Appalsongs (ASCAP) & Joe Hill Music (ASCAP)

26 Jul 12 - 11:59 AM (#3381771)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Bettynh

My son Virgil had a family of bats as friends. A mother, father, boy and girl if I remember right. The next-door neighbors had had a problem in their attic, if that's some sort of an explanation, and their appearance was announced with "My bats say I don't have to go to bed." They were present for several weeks, the most memorable being the time Virgil burst into tears while riding in the car - there had been a terrible accident, and the bat family was involved. Thinking fast with a crying kid in the back of my car, I explained that the ambulance would arrive and take them to the hospital, and although broken bones might be involved, and a hospital stay, they'd be alright. I still can envision the bat family wheeling pappa bat home in a wheelchair.

Then, finally, came the unanswerable question: Harlan, Virgil's twin, sitting next to a crying brother, asked "How come I don't have any bats?"

26 Jul 12 - 12:56 PM (#3381798)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Ebbie

When he was 3-4-5 my nephew had *something* that no one could see. He called 'it' "nanna". It seemingly always frightened him. In the middle of the day he would come tearing into the house, cry 'nanna!' and hide himself behind his mother or a piece of furniture. He would sometimes do the same, coming in from a different room.

When he was 20 or so, I once asked him who or what nanna was. He didn't remember.

26 Jul 12 - 01:14 PM (#3381806)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Megan L

Well there used to be a six foot tall silver white invisible siberian timber werewolf called Ashoka who resided in mudchat he lived under the table and made a very comfy pillow when one of us said something naughty and dived under there to hide.

26 Jul 12 - 05:32 PM (#3381927)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: GUEST,Lighter

Cartoon, years ago.

Angry little girl alone in her room. She says, "Where were you when I *needed* an imaginary friend!"

27 Jul 12 - 01:36 AM (#3382083)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: open mike

My daughter had a friend she called Oma. I was a bit angry at the day care teacher who convinced her that her friend was not real. harumph!

27 Jul 12 - 05:56 AM (#3382135)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Allan C.

Yes, Megan L, I remember Ashoka from this insightful thread:


27 Jul 12 - 12:12 PM (#3382281)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Megan L

Jings lad that took me back mind you he is getting on a bit thats why he is more white than grey these days :)

11 Sep 12 - 03:58 PM (#3402958)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Claire M


I learnt a couple of old-fashioned words via various songs, but I soon realised it wasn't normal to talk like this & stopped. Dad told me that folk singers really did talk like that; I believed him.

A well-meaning lady who worked with me persuaded me to stop said imagination. That started off a spiral of unhappiness, only really picking up when I started to be creative again.

11 Sep 12 - 05:17 PM (#3403011)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: GUEST,Eliza

My sister had a strange invisible friend called, apparently, Martin. He lived 'in the Black House' and scribbled on our walls with a crayon. Even if caught with crayon in hand, she insisted it was Martin who had vandalised the wallpaper. I went one better and had two, called Bobby and Linda. They were rather uninteresting as they merely accompanied me when I went out to play.

11 Sep 12 - 08:50 PM (#3403110)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Charley Noble

I suppose "imaginary" would best describe my 600 or so "Facebook friends."

Charley Noble

11 Sep 12 - 09:14 PM (#3403119)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: gnu

600 cyberspace friends? No wonder you never email me.

11 Sep 12 - 09:34 PM (#3403122)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Jeri

I'm one of 'em, so maybe I'm not real...

I had an imaginary friend, and luckily no one ever tried to talk me out of him. My mom referred to him as "imaginary" and so did I. I knew what it meant, but he was respected even if he was created out of my imagination. My mom asked me how he was some time later, and I didn't remember him at all. My mother remembered my invisible friend's name when I couldn't. I still can't.

11 Sep 12 - 10:38 PM (#3403155)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: number 6

and then there's .... Chongo

biLL .. ;)

12 Sep 12 - 06:02 AM (#3403259)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: GUEST,Eliza

I think it's important psychologically to 'go along' with the imaginary friend and not pooh pooh it. My mum used to say, "Will you please tell your friend Martin that if I find any more scribblings on the walls, he will get a smacked bottom." My sister twigged.

12 Sep 12 - 02:09 PM (#3403460)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Donuel

This is a fascinating thread, especially the satirical and religious comments.

Since we have two hemispheres of mind/brain, talking to ones 'other self' or talking to themselves may be an evolutionary advantage of reflection to clarify thoughts and actions. The "friend" some talk to is obviously themself or an aspect of themself.

Talking to oneself is not a schizophrenic symptom, that usually involves being talked to. People who talk to themselves is usually an organizational and decision making process.

Some autistic children who were deprived of speech until the age of 5 or 6 became accustomed to having an internal dialog that eventually became an out loud dialog when they finally learned to speak aloud.
They are the worst liars in the world since all you need do is listen in.

The culturally common example of the old scientist talking to himself is accepted as a normal idiosyncrasy.

12 Sep 12 - 03:10 PM (#3403488)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Donuel

I have always thought that the smallest unit of conciousness is the feedback loop. In our nervous system we have trillions of possible feed back loops. Taken together they are our consciousness, not our conscious mind but our consciousness working in and with the universe and the bounty our planet planet provides.

The conscious mind however is the idiot son of consciousness. Perhaps best alluded to by Amos as "The problem is not that we have imaginary friends. What worries me is trhat we may be their imaginary friends.

And if they grow up, and concern themselves only with what is real (to them), we may thereby lose our ability to cross over. We'd be just sort of solid, meat-headed, dead-of-mind mechanisms shorn of life energy..." There is a solid truth in this satire. The conscious mind is a dullard fascinated by shiney objects.

An integrated consciousness has the ability to; not have one imaginary friend but to see what others see. For the blind man to see even if the sight is not composed of light. To sense time as a wave so that the near future and near past all overlap...
In short to have far more than 5 senses but at least 10.

A fully integrated consciousness may not only have an imaginary friend but may require it at the outset in the evolution of sharing the consciousness of others.

To not have one would be a deficit.

When an imaginary friend is imposed on a person such as a god figure or an ever watching authority, the manipulation of such an individual would be profound. It would be particularly controlling in people who are by nature have a linear one track mind. The outside influence would be at least as powerful as post hypnotic suggestions.

Since you see where I am going with this let me end with viva l'amis imaginarie.

12 Sep 12 - 04:27 PM (#3403529)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: gnu

Not always healthy. Take Spaw, for instance. He keeps telling his imaginary friend to blow him and that's just MORE rejection. Hopes and dreams dashed.

Yes, I know we are talkng about children but Spaw still qualifies. Thank goodness!

15 Sep 12 - 01:31 PM (#3405152)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Claire M


I've thought Gene Hunt is (was?) gorgeous for ages. & there seems to be lots of women who feel the same as me. Even though I knew he'd never hear it I wrote a song about him ('Gene Hunt Blues') & actually got back into folk when I thought he'd be killed off, because none of the music I owned at the time fitted. So I nicked 'The Lark In The Morning' off my dad, & found I loved it.

Also various musicians became something similar at various points –- if they weren't they must not have been important enough to me. They've also inspired characters for stories; the wise woman with the fantastic voice, the man who plays the enchanted violin …....

I feel sane, & I'm told I am, but I'm not convinced. As a severely disabled person it almost doesn't really matter. A plus point is I very rarely get bored.

15 Sep 12 - 01:53 PM (#3405168)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Little Hawk

I've had imaginary friends all my life. I always knew they were imaginary, though, so I can't see that there's any problem with it.

The interesting thing is how some of them evolve with time, while others remain unchanged.

Spaw's inability to get any of his imaginary friends to blow him is indeed a tragic case. I put it down to too much reading of Cheech Wizard in his formative years. Cheech was always expecting someone to blow him.

15 Sep 12 - 04:35 PM (#3405235)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Claire M


I've sent you a PM, Little Hawk.

I'd love to meet you all – maybe at a gig ??

16 Sep 12 - 07:42 AM (#3405556)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Roger the Skiffler

Even my imaginary friends don't talk to me any more...


29 Sep 12 - 11:56 AM (#3411754)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Claire M


For me, fantasy was (& is) more interesting than real life, simply because not being able to do a lot for myself was boring, & very painful. & the good thing is because I mixed up said musicians with their songs/films, – which was where their "magic powers" came from for the daft stories I write – I was never, & am never disappointed by them.

I've read in the magazines I get that disabled people have loads of guardian angels. It's all just a grown-up version of a fantasy novel.

29 Sep 12 - 12:36 PM (#3411770)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Little Hawk

It must have been an imaginary PM, Claire, cos there is nothing from you in my list of messages.

29 Sep 12 - 01:21 PM (#3411787)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: mmm1a

My two youngest children both had , I wouldn't say imaginary , but friends that we didn't see. my son would sit in his crib and react as if someone was right in front of him and my daughter would sing and talk to someone when she was downstairs in her bedroom. I asked one time who she was talking to and her answer confirmed my suspicions,
she said she was talking to Grandma. Both sets of grandparents had been gone for quite a few years. I figured it was probaly my Mom, so I just kind of watched and made sure that she wouldn't get freaked out. neither one of the kids remember these events.

29 Sep 12 - 03:43 PM (#3411839)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Claire M


Maybe I forgot to send it, LH –you've got it now!

Of course it's not always healthy. I'd say it depends how far you take it, & whether you can distinguish what's real & what isn't. I just see it as having a good imagination. I'm always making calendars or pictures with some magic symbol on & song lyrics in a weird font –- must've been all those creepy songs I listened to.

Due to my situation I've spent time with intensely boring people out of necessity. Either they have nothing to talk about, or can't speak due to disability. The former type (who are usually less interesting than the latter) are those people who look at me gone out when they ask me whether I get bored or depressed & I say no.

30 Sep 12 - 03:05 AM (#3412005)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: ragdall

You're all my imaginary friends.


17 Aug 13 - 11:56 AM (#3550175)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Claire M


I'm glad I'm shot of said well-meaning woman; I never want to be that miserable again.   Thankfully I seem to have picked sensible people to inspire me throughout my life, but knowing me I probably had a few song characters as well – just hope one of them wasn't Long Lankin.

I loved Gene Hunt on sight, that's why I wrote said song, have all the policing guides he's supposedly written, & to this day I still love him – but I always knew he wasn't a real person.

Before my move he "visited" me via dream in a flat where I could do & reach almost nothing. I took it as a warning that I wouldn't manage, & nearly 1yr on I'm living away from parents, safe, looked after properly (not that my parents didn't do a damn good job) & a lot healthier, w/ a Consort. These are things I never thought would happen. I'd say that's a good thing cos it was actually helpful to me ,:. no need to let it go.

17 Aug 13 - 12:35 PM (#3550191)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Bobert

Who says they are imaginary???

Plus, they are loyal and only give you grief if you want them to...


17 Aug 13 - 01:43 PM (#3550209)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: GUEST,Eliza

openmike, did you know that 'Oma' is Dutch for Grandma? I really enjoyed the film Drop Dead Fred starring Rick Myall as an imaginary friend of a lonely girl. He encouraged her to do naughty things and challenge her domineering, obsessive mother. As the girl became more confident and well-balanced, he left her. It was quite a sad ending. A strange film, very thought-provoking.

17 Aug 13 - 02:32 PM (#3550214)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobert: "Who says they are imaginary???"

Very telling! all your imaginary KKK enemies!!

Whatever gets you through the night.....


17 Aug 13 - 04:04 PM (#3550232)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: gnu

Hmmm... the KKK exists. Not so sure about GfIS. Troll/stalker from Insanity? Yeah, I would believe that.

17 Aug 13 - 05:16 PM (#3550248)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: MGM·Lion

Surely most children have these? Mine was called Morris.

Ref to poem from A A Milne's Now We Are Six, called "Binker" --

Binker (what I call him)is a secret of my own
And Binker is the reason why I never feel alone...


17 Aug 13 - 07:04 PM (#3550274)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

My imaginary friend was Little Joe Cartwright. I used to talk to him and he talked back sayings that he would say. And he smiled and was very kind. This was not a crush, mind you. Perhaps the older brother I never had?

Funny thing, Michael Landon remained one of my true tv heroes. All of his shows were child and family oriented. Times changed but he didn't. So I never really lost my bro.

17 Aug 13 - 07:36 PM (#3550280)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

Come to think of it, Hoss showed up quite a bit and Pa every once in a while. Never Adam.

Well, they're my imaginary friends. I can do what I want with 'em. Cain't I?

17 Aug 13 - 08:16 PM (#3550292)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I tried having an imaginary friend, but he said I was too boring to hang out with.

17 Aug 13 - 08:35 PM (#3550294)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Bobert

I have more of these folks/animals than I can pull up right now... Actually, I let them take over my body and mind when I tire of handling the duties...

There's my Couzin Rufus and...

... Rufe's lovely wife, Retha Mae...

There's Ralph... There's Russell... There's "hopping frog"... There's Mr. Snake...

These are all very real...

I mean, in a world where one's existence has never been proved??? Why not have friends???


18 Aug 13 - 12:08 AM (#3550307)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

gnu, That was in reference to Bobert, referring to everyone who didn't agree with him in the Martin/Zimmerman case just HAD to be part of the KKK.
Lighten up, for your own sake.


18 Aug 13 - 12:10 AM (#3550309)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Hey Sock Puppet, Did you get the music, yet?


18 Aug 13 - 12:15 AM (#3550310)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

Bobert! I was just thinking about you. They are doing wonderful reseach in Israel right regarding the medicinal uses of marijuana.They have found that in casesof children who suffer from seizures, marjuana works. Think of it. Without toxic nervous system nuking pharmaceuticals. Look for Sanjay Gupta's report on CNN.

18 Aug 13 - 12:16 AM (#3550311)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Ebbie

I wonder if there's any correlation with the number of actual siblings one has and an added imaginary friend? I had lots of siblings - four sisters and four brothers - and I don't remember having an imaginary friend. Frankly, I always relished the few times I was alone. :)

18 Aug 13 - 12:43 AM (#3550312)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

Ebbie, I do think there is something to what you said. Sisters only. Four sisters- no brothers. Ongoing quest for brothers all my life. That annoying kind of chick that just wants to be your friend. Good to you? Make him a friend. Otherwise, get a bad boy. Sad but true.

18 Aug 13 - 10:36 AM (#3550404)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Claire M


Don't know, Ebbie; I never had any siblings. Wanted some, esp. a brother to share said music w/, but when I got a bit older I thought if I had had one (which probably wouldn't have happened anyway cos I nearly didn't make it in the 1st place) they might get roped in to taking care of me. & most of my male relatives share similar tastes to me anyway. I can be quite happy w/ or w/o people around me (although obviously never 100% on my own cos I dread to think what might happen).

Jennifer's comment reminded me of something. My appreciation of said woman knows no bounds anyway, but when I heard 'Lord Elgin' & more recently the chorus of 'Gutter Geese' I thought I'd gone crackers!

18 Aug 13 - 12:46 PM (#3550433)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

Claire, that's so cute the way you always say "Hiya" :-)

18 Aug 13 - 12:59 PM (#3550438)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends

Imaginary Friends

Lots, but all on Mudcat.

19 Aug 13 - 12:06 PM (#3550708)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Jim Carroll

I used to imagine politicians were my friends and worked on our behalf.......!!
Ji Carroll

20 Aug 13 - 07:14 AM (#3550988)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Claire M


Mine always made me ☺& were always there for me when/if I had a problem. Said problems in my case couldn't be fixed; I'd never magically be able to walk, so when I needed to talk to someone i'd talk to one of them to get things out. I even wrote to one once.

in the words of aforementioned copper, (he's rather rude about disabled people so god only knows why I fancy him, but I suppose that's beside the point) who I suppose would be my spirit guide since he's supposed to have been dead for years:

"We can't change this world. Only learn how to survive in it"..

I'm a sort-of Pagan, & know (as in this sense) women who are married to Odin. I wouldn't go that far; nor would I talk to my SG out loud. I'm sure my loved ones would see that as something i'd do though. Tribes believe everything has a spirit as well; why when/if we do that are we called insane ??

I like Rik Mayall anyway.

20 Aug 13 - 09:43 AM (#3551017)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends

No imaginary friends but my cousin had an imaginary dog and we were forbidden to point out that it wasn't there.

20 Aug 13 - 07:53 PM (#3551228)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Steve Shaw

I had a bad dream the other night. Being molested by a load of little red men with horns and long tails, I was. Woke up in a right sweat, I did.

Bloody imaginary fiends...

26 Sep 13 - 10:04 AM (#3561456)
Subject: RE: Imaginary Friends
From: Claire M


It doesn't seem to decrease as quickly in disabled people – if @ all. I used to believe that folk singers were witches, their songs were spells, & they talked in an old-fashioned way when they met up. I was overjoyed to find out this was somewhat true.

Jennifer's account of Maddy Prior dancing in the speakers knocked me for 6; soon after moving she [Prior] told me via a dream to focus on what I can do rather than what I can't; that I'd always known I'd have a big life-change, to call her if need be, & that I still had Steeleye to look forward to seeing. She was very stern w/ me, but I remember not wanting her to leave. Prefer to see that, along w/ earlier dreams, as my guardian angels appearing in forms I recognise.

My flatmate is deeply religious, & she couldn't have got through her stroke w/o her faith in God. Him & I are not on speaking terms, but I couldn't have got through my own life changes w/o said band. What I don't get is why belief in God is considered not to be a problem yet if anyone heard me mention the above dream I'd be in the psych ward.......