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MC not playing Beverley this Sunday

25 Sep 02 - 07:22 AM (#790889)
Subject: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,MC Fat

I've got guzumped !!! Boo hoo it is indeed the very excellent Banoffi and not moi who is playing the Sun Inn on Sunday 29th could someone pass this info to Brid Wiider and crew as they were going to be my fan club !!!

25 Sep 02 - 12:03 PM (#791055)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I'm sure that it will only be a matter of time before you are treating us all to "yester f----ng day" once more at the Sun


25 Sep 02 - 12:16 PM (#791062)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: Noreen


And I had cleared my diary especially to support you, Jim!

(aside) Wonder if Tony and Cherie are still free for tea...

25 Sep 02 - 12:35 PM (#791079)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: Jeri

I usually feel sooo left out, but I'm happy to announce that I will definitely support this ungig by not being there.

25 Sep 02 - 01:23 PM (#791109)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: Amos

We're unwith you all the way, Big Guy! :>) Hundreds of us, from all over the planet, will show the true Mudcat spirit in your support by joining you in your absence from the Sun Inn. What a groundswell!! What a community! One little post, and they turn out in their hundreds to make their absence known...raising their voices in an overwhelming wave of pure silent solidarity, unshoulder to unshoulder...


25 Sep 02 - 04:49 PM (#791253)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: brid widder

what in the world has come over you Jim?

I AM your fan club!...

26 Sep 02 - 04:42 AM (#791548)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,MC Fat

What in heavens name has one done.....Thank you all for not coming to my non gig on Sunday please pass on the message that your non attendance is not required.

26 Sep 02 - 05:35 AM (#791564)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,Tonee & Cherie

Well... Noreen ... as I said at the focus group for fat bastards last month...the governments policy on MC quite clear..we will not be he is not going to so Noreen it's tea and canapes at yours dear...followed by a photo opportunity with some..shellbacky people.

26 Sep 02 - 05:47 AM (#791569)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

An even more effective protest would be to come to my monthly session in the Sun from 4pm and then walk out in protest at 7pm and go down to Oddies for their evening session.


26 Sep 02 - 05:57 AM (#791572)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,Ian Duncan Smith

I cannot support the Prime Minister's view on this subject it is imperative that someone attends the Fat Bastard's engagement and even though he won't be there we at this party will send someone to represent the party. So we will be sending a spotty barrister from Esher who has no real grasp on the real world who only drinks perrier water and has never been caught yet wearing a basque with a tangerine in his mouth while being whipped by a Madame Domanatrix

26 Sep 02 - 08:16 AM (#791634)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,Charles Kennedy

We Liberal Democrats are literarly sitting on the fence on this issue and the splinters are hurting my arrrse

26 Sep 02 - 09:32 AM (#791690)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,Gerry Adams

If it does not affect the Gude Fryday Agreement then our boys will be making a non appearance

26 Sep 02 - 09:33 AM (#791691)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,Rev Ian Paisley

Well if youse lot are not goin then neither are we !!

26 Sep 02 - 12:55 PM (#791853)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: BanjoRay

In response to the nucular threat posed by weapons of mass destructivisation from Madame Who Sane, I shall absentify myself from your non-preformance.

Yours Sincerifically
G Dubya Bush

26 Sep 02 - 12:59 PM (#791859)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,johm from ull

I might not go, if I am not doing anything.

26 Sep 02 - 02:02 PM (#791906)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,Jeremy Archer

I'm sooooo sorry not to be not joining you chaps but I'm not going to a rather super party ... I won't be drinking lots of lovely champers actually

26 Sep 02 - 03:32 PM (#791966)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: Red and White Rabbit

I'd like to support Ian Duncan Smith on this one. The idea that someone attends the fat bastards engagement is imperative - its not very often that the guy accepts proposals ( i should know he's turned me down three times) That guy Esher isnt the best guy for the job - the fat bastard needs all the publicity he can get and I understand Madame Dominatrix will be showing her support( the pink one with the fluffy bits ) for the fat bastard by her non attendance at Beverley.

26 Sep 02 - 05:39 PM (#792029)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: Noreen

Jim, when's your next non-appearance that we can make a point of not attending, please?

(You're not not going to Banbury, are you not?)

26 Sep 02 - 06:24 PM (#792045)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,Jeffrey Archer

As one's dishonourable Lordship is also likely to be absenting oneself from the jolly champagne soiree mentioned by one's cousin Jeremy... well James old bean I too look forward to not seeing you on sunday

27 Sep 02 - 04:48 AM (#792235)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Yes Noreen you're right again I won't be at Banbury either and can I just say chaps and chappeses that I really am truely underwhelmed by your resounding vote of apathy in the matter of not coming to my gig.

27 Sep 02 - 04:53 AM (#792238)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,Kofi Annan

We at the UN will put a resolution together abot non attendance Ah mean we can't let the fat one get wasted even if he does get wasted on de drink ah lotto de time

27 Sep 02 - 07:58 AM (#792304)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,Nelson Mandella

Me an my Gert will alos not be there this Sunday but best wishes go to the fat bloke

27 Sep 02 - 08:22 AM (#792312)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,President Jaques Chirac

Moi ausi non attende le gig de le gross bastarde

27 Sep 02 - 08:24 AM (#792315)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,Posh and Becks

Sorry fat bloke but me and Victoria won't be able to come. I've got to kick a ball about a bit and Vic's is busy with the sprogs.

27 Sep 02 - 01:39 PM (#792499)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: Linda Kelly

As i was walking up the stair - I met a man who wasn't there He wasn't there again today-I wish that man would go away!!!

27 Sep 02 - 07:47 PM (#792701)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: brid widder

you've made it Jim...

there are people not coming from all over the world....

28 Sep 02 - 02:07 AM (#792833)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: Red and White Rabbit

we you still luv me now your famous?

28 Sep 02 - 02:42 AM (#792844)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: Red and White Rabbit

I will be going to Beverley - no more support from me after the Edwina diary confessions!

29 Sep 02 - 02:49 AM (#793314)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

29 Sep 02 - 06:37 AM (#793359)
Subject: RE: BS: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: rambling rose

Well seeing as how the gorgeous McFat is not appearing will have to make do with the Mick Pini Band at the Adelphi on De Grey St in Hull - its the new Sunday Blues Club every week 1-5 - £5 admission for big out of town artistes and £1.50 for local ones.

30 Sep 02 - 03:56 PM (#794210)
Subject: RE: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,soos

How did the non event go? Was it a success? Did people from all over the world not go? Did anyone go?

Is Mr McDonald now an international non artiste?

Did he not appear in his trousers?

I cant bear not knowing!!!

30 Sep 02 - 07:41 PM (#794390)
Subject: RE: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: Noreen

Please tell us how it didn't go, Jim....

01 Oct 02 - 02:55 AM (#794642)
Subject: RE: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,pink and white rabbit

Yes, do tell oh wise and non attendant one - how was your Sunday afternoon's non appearance?

01 Oct 02 - 03:01 AM (#794644)
Subject: RE: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,Madame Elsie U Toonite

I am sorry lads and lasses - you will notice that the great one whose non attendance we all supported has been absent from this and every other mudcat thread for a few days. Well I have to report that whilst he was non attending he defected to the other side - yes MCFat has turned - he's now the kareoke king of Kilnsea!

01 Oct 02 - 05:02 AM (#794685)
Subject: RE: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday
From: GUEST,MC Fat

I can tell you all that I didnae attend and it was a resounding failure !! the applause was underwhelming I'm sooo moved darlings

09 Oct 02 - 04:10 AM (#799348)
Subject: RE: MC not playing Beverley this Sunday