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BS: Hi Access All Areas!

03 Oct 02 - 08:35 AM (#796086)
Subject: Hi Access All Areas!
From: Pneumony

I Don't really know what I'm doing! This is very ODD!

03 Oct 02 - 08:36 AM (#796088)
Subject: Hi access all areas
From: Luelf

Hallo! ow is fings? greggy is a grebo for laughin @ my name, his is a lot worse and he can't even think of ne fin interestin 2 say. Stace still as feelins 4 im i bet! (praps e as feelins 4 er?!)
Enjoy don't let im kill me luelf!

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03 Oct 02 - 08:38 AM (#796089)
Subject: RE: Hi Access All Areas!
From: Nevada

Hi pneumony!
   Alright Ba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dont worry bout it! youl get used to it! c u rite now.
                   Luv AAA x

03 Oct 02 - 08:41 AM (#796090)
Subject: RE: Hi access all areas
From: Nevada

Hi Luelf!
   Intrestin name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   Speak to you later luv AAA x
    ps i agree bout G & S!!!!!!!!!

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03 Oct 02 - 09:05 AM (#796105)
Subject: Hi Smify!
From: Nevada

Hi Smify!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   Alrite Ba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   Glad u joined!!!!
   speak to u later!
         Luv AAA x

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03 Oct 02 - 09:05 AM (#796106)
Subject: Cooee!
From: Ba!

Ya alright? Please bear in mind that I'm trying 2 fink of things to say off the cuff, so I cant really fink of angfing funny. Is Greg a grebo or is Greg a grebo?

Lots of luv,


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25 Nov 02 - 06:59 AM (#834398)
Subject: RE: BS: Hi Access All Areas!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

wot a wired thread!

25 Nov 02 - 07:11 AM (#834411)
Subject: RE: BS: Hi Access All Areas!
From: Jeanie

Weirdly wired indeed, John. These people are not from your part of the world. My psychic powers tell me that they come from *Essex*. This could be the start of the Essex Invasion. Am I right, Access ?

- jeanie