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Dave Mallett tour

06 Oct 02 - 11:25 AM (#797637)
Subject: Dave Mallett tour
From: kendall

For you Dave Mallett fans, he will be at the Old Town School in Chicago this evening, and, at The Ark in Ann Arbor tomorrow evening.

01 Aug 04 - 11:13 PM (#1238664)
Subject: RE: Dave Mallett tour
From: GUEST,Kitty Ceppi

I am so sorry I live in Los Angeles as I have to watch Dave's dates back east from a distance GREEN as an envious fan can be...RATS.

BEst of luck dave..I am so glad you are doing so well and I can say..I knew you from 1980....has been a great knowing. Wonderful music..


02 Aug 04 - 12:34 AM (#1238690)
Subject: RE: Dave Mallett tour
From: open mike

that message was from a couple of years ago.
he will be in CA this october.
Maybe you could either make your way to berkely on the 15
placerville on the 17 or see if he could get booked into venue farther south before the 15th! there is still 2 1/2 months....
i am pretty sure /frank had him in toledo oregon fairly recently--
this spring?
see his web page for more info:

Wed. Aug. 4, Bangor ME

Bangor State Fair, Bangor State Fairgrounds, 100 Dutton St., 207-947-5555,

Sun. Aug. 8, Calais ME

Calais Rotary Sunday Funday, Downtown Park, 6p, 207-454-8077,, rain or shine.

Fri. Aug. 27, Cambridge MA

Club Passim, 47 Palmer St., 8p, 617-492-5300/info, 617-492-7679/tickets,, $20, $18 members.

Sat. Aug. 28, N. Eastham MA

Chapel in the Pines, 220 Samoset Rd., 8:30p, 508-255-5438,, $15.

Fri. Sept. 17, Denver CO

Daniels Hall at Swallow Hill, 71 East Yale, 8p, 303-777-1003, 877-214-7013,

Sat. Sept. 18, Denver CO

Swallow Hill, 71 East Yale, Master Songwriting Workshop, 11a-1p, 303-777-4394, www.swallow, early reg. $28/@26 members, or $30/$28 members.

Sat. Sept. 18, Elbert CO

Russell Gates Mercantile Bldg., 303-648-9707.

Sun. Sept. 19, Nederland CO

Aspen Meadows Series, 303-442-8855,

Sun. Sept. 26, Unity ME

Common Ground Country Fair, Fairgrounds, 1p, 207-568-4142,

Fri. Oct. 1, Wallingford CT

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 65 North Main St., 203-269-5050,

Sat. Oct. 2, Pawtucket RI

Boys & Girls Club, 210 Main St., 8p, 401-457-7147,, $12.

Fri. Oct. 15, Berkeley CA

Freight & Salvage, 1111 Addison St., 8p, 510-548-1761,, $16.50 & $17.50.

Sun. Oct. 17, Placerville CA

Cozmic Cafe, 594 Main St., afternoon, 530-642-8481,, $17 (may move to Oct. 16).

Tues. Oct. 19, Seldovia AK

Susan B. English School, 7:30p, 907-234-7614,, $15 at the door.

Thurs. Oct. 21, Fairbanks AK

Pioneer Park Theatre, 2300 Airport Way, 8p, 907-488-0556,, co-bill w/Bill Staines, $20.

Fri. Oct. 22, Palmer AK

Vagabond Blues, 642 South Alaska St., 7:30p, 907-745-2233,, $15 adv., $17 door.

Sat. Oct. 23,oldotna AK

Peninsula Brethren Auditorium, 44175 Kalifornsky Beach Rd., 907-262-6548,, co-bill w/Bill Staines, $23, $20 seniors, students & KDLL members, $15 teens w/adult.

Sun. Oct. 24, Anchorage AK

Wilda Marston Theatre, 3600 Denali St., 4p, 1-800-GR8-SEAT,, co-bill w/Bill Staines, $17 adv., $20 door.

Fri. Nov. 5, Nashua NH

Sky Meadow Country Club, 6 Mountain Laurel Drive, 8p, 603-595-8055,, benefit for "Karen's Climb" Foundation.

Sat. Nov. 6, Norwich CT

Donald L. Oat Theater, 62 Broadway (3rd floor), 8p, 860-887-2789,, $16.

Thurs. Nov. 18, Bethlehem PA

Godfrey Daniels, 7 East 4th St., 8p, 610-867-2390,, $14.50.

Fri. Nov. 19, Princeton NJ

Christ Congreg. Church, 155 Walnut Lane, 8:15p, 609-799-0944,, $15, $10 members, $3 under 12, Princeton FMS.

Fri. Dec. 17, Londonderry NH

Muse at the Gray Goose, 2 Young Rd., 8p, 603-437-6085,, $18.

Sat. Dec. 18, Cambridge MA

Club Passim, 47 Palmer St., 8p, 617-492-5300/info, 617-492-7679/tickets,, $20, $18 members.

Sun. Dec. 19, Northampton MA

Iron Horse Music Hall, 20 Center St., 7p, 413-586-8686 tickets, 413-584-0610 info,, $15 adv., $18 door.

Last Updated: 7/29/04