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BS: Favourite postings by Little John Cameron

12 Oct 02 - 06:36 PM (#801936)
Subject: BS: Favourite postings by Lit'l John Cameron
From: katlaughing

Rather than bury these in the Obit. thread, I thought we could put our favs of his postings in this thread, as a memorial, sort of. Tweed, I think it was, was asking after his bit of Hamlet, so I'll start with that:

Subject: RE: Who were the Scots. ljc
From: little john cameron - PM
Date: 07 Mar 02 - 11:44 AM

Least o' mah worries whether ye answer oneythin a post pal.
Here's a wee bit o' Hamlet for ye no tae answer as weel.

Tae be or no tae be,ah've aye wondered aboot that? Whether ye're better aff tae pit up wi shit or tae fecht back.Maist times ah think the answer wid be jist knock yersel aff an hae a nice quiet nap.Nae daft dreams tae waken ye up an frichten the life oot o ye as ye wid be deid oneyway. Then again that wid mibbe cause anither problem as ah dinnae know whit the deid dreams micht be worse an then ye wid be scuttered. Wi aw the finaglin an crookery that goes oan in the warld at least ye get yased tae it efter a while.So mibbe stickin a big needle in yersel micht be a wee bit rash,dae ye no think?. The deil ye know micht be better then the deil ye dont know.

So ah think we're to too feart tae tak the chance.

Jist talk tae Ophelia aboot it.She knows

Search for "ljc" threads

12 Oct 02 - 07:05 PM (#801947)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite postings by Lit'l John Cameron
From: Tweed

LOL!!!It warn't me Kat but I'm glad somebody asked after that one!

12 Oct 02 - 07:24 PM (#801958)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite postings by Lit'l John Cameron
From: CapriUni

A poem he wrote and posted back in April of this year:

(see full thread, here)

The Bogle.

Coorie doon mah bairnies, lie up agin the wa,
An' ah'll come in an' tell ye aboot the Bogle that ah saw.
Ah'm no' scairt o' Bogles,they dinnae frichten me,
If he comes haundy tae me, ah'll punch him in the ee'.

Aye, ye're a richt wee holy terror, bit ah'm no' as brave as that,
He wis creepin ower the auld stane dyke, as quiet as a cat.
He thocht ah didnae see him for ah wis mair than fu'
bit ah smelled the awfy reek o' him as it trauchled doon his broo.

Ah tried tae turn an' rin awa, bit mah legs were frozen fast,
Mah blood ran cauld, ah couldnae move, ah thocht ah'd breathed mah last.
His voice rang oot like a strangled dug, An' his airms were closin in,
Ah,ve got ye noo ye drunken loon, he said wi' a ghastly grin.

The past, it flashed afore mah e'en, every pint that passed mah lips,
even a braw wee single malt ah kept for special nips.
Ah'll gie it up ah cried oot lood, nae mair booze for me,
The Bogle said ye've bairnies twa, so ane mair chance ah'll gie ye.

Ah'll be waitin at the pub at nicht tae see if ye are there,
so ye better keep yer word tae me an' no' drink oney mair.
There's plenty ither loons tae grab, the world is fu' o' boozers
Gie up the drink an' then mak sure ye're no' amang the losers.

So aff he went back ower the dyke, laughin tae himsel'
Ah sobered up an' came richt hame mah story for tae tell
The Bogle gied me ane mair chance, fae noo oan ah'll be wary,
For booze an' Bogles dinnae mix, it's faur too bloody scary.


12 Oct 02 - 07:24 PM (#801959)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite postings by Lit'l John Cameron
From: Amergin

think it was little hawk, katdarling....but thanks....glad you found it...hilarious...

12 Oct 02 - 08:28 PM (#801983)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite postings by Lit'l John Cameron
From: Frank Maher

This Is My Favourire One

Date Posted: 01:20:28 07/04/02 Thu
Author: weeyin
Subject: Auld Scottish folk song discovered

Sensational new discoveries have been made at an archaeological dig at the site of a Roman army camp near Hadrian's Wall. When the legions were evacuated, orders were sent out to destroy all valuable military records. However, in the far-flung camps, lazy army bureaucrats simply pitched all the files into the nearest bog. Now archaeologists are recovering all the records, preserved in the highly tannic bog water.

Among the latest discoveries is what appears to be a Latin translation of a Pictish folk-song. No doubt the lonely legionaries on sentry duty on the wall heard the melodic strains drifting on the wind from the Pictish encampments to the north. Roman soldiers must have learned this traditional Pictish melody, which is the earliest folksong recorded in the British Isles.

Of particular interest is the chorus of syllabic vocables, remarkably similar to the Gaelic walking song which is not found in written records until almost 1000 years later. In fact, a remarkable similar chorus of vocables: I\ aigh i\ aigh o\ can be found in a walking song from Skye, "Tha baile aig sean-Mhac a' Domhnuill", in the Frances Tolmie collection.

Following is a transcription of the original manuscript:

Senex Macdonaldus habebat fundum, EIEIO
Et in ille fundum habebat porces, EIEIO
Cum oink oink hic, oink oink hoc
Oink hic, oink hoc, ubique oink oink
Senex Macdonaldus habebat fundum, EIEIO

Senex Macdonaldus habebat fundum, EIEIO
Et in ille fundum habebat boves, EIEIO
Cum moo moo hic, moo moo hoc
Moo hic, moo hoc, ubique moo moo
Senex Macdonaldus habebat fundum, EIEIO

Senex Macdonaldus habebat fundum, EIEIO
Et in ille fundum habebat oves, EIEIO
Cum baa baa hic, baa baa hoc
Baa hic, baa hoc, ubique baa baa
Senex Macdonaldus habebat fundum, EIEIO

Senex Macdonaldus habebat fundum, EIEIO
Et in ille fundum habebat anates, EIEIO
Cum quack quack hic, quack quack hoc
Quack hic, quack hoc, ubique quack quack
Senex Macdonaldus habebat fundum, EIEIO

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12 Oct 02 - 08:50 PM (#801989)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite postings by Lit'l John Cameron
From: CapriUni

LOL, Frank! Thanks for posting!

:::Chucklin' and grinnin':::

12 Oct 02 - 08:50 PM (#801990)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite postings by Lit'l John Cameron
From: Little Hawk

LOL! Marvelous! Thanks, Kat...

- LH

12 Oct 02 - 10:35 PM (#802027)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite postings by Lit'l John Cameron
From: khandu

Grand, indeed! Whadda fine fellow!


13 Oct 02 - 03:12 AM (#802097)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite postings by Lit'l John Cameron
From: katlaughing

Those are great ones, I'd missed! Thanks!

You're welcome, LH, thanks for asking about it.


13 Oct 02 - 03:14 AM (#802099)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite postings by Lit'l John Cameron
From: Liz the Squeak

Nope, sorry, still need the Universal Translator! But thanks for the laugh.

Let's get together tonight (7.00pm GMT about 2.00pm EST?) and have a sing for him on Paltalk.


16 Oct 02 - 02:07 AM (#804163)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite postings by Lit'l John Cameron
From: Genie

What a wit! Wish I'd've known "Little John." Such a loss!
