06 Jun 98 - 11:50 AM (#30224) Subject: Irish Wedding Mass From: Mick Lane I have been asked by a woman in our local Gaelic League for music for her wedding mass which would give her wedding an Irish flair. I must confess that other than "The Celtic Alleluia" and songs which would be appropriate for the recessional such as "Mairi's Wedding" I am not sure what to suggest. All help will be greatfully received. Hey Frank McGrath, how about you? Any ideas for me? |
06 Jun 98 - 03:21 PM (#30240) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: Frank McGrath Well thanks for thinking of me as some kind of expert but I don't go to Mass often enough and I have only been married once so I'm at a bit of a loss. Plus, I'm a bit of a puppy at this singing stuff and I'm just starting to rekindle memories of a childhood steeped in of song. But give me a couple of hours and I'll think of something. Thanks again for the compliment, but I have a long way to go before I come within an asses roar of the likes of Joe Offer, Dick Greenhouse and Art Theme.
Slán |
07 Jun 98 - 10:11 PM (#30285) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: Big Mick Well, after your astounding bit of data on Spancil Hill, and after sharing it with most of the Irish community here in West Michigan, we all figure you are some sort of Celtic music God or something! :) At any rate, here's hoping I can get some help from the others out there on dear aul mudcat. Thanks for giving it some thought though. Just a point of interest, the largest festival of the Arts in the world, staffed by all volunteers, is here in West Michigan and it occurred this weekend. The Irish and Celts were well represented with step dance, musicians, singers including some sea/n nos, etc. All local talent too. It's nice to see it get the exposure. How about it, folks, can anyone give me ideas on my predicament? Mick |
08 Jun 98 - 12:27 AM (#30290) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: Joe Offer Hi, Mick - I have a tough time with weddings, because I often end up singing music I don't particularly like, or that is not particularly appropriate for religious services. I don't ever want to get stuck singing "Wind Beneath My Wings." If I really hate a song, I just say I don't know it. A Celtic wedding might be an interesting challenge, though. I don't think there's much music you would call "Celtic" that's in use in the Catholic church in the U.S. The only ones I hear often are "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say," (tune: Star of County Down) "Be Thou My Vision," and "Danny Boy" and various lyrics to the tune of "Danny Boy." None of these apply very well to weddings - but you could use the tunes very nicely. The "Celtic Alleluia" is nice, but it's usually used in a little snippet before the Gospel, and it's over very quickly. Here is a link to sound clips from the "Celtic Mass," which Oregon Catholic Press published after the success of "Celtic Alleluia." It's kind of nice, but hardly what you'd call traditional Celtic music - neither is the "Celtic Alleluia," for that matter. If you want me to, I can ask a couple of Irish priests what they do back home, but the priests I know aren't really "up" on music. I think you'll probably get better advice here, but there hasn't been time for a good response because Mudcat was on vacation this weekend (or something). It will be interesting to see what comes up in this thread. I might suggest an Ave Maria, because it always seems they want one - how about the Gregorian Chant version, a cappella or with a harp or guitar? It doesn't have the heavy melody that the "usual" ones have. As a seminary-trained church musician, I'd like to put in a request that you try to pick music that's appropriate for a religious service. "Mairi's Wedding" is a great song, but it would be better to do it before or after the Mass. It would be a great recessional march, as you suggested - after the priest says "The Mass is ended, go in peace," you can sing whatever the hell you want. Hope that helps, Mick. -Joe Offer- |
08 Jun 98 - 02:29 AM (#30293) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: Joe Offer Hey, Frank - can you ask around and see what you can find out about what music is used for weddings? I could ask my pastor, but he spends only a couple of weeks a year home in Ireland since he came here to California 30 years ago. I have a sneaking suspicion that typical Irish weddings use "Wind Beneath My Wings," "The Rose," and songs by Celine Dion - with Stookey's "Wedding Song" for the older folks. Oh, and the standard "Ave Maria," I suppose; and maybe Joe Cocker's "You Are So Beautiful." Am I right, Frank? -Joe Offer- |
08 Jun 98 - 02:39 PM (#30316) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: Jim Killeen I don't know exactly what you are looking for, but it might be worth trying to get your hands on anything written by Fr. Liam Lawton, especially a CD called Sacred Story. His music represents what I think is the best side of Irish liturgical music.
08 Jun 98 - 08:17 PM (#30338) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: McGrath Well so much for my "couple of hours". But unfortunately work and sleep get in the way of singing much too often. Well here goes. The Spinning Wheel Song
Songs of Love, lost love, funny songs and all sorts. I'll Hope this helps as a start. And Remember! Best of luck and Slán. Frank McGrath |
08 Jun 98 - 09:29 PM (#30346) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: Big Mick Joe, I am definitely interested in the music during the mass being appropriate for the mass. I agree completely on that aspect and that is precisely what I am looking for. Jim Killeen gave a very good suggestion in this thread re: Fr. Liam Lawton and I am going to start searching it out tomorrow. Thanks Jim!! I thought it was funny that you have the same problem at weddings that I do. You get some of the damndest requests. I usually try to honor them, as I believe in making it a most memorable day, but sometimes........ And by the way, I do use Mairi's Wedding after the good Father ends the mass.
08 Jun 98 - 09:33 PM (#30347) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: Big Mick Geez Frank, I really appreciate the work. You just set my lineup for the reception. There are several in your list I don't know, but I have the sheet music to. Thanks a million. Now if I can just find what I am looking for in the way of Mass music. I liked Joe's idea of taking mass music and arranging it in a Celtic way and with appropriate instrumentation |
09 Jun 98 - 01:12 AM (#30374) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: alison Hi, I had "Be Thou my vision" at my wedding. A great hymn with a beautiful Irish tune. I think it sounds very Irish, (especially with verses about "High King of Heaven") My mum didn't want us to sing the one about "Be Thou my battle shield, sword for the fight," she didn't reckon it was appropriate for a wedding, however we sang it anyway. "I heard the voice of Jesus say," is beautiful done to the tune of "Mary from Dungloe." (Let me know and I'll post the tune if you don't know it.) I played for a lot of weddings, but one that sticks out was for a friend who wanted her favourite tunes played, so there was a guitar doing finger picking and me on flute playing all sorts of tunes in the background while they received the sacrament. If you play them as instrumentals you can get away with a lot more, (anything can be slowed down, even Mairi's wedding!!...)One's which work really well include, She moved through the fair, Give me your hand (Tamhair dom do lamb), Carrickfergus, ....any slow Irish airs. Let me know if you need any tunes. Slainte alison |
09 Jun 98 - 03:15 AM (#30390) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: Joe Offer Here is a thread we had a while back on "Be Thou My Vision." Here is the MIDI for "Star of County Down," the tune for "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say." I don't particularly like the tempo of the MIDI, but at least it will give you the idea. Here are the lyrics. ....and, here is another thread, "Songs of Faith," that may be of interest. -Joe Offer- |
09 Jun 98 - 09:44 AM (#30411) Subject: Tune Add: MARY FROM DUNGLOE / TABHAIR DOM DO LAMH From: alison hi, Here are some of the tunes I mentioned above.
MIDI file: MARYDUNG.MID Timebase: 480 Name: MARY FROM DUNGLOE This program is worth the effort of learning it. To download the March 10 MIDItext 98 software and get instructions on how to use it click here ABC format: X:1
Joe has already given you alink to the words...... and here are the guitar chords.... I'm sure you can figure where they go (it's basically a bar on each one)
C G F C Am F C and this is "Give me your hand,("Tabhair dom do lamh")
MIDI file: GIVEME.MID Timebase: 480 Name: TABHAIR DOM DO LAMH This program is worth the effort of learning it. To download the March 10 MIDItext 98 software and get instructions on how to use it click here ABC format: X:1
slainte alison |
09 Jun 98 - 10:21 AM (#30414) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: Big Mick alison, Joe, Frank and all, Many thanks for all this great information. And yes, alison, I shall invest the time to learn the program. You have given me many ideas. And to others, keep em coming, I just love dear aul mudcat!!! |
09 Jun 98 - 04:14 PM (#30445) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: Barbara Shaw I posted a thread here at 12:52, but it seems to have disappeared! I have the thread in my cache, so I'm not imagining that I was here. What happened? Here it is again, for whatever it's worth: Just attended an Irish wedding this past Saturday, although it wasn't a mass. The processionals and pre-wedding music included Southwind and Star of the County Down. The recessional was Come Give Me Your Hand. Out in the courtyard afterward was a harpist and whistle player, doing 30 minutes or so of instrumentals. (The reception afterwards was DJ disco!) |
10 Jun 98 - 02:03 PM (#30495) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: Alice Morning Has Broken is a hymn that would be appropriate for a wedding mass. The lyrics are by Eleanor Farjeon, but the Hymnal that I have says it is a traditional gaelic melody.(It is in the database.) alice
10 Jun 98 - 05:12 PM (#30505) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: Frank McGrath I spoke to a dear friend tonight who will come up with some tunes for your wedding Mass. Her name is Elieen O'Brien - Minogue and she is the daughter of the great Paddy O'Brien. Eileen composed the "Aifreann Baile Nua" (The Newtown Mass) a beautiful mass in traditional Irish Music. However, while she is very generous with her musical talent, she is a bit concerned that she doesn't have "Aifreann Baile Nua" copyright protected as yet and posting it on the web might lead to abuse and misuse of her work. She has promised though that if she doesn't give you the full "Aifreann" then she will give you parts of it or suggest traditional Irish tunes suitable for the occasion. Her credentials are of the highest order as an Irish fiddle champion, award winning composer, Irish music teacher/workshop guru, national "Comhaltas" star, adjudicator etc., etc. Her Dad wrote over 100 tunes which are now part and parcel of the Irish tradition and many of them can be found on this site - http://aisling.stanford.edu/pub/tunes/abc.tunes/. Eileens talent is as great as her Dad's but she is very content shine brightly in his shadow and prompote his name above her own. Don't be impatient though as Eileen is a bit of a divil for doing too many jobs at once so it could be a week or more before she gets back to me. Slán go foill. |
11 Jun 98 - 09:50 PM (#30575) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: Big Mick Wow Frank, that is just fantastic. I can hardly wait!!! Would please be so kind as to pass along my thanks to Eileen. And were I her, I wouldna post her work until it is copyrighted. Generous is one thing, but leaving yourself open to being taken advantage of is quite another. The Conklin Ceili Band (my band) played at a rehab center here in Grand Rapids tonight. Many of the people have severely broken arms and legs or are quadraplegics. While we were playing "St. Anne's Reel", I noticed one of the quads was blinking her eyes to the beat of the music. When I realized it, I started crying. Have you ever seen a 270 lb. Irish American cry while playing the bodhran. Not a pretty sight. It reminded me how fortunate we are to be able to express our sense of self through our music. Frank, if you ever come to Michigan, you have a place to stay on a big beautiful lake in the middle of a state game area. In fact, why don't all you mudcatters come and we will have a helluva houseparty!! Slan go foill, Mick |
12 Jun 98 - 10:05 PM (#30633) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: Frank McGrath Jasus Mick; It's almost three in the morning here and I'm just home from a session. I'm full of Guinness and good cheer. I could be on you doorstep in a few hours. However, wife and children expect me to be in fine fettle in the morning; so, before I repair to slumber, allow me to thank you for your kind offer, of which I hope to avail at some convenient time in the future and wish you an oíche mhaith agus coladh sábh. Eileen was trying to contact me earlier tonight so I hope she has some good news for us when I call her tomorrow (later today). Be patient and keek floggin' that goatskin. Comedians have the toughest job; it IS wonderful to make people laugh but there is nothing like a tear in an eye to let an artist know that they have done good. Slán and keep them crying. |
02 Nov 98 - 12:33 PM (#43902) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: Alice Refresh for wedding song suggestions for thread "Special Occasion Songs". alice in montana |
16 Nov 04 - 12:57 PM (#1328786) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: GUEST,eamonn in dublin guys, if you are looking for an irish mass (in irish) liam lawton has a full mass called Molaise.. it is available from Veritas Book shop in dublin on tape, even though i think the sheet music is out of print.Hope this helps!! |
16 Nov 04 - 01:46 PM (#1328842) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: DougR I didn't read this thread in '98. Interesting stuff. It never would occur to me, though, to think of "Wild Rover" as a song one would sing at a wedding. At first I questioned Frank's suggestion of "I know my love," but the more I thought about it, the better I liked it. DougR |
16 Nov 04 - 03:05 PM (#1328934) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: ard mhacha "Aisy and slow", you would be turfed out |
16 Nov 04 - 05:09 PM (#1329091) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: Susan-Marie Mick - Our band did an Irish mass a few years ago. We used a medley of Irish waltzes for the processional (Fanny Power, Planxty Irwin, a couple others I forget) "Give Me Your Hand" as the Offertory, "Be Thou My Vision" as a meditation [in gaelic to avoid the martial (as opposed to marital) imagery], and for an upbeat recessional we did two reels - Woman of the House and Man of the House. It was quite a sight seeing the bride and groom skipping down the aisle! Have fun! |
21 May 09 - 05:59 AM (#2637384) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: GUEST,Guest Interesting list of suggestions :-) Okay, it's an old post but the main subject can still interest someone looking for Irish music for a mass. The choir I was in a couple of years ago did an interesting Irish Mass piece, with the original Irish Gaelic text. It might be difficult to set up for a wedding though, since it includes a string orchestra and pipes, whistles and harp :-) This piece has been written by an rather unknown french composer, Gilles Mathieu. Although I have som doubts on the accuracy of Irish word settings, it does sound really good especially because of the presence of Irish instruments. In any case there are more info on the composer's website hope this helps someone, someday... |
21 May 09 - 09:45 PM (#2638148) Subject: RE: Irish Wedding Mass From: mrwassail See my book on the Irish Wedding The only one of its kind. If you know nothing there are enough customs tunes and notation to get you through. http://mysite.verizon.net/cbladey/iwed2.html Conrad |