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BS: A Prediction

30 Oct 02 - 07:44 PM (#814811)
Subject: BS: A Prediction
From: kendall

According to my crystal ball, the republicans will take control of the senate, giving them both houses, then, there will be a great breakthrough in the Iraq thing, and there will be no war.

30 Oct 02 - 07:45 PM (#814813)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Leadfingers


30 Oct 02 - 07:53 PM (#814819)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: khandu

Well...I hope half your prediction comes true.


30 Oct 02 - 08:07 PM (#814826)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: McGrath of Harlow

Know a good bookie, kendall? You should get good odds on a double like that!

30 Oct 02 - 08:24 PM (#814834)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: mack/misophist

You had better leave the gin INSIDE the ball, fellow. Feel better in the morning, too.

30 Oct 02 - 08:25 PM (#814837)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Bobert

Hope you're right, Kendall. I hate Repubs (well, except for the ones I like...) and the US won't have a clue just how bad they are runnin' the show as long as they have any excuses for their miserable failures., like Dems, who I just dislike (except for the ones I like). So bring 'em on....

And I hope and pray you are right on Iraq because if Bush gets some folks killed over there, he's off my Christmas card list forever.


30 Oct 02 - 08:30 PM (#814840)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: kendall

remember when the actor invaded Granada to get our minds off the recession? and when george the first invaded Panama to do the same? it is so transparent.
I don't drink gin.

30 Oct 02 - 08:59 PM (#814861)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Bev and Jerry


You got it right. A few months ago people were talking about the economy, the deficit, education, social security, and drug benefits for seniors. Iraq has now moved all of these things off the radar screen at least for another week.

On the other hand, Iraq may not go away because they have more oil than anybody and U.S. oil companies want it. Invasion and subsequent colonization is a fine way to get it quickly.

Bev and Jerry

30 Oct 02 - 09:48 PM (#814892)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: GUEST,John Gray @ work in OZ

I'd rather have a good war - there's nothing really good on the telly right now.
The footy seasons over and cricket doesn't start for a week or so.


31 Oct 02 - 12:37 AM (#814968)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Jim Krause

I dunno, kendall. It's a pretty tight race 'twixt guitar pickin' Dennis Moore and Phil Klein. But right now, my bets would be even money on Democrat Denny.


31 Oct 02 - 01:35 AM (#814978)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, and don't forget that even Bill Clinton used to lob off a few cruise missiles or bomb a harmless pharmaceutical factory now and then, in order to take the heat off the latest revelations about his sex life, etc...

But here's my prediction: In the next 24 hours a whole bunch of absolutely wonderful and beautiful things will happen in the world...things accomplished by individuals or by groups of people...things which elevate the human spirit and bring forth the best in us...

And not one of them will be reported on CNN or on any of your daily "news" programs! Not one. But they will still happen anyway.

Life is an unquenchable miracle. Remember that and celebrate it!

- LH

31 Oct 02 - 07:24 AM (#815061)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Troll

Lets not forget the invasion of the former Yugoslavia by the forces of NATO.
Happy Halloween.


31 Oct 02 - 08:18 AM (#815086)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: MMario

I predict the sun will come up tomorrow. Beyond that I'm not willing to bet.

31 Oct 02 - 12:19 PM (#815286)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: DougR

Bev and Jerry: You present that tired old argument (sorry for the thread creep Kendall but they brought it up)about our coveting the oil fields in Iraq.

Why, my friends, did we not just take over, as spoils of war, the oil fields in Kuwait? If we were as ruthless as you appear to believe the U. S. is, it would have been an easy take-over. For that matter, we could have gone on into Iraq and taken over their oil too at the same time.

Kendall: I, of course, hope you are right, but your predicition causes me to wonder if you might not have been cavorting with the Llamas again!


31 Oct 02 - 12:50 PM (#815311)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: harpgirl

Doug, I just know you think that Cheny, Bush, and the rest of the boys are going to wage war in Iraq to free all those subjugated women, right?

Or perhaps you can articulate what YOU think the reasons are that our fearless leaders intend to take us into this war? I have yet to read an intelligent argument from you on anything political! But I'm still hoping... hg

31 Oct 02 - 01:16 PM (#815330)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Don Firth

Well . . . I dunno. Give 'em another two years to run the Bill of Rights through the shredder, wreck the economy, and bully the rest of the world, and it might take several generations to repair the damageā€”if, indeed, it can ever be repaired. The barbarians are at the gates, folks. I'm voting for McDermott again.

Don Firth

31 Oct 02 - 02:09 PM (#815370)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: GUEST,Kim C no cookie

I voted for a Libertarian (governor), a Republican (Senate), AND a Democrat (House). So there.

Y'know, friends, it doesn't matter who's in charge, he's always going to take some heat for something, by somebody. One person can't please everyone.... and shouldn't try. Bill Cosby once said the best way to failure was to try to please everyone.

I have also heard the saying, please all, and you please none.

Personally, I don't know what's going to happen, but I am hoping for the best.

31 Oct 02 - 06:05 PM (#815520)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Bev and Jerry


The argument is neither tired nor old. That was then, this is now.

Then, Iraq invaded Kuwait and our mission was to get them out of there. At that time, American oil companies were on an equal footing with everyone else for Iraq's oil. Of course if Kuwait's main export were broccoli, we wouldn't have bothered.

Now, it is illegal for U.S. oil companies to deal with Iraq due to the oil embargo. Meanwhile, Sadaam has been signing contracts with other nations to sell them oil when the embargo is lifted, leaving U.S. oil companies out in the cold.

The solution is to topple Sadaam, colonize Iraq, void the existing contracts, and allow U.S. oil companies back into the game.

Your absolutely right that we could have taken over Kuwait or Iraq (or anyone else for that matter) but it would have been rather blatant and was not as necessary then as it is now. Now we have a war on terrorism which seems to justify toppling any government for any reason.

Bev and Jerry

31 Oct 02 - 07:36 PM (#815574)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: DougR

Bev and Jerry: I'm glad you are not among those piling on Bush#1 because he didn't take Saddam out during Desert Storm.

I still don't believe access to oil is the reason Bush believes we should go into Iraq though. Saddam has broken the U.N. Accords he agreed to at the end of the war and I believe is continuing to develop weapons of mass destruction. Either way we should know soon.

Harp Girl: That was nice of you. Thanks.


31 Oct 02 - 08:30 PM (#815615)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Little Hawk

troll - Nothing makes some people as crabby as hearing GOOD news! :-)

- LH

31 Oct 02 - 10:48 PM (#815668)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Bev and Jerry


We agree with you 100 percent, well, ninety percent anyway. Sadaam has not conformed to the UN resolutions and if the UN agrees to take some action to deal with these flagrant violations, we have no problem with that. The US is a UN member and a permanent member of the security council and, as such, is perfectly free to advocate it's position in this matter.

But, when the US says it will take unilateral action to topple a foreign government for any reason we object.

Bev and Jery

01 Nov 02 - 12:54 AM (#815703)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Kendall,... what's your favorite song these days? Oh my, how I wish that the Democrats would sweep everything, and that Jeb loses big! I just plain don't want him to win. Not at all. Does your crystal ball say anything about florida? ttr

01 Nov 02 - 12:56 AM (#815704)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Bev and Jerry

Our crystal ball says that, no matter what the outcome in Florida, there will be a screw up in the election there!

Bev and Jerry

01 Nov 02 - 08:58 AM (#815911)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Troll

"when the US says it will take unilateral action to topple a foreign government for any reason we object."
So you can't think of a SINGLE reason, eh Bev and Jerry?
What about a situation where we are attacked and the UN refuses to act? Would you object then? And if so, why would you object?
I'd appreciate a real answer instead of a tried re-hash of the current situation. I already know your opinion on that one.


01 Nov 02 - 09:00 AM (#815919)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: kendall

Jeb will lose Florida

01 Nov 02 - 09:17 AM (#815958)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: allanwill

I think Little Hawk must have a bit of the fortune teller in him. Here's a feel-good story I really like.


By JAMES WALKER - Thursday quarterback

In an age when arrogance and "Sharpie" pens steal the national spotlight, it is often the smallest, most unnoticed acts of kindness that remind us that football is merely a game.

The story, which is destined to become legendary in Southern Ohio circles, starts in Waverly.

Northwest football coach Dave Frantz and Tigers' coach Derek DeWitt shared a conversation the week leading up to the game.

But the two coaches weren't discussing strategy, instead they were talking about a mentally-handicapped Northwest player by the name of Jake Porter.

Porter, a senior, has a disorder called "Chromosomal Fragile-X," which is the most common cause of inherited mental retardation.

Porter still shows up on time for practice every day and dresses in full gear during games, but he has yet to take an official snap in a football game.

Frantz wanted that streak to end last Friday.

"I told them (Waverly) ahead of time that he can't take a hit or anything," Frantz said. "If the game's not at stake on the last play, I wanted him to come in and take a knee."

Yet a week after their conversation, with Waverly leading 42-0 with five seconds remaining, coach DeWitt offered Frantz one better.

"During the timeout, he met me in the middle of the field and said 'We'll let him score,'" Frantz explained. "(Initially) I said 'Nah.' Then we talked about it with the referees, and they said 'Hey coach, we understand."

What soon followed will forever go down in Southern Ohio football lore.

At Waverly's 49-yard line, Porter entered the game at tailback, had his play, "84-iso," called in the huddle, and when the ball was snapped all 21 players parted ways.

Porter was somewhat surprised when he slowly walked through the huge hole. He initially turned back around to the original line of scrimmage, but everyone on the field -- including defensive players from Waverly -- pointed and guided Porter toward the Tigers' end zone.

"When we practiced it, he was supposed to down it, so I think he was a little confused at first," Northwest tailback Zach Smith said. "But once he figured it out, he took off."

The 49-yard trek to glory took about 10-12 seconds in all, and was culminated by players from both sidelines cheering and running step-for-step with Porter to the end zone.

Tears flowed from the bleachers well into the night, and the life of one young man was changed forever.

"At Waverly, we didn't do anything special. We were just happy to be a part of that," a humbled DeWitt said. "That young man was just excited to get the ball. Our guys didn't care about the shutout, those stats went out the window.

"When you're involved in a moment like that, you want to make sure you end the game with class, decency and respect."

Those who play football on the highest levels should take notice.

No pen that Terrell Owens ever pulls out of his sock could write a scene more touching than this.

01 Nov 02 - 10:26 AM (#816034)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Jeri

Oh, there will still be a war if Bush can pull it off. He needs to fuel the fires that provide an excuse to beef up the US Gestapo and get rid of more of those rights we still have. He needs to get re-elected and if the international issues quiet down people will look a bit at domestic issues such as the economy.

Our race for Congress has got to be the weirdest I've ever seen.
I've received a page - in color and on heavy paper - from the Republicans every day for a couple of weeks. The name on the papers, and the pictures, are of Martha Fuller Clark, the DEMOCRATIC candidate. Several of them gave the phone number. They said to call and thank her for advocating a state income tax. I called the number. I told the person who answered "The Republicans said I should call & thank MFC for advocating a state income tax, so please pass on my thanks. I can't think of a more logical thing to base a tax on than income."

Yesterday, the ad said something about Martha Fuller Clark not wanting to increase funding for the military our ability to wage war. There were a couple of hippie types on the back with the guy flashing the peace sign. Me: "Oh gosh, I didn't know she was against more military spending, and I used to look like those people! Well, here's another reason to vote for her!"

I get phone calls too. Some are recordings, some are real people. I've thanked a couple of them for making me aware of MFC and giving me the phone number. I actually enjoy talking to them.

If it weren't for the daily mailings and the daily phone calls (where do they get so much money?!) I probably wouldn't care so much about voting for Martha Fuller Clark.

I don't have a clue what the Republican candidate has said he/she stands for and I can't even recall his/her name. Talking about shooting yourself in the foot...

01 Nov 02 - 10:40 AM (#816056)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Thank you Kendall! YES! YES! YES!

01 Nov 02 - 12:23 PM (#816150)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Troll

Jeb is a weasel but Reno is worse in my view. Florida doesn't have a real choice.


01 Nov 02 - 12:27 PM (#816155)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: kendall

Reno? I thought she was defeated in the primary.

01 Nov 02 - 01:18 PM (#816179)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: harpgirl

She was. Bill McBride is running against Jeb. I predict that we will have a voting fiasco in Flori-Duh. The machines won't work, the poll workers won't show up, the votes will be counted inacurately, the old people will get confused. It's going to be a circus!!!!

In Leon County, where Tallahassee is located, Jeb is running behind two to one. But we are almost the only county with efficient polling, thanks to Ion Sancho and my new voting card came out marking me as male. So we can't even count on votes counting in Leon. Jeb's campaign has been very dirty but McBride has exposed a good deal of hypocracy in his adds. (Kendall you wouldn't mistake me for male would you...I mean eveywhere else but in my head?)

01 Nov 02 - 01:32 PM (#816186)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Peg

This is not to pick on you at all harpgirl (I agree with most of your posts), but I notice a lot of people (not just you) spell "hypocrisy" as "hypocracy" these days, and I find it interesting because it makes it look like hypocrisy is some sort of political party...and going by the timbre of this discussion and others of late, that would not be such a ridiculous notion...

Peg (waiting for the other shoe to drop and hoping Mitt "I Saved the Olympics!" Romney does not become governor of Massachusetts)

01 Nov 02 - 01:35 PM (#816189)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: NicoleC

You're right there's a voting scandal coming up in Florida. Remember those 90,000+ folks disenfranchised in 2000 when they were "purged" from the voter rolls?

Well, even though Florida has admitted they are legitimate voters and shouldn't have been purged, they aren't going to reinstate them until January 2003 -- after the election.

But my favorite good news for the day: the LA Times reports that a federal judge has issued a injunction for a world-wide ban on the US Navy's new low-frequency sonar. Use of the sonar has been accompanied my mass beachings and disruptions in mating where ever it has been used. In order to lift the injunction, the court ordered the Navy, the Marine Fisheries Service, and environmentalists to meet and work out a compromise on places in the world where it would be safe to use the ultra-loud, ultra-low frequency sonar without killing and injuring marine animals.

01 Nov 02 - 01:46 PM (#816200)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: kendall

I hereby state and afirm that Harpgirl is in fact a woman, not a male, or a girl.

01 Nov 02 - 01:52 PM (#816207)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Bev and Jerry

Sorry, Troll. That wasn't a very well written sentence. What we meant was we object to the US government toppling a foreign government for just any old reason. If there's a real reason as you suggest, sure, go for it.

Destroying the Japanese government during World War II is one thing. Trying to institute a regime change in Cuba is another.

Bev and Jerry

01 Nov 02 - 02:00 PM (#816214)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: John Hardly


The Democrats will win a bigger than expected majority in the Senate. They will pick up three seats and due to a pre-election insurance deal, they will pick up a fourth by the party switch of Chafee.

Also due to the lowest Republican turn-out (voter) in Midwest history, In a surprise the House will also become Democrat majority.

They will investigate the possibility of an impeachment of Bush, but will not have a big enough majority in the house to actually pull it off -- besides, with only two years left and a snowball's chance in hell of reelection, the idea is voted down behind closed doors.

The White House will change hands in 2004(5) with Kerry winning a significant majority over a deflated Bush campaign. For insurance, there will be a reportedly viable third party candidate -- Independent (probably McCain) to split the vote in such a way as to ensure no possibility of a Republican win (if we learned NOTHING else from Perot).

In Kerry's second term the Democrat controlled government will call for a Constitutional Convention. It will first be "billed" as a convention to merely "modernize the language" of an archaic constitution, but once it is polled that a majority of Americans see the reason for this language update and clarification, the actual proposed changes will make a Constitution that is virtually unrecognizable.

There will be a terrorist attack during Kerry's first term that will make 9/11 seem insigificant by comparison. Kerry will ride the popularity of his response to both 1. his second term, and 2. the enactment of many of the Ashcroft/Bush type reforms that, under a Republican raised the hair on the back of people's necks, but under a guy they think they can trust will seem resonable.

Included in these reforms will be military guards at borders -- once the Democrat majority is ensured it majority in perpetuity it will no longer be necessary to divide a now shrinking pie (as the economy crumbles under a lack of new tech development or need in Kerry's second term) to too many mouths to feed.

A major media reform will take place wherein, in the name of fairness and quality, journalism liscensing will become law. It will at first be seen skeptically until, within a week of a vote taken on the issue, a right-wing radio host causes a major scandal by mis-reporting an event. Then a mass-murderer will be found to have connections to yet another right-wing media personality.

And maybe I'll write a hit record too.

01 Nov 02 - 02:02 PM (#816215)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: harpgirl

thanks for correcting my spelling, Peg. You're certainly qualified to do so. I get so damn mad over this administration I just want George HW Bush and his three sons and Saddam and his two sons to go into a coliseum and tear each other into particles! Women could do a much better job running the world!!!!!

01 Nov 02 - 02:12 PM (#816221)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: katlaughing

NicoleC, that IS good news about the sonar thing. How in the world can the state get away with not reinstating those people's voting rights!? Arrggghhhh!!

Great story, Allan.

Jeri, LMAO, you go gyrl womon!!

My two favourite signs/bumper stickers right now are

Drop Bush not bombs,



(oops, sorry left this out)

change starts at home, VOTE!

01 Nov 02 - 02:19 PM (#816225)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: kendall

Sure HG Like Maggie Thatcher? Golda Mier? Mrs Gandhi?
Well, maybe it would be better if YOUNG women were in charge. I can see it now, a female Captain in the army..."We can't take that hill General, I havn't a thing to wear! And, besides my combat boots clash with my hair! different colors and all."

I do have to admit, seriously, that women would be more apt to do away with war altogether. War is a "guy thing" and women lack the testosterone to be good at blowing innocents to hell.

01 Nov 02 - 03:03 PM (#816250)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Jeri

Nice troll, Kendall! My guess is the woman captain would have more problems with the male tank drivers getting lost and not asking for directions. Combat boots are basic black and go with everything.

I tend to think that, during a war, there's more shooting done by folks who are pissing themselves, scared to death somebody's gonna spatter their guts any second - not the John Wayne "let's go kick us some ass" Hollywood bullshit that some folks seem to swallowed as reality. The folks that place people in situations where they must kill do so dispassionately. I tend to think that decisions to go to war aren't based on testosterone or even anger but for political or economic power.

01 Nov 02 - 03:17 PM (#816255)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: harpgirl

...yeah Kendall...I love a troll! can't think of a flame at the moment though...Friday has me burned out and I still have two more victims, I mean clients.. to go. But then I get to hear Bryan Bowers tonight at the Warehouse!!!

01 Nov 02 - 06:48 PM (#816407)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: DougR

Kendall: Jeb is going to lose? Do you feel your nose growing? :>)

John: I certainly hope you are not the Swami you paint yourself to be. Your scenario would be disastrous for the country!


01 Nov 02 - 07:21 PM (#816424)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Oh Dougalie, No doughnut. How do you spell disaster? That's right!...B-U-S-H... Think anyone in the Bush family plays banjo? Play Dixie for me will ya Dubaya?    ?;^)

01 Nov 02 - 07:30 PM (#816435)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Troll

Sorry Harpgirl. McBride. I'm a little out of touch right now. I've just been informed that I will be a grandfather in June.
As far as women ending war, I give you Catherine the Great, Catherine di Medici, Elinor of Aquitane, Mrs. Mandela and Maggie Thatcher for openers.
When you've been left for dead on Afghanistans plains,
And the women cone out to cut up what reamins,
Just roll to your rifle and blow out your brains,
and go to your grave like a soldier.
Rudyard Kipling


01 Nov 02 - 07:44 PM (#816449)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Bobert

Dougie is right, Kendall. This is *Florida*, my man! Not Maine! Might of fact, someone down there allready knows the exact final count...

Geeeze, K!?!?!...


01 Nov 02 - 08:45 PM (#816496)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: kendall

hehehehe you all bit! nyuk nyuk.
Jeri, I thought combat boots were brown?

01 Nov 02 - 08:48 PM (#816499)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Jeri

Only if you don't watch where you walk.

01 Nov 02 - 10:01 PM (#816549)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: DougR

Kendall: they were brown the last time I wore them. However, a lot can happen in fifty years or so.


02 Nov 02 - 12:01 AM (#816612)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: mg

I think the female general would be quite able to rip the female captain a new one. Or more likely have a major do the honors. mg

02 Nov 02 - 04:48 AM (#816671)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Jon Bartlett

Is Colin Powell, Democratic Candidate for Pres, 2004 a 1) prediction 2) wet dream or 3) nightmare to youse Americans?

02 Nov 02 - 08:36 AM (#816742)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: kendall

If he quits the oil gang, I'll vote for him.

02 Nov 02 - 09:12 AM (#816769)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction

Isn't he currently a Republican? I keep losing track.

02 Nov 02 - 01:03 PM (#816918)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Don Firth

Well, Eisenhower was a Republican (sort of), and he's the one who warned about the military-industrial complex. Obviously, nobody much listened to him.

Don Firth

02 Nov 02 - 01:27 PM (#816946)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: leprechaun

Combat boots are black. My hunting boots are brown. My stocking cap is bright orange. I have a prediction. Two weeks from today a huge seven-point bull elk is going to step into a clearing thirty yards from me and stand broadside.

02 Nov 02 - 02:49 PM (#816992)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Little Hawk

Oh, you heartless killer! :-) Just what I would have expected.

I have a prediction: We're going to get snow and freezing rain. Soon. It will be so bad, in fact, that you'll screw up your shot and miss the elk entirely.

- LH

02 Nov 02 - 02:55 PM (#816996)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: kendall

The old wrap around buckled combat boots were brown

03 Nov 02 - 03:24 AM (#817284)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: leprechaun

No, Little Hawk. I won't even shoot at the branch-antlered bull elk. I have a cow tag. I hope it snows, too. Easier to track 'em.

03 Nov 02 - 04:22 PM (#817649)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: DougR

Sinsull: I believe he has always been a Republican, and he will be a great Secretary of State in 2004.

Don: Nobody listened to Eisenhower? You crazy man! Every liberal in the country heard him when he made that remark, and they sure haven't let anybody forget it. I have heard, though I cannot confirm it, that many a liberal has gone to his/her grave with the words "Don't trust the Industrial Complex" engraved on their foreheads. :>)


05 Nov 02 - 12:47 AM (#818724)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: DougR

Kendall, if the latest CNN/New York Times poll is correct, you may well be right. Evidently the Republicans have a very good chance of retaining a majority in the House of Representatives, and a fair chance of regaining the majority in the Senate. If that happens, Kendall, I will personally crown you, "The Prophet, he who knows the future!"


05 Nov 02 - 06:56 PM (#819442)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction

I predict that Kendall will get his voice back and WOW us at the 2003 Getaway. I predict that the Patons will win the Lottery and flood the CD market with GREAT MUSIC! I predict that Mudcat will be cancer free forever. I predict that Max, courtesy of the Patons, will move into a fifteen room mansion and finally get loki out of the dining room. I predict that by midnight Friday, most of us will forget who won what election and watch network TV relatively ad-free once again. I sound like Orson Welles at the end of "The Robe". Anymore predictions? If Kendall can troll his own thread, I can misdirect it...slightly.

05 Nov 02 - 07:34 PM (#819472)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Bill D

wow, SINSULL, those are predictions to die, LIVE for....if they all work, you get my vote to be hostess of Psychic Friends Network!

05 Nov 02 - 07:35 PM (#819474)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Bill D

(yes...I KNOW 'psychic' ain't the same as 'precognition'...still...)

05 Nov 02 - 09:19 PM (#819530)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: DougR

Well, it's a bit too early to predict yet, but it appears there is going to be very little change at this point.

Uh, Jeb Bush is projected a winner in Florida, though, as is the former much admired Secretary of State in Florida. I really thought they would have a much more difficult time of it, but then the competition ...well, I guess I shouldn't have worried.

I'm glad Jeb won because when George retires to his ranch in Crawford, Jeb can take over in Washington! :>)


05 Nov 02 - 09:43 PM (#819537)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Little Hawk

Gahhh! You really know how to chill the blood of both liberals and free leftist radicals, Doug! The only way I can respond to that is once again to suggest that you imagine Hilary as President in 2004 or 2008.

- LH

05 Nov 02 - 09:48 PM (#819541)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: kendall


McBride blew it. It was his to lose, and he did it. Jeb destroyed him in the debate because he didn't make up a bunch of crap to confuse the voters. He should take lessons from the republicans.

05 Nov 02 - 10:14 PM (#819556)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Bobert

What, Kendall, you're not talkin'...ahhhh...fuzzy thinkin', are you?


05 Nov 02 - 10:21 PM (#819562)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: DougR

Hillary in 2004? 2008? Libby Dole just won the senate seat held by Jessie Helms. A new star on the horizon! I wouldn't count on Bill doing funny things in the oval office in 2004 or 2008 just yet! :>)


06 Nov 02 - 05:16 AM (#819707)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Troll

Jeb won Florida. The NDC hasn't filed any protests as yet but the night is still young.
You can bet that Hillary will run even though she promised the voters of New York she wouldn't. It will suddenly be announced that she and Bill have been on a "listening tour" and that the people of the US WANT her to run. How do I know this?
Because that's what they did when Bill ran for President after promising the people of Arkansas that he would serve his FULL TERM as Governor. And that's what they did when Hillary "suddenly" changed her mind about running for the Senate in N.Y.
Look for it to happen again.


06 Nov 02 - 02:10 PM (#820125)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: DougR

Troll, you may prove to be a better fortune teller than Kendall was when he predicted the Republican take-over. I have no doubt Hillary will respond to the groundswell of support she will receive to run in 2004. Frankly, I hope she does. There is no one I would rather see Bush defeat more than Hillary (unless its Daschle, Lieberman, Hart, McGovern, Bobert, or Ted Kennedy.)


06 Nov 02 - 02:25 PM (#820147)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: NicoleC

At this point, Hillary is really the only remotely viable Dem candidate for 2004. The pickings are slim.

06 Nov 02 - 03:23 PM (#820191)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Don Firth

Still a valid warning.

Don Firth

06 Nov 02 - 07:29 PM (#820342)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Kim C

Kendall, there's plenty of women Captains in the Army, and at least one General! ;-)

Don't underestimate the power of a woman in a corner. Especially one who's defending her children.

Women leaders would probably do away with war - but replace it with something worse. Like, No Sex. heheheheh (hey, don't laugh, it worked for those women in Turkey who wanted plumbing in their village!)

06 Nov 02 - 07:40 PM (#820348)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: kendall

Another prediction. Hillary will not run, and if she did, she would be roundly trounced. If my party nominates her, I will become an independent.

06 Nov 02 - 07:47 PM (#820351)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: harpgirl

don't laugh, Kim...if women could really do that we wouldn't be doomed to all die of AIDS! At least Hillary had the foresight to see how much Americans need universal health care!

I'll kiss DougR's ass if the Republicans solve our health care coverage and costs problems! Not to mention the worldwide AIDS scourge. Oh wait, DougR's Republicans are going to make men stop raping women all over the world! Yeah right!

06 Nov 02 - 07:52 PM (#820354)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: NicoleC

Compared to Bill, I think Hillary would make a better President. Since I'm not a fan of Bill, that's not saying much, but she does have the brains and toughness to handle the task. I'd rather Hillary have to set a good track record in the Senate before making a run, though, so potential voters can suss out what she might be like instead of just being "Bill's wife." I think equating Bill's politics with Hillary's might be a serious error.

There is a certain reluctance in me to send a former First Lady to the White House. It doesn't violate the letter of the law when it comes to term limits, but it certainly violates the spirit.

06 Nov 02 - 08:00 PM (#820364)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction

If it becomes a choice between Lizzie and Hillary, even I would change parties. Ole Bill is amoral; in my opinion, Hillary is downright dishonest and lied for him at every opportunity beyond the usual politics.

06 Nov 02 - 08:05 PM (#820371)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Little Hawk

Y'know, it's a real act of faith to believe that the key people in your chosen party are all good, and the key people in the opposing party are all liars, fools, jerks, scoundrels, etc... Never fails to amaze me how people can perform such a fatuous act of faith.

It's kind of touching, really. Sort of like believing in Santa Claus and the Grinch...or Jehovah and Satan.

Party politics is an organized religion.'s civil warfare without the guns and bombs. As we all know, the first casualty in war is the Truth.

The biggest obstacle in Hilary's way to becoming president would be her gender. I think it's virtually inconceivable that the American public would vote in a woman as president...yet. In this respect, America lags behind much of the world. Even some predominantly Islamic countries have had a female head of state! Yet in the USA it remains very, very unlikely to this day.

Such is the power of tradition and habitual thought patterns. We are far from achieving true equality, but we keep moving hesitantly forward.

- LH

06 Nov 02 - 08:08 PM (#820372)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: harpgirl

I would like to see a race between Hillary and Elizabeth Dole, as soon as possible, for president. But first let's see what Liz does in Congress.

06 Nov 02 - 08:22 PM (#820379)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: NicoleC

Two ladies who, despite their own qualifications, are running on the coattails of their husbands because there isn't a chance in hell they'd have their current positions without their husbands?

*sigh* I'm not sure that would be a step forward for women.

06 Nov 02 - 08:30 PM (#820382)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Little Hawk

Unfortunately, you won't see that as long as the "old boys" club continues running the show. In Canada we had the experience of a female leader in the Conservative Party once...on an occasion when that party (which was still clinging to power) had not a chance in hell of winning the next election.

She was a sacrificial lamb. Pure and simple. They will nominate a female for the top spot, if they figure they most likely can't win anway. The Old Boys don't want one of their own to go down in the fray if they can possibly avoid it...

What worries me in Hilary's case is that the Democrats might run her under precisely those kind of circumstances. If, on the other hand, the Republicans really screw up and lose popular support in the next 2 years, the Democrats would be more likely to do the usual thing, and run a male candidate for president.

- LH

06 Nov 02 - 08:35 PM (#820386)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Tweed

Here's my prediction...
During the next six years, "W" will have attacked Iraq, there will be terrible civilian losses, ordinary Muslims will go crazy with hatred of things American, there will be more bombings in the US, companies will be unable to afford terrorist insurance (required by law to have by this time)jobs will be hard to keep and find, I will be 56 and living under a bridge, my 401K plan having gone into negative numbers three years earlier. The Green Party (rumoured to be a Republican invention, see story in the Washington Post,October 30, 2008) will have syphoned off votes from real candidates again during the 2008 election and President Neal Bush will take the oath, and spend what's left of Social Security on wild cocaine and sex parties in the partially bombed out White House.
Happy days are here again!

06 Nov 02 - 08:48 PM (#820394)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: NicoleC

LH, you may have a point. On the other hand, I think HC is savvy enough to see through that -- she may still choose to run under those circumstances, but I would doubt she'd be fooled.

Tweed, if your prediction comes true, I may have a lot easier time convincing Californians that we need to and can manage to secede. At the moment though, the benefits outweigh the damages.

I do, however, object the phrase "real candidate" when used in reference to only Dems and Repubs. :)

06 Nov 02 - 08:51 PM (#820397)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Tweed

I apologize darlin' NicoleC, I'm not my usual self today. And you are completely correct in objecting to that remark.

06 Nov 02 - 08:52 PM (#820398)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well, I hope you get the second part of the double, kendall.

06 Nov 02 - 10:15 PM (#820448)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: harpgirl

I disagree with you Nicole. The quickest way to the top for women in this country, with power ambitions, is still on their husbands' coattails. There aren't any more powerful women in American politics who have gone it alone...hg

06 Nov 02 - 10:32 PM (#820453)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Bobert

Well, danged, Iz ready fir a woman Prez. Then we men could spend more time doing what men do best: ahhhh, drenkin', scratchin', arguin' about football and fightin'. Might a' fact, you all just take over the whole danged thing, while you're at it. Ya can't screw it no worser than we've managed to screw it up, thank you.


06 Nov 02 - 11:27 PM (#820480)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: NicoleC

Prediction: We will have a black President before a female one.

Harpgirl, I disagree. There are a few. I have two veteran female Senators of one of the most populous and richest states in the country, and neither one has a husband in politics.

The wives just get more press.

Bobert, I have a plan for you. We'll make it illegal for men to vote, be lawyers, hold public office, and in most cases aren't entitled to public education. We'll keep you around to clean the house and for reproductive services.

Sound crazy? 100 years ago, that was the way it was for women. I don't seriously think a female government would be much better -- women can be just as greedy, power-hungry and backstabbing as men -- but I doubt women would do any worse!

06 Nov 02 - 11:54 PM (#820489)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: DougR

Nicole: a personal question that you do not have to answer of course: do you not like men?

Harpgirl, I'm a bit particular who I allow to kiss my ass, particularly if they are Democrats, but I'll make an exception with you. Okay, you have my permission. :>)


07 Nov 02 - 08:02 AM (#820645)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: harpgirl

Nick: The only way to test your hypothesis is for women to be equally represented in governments around the world by other women. Declaring they are just as "bad" as men is (y)our way of dodging the issue!

DougR: Like I said sweety, if your republican boys deliver the goods for any disaffected groups (read:anyone but rich old white republicans and their trophy wives and the ones too expensive to get rid of)I'll lay a wet one on your wrinkled, bony, rich, white republican ass! Step up to the plate old boy!

07 Nov 02 - 08:14 AM (#820653)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Steve Parkes

We though we were beginning to understand how your "politics" works, Earthlings, but now you confuse us again. Jeb got most of the votes, but he still gets elected? That wasn't how his brother did it, surely?

Steve, pp Vtese from planet Skarep

07 Nov 02 - 09:26 AM (#820692)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Troll

Harpgirl, re. Hillary and universal health care, her plan was so screwed up that she couldn't even get her own party to approve it.
As the popular bumper sticker of the day said: "Who Elected Her?"


07 Nov 02 - 05:09 PM (#821071)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: DougR

Harp Girl: Surely you must have me confused with Bobert. My ass ain't bony. Actually, I have been told I have great buns, and not by a guy either. :>)


07 Nov 02 - 07:24 PM (#821149)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction

Are you going to sell tickets to the great ass kissing?

07 Nov 02 - 08:35 PM (#821201)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Troll

Yup. Dial 1-800-Ass-Kiss. Ask for the Bun-Lip operator.


07 Nov 02 - 08:40 PM (#821205)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Troll

BTW, Mention Mudcat and get a 10% discount.
All proceedes go to support the Mudcat Cafe and the Digital Tradition.
Please order your tickets early in order to get a seat with the best view of the proceedings. Reserved seating only.


07 Nov 02 - 08:51 PM (#821211)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: NicoleC

HG: I agree. And it's not likely to happen any time soon. But I can say that individual women can share the same traits as men. When dealing with people in positions of power, the common denominator seems to be politics and being a politician, not gender. Of course that may be because women in politics have to be able to act like men to get ahead, I don't know.

Doug: I think men are swell!

But in regard to my political views re: women (which is what I'm guessing you are refering to), I live in a society that is fundamentally hostile to women while patting itself on the back for being so progressive. And even though most individuals I encounter are not overtly or consciously sexist, when placed in groups both men and women play out roles in which are inherently prejudicial to women.

For example, it would be unthinkable for drugs that treat prostate problems to be excluded from health plans, yet many plans don't cover HRT or birth control pills. They'll charge a woman between 20-40 twice the rate for health insurance because she could have a baby, and they'll pay for $40,000 worth of maternity care... but not cover common birth control methods. A woman who is pregnant will be denied medical coverage, but the man who got her pregnant will not.

Now, I could go on about THAT subject for a long time... maybe another thread. But to come back to politics and women in positions of powers --

Hillary was reviled because she dared have an opinion -- First Ladies always pick a "cause." If she had picked some safe, female cause like teaching kids to read, no one would have accused her of interfering in government. Instead, she picked a thorny, critical issue like health care and was taking insults before she made her first proposal.

07 Nov 02 - 09:02 PM (#821218)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Little Hawk

LOL! This stuff about Doug's God... The common vernacular in 21st century America is really something. This is the first civilization with so little class as to call a military victory "kicking ass". I think that the American population has some kind of anal fixation, that's what I think...

Nicole - I think you are dead right. A black president is far more likely than a female president at this point.

- LH

07 Nov 02 - 09:23 PM (#821227)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Troll

NicoleC, Hillary was and is reviled because she was and is a blatant liar with about as much respect and compassion for anyone who cannot further her agenda as I have for cockroaches. The same can be said for a lot of politicians but she set herself up for it. Her true colors came out with her "we are the President" statement.
Nearly all First Ladies take a certain amount of flak but the Clinton "Co-Presidency" guaranteed it.
If she had come up with a viable idea for universal health care, it would have stood a good chance of passage no matter who had suggested it. But as it stood, even the Democrats rejected it. As I understand it, the Dems along could no have passed it. Since the Reps were against it, all the Dems could have voted for it no matter how they really felt and have presented a united party front. The Reps could have been blamed for the loss.
Why didn't they do that? Why did so many Democrats vote against Hillary's Health Care Bill?


07 Nov 02 - 09:56 PM (#821243)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Little Hawk

They were probably scared of the implications. I mean, what if they ended up like "Soviet Canuckistan" (Canada, in the words of an American talk show host recently), and actually had FREE medicare!

Yikes! Rampant socialism! Next step the kremlin... :-)

But I don't actually know the details of Hilary's plan...what exactly was she proposing, troll?

- LH

07 Nov 02 - 10:44 PM (#821269)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: NicoleC

Her plan wasn't too hot. Of course, no one offered a counter-proposal. My point was that they were complaining about it before they even knew what it was.

Heck, they were complaining about her before she even hit the White House! Nancy Reagan was far more active in the government than Hillary was, yet no one ever made "Who Elected Nancy" bumoper stickers. Rosalynn rewrote Jimmy's speeches and sat in Cabinet meetings. Edith Wilson ran the west wing while Woodrow was laid up with a stroke, helped negotiate the League of Nations Treaty, and was praised in the media as a capable 'President.' Lady Bird Johnson pissed off people everywhere by trying to get women included in the Civil Rights Act, way ahead of her time. Eleanor, of course, is the started by which all First Ladies are judged.

The difference? Nancy dressed in those little suits and always acted so demure. Hillary never made any bones about her capabilities or intelligence or education, and folks *hated* her for it.

Hmmm... I'd vote for Nancy as President :)

07 Nov 02 - 10:51 PM (#821274)
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
From: Bobert

Opps, wrong room.

Hey, whatz you all doing in here anyway?



(Hey, Bobert, wahddayathink them folks is doing in there. I mean did you see Doug with his pants....)


(Well, Bobert, did ya' see Ms. Clinton and...)


(Well, did ya' happen to notice that....
