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BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!

01 Nov 02 - 08:11 PM (#816463)
Subject: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: GUEST,fortunato at home

Today I had a biopsy (sp?)of a spot on my tongue. It may well be just one of the infections I've caught by kissing TOO MANY PRETTY GIRLS, but the docs think I should have it tested...

I think all of my mudcat friends, especially 'spaw and Rick and Kendall, and I'm sure others, know how I'm feeling. In a week or so I'll know if it's the big "C". And since, as you all know, music and singing (along with my wife, my children and all of you guys) is my life, well it's a bit of a !@#$ing pain in the ass.

I be very grateful if I could talk about it with my friends here on the Mudcat and around the world. And if you have prayers (to ANY GOD) or kind wishes, or just want to "kick the bobo", I'd be most grateful for your kind attentiin.

Thanks, your friend always, chance.

01 Nov 02 - 08:14 PM (#816468)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Morticia

Very best,extra special healing thoughts going out to you {{{hugs}}},please keep us posted.

01 Nov 02 - 08:17 PM (#816472)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: greg stephens

Well, chance, I just had a lot of tests on something a damn sight more important than my tongue, I can tell you. Took two years of probes Xrays, the lot, pure terror. And well, I passed OK in the end, and it's all in working order. Hang in there, an ugly bastard like you is going to scare the world for a while yet.

01 Nov 02 - 08:17 PM (#816473)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Amos

That bobo is done for he's been kicked so hard, man!! He don't stand a chance.

Your tongue is just annoyed at you for something or other, fibbing, jalapenos, over-heated coffee -- ask it!-- but I am mighty sure there's no C involved, FWIW.

Don't let authoritarian figures in white coats make you nervous, unless they start talking about the benefits of electro-convulsive therapy!!

Hot beams of the best stuff coming atacha, buddy.


01 Nov 02 - 08:18 PM (#816474)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Leadfingers

Most of 'em arent the nasty one and if they are they can be sorted if they're caught early.Optimistic healing thoughts go out to you.

01 Nov 02 - 08:22 PM (#816478)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Fortunato

1000 thanks for the positive thoughts my friends...

01 Nov 02 - 08:24 PM (#816479)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Bobert

Yo, Chance. I'm sure you'll be just fine but I'll ask the Big Guy to bring you a level of comfort and peace while you await the good news. These things are almost always beniegn but worrisome at the time.

Keep us posted, my friend.

Love from both me and the P-Vine...


01 Nov 02 - 08:28 PM (#816486)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Fortunato

No, that's 5,ooo thanks...

Oh and Greg Stephens, I'm glad ol' Willie is up to snuff. Tongue's are one thing and the 'wandering willie' is another...

give the beautiful Kate a big ol' kiss for me (don't you forget to tell her who it's from!)

and thanks, chum.

01 Nov 02 - 08:29 PM (#816488)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Fortunato

thanks, bobert, please tell the beautiful P-Vine, I think of her and you often. Hope to see you both somewhere soon.


01 Nov 02 - 08:39 PM (#816492)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: kendall

After facing my own mortality for the past year or so, I have had a chance to learn something. The fact is, most of these things are not cancer, and those that are, if caught in time, can be cured.
Every day brings some kind of breakthrough, and, it is really amazing what the medical profession can do these days. Chin up old man, positive energy heals, and that is what prayer is. We are all with you Mate, and this is one hell of a gang to be on the good side of.

01 Nov 02 - 08:41 PM (#816494)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Tinker

Chance, it's always such a joy to watch you at Getaway.... you just have too damn much fun all day.... Sending this out wrapped in blessings and prayers... You'll be in my prayers til we hear more...


01 Nov 02 - 08:57 PM (#816506)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Hi, Chance... good to talk to you. I tell ya, Chance... if you sneeze, they do a biopsy... I believe you have the little "i", buddy.
Just to help the days go easier, I join Bobert in sending up Big Time prayers.. as does Ruth...

Have some lovely pictures of you and Susette at the Roayl Mile which I'll e-mail to you..


01 Nov 02 - 10:08 PM (#816557)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Sorcha

Beams at the bobo, here........

01 Nov 02 - 10:37 PM (#816573)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Janie

Won't say 'don't worry', cuz you can't help but do that, at least some. Just remember that the only thing worry will do is make you feel bad. It will have no effect on the biopsy results.

Prayers, including my own, are flying around all over the place for you now.


01 Nov 02 - 10:53 PM (#816584)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: mmb

There's a regular 'catter who may not have seen this yet, who has had a similar experience with his vocal chords (cords?) and may be able to offer some shared wisdom. If you'll PM me your email address, I'll fwd it to him, since I don't know whether or not he's shared his experience on the group.   Best wishes! M.

01 Nov 02 - 10:57 PM (#816585)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Ebbie

Adding my good thoughts to those above. Statistically the chance (ha!) is very good that this is but a glitch on your journey, something to look back upon. But we're surrounding you with light and power all the same, you betcha. Be well.

01 Nov 02 - 10:57 PM (#816586)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Rick Fielding

FRIGGIN' HELL, CHANCE! ARE YOU TRYIN' TO JOIN OUR LITTLE CLUB? Well it's gonna take more than one little bump on your tongue! Hell, I waited soooo long to see a doctor that they practically told me that I'd be exchanging my Martin for a harp! Well.....I got through it, AND quit the evil weed in the process.....

....And here I've got a NEW Martin, and the only harps I'm gonna play for a while are diatonic ones.......nahhhh you'll be fine. If you DO have to fight a battle or two, Kendall and I will let you be in our trio! (no Hawaiian shirts though!)



01 Nov 02 - 11:22 PM (#816596)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Peg

Think positive thoughts. I know that sounds corny but it will help prveent you from geting sick in more mundane ways. More than likely this is nothing and having it looked at early on is the best thing to have done. Call on your friends and loved ones for suppoort; they will be happy to give it!

I had a scare a few years ago with pre-cancerous cell growth, in my 20s. Got them removed. So far so good, must get it checked out with Pap smears yearly, etc. But it IS scary (somehow more so with the reproductive organs, I think) and it is okay to acknowledge that...don't ignore it but use your obsessive thoughts to learn more, to find ways of dealing with that stress.

good luck! The Mudcatters are all rooting for you.


01 Nov 02 - 11:52 PM (#816609)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Duckboots


I'll bet it's that Euphala (sp?) liquour you told me about! Time to water it down, maybe?

I'll be thinking about you and sending good thoughts your way.


01 Nov 02 - 11:53 PM (#816610)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: alison

good thought, and prayers from over here too...

I had a scare a few weeks back, thankfully it turned out to be OK.... but it helped knowing people were beaming good thoughts my way......



02 Nov 02 - 12:15 AM (#816617)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Alice

Chance, get everything checked out asap and take care of yourself. Alison, glad to hear that you are OK.



02 Nov 02 - 01:32 AM (#816634)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: GutBucketeer


I'm sure it will turn out to be ok. As they say above, most turn out to be benign. I know for certain, that the scariest thing that you can do is have to sit through all of the things the doctor thinks it could be, and they just have to tell you in order to protect themselves.

Let me know if we can do anything. Stopped by trick-or-treating last night but one of your sons came to the door (dark hair).


02 Nov 02 - 02:29 AM (#816641)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Mudlark

Adding my good wishes, Chance, and positive thots on their way. Here's hoping your wait is short and your fears ungrounded.

02 Nov 02 - 03:51 AM (#816657)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Jeanie

Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts zooooooooming over to you !

- jeanie

02 Nov 02 - 07:20 AM (#816707)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Fortunato

Many thanks to all. I got up early just to read your kind thoughts. Incredible and heartwarming to reach so many friends through the Mudcat. I will focus on the positive ideas you have given me.

Thank you Jerry for your phone call, I was very glad to hear from you and Ruth last night. It really helped.

Thanks, Rick, but are you sure the Rick Fielding Trio with Kendall and I isn't three guys too ugly to be all in one spot?

Kendall you take care of that voice box, I expect to hear you sing danny boy next Getaway

Duckboots, I can't get that good Eufaula, Alabama moonshine up here too often, but I promise to take a good bit of branch water with it in the future.

Hey, Gutbucket', sorry I missed you...were you costumed as the dreaded, middle-aged GS 14?

Alice and Alison and Peg and jeanie and Amos and Mudlark and mmb and Sorcha and Morticia and Greg and Ebbie and Janie and Bobert, (and anyone I've missed) thanks so very much. Tinker as Bill Kirchen says: "I ain't never had too much fun". But I surely have tried...

Great appreciation and love to all.   Chance

02 Nov 02 - 07:36 AM (#816715)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!

Chance, best wishes for a full clear-up of whatever the hell it is.


02 Nov 02 - 08:14 AM (#816732)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: catspaw49

I got nothin' but positive thoughts for you Chance! Whatever it is you'll come through the other end just fine. It was probably just one of those things you can't remember that was stuck on the tip of your tongue and laid there so long it got infected........


02 Nov 02 - 08:14 AM (#816733)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: black walnut

Waiting for the results is agonizing. I know. All the very best....


02 Nov 02 - 09:01 AM (#816760)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Tinker

Chance, I've got the camera set up next to the computer and I'm watching that "ugly" trio as I type. ( Video from Rick's concert at Getaway...) Camera didn't break and it sounds real fine... but I vote for no excess demon wrestlin' and a definate yes on the Hawaiian shirts... Keep grinnnin'

02 Nov 02 - 09:11 AM (#816766)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!

I am surprised Kendall hasn't told you to switch from frogs to llamas.
For what it is worth, I know many people who have gone through similar tests usually on the advice of a dentist who noticed the spot. None had cancer. But best to have it looked at. Try to stay positive while waiting for the results. We are all sending good thoughts your way.
As to next year - I expect you to provide black hats and white suits for the other members of the trio. Very sexy! How will the ladies stand it?

02 Nov 02 - 10:04 AM (#816797)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: katlaughing

Chancedarlin', sorry I am come so late to your thread. We've got a candle lit for a couple of other folks, will add you to the list and am giving thanks, right now, for the best possible outcome and sending lots of positive healing thoughts your way. Listen to the Cap't. ...he knows what he's talking about when he says Positive energy heals and we do have lots of that here at the Mudcat!:-)

Like Peg, I had pre-cancerous problems many years ago and have been fine, despite the fact that my mother actually had cancer. She went on to survive with no return of it, for almost 30 years, with the only the treatments which were available in the early 70's. I also had an aunt who lived to be over 90 and was a "C" survivor.

BUT, we will *see* you healthy and well with no need for any of that. May it be so!


02 Nov 02 - 11:58 AM (#816869)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Murph10566

Serious Prayers, Best Wishes, Harmonious Thoughts...


02 Nov 02 - 12:09 PM (#816877)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Rick Fielding

the "Rick Fielding Trio"????

Not a chance, Chance (by the way, isn't it about time you told us about yer name?!) Kendall's the oldest (by at least five decades) so it would have to be "Kendall and the Boys".

Of course nobody actually KNOWS whether Spaw can play or not.....just talking about yer dulcimers etc. means nuttin', so he'd have to audition.

Can't invite Rasmussen in, 'cause he'll bring his damn electric guitar....although he apparently writes ten songs a day, so that'd be helpful.

Hang tuff guy.


02 Nov 02 - 12:12 PM (#816880)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: 53

the very best to you in this situation'

02 Nov 02 - 12:19 PM (#816887)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: CarolC

Good luck with this, Chance. We'll be thinking about you and sending our best thoughts and wishes from here in the sunny south.

02 Nov 02 - 01:14 PM (#816931)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Mr Red

Well I guess suggesting playing a few licks is in bad taste. **BG**

02 Nov 02 - 02:58 PM (#816999)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Fortunato

Thanks very much, Seamus.

Hey 'spaw, old chum, you could be right about the tip of the tongue, although I suspect it was that lady with the blonde wig and the boa constrictor...

Yea, Black Walnut it circles in your mind...but I'm trying to focus on the fact that my son Ian is out with MY CAR, ALONE for the first time...less stressful? Thanks.

Tinker you must have an industrial strength camera there. Can I get an instant replay?

Thanks. You're right SINSULL it was my dentist, Stanley, who's quite a good character actor here in DC theatre and not a bad tooth driller either, who wanted me to have my tongue plugged. (Like a watermelon, see?)

Thanks, Catlaughing, for the kind words of encouragement.

And thanks to you Murph, first I've noticed your moniker, and welcome to the Mudcat.

Hey Brother Fielding we can make it the Mudcat Tabernacle Choir, I think 'spaw and Jerry would look good in those purple robes, it would lend them a little dignity...Kendall can't help how old he is, he was born a long time ago, see.

Thank you 53, for your encouragement, always glad to hear from you..

Hey CarolC is it warm enough to play your squeeze box on the patio? I'm envious. big hug.

Mr. Red, bad taste has never slowed me's put me where I am today!?! Want to see my stitches?

02 Nov 02 - 10:41 PM (#817218)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: GUEST,Muse

Interesting to think that a gargoyle is often a grotesque face masking a spout from a gutter. Now why choose that name!

02 Nov 02 - 11:18 PM (#817225)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Mary in Kentucky

PM on the way to Chance. Warm thoughts, good wishes, prayers all help. Not every person gets to experience an overt expression of love in this lifetime.

02 Nov 02 - 11:47 PM (#817232)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Stilly River Sage

Fortunato/Chance, Best wishes with the speedy identification of the "spot." You're on the cusp of joining an elite club of cancer survivors. Hopefully you won't join our club, but at least if you do, you'll know that there are a lot of us who lived to tell you that it is entirely curable!

(Gargoyle, this is deja vu all over again. If you don't like the topic, don't open the thread.)


03 Nov 02 - 12:06 AM (#817241)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Ebbie

<"em>In decades past, (within polite and cultured society,) such afflictions were not waved aloft like an emblem of commiserate superiority."

Obviously, you know all about "polite and cultured society". LOL- and NOT witcha.

03 Nov 02 - 01:23 AM (#817267)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Joe Offer

Gargoyle, I deleted your note in this thread, and I seriously considered deleting several others.
Cool it.
-Joe Offer-

03 Nov 02 - 01:46 AM (#817274)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Big Mick

Chance, keep your head right, my friend. Ask Rick or Kendall, or any number of others. And know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Tune on the old Low D tomorrow night from my favorite hill.

All the best,


03 Nov 02 - 11:07 AM (#817414)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Fortunato

Thanks for the PMs and kind words here all. It means a lot to me. I wish I could answer them all individually, but I won't forget the people who care. Ever.

all the best, Chance

03 Nov 02 - 11:21 AM (#817418)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Rick Fielding

Thank you Joe. That's as angry as I've ever gotten on Mudcat.

Chance, I wasn't going to get into this, but one of the results of my 'dodging a bullet' earlier this year, is that every three months or so (probably for the rest of my life) I'm going to have to go to the hospital for tests, just to make sure......

Every visit to the hospital is a bit scary...UNTIL I think of the folks who have no family, and no friends (or who have outlived both) who ALSO have to make that same trip for a check up. You have a lot of support, my friend, and whatever stuff goes steamrolling through your mind....just remember, "I've been there, and so have a number of your Mudcat buddies". It'll pass.



03 Nov 02 - 06:18 PM (#817716)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Fortunato

Thanks, Rick. I will remember. Best of luck to you, my friend. We have much to be grateful for you and I. cheers, Chance.

03 Nov 02 - 06:50 PM (#817729)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Art Thieme

Just saw this. Be well, cyber-friend.

Art Thieme

03 Nov 02 - 08:46 PM (#817793)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: BH

My hopes for negative findings.

I don't know where you are---but if you are in the East (NY/NJ/CT) area and should results not turn out as hoped for by you and all of us I could recommend a MD that is the most caring and expert one can find in this area of expertise. I know that from personal experience---but would rather not discuss it here.\

Bill Hahn

03 Nov 02 - 09:20 PM (#817807)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Bill D

don't know how I missed this...except I wasn't at the computer!

Durn, ARE the silver-tongued devil! Can't have tarnished silver, can we?...Waiting is a pain, but if good wishes mean anything, you'll be better than ever!!

03 Nov 02 - 09:33 PM (#817820)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: momnopp

Holding you in the light, friend Chance.



03 Nov 02 - 09:46 PM (#817827)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Bluesmike

Just thinking of you and identifying. Five years ago I was told "you are dying and there is nothing I can do for you. Weeeeell I lost a lung and started to LIVE- still being a pain in the arse. Don't cross your bridges until you come to them mate.
Best wishes from the land of OZ
Michael Chandler
Live every minute as though it is your last

03 Nov 02 - 10:12 PM (#817846)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Allan C.

Let me add my own best wishes to the many above. I admire you greatly for having the courage to get this thing checked out. Too many have waited too long, you know. Thanks also for sharing your thoughts with us. I know we all are in anticipation of learning of future developments; but none so much as you, I am sure.

Good thoughts are on the way.

03 Nov 02 - 11:01 PM (#817863)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: mmb

How fortunate we are NOT to be living "in decades past" when cultural constraints would have prevented the sharing of fears - and triumphs - that we see in this thread!

In my short time on board the Mudcat Community I have seen the sharing of musical knowledge, memories, calendar items and jokes; I have seen the effort to help the Patons after the theft from their cash box; and I have even strained my eyes through a passionate 24+ hour disputation of grammar and sytax. And now in this thread I have seen a level of trust that permits a member to share real fear, and be surrounded with the empathy of others who've known the same fear and awaited the same test results, as well as the encouragement of those of us who hope we are never in the same situation.

Maybe not the cultured society of the past, but a culture we are fortunate to share today. M.

04 Nov 02 - 12:49 AM (#817901)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Genie

Fortunato, 13 years ago I had a mole removed from my calf and biopsied. It turned out to be a #2 malignant melanoma, which could have metastisized to the bones if left to its own devices. But it appears they got the li'l bugger in time, since I've had no recurrences since.

I tell you this to underscore the fact that, even if you do have "the big C," it's not necessarily a death sentence. Often they can remove a small cancer in its entirety before it spreads.

I really hope that your biopsy turns out negative.   Even if it does not, we'll all be praying for it to be treated in time. Easier said than done, of course, but please don't be unnecessarily alarmed. Let us all hope for, and visualize, the best outcome for you.


04 Nov 02 - 10:35 AM (#817999)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: GUEST,Fortunato

I am continually amazed and grateful for the all the warm support here. Again a million thanks to you all. If there is a world gathering of Mudcatters ( I don't know where that stands), I will be there to thank you all in person, alive and well I believe. sincerely, Chance.

04 Nov 02 - 10:48 AM (#818012)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: rock chick

Been there, not on the tongue though, it is worrying but remember we are all with you and most of these things turn out ok, your doc was great to get it checked out, there are many so called 'doctors' out there who would have thought little about it, calm thoughts inner body control, and positive thinking, meditate if you feel your heads thinking too much, meditation is a great healer in itself or just log on and chat

Will be thinking of you

Keep us posted

04 Nov 02 - 11:25 AM (#818077)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: jeffp

Thinking positive thoughts for a negative test.


04 Nov 02 - 12:11 PM (#818131)
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
From: Hollowfox

I just saw this. You've got the good thoughts now, and a candle tonight after work to remind me to send a few more. Keep us posted, Mary