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What famous musician(s) do you resemble?

15 Nov 02 - 04:46 PM (#827249)
Subject: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Little Hawk

Okay, take a good look at yourself and the music you play. Is it reminiscent of any famous musician(s)? How about your physical appearance? Your clothing? Your voice? The themes you sing about? Your lifestyle? Go to it, Mudcatters!

In my case:

1. Physically, I look a LOT like George Harrison did (and would even more so if I were to grow a mustache). I look a fair bit like Dylan too, mostly because I'm thin and have the wild hairdo, but I look more like Harrison, facially speaking. I'm taller than Dylan.

2. My songs, both lyrically and thematically are sometimes a whole lot like Dylan, sometimes not...and sometimes a bit like Buffy Sainte-Marie (although that is not too easy).

3. My voice? Maybe a bit like John Denver/Jackson Browne/Bob Dylan...all mixed up together. Not near so rough as Dylan, but a bit edgier than Denver. I envy Jackson Browne's clarity and range...hell of a good voice. I can't quite match his stretch on the high end.

4. My lifestyle? Like no one else I have ever heard of...but really quite sober and reasonable for all that. My material requirements are simple. I've never owned a TV, and didn't have a CD player until the late 90's sometime. I got by with records and tapes till the damn prices came down a bit. Don't have a DVD player for the same reason. You don't miss these things a bit if you choose to ignore them.

How about you?

- LH

15 Nov 02 - 05:19 PM (#827282)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Little Hawk


NOBODY on Mudcat except me resembles any famous musician? Geez, whatta boring bunch y'all must be... :-)

- LH

15 Nov 02 - 05:33 PM (#827294)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Bert

Ol' 'Spaw is the spittin' image of John Denver. Or I should say of John Denver when he was alive.

15 Nov 02 - 05:36 PM (#827297)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: mg


15 Nov 02 - 05:41 PM (#827301)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: dorareever

I don't think I look/sing/write as anybody.But maybe someone else would find a famous look-a-like:

very petite pale brunette with a powerful low voice singing folk-rock ditties about aliens,nuclear pollution and some goth-ish country-blues stuff about universal themes such as love,hate,death and life.:)

Is this similar to someone famous? I dunno...

15 Nov 02 - 05:46 PM (#827304)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Little Hawk

Yikes! That's a pretty devastating combination, dorareever. I gotta watch it if you're ever around my neighborhood...

Bert - Yeah, Spaw does look like John Denver.

- LH

15 Nov 02 - 06:03 PM (#827323)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: CarolC

Frank Zappa.

15 Nov 02 - 06:04 PM (#827324)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: CarolC


15 Nov 02 - 06:06 PM (#827328)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: CraigS

I can't do it now, but when I was younger I could sing like Robert Plant. I can still sing like Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull.

Unfortunately, I look like Grandad Boswell (Bread), and can sound like him, too.

15 Nov 02 - 06:10 PM (#827331)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I've been accused of looking a bit like Jerry Garcia. My hair (what I have left of it) and beard have more than "A Touch of Gray" and I often wear reading glasses that I peek over the tops of as Jerry used to do. However, I don't have Jerry's nose and I'm a lot taller.

If you want to judge for yourself, here's my photo in the member's photo section.


15 Nov 02 - 06:11 PM (#827332)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Little Hawk

Nobody resembles Frank Zappa. Damn good thing too.

- LH

15 Nov 02 - 06:29 PM (#827352)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: JohnInKansas

I get a lot of "You look just like Willie Nelson," especially from the younger generation. But I think anyone with long hair, who's very old, and a little sloppy about their appearance will get that. The resemblance disappears when I start to play....


15 Nov 02 - 06:43 PM (#827364)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Little Hawk


- LH

15 Nov 02 - 06:52 PM (#827375)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: katlaughing

Bruce, WAY better than Jerry!:-)

15 Nov 02 - 06:53 PM (#827376)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: khandu

I look amazingly like William Shatner. My overall body build as well as my face are almost a clone of Shatner. My mannerisms and his are uncannily similar. Just check the Photo page to see the eerie resemblance.

I sing just like Leontyne Price. That is probably the Mississippi in both of us. Many of my songs have been mistakenly attributed to Irving Berlin. Even I get them confused.

My lifestyle is very much like Theodore Kaczynski, except I never mail anything to anyone. He was a bit more outgoing and gregarious than I.


15 Nov 02 - 07:07 PM (#827393)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Little Hawk

khandu - You are a rascal! There may be a valuable position waiting for you on the propaganda committee of the WSSBA. Actually, without the beard and mustache, you would look quite a bit like me.

- LH

15 Nov 02 - 08:25 PM (#827475)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Leadfingers

Before I got seriously into the hat thing people used to say I looked like Bill Oddy.but he used to be greyer than me.And hes a bit younger.
So I dont do Bird watching.

15 Nov 02 - 08:38 PM (#827495)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Jerry Rasmussen

People have said I look like Roger Whitaker (and sometimes like Dick Van Dyke..) Never underestimate the human imagination. The person I sound a lot like, and share a similar musical interest and feel for songwriting with is Jerry Rau, who is only slightly more famouser than me... which means six people might have heard of him.


15 Nov 02 - 08:42 PM (#827496)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: greg stephens

I look like James Dean. I sing like a combination of Leadbelly, Woody Guthrie, and Lonnie Donegan. And I root like a rattlesnake.

15 Nov 02 - 10:26 PM (#827570)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Maryrrf

I'm told all the time that I look like Reba MacIntyre. But I don't sing like her!

15 Nov 02 - 10:29 PM (#827571)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: greg stephens

That Katie off Fame Academy looks just like Kate Barfield

15 Nov 02 - 11:45 PM (#827604)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: JJ

When people I've never met stop me and ask if I'm Tom Paxton I tell them the truth -- I'm not. When they sing out, "Hi, Tom!" in passing I say "Hi!" back. I wouldn't want Tom to get a rep for being aloof.

16 Nov 02 - 12:15 AM (#827609)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: GUEST,Mickey191

I sing only in the shower- Think I look like Kate Smith--from the back! Slainte

16 Nov 02 - 01:26 AM (#827625)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: GUEST,Clint Keller

16 Nov 02 - 01:30 AM (#827626)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: GUEST,Clint Keller

Sorry: hit the wrong button.

I've been told I look like Jerry Garcia, but I think it's only the grey hair & beard. But I was actually mistaken for Utah Phillips once, & I 'm not sure I convinced the guy...I think he thought O' Utah was putting him on a little


16 Nov 02 - 02:19 AM (#827639)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Lonesome EJ

I have been told I look like

A)The lead singer for the Moody Blues

B)Kiefer Sutherland (does he play an instrument?)

C)Shawn Mullins

16 Nov 02 - 08:47 AM (#827667)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Jeanie

In the 60s, when The Seekers were at the height of their popularity, I was constantly being told how much I looked like Judith Durham. I pretended not to like that, the Seekers then being to my teenage mind decidedly "uncool", but secretly I used to really rather like their music.

Having seen recent photos of her, she and I still do look very much alike - and I will give a Big Kiss to anyone who suggests my singing voice is anything like approaching hers !!

- jeanie

16 Nov 02 - 08:49 AM (#827668)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: C-flat

I know I look like someone, I don't know who it is. but I was once accosted in a shop by a woman who grabbed my arm and said, "It IS you, isn't it?
I had to agree with her that it was indeed ME,
"I KNEW it was you!" she went on, then turning to her friends, shouted across the shop "See! I TOLD you it was him!" and they all smiled and waved at me sheepishly.
Happy at "meeting" whoever she thought I was, she left me standing in the line at the supermarket checkout suffering the stares of the other shoppers who, like me, were now all wondering who "I" was.
I'm glad she didn't ask me for an autograph.

16 Nov 02 - 09:43 AM (#827676)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: mack/misophist

Johann Sebastian Bach, only not as good looking. And fatter.

16 Nov 02 - 10:47 AM (#827691)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: John MacKenzie

The band of the Royal Scots Dragoons.

16 Nov 02 - 10:53 AM (#827695)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: JedMarum

They tell me I look like Big Mick (thankfully my wife can tell us apart)!

Here we are, you decide fer yerself!

Left to Right; Big Mick, Rick F, Paul Mills, Jed

16 Nov 02 - 10:53 AM (#827698)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Peg

I was told years ago I both look AND sing like Annie Haslam (lead singer of Renaissance).

16 Nov 02 - 10:57 AM (#827703)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Little Hawk

C-flat, that is a darned funny story. We should get you to come to Orillia, stand in the checkout at Zehr's, reading the "News of the World", and see if anyone reacts the way that lady you're speaking of did. Could be interesting!

- LH

16 Nov 02 - 11:32 AM (#827731)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: allanwill

If you look at the cover of the Australian version of Fairport's Unhalfbricking (on the Expletive Delighted site), and if you can pick out (the late) Martin Lamble, then that's what I looked like about 30 years ago.

Now I look like that, but with a beard.


16 Nov 02 - 11:42 AM (#827740)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Little Hawk

One of the Hobbits in Lord of the Rings looked very much like Donovan (in his youth). I know that's off-topic, but what the hell, it's my thread...

- LH

16 Nov 02 - 12:54 PM (#827805)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Genie

LH, yes, you do look a lot like George H, at least in pictures (though I think you're prettier).

Mary, you don't look like Arlo!  LOL!

Now, me, I look like

LH, yes, you do look a lot like George H, at least in pictures (though I think you're prettier).

Mary, you don't look like Arlo!  LOL!

Now, me, I look like Mama Cass and sound like Tiny Tim!  (Just kidding.)
I don't think I look or sound like anyone else you'd know.  A couple of the retirees I play and sing for have told me I look and sound like Ana Cani, of the Lawrence Welk show, which is a GREAT compliment, since she's gorgeous and has a great voice.  But, believe me, I don't look or sound anywhere near that good.  (For one thing, I'm currently about 30 pound heavier than she is.)  I really looked more like one of the Lennon Sisters, Janet, I think, when we were both young.)  In my youth I used to look a good deal like Debbie Reynolds (partly because I tried to), but I grew out of it.  I never did sound like her, though.
There is/was a folksinger from Toronto named Bonnie Dobson whose voice and folk music style were similar to mine (though I won't claim to sound as good), but I sing in a lot of different styles, since my repertoire is very eclectic.


16 Nov 02 - 01:07 PM (#827817)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Gorgeous Gary

The tunes for a couple of recent songs of mine are reminiscent of James Keelaghan's "Fires of Calais" and "Hillcrest Mine", and someone told me one song sounded a bit like Schooner Fare (I see where they were coming from...tunewise that one's a bit like "Day of the Clipper".

Don't think I look like any famous musicians.

In terms of songwriting, I admire folks like Christine Lavin who can do both catchy and funny or serious and sentimental. That's similar to the direction my songwriting takes; I have plenty of parodies and a handful of original funny songs, but I also have serious material as well.

-- Gary

-- Gary

16 Nov 02 - 02:06 PM (#827849)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Little Hawk

Genie - I still have Bonnie Dobson's first album (I think it's her first, anyway)...on vinyl, of course.

- LH

16 Nov 02 - 04:41 PM (#827932)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Genie

I think I have the same one, LH. Is she still performing?


16 Nov 02 - 05:28 PM (#827950)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: pavane

Well last night in Bridgend (S. Wales) I was told I looked like Roger Whittaker (yes, another one), but it is usually Kenny Rogers that I am mistaken for. If I could sound like either, I would make a good living! As it is, I was just roadying for my wife, who has often been accused of sounding like Karen Carpenter.

16 Nov 02 - 05:59 PM (#827964)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: GUEST,Fred Miller

I don't look like musicians, I look like all those odd-looking potato-faced actors --Billy Bob Thorton, Willem Dafoe, John Malkovitch, etc.--people have said every one of those. Also, I look like many other people--my own brother has mistaken strangers for me, not at a distance, but in face to face conversation. I want Benecio Del Toro to play me in The Movie. Also, when I was that age, I looked almost exactly like the kid who is tragically killed in In The Bedroom.

16 Nov 02 - 06:17 PM (#827974)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: dorareever

Billy Bob Thorton is also a musician,isn't he?

16 Nov 02 - 06:38 PM (#827987)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Little Hawk

I don't know what Bonnie is up to, Genie. You might try a Google search under her name.

- LH

17 Nov 02 - 10:41 AM (#828374)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: GUEST,Fred Miller

Billy Bob? Is he? I dunno.

17 Nov 02 - 10:50 AM (#828375)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Oaklet

Tom Sellick if the light is kind, then Britney Spears if I'm lit directly from the front.

17 Nov 02 - 11:46 AM (#828399)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: dorareever

17 Nov 02 - 02:33 PM (#828503)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: meatrail

I've been told I look like a taller, greyer version of U. Utah Phillips. Also been told I act like a dumb version of him and dress like a fashion-impaired version too. Unfortunately that's as far as it ever gets; nobody says I sing like him.


17 Nov 02 - 07:07 PM (#828649)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Rustic Rebel

It's as though I lack my own identity because, when I sing people call me Janis(Joplin). I go to places where I have sung and they call me Janis. I've also been told by several people I look like her(I don't think I do though).
Would like my own identity back!
I went into a bar once and they were doing karaoke and the guy running it followed me around wanting me to sing. I told him I didn't want to so he goes up on stage and and started to announce to the crowd that he had a special guest star and announced me as Janis Joplin! I walked out of the bar.Sometimes this gets to me. Anyone know what I mean?
Peace Rustic

17 Nov 02 - 08:29 PM (#828687)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Mooh

Fat bearded longhair; plays trad, folk, and rock; multiple instruments...

Must be Gerry Garcia (the Dead one) except I'm clean.

Peace, Mooh.

17 Nov 02 - 11:06 PM (#828749)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Little Hawk

You wouldn't happen to be Jives's kid sister would you, Rustic Rebel? She sounds a lot like Janis Joplin, and has somewhat the appearance too, though not a dead ringer for the original.

Let's see now, who would I NOT want to sound like? Hmmm...Janis Joplin, Rod Stewart, Freddy Fender, Helen Reddy, and that idiot who sang for Led Zeppelin come to mind...oh, and Dan Hill. :-) GAAAAH!

- LH

18 Nov 02 - 12:59 AM (#828785)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: GUEST,Tom Dowling

I look like Martin Mull, who I believe plays the banjo. But I only look like him when he is in his exceedlingly handsome (and not overweight)mode. Needless to say, we are also both accomplished artists as well, he with a paint brush and I with a camera!! (OOPS!! Where did that humility go? It was here a few minutes ago.)

Tom D.

18 Nov 02 - 09:15 AM (#828895)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: KingBrilliant

Well here's one I DON'T resemble.....
Some friends were planning to go to a "stars in their eyes" karaoke (spit) evening & were deciding who could "be" which star.
Liz suggested that I could be Karen Carpenter. Stewart fell off his chair gasping that it was pushing it a bit for me to impersonate an anorexic! (too short&portly!)

18 Nov 02 - 10:09 AM (#828940)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: outfidel

I look like the Fred Astaire claymation character (the mailman) from the Christmas special "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town".

18 Nov 02 - 11:12 AM (#828987)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Matthias

I think I look a bit like Leo Kottke, but unfortunately, I can't play the guitar like he can.

18 Nov 02 - 12:33 PM (#829054)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: GUEST,Nick

Physically, like the lead singer from Spin Doctors
Musicaly no resemblences at all.


18 Nov 02 - 01:52 PM (#829135)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Steve-o

Twenty years and 40 pounds ago I looked like John Lennon. Now I look like Randy Newman without the grey hair. Not bad in either case!

18 Nov 02 - 07:02 PM (#829387)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Rustic Rebel

Hey Little Hawk, no, I'm not Jive's sister. And I don't try to imitate Janis, that would be very diffcult, but what are you saying? That my singing wouldn't turn you on because I sound like her? Ha! Imagine that. And what would be wrong with sounding like Freddy Fender anyway? (Joking)
Peace, Rustic

18 Nov 02 - 10:57 PM (#829506)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Celtic Soul

Aw, jeez....

Not a one. The closest to celebrity look-a-like I come is a cross between Meredith Baxter and the lucky charms leprechaun.

I don't think I sound like anyone at all either. My voice is not very folky in it's sound, frankly. More operatic than truly folk.



My life is more normal than anything else. I work, I come home, I cook dinner, I hang out with the family, and I read a bedtime story more days than not.

Then again, I have the rare priveledge to climb a stage and sing for pay all year round too. I guess that makes me a bit of an aberration in both worlds, really.

18 Nov 02 - 11:13 PM (#829517)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Little Hawk

Actually, Janis's singing "technique" (blowing your vocal chords all to hell) worked well for her. I just wouldn't want to sing that way myself, that's all. It feels painful even thinking about it. I doubt she could have kept it up much longer without doing permanent damage to her voice, had she stayed alive longer in the first place.

I used to focus on Dylan so much that I sounded a LOT like him (although he has a higher top end...the son of a gun could reach an A-flat on the top guitar string until maybe the early 90's, when he started losing the top end of his range). As time went by I retained some Dylan inflections here and there, but more and more found my own voice, which was definitely the way to go.

- LH

19 Nov 02 - 09:41 AM (#829806)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Uncle_DaveO

At the belt line, I look remarkably similar to Burl Ives.

Someone on Paltalk was kind enough to say that my singing reminded him (her?) of Utah Philips. I'm not sure if it was voice quality or style (s)he was referring to, but I took it as a HUGE compliment, and I said so.

Dave Oesterreich

19 Nov 02 - 09:48 AM (#829811)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Roger the Skiffler

Not surprisingly I don't look like any musician (and sure as hell don't sound like one). I used to say I looked like Michael Caine (if he were shorter and less slim) but noone else saw the resemblance!
Once on holiday a perfect stranger accosted us and said:"Are you Mr Barraclough?" Herself assumed they were talking about actor Brian Wilde (who played the wet screw by that name in "Porridge" and also Foggy in "Last of the Summer Wine"). She thinks I do look like Foggy when I'm out walking with my flat 'at and stick. On a bad day she thinks I'm more like "Compo".

21 Nov 02 - 08:23 PM (#832090)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: John Hardly

I just did an open mic and was told I look like John Sebastian. I've been told I look like Christopher Reeve (sans wheelchair), Pierce Brosnan (must have been a good day for me), Chris Procter's publicity photo but not him, Tony Snow (Yeah, how does that mesh with the Brosnan?).

Actually two of my brothers and I look like we could be Taylors (or James, Liv et al could be Hardlys).

21 Nov 02 - 09:26 PM (#832134)
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
From: Genie

LOL, John. In the past I've been told I look like such diverse people as Katharine Hepburn, Maureen O'Hara, Debbie Reynolds, Noreen Corcoran (the niece on "Bachelor Father), and Bonnie Raitt. I figure my face must resemble a Rorschach Inkblot! *BG*
