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Apollonio guitar at a steal

21 Nov 02 - 07:32 PM (#832065)
Subject: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: kendall

Nick just told me he has a 12 string on sale at Price, $1150.00

21 Nov 02 - 07:46 PM (#832072)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Jeri

$1,813.30 Canadian, in case anyone's interested.
I can't find the website, Kendall.

21 Nov 02 - 09:35 PM (#832144)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: kendall

Neither can Nick! He is working on it.

21 Nov 02 - 10:23 PM (#832172)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Sorcha

If I played guitar........oh well.

21 Nov 02 - 10:56 PM (#832179)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Julia

Nick's guitars are AWESOME! He makes them so that they really sing... like an orchestra. Ever since Fred got his he has been finding all thse new voices. Sounds great solo but also mixes beautifully with my harp. Someone will be lucky to snap this up!
I think he has one on ebay, too?

21 Nov 02 - 11:02 PM (#832183)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Rick Fielding

OK folks listen. I'd buy this in a heartbeat (and I already have a fine 12 string...but nuthin' like THIS guy makes) but the bucks ain't there.

These are so resonant, (and I've played at least seven or eight of them now, including Sandy's and Kendall's) you won't believe's a funny kind of process the guy uses....they are light as a feather and feel like they might explode...but they Don't. They just get better sounding with time. If you've ever wanted a 12 string, you simply can't do better at ANY price....including Guild or Taylor or an old Takamine.



22 Nov 02 - 09:29 AM (#832498)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: EBarnacle1

Back in 1990, I heard a strong rumor that Nick was feeling discouraged and considering going out of business. My wife wanted to learn 12 string, anyway, so it made sense to speak with Nick.

We travelled to his atelier [much classier than a workshop] to discuss details and dimensions. Several months later, we picked up a gorgeous, custom instrument for significantly less than an "equivalent" mass produced instrument. It took her several years to really get into playing it but, as mentioned above, that instrument really sings.

22 Nov 02 - 11:01 AM (#832579)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Willie-O

I had a chance to play Kendall's Apoll-whatever at the Getaway last month. I've never owned a 12-string, I admire the sound but it exceeds my no-more-than-8-strings-per-instrument rule.

Well, rules are made to be broken!

If you've ever marvelled at the great resonant shimmering sound of Gordon Bok's 12-string playing, you will recognize the tone these guitars produce.   Certainly Gordon Bok is a very fine player, but the sound these things put out is just very, very remarkable. I have not heard the like in another make.

It's like hearing the Atalantic Ocean in an echo chamber.   

Kendall's guitar is also remarkably lightweight for a 12. Very comfy for a big'un. It's got to be a tough go being a 12-string builder. They're harder to get right, and still they sell for less than a 6 string due to the more limited market.


22 Nov 02 - 11:04 AM (#832581)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: kendall

You will never buy one of these cheaper.

27 Sep 10 - 06:47 AM (#2994353)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: maeve

Here's another opportunity to own an amazing 12-string made by Nick Apollonio. Apollonio 12-string on eBay

27 Sep 10 - 07:44 AM (#2994383)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: maeve

Dan beat me to posting- on the Apollo Guitar thread.

27 Sep 10 - 07:47 AM (#2994388)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: kendall

I wouldn't trade my Apollo 12 string for a farm Downeast with a hog on it.

27 Sep 10 - 07:48 AM (#2994389)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: maeve

I'm with you, Kendall. I loved playing yours. Thanks again.


27 Sep 10 - 07:53 AM (#2994394)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Little Hawk

Hey! That's interesting. Pretty low starting price. I don't usually play 12-strings, but I guess I'll keep an eye on this one for a bit and see what happens.

27 Sep 10 - 09:49 AM (#2994458)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Little Hawk

Given the fact that the Canadian dollar is now at about par with the US dollar, it's become a fortuitous time for Canadians to buy an Appolonio guitar. ;-)

27 Sep 10 - 11:53 AM (#2994534)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

Huh. For some reason this thread didn't come up in my search yesterday. Whichever thread it's in, this guitar is worth checking out.


27 Sep 10 - 12:23 PM (#2994555)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: maeve

If we had a house already I'd sure try for the 12-string.

27 Sep 10 - 12:52 PM (#2994575)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: katlaughing

Holy cow, that IS a low starting price! I'll bet it sounds gorgeous just like his others.

27 Sep 10 - 12:53 PM (#2994578)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: John MacKenzie

I am hoping for one of my very own, next year :)

27 Sep 10 - 01:11 PM (#2994593)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Amos

Nick, put a BUY NOW price on it!


27 Sep 10 - 02:58 PM (#2994655)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: jacqui.c

Amos - he can't do that now - someone has already bid on it and that cancels out Buy It Now.

28 Sep 10 - 12:24 PM (#2995296)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

Still just one bid - I wonder what it will go for. It's easily worth four times - probably more - what it's currently going for.

It is certainly a better instrument than the $22,000 12-string that's also listed right now. Hopefully folks will look at body shape, compensated saddle, adjustable neck, fretboard material, decorative elements (Nick's has a nice rosette) and reputation and realize which one of these instruments is the real treasure.


03 Oct 10 - 11:33 PM (#2999104)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Little Hawk

It sold for $2,036 which is a respectable bid. I nearly got it myself, cos I bid $2,011....close, but no guitar! ;-) I wonder who did get it?

04 Oct 10 - 06:49 AM (#2999213)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Midchuck

How do you spell a chuckle of evil glee in the roman alphabet?


04 Oct 10 - 09:52 AM (#2999308)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Little Hawk

What??? It was you??? Well, if it was, give us a report on the guitar after you get it and have had a chance to play it some. I'd really like to hear about it from the new owner.

05 Oct 10 - 08:55 AM (#3000043)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: maeve

Little Hawk- check your PMs.

Peter- Congratulations! I'd love to hear you play it sometime.


05 Oct 10 - 09:57 AM (#3000098)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: GUEST,kendall

Congratulations! You will never regret it.

05 Oct 10 - 12:04 PM (#3000211)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Amos

Damn, Peter. Well done, mate.


05 Oct 10 - 04:56 PM (#3000420)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: gnu

Indeed! Congrats Midchuck!

05 Oct 10 - 05:17 PM (#3000433)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

I envy you the world of sound you are about to discover.


05 Oct 10 - 05:51 PM (#3000459)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Little Hawk

Ahh weel, ye'll nae outbid me next time for that braw set o' Highland bagpipes on Ebay, Midchuck! ;-)

05 Oct 10 - 06:15 PM (#3000475)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

Little Hawk, I encourage you to get in touch with Nick directly, and start talking to him about making you a guitar. You'll be much more pleased, and much less in debt, than you would be with anything even remotely comparable.

If you pm me I'll give you his number.


05 Oct 10 - 06:54 PM (#3000521)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Little Hawk

I've already been in touch with him directly, Dan. Had a good phone conversation and a whole bunch of emails. He's very interesting to talk to, and I find we have a lot in common when it comes to appreciating acoustic instruments. I'm quite interested in the Citterns he's making.

10 Oct 10 - 08:02 PM (#3004080)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Midchuck


I got on the road early Saturday morning - there was a fund-raising breakfast at the Congregational Church here on the green, that opened at 7:00, so I went and ate when they opened, then took off. Drove across VT on US 4, up I-91 to St. Johnsbury, then across the narrow top of New Hampshire on US 2, to the north of the Presidentials. I then followed Mr. ApOllonio's directions for crossing Maine on a series of secondary roads to come to Rockport from the northwest. I managed, by fudging on speed limits whenever the road appeared to be minor enough that I didn't think it would be patrolled, to get to his house just before 2:00, having estimated to him that I'd be there between 1:00 and 2:00. (Augusta was the only serious problem. They like roundabouts there, and they like putting the sign that tells which routes leave the roundabout where, just at the place where you see it too late. But I managed to make it through and out on the correct road with only a couple of stops and turnarounds, and one near-miss by a lady in my blind spot. I'm not sure I see the need for Augusta, but a lot of people seem to.)

I was very cordially received by Mr. A., even considering that I came bearing money. He provided a lunch of lobster, a special treat since I like it but hardly ever have it, living inland. He didn't even flinch when I demonstrated my lack of technique at taking a whole lobster apart to eat it, and sprayed pieces of shell and that green stuff inside, on various parts of the table.

He also provided an instrument fully as good as he had represented it, and then some. Basses like a burly slave beating a giant bronze gong in a great stone temple. Trebles like an explosion in a wind chime factory. Midrange to match, 'tho I'm out of similes. More bling than I'd realized it had, but all in excellent taste. I received a thorough familiarization with the special mechanics of this instrument. What I really liked was the strap pin. It's centered in the heel of the neck, rather than around to the treble side as is more common. But you can grab the pin, pull hard, and it pops out, along with a quarter-inch or so of dowel that it's screwed into. At the bottom of the resulting hole, there's a slotted machine screw head. When the action gets bad, and the neck angle appears to have gone awry, you do not try to find a competent luthier who has time to work on it, give it to him for days or weeks, and have him do a neck reset for 200 - 400 dollars. You tighten or loosen the screw.

After being shown around his shop, admiring his cittern playing (when he showed me his CD, that he had entitled "Cittern on the Dock of the Bay," I knew I had discovered a mentality somewhat like my own, if much more gifted), making an appropriate fuss over his cat, and doing the necessary business stuff, I headed out around 4:00, down Route 1 and the Maine Pike, to Scarborough, where Kendall and Jacqui, and Becca, were waiting to admire the new acquisition. Actually, Kendall had already played it, and his claim that it was as good as, or better than, his old Apollo 12 (the best-sounding 12 string I'd ever played until this one) was the deciding factor in my committing to it. But he wanted to play it some more.

We indulged in modest servings of adult beverages, and I got to play Jacqui's new guitar. Another one from Mr. A., but a six string, a dreadnought shape but about 7/8 standard dread size. Adirondack/Mahogany, IIRC. Very plain compared to the big 12, but sound is all you'd expect from a slightly smaller 6-string from this maker. Could compete with the Proulx OM/D or the Huss & Dalton CM, my nominees for "closest to dreadnought sound in a smaller body." and action like butter. The whipped butter that comes in tubs.

Dinner at the local buffet restaurant followed. Back at the house, Kendall insisted on sleeping in the camper and having me use his bed. Eat your hearts out, ladies. Even though he wasn't in it. Jacqui and Becca and I drank wine and told lies for a while longer. Not very long.

In the a. m. I was baconed and egged, and declined the offer to join K. and J. at the Sunday old car rally, as I wanted to get on the road and beat the leaf peepers. I had a quick trip down 95, across on 101, and up 93 and 89, but when I got off onto US 4 east of Woodstock, I found that all the elderly leaf peepers in southern New England were there ahead of me, indulging in the usual Fall competition to see who could drive the most slowly without stalling out his/her engine, and swerve from side to side of the road most wildly without actually going into the ditch on the wrong side. For most of the trip, I would have preferred to have had Kris go with me, but for the end of the trip, I was glad to be alone so I could scream as many loud curses as I needed to, without rebuke.

Home by 11:15 am. Have alternated sleeping and playing the new machine for the balance of the day, with one good walk in the woods to work out kinks. Now I have to start learning to really play 12-string. I know I'll never be Gordon Bok or Leadbelly, but I can't just beat on this thing. It wouldn't be right. Nothing is ever simple.


10 Oct 10 - 08:13 PM (#3004083)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Little Hawk

Awright! Sounds like you had a great time, Peter. Well, I was bitten by the bug so I figured if I couldn't get that 12-string, I'd buy one of Mr Apollonio's Citterns instead. I just got one on the Ebay auction earlier this evening. Alas, I don't live that close to Nick will be mailing it to me next week sometime. Too bad. I love eating fresh lobster. ;-)

10 Oct 10 - 08:31 PM (#3004101)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Jeri

Peter? I hate you.

Seriously, I'm glad I couldn't afford it because I sure can't play a 12-string. I ain't all that up-to-speed on the 6-string. I expect to see your new Apollonio sometime in the future.

Isn't it great when you feel like you have to improve because you owe it to the instrument?

10 Oct 10 - 08:36 PM (#3004105)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Leadfingers

I was wondering what it would go for ! Glad it went to an appreciative home

10 Oct 10 - 08:46 PM (#3004116)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Little Hawk

Now I have a whole new set of chords to learn... ;-)

10 Oct 10 - 10:11 PM (#3004166)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Amos

LOL!! If I had written that post it would have been ten days lobng each way!! So I guess you are better off having it...damn it.

Good fortune go with you, Peter!! Expect to hear you sounding like Gordon at the next Getaway...


11 Oct 10 - 09:24 AM (#3004385)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Little Hawk

I've been wondering, actually, what picking styles work best on a 12-string. Does anyone know? What I mean is...does anyone HERE know...just to clarify that. ;-)

11 Oct 10 - 12:06 PM (#3004505)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

What works best? Gordon's. What works best that I can do? On Nick's 12s, I try to take advantage of the amazing volume, attack, sustain and bass response. This means a light touch on the strings, and letting some notes just hang in the air longer than I would on a 6 (or anybody else's 12, for that matter). I might hit a note, go to the kitchen, make a sandwich, eat it, have a soda, and then come back for the next note. That's SUSTAIN.

The other thing I try to do is use the octave courses to my advantage, and angle my hand so that I pick up just the high note when I want it, or emphasize the high note more than the low, so that I have much more flexibility within a hand position. That probably holds for any 12 string.


11 Oct 10 - 12:41 PM (#3004533)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Little Hawk

Hmmm. Okay, that sounds like a good start. I'll have to get over to The Arts (music store in Newmarket) and try out a Taylor 12 they have there and see if I can get the feel of that. It's pretty good, by the way...I played it a couple of weeks ago and was well impressed.

Then too, I should probably listen to how Gordon Bok does it.

15 Oct 10 - 08:17 PM (#3008137)
Subject: Hey, Midchuck
From: kendall

When are you going to tell us about your new 12 string guitar?
See this post --mod

15 Oct 10 - 09:39 PM (#3008180)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Midchuck

I thought I did. I've already given my impression of the sound.

Donno what else is to tell. One would have to hear it. I'm still working to get it under control. The temptation is to play it as though it were a 6-string. That isn't what it wants, exactly. I'm still figuring out what it does want, but I think it has to do with economy - both in the number of notes you try to get per unit of time, and the vigor with which you pick or strum it. Too many notes too fast makes it sound more cluttered than with a 6, too hard an attack makes it jangly - if that's a word.

Sandy tried it, and said he thought the action was too low. I think the action's wonderful. It's only too low if it buzzes, and it hadn't buzzed yet.

Of course, there is the tuning issue. But at least we have better and better electronic tuners. I'm also still working on the capoing problem. Hard to find something that'll mash the little strings down hard enough, with the big strings right next to them. A Shubb works, pretty well, if you tighten it down pretty hard. Mr. A. said that Gordon Bok uses a Shubb, in which he cuts leetle grooves for the big E (D, actually) and A (G, actually) strings to fit into. That might be worth trying.

More as we get better acquainted.


16 Oct 10 - 01:08 AM (#3008250)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

That's what I do with the capo. I often find that mashing it very hard right up next to the fret works well. But I do have the groove as well.

Tuning on the 12 is actually sometimes easier than the 6, once you get used to it. All those doubled up strings make it easy to find a note to tune to without getting out your tuner.

I absolutely agree with you about the action. Nick's guitars work well with a gentle touch so you don't need high action. And you a lot more with a lot less on the 12.


16 Oct 10 - 08:42 AM (#3008366)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: kendall

Now, that's what I had in mind, Peter. I also use a grooved capo but most 12s hate a capo. I much prefer the sound of the uncapoed guitar.

16 Oct 10 - 09:03 AM (#3008384)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Midchuck

Actually, I'm tickled to have access to the keys of Bb and F, in which I or Kris seem to do quite a few songs, without a capo (since it's tuned a whole tone lower, that's what comes out if I use C or G fingerings). I can still get C, G, and D without capo by using D, A, and E fingerings respectively. I lose A and E unless I use a capo. (Yes, I can do barre chords. No, I'm not going to hold barre chords for all 47 verses of "Sir Patrick Spens" or whatever.) But if it's my lead, and I'd been doing a song in one of those keys, I can usually go up a half tone without crashing. The only risk is that the fiddler may beat on me some.


16 Oct 10 - 10:19 AM (#3008415)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Little Hawk

Yes, it's never wise to antagonize a fiddler! ;-) They're capable of anything.

18 Oct 10 - 08:45 PM (#3010246)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: GUEST,nikos

OK you guys, I'm in. I used Shubbs for a long time until I discovered Dunlop Trigger. exclusive now on my citterns (gets the low octave D without cutting a notch in the rubber for the big string a la Bok). Works so far on 12's as well but I don't use the .068 schooner rigging wire that His Majesty does to get his 12's down to Bb without buzzing or wimping out.
And thanx to all for the nice comments, seem a bit overblown but maybe not....I've lost interest in other (factory) guitars as well for some reason.

19 Oct 10 - 09:29 AM (#3010575)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Midchuck

Elvis has entered the building! Da man hisself!


22 Oct 10 - 02:14 PM (#3013167)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: bigchuck

Actually,I didn't say the action was too low; I said that I would probably set it a bit higher if were mine, being fairly ham handed.


22 Oct 10 - 03:13 PM (#3013207)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: John MacKenzie

This is the answer to the 12 string capo problem, for me.

22 Oct 10 - 03:24 PM (#3013213)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Little Hawk

Dunlop Trigger for the citterns, eh? Well, I'll have to look into that.

22 Oct 10 - 11:32 PM (#3013484)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: EBarnacle

My friend Jan Christensen uses two capos, one a full bar but fairly light and the other, above it on the neck, covering the six deeper strings.

23 Oct 10 - 05:15 AM (#3013562)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: John MacKenzie

The Paige capo is the first one I have ever used that doesn't knock the large base strings, E & A, out of tune when you put it in place.
It requires much less pressure too, which must be better for the guitar

28 Nov 10 - 10:16 PM (#3042455)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

Nick has three new instruments up, and they really are beauties. One is a koa and Adirodack spruce 12-string with lots of BEAUTIFUL bells and whistles, and lovely wood, another is a bell shaped Irish bouzouki, and the third is a koa and Adirondack spruce 6 string, which I hope nobody else buys because I want it Even though I don't need it. Take one look and you'll know why. Why am I telling you this?


29 Nov 10 - 06:53 AM (#3042627)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: GUEST,kendall

If I didn't already own one of his very best 12 strings, I'd be all over this one.

29 Nov 10 - 08:15 PM (#3043212)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: EBarnacle

Amazing, the 6 is still only at $100.

29 Nov 10 - 08:35 PM (#3043219)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Midchuck

Amazing, the 6 is still only at $100.

That's how eBay bidding works, a lot of the time. All the action is in the last few seconds.


30 Nov 10 - 01:33 PM (#3043669)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: EBarnacle

Is the body on the 6 string a large, medium or small. I put in a call to Nick this AM and he has not yet called back.

30 Nov 10 - 02:19 PM (#3043714)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: GUEST,kendall

My guess would be medium.
Jacqui has one of his medium 6 strings and I am so impressed with it I often pick it instead of my Taylor.

30 Nov 10 - 02:26 PM (#3043716)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Midchuck

"SJ" ("Small Jumbo" - OXYMORON ALERT!) normally means 16" or so across the lower bout. "000" means about 15" or a fraction more. I assume using the two designators with a slash implies the width is somewhere in the middle, which would make it close to the same width as a standard (Martin) dreadnought. But if so, it would give the impression of being slightly smaller because of the narrower waist. It would be somewhat easier to hold and play, seated, for the same reason. I guess.


30 Nov 10 - 02:29 PM (#3043719)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

It's about the size of mine, I think, which means it's on the larger side. I suspect, though I can't be sure, that it's designed to have a roughly 000 shape but fit in the case for a dreadnought. Not nearly as big as the jumbo 12s, of course.

The 6 is a thing of beauty.


30 Nov 10 - 08:34 PM (#3043953)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: kendall

Jacqui's 6 string is 14 inches across its widest point. My Taylor is 16 inches.

30 Nov 10 - 09:37 PM (#3043980)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Midchuck

Here, from the Martin website, is a table of the dimensions of the standard Martin models. Since most American acoustic guitar makers borrow Martin terminology to designate their models, this gives you a better idea what they're talking about.


30 Nov 10 - 11:25 PM (#3044009)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

Looking at the description, the bouzouki is more of a cittern - 10 strings.


01 Dec 10 - 08:38 AM (#3044093)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Midchuck

Looking at the description, the bouzouki is more of a cittern - 10 strings.

Maybe it's a bittern?


01 Dec 10 - 11:16 AM (#3044182)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: EBarnacle

Nick's logo is not a bird.

01 Dec 10 - 12:54 PM (#3044252)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: kendall

And, he doesn't make Turkeys either!

01 Dec 10 - 01:58 PM (#3044294)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

Fortunately, he also appreciates a good pun. He appreciates a bad pun even more.


01 Dec 10 - 02:13 PM (#3044311)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: kendall

A bad pun? what's that?

01 Dec 10 - 02:37 PM (#3044346)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Mark Ross

It's a punishment.

Mark Ross

01 Dec 10 - 03:28 PM (#3044387)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Midchuck

If doing a CD of Celtic instrumental music and titling it "Cittern on the Dock of the Bay" isn't a bad pun, I don't know what is!


01 Dec 10 - 05:59 PM (#3044492)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

The fact that the CD was recorded on the coast of Maine makes it a good pun.


03 Dec 10 - 01:27 PM (#3045692)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz


03 Dec 10 - 03:35 PM (#3045761)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Little Hawk

Cittern on the dock of the Bay...wastin' time...ohhhhh...ohhh...

05 Dec 10 - 06:35 PM (#3047124)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

20 minutes left on these three AMAZING instruments.


05 Dec 10 - 06:37 PM (#3047127)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: EBarnacle

Those bids are still wayyy too low. There will probably be a last second bounce.

05 Dec 10 - 06:41 PM (#3047131)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

I spoke a lie. 20 minutes (now 15) on the cittern. An hour on the 6, and an hour an a half on the 12.

Evidently Nick likes to keep the tension riding high.


05 Dec 10 - 07:00 PM (#3047135)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Midchuck

Somebody got a pretty good deal on the Bittern.

05 Dec 10 - 07:26 PM (#3047148)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

That 6 is going to be a good deal no matter how much is paid for it. My Apollonio 6 is the best guitar I've ever played, and Nick says this one is in the same class.


05 Dec 10 - 08:38 PM (#3047175)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: kendall

I've never met an Apollo guitar that I didn't like.

05 Dec 10 - 09:52 PM (#3047195)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

Somebody got that 6-string for a great price. The 12 didn't sell, so I imagine it'll be back up there, probably when it isn't competing with 2 other ones.


06 Dec 10 - 10:31 AM (#3047445)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: IvanB

The 6 string didn't sell either. It's relisted but the 12 isn't.

06 Dec 10 - 10:35 AM (#3047453)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Little Hawk

That's odd. I thought someone here was determined to buy the 6-string.

06 Dec 10 - 10:36 AM (#3047454)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: maeve

You'll find the relisted Apollonio guitar

Nick was at our concert last night; perhaps the others will be relisted as well when he has time. A suggestion: contact him directly if you've a particular interest in having them put up again.

06 Dec 10 - 11:26 AM (#3047484)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: michaelr

Somebody steal the damn thing already!

12 Dec 10 - 11:55 PM (#3052200)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

The Koa 6 is officially stolen (in the good sense) at $2683! And if it's as good as I think it is, whoever bought it got a very good deal. Especially if they were buying a gift for me.


13 Dec 10 - 12:05 AM (#3052202)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: IvanB

Sorry, Dan, it tweren't for you, but I can't wait to get my hands on it.

13 Dec 10 - 12:15 AM (#3052204)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

I envy you. There's an entire world of guitar goodness you are just waiting to discover. When I got my mahogany and cedar Apollo 6 string, I immediately discovered levels of control quality I didn't know possible - not just in the left hand, but in the right too - I could change my hand angle very slightly to emphasize the volume on different strings, and make treble or bass )or middle, for that matter) shine through whenever I wanted. I'd never heard of that, and here I was playing like that on the first day.

AMAZING instruments.

IvanB, you're a lucky musician.


13 Dec 10 - 02:10 AM (#3052250)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Little Hawk

I have been watching your video of you playing the Utah Phillips tune, Dan. The mahogany guitar does sound lovely, for sure. Very interesting what you have to say about changing the hand angle and how that changes the sound on it.

Ivan, give us all a report on this koa guitar after you have had a chance to play it, okay?

I may commission Nick to build me a similar one at some point, but I don't really need another guitar right now (am very happy with the Martin and the Taylor that I already have), so I have no sense of urgency about it.

13 Dec 10 - 02:42 AM (#3052258)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: kendall

Nick just told me he did sell the 12 string.And a new cittern is on its way to Cornwall.

13 Dec 10 - 02:37 PM (#3052663)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: IvanB

Yeah, I was high bidder on the 12 string when it was up, but didn't make the reserve. When I asked him if he was going to relist it he emailed that he'd already sold it to a customer who'd been watching it on eBay.

06 Nov 11 - 07:20 PM (#3251691)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

Nick has an almost new 12 string up on Ebay now, and the starting price really is a steal. It's a koa and cedar jumbo 12, and he's started the price low because of a minor finish blemish near the sound hole and a small ding on the top. Personally I think the ding is an added feature - now you don't have to worry about putting the first one in yourself.

These are really minor blemishes - this instrument is seriously beautiful work, and koa and cedar make for an especially nice 12 string.

Here's the link to the Ebay auction.

Nick is starting this at - wait for it - $1250. If somebody gets it for anything close to that they're getting the bargain of the century. This guitar would be cheap at double the price.


07 Nov 11 - 03:29 PM (#3252304)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: kendall

If only I could justify another Apollo 12.

07 Nov 11 - 03:34 PM (#3252308)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Little Hawk

I'd be interested...except for the fact that I never end up playing 12 strings enough to justify having bought them, no matter how good they are. I much prefer the standard 6-string setup. If I were to buy an Apollonio guitar, it would have to be a 6-string.

07 Nov 11 - 03:44 PM (#3252317)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

The 6s are awfully good.... Just ask Amos.


10 Nov 11 - 11:46 AM (#3254333)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz

If I didn't already have one (well, two - long story) I'd be on this 12 in a New York minute. This is basically a Bok model, with some of the nicest woods you could ask for.


10 Nov 11 - 01:07 PM (#3254376)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: GUEST,beardedbruce


I would offer him my second best viola for it, but I do not have that kind of money to spare. I think it will go for at least $2K, which pays a lot of bills...

11 Nov 11 - 12:24 PM (#3255042)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: Dan Schatz


13 Nov 11 - 09:23 AM (#3256140)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: GUEST,saulgoldie

Hmmm. No bids. Perhaps "whoever" is holding out til the last minute. It looks very tasty. But I'd have to get rid of a twelve string.


14 Nov 11 - 10:43 AM (#3256800)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: GUEST,saulgoldie

Oops! There it goes. One bid. Wonder if who got it is "one of us??" Goona have to play my Yamerhammer 12 for a spell. Maybe an Apollonio later.


14 Nov 11 - 08:54 PM (#3257158)
Subject: RE: Apollonio guitar at a steal
From: EBarnacle

There's a cittern up now.