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Any Burns Night doings in UK?

31 Dec 02 - 09:45 AM (#855902)
Subject: Any Burns Night doings in London area?
From: Peg

Hi all;

I might stay on in Glastonbury for their Burns Supper, but as I have to be at a conference in West London the following day this may not be practical. Does anyone know of any Burns Nights events happening closer to London on the 25th? (or thereabouts?)

BTW, I will be in the UK January 14th thru 27th, in London briefly and probably based in Glastonbury for the rest...maybe a trip to Wiltshire if I can...


31 Dec 02 - 11:50 AM (#855977)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Has anyone pointed out what fine taste you have peg?^)... May I? Follow your heart! ttr

31 Dec 02 - 11:52 AM (#855981)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Peg

why thanks, Thomas! :) Happy new year to you...

Following one's heart; scary to contemplate sometimes. But then you go ahead and do it, and it's not so scary! (This happened yesterday)

I guess the Burns Night discussion will draw more attention when we get closer to the date...any excuse to sing Burns songs is good for me.


31 Dec 02 - 12:02 PM (#855989)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Oh! Do tell!... Where did your heart lead you yesterday? (significant pangs of impending jealousy... ;^0...) ttr

31 Dec 02 - 12:10 PM (#855995)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: smallpiper

There will be hundreds of Burn's night do's on all over the place but remember they are traditionally stag do's!

31 Dec 02 - 12:57 PM (#856046)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Herga Kitty


If you can't find an appropriate Burns night supper, with haggis, neeps and tatties ....

Moira Craig, and Alan and Carole Prior, are the guests booked at the Cellar folk club in London on 25 January. Sheila Miller's publicity says "Three excellent Scottish singers*. All three sing traditional, contemporary and some comic songs (though, actually, not much Burns); there will be no haggis."

*they are - and Moira has toured in the US, after impressing Jerry Epstein. Alan is one of the best singers I've ever heard, and Carole does a mean version of the Star of the Bar.

The venue is the Cock Tavern, 23 Phoenix Road, London NW1
1HB (on the corner of Chalton Street, near King's Cross and Euston

Because of the licensing problems in England over live music in pubs etc, to attend this club, you must either be a member of the Cellar club, any other folk club, the EFDSS or the TMSA, or come in with a member as his/her guest. Membership is free but you need to give 2 days notice, so PM me if you think you might want to come along.

It was alleged on a BBC radio programme this morning that haggis is illegal in the US. Is this true? How do Scottish Americans celebrate Burns Night?


31 Dec 02 - 01:09 PM (#856055)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Peg

thanks for the information! I will know closer to the date if I can attend. It sounds great.

As for haggis being illegal...might have to do with the Mad Cow restrictions (which have no rhyme or reason to them).

Thomas: no need to be jealous, yet. But I hope so, soon!


31 Dec 02 - 01:19 PM (#856068)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Thomas the Rhymer

I'm fuming already! :^) But then again, no man in his right mind would ever stand in a good woman's way... Make good choices, think good thoughts! ...and the happiest of New Years! ttr

24 Jan 17 - 11:10 AM (#3834526)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: FreddyHeadey

2017 ?

24 Jan 17 - 01:33 PM (#3834582)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Noreen

I've never been to a Burns Supper, sadly, but as far as I know they are not all "stag do's" by any means- though some of the original lyrics would be most suited for such a gathering. :)

24 Jan 17 - 02:30 PM (#3834594)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Tattie Bogle

Aye, some of "The Merry Muses" songs are a tad bawdy! My husband belongs to a couple of local Burns Clubs where it is "men only", but even he finds he can't keep up with the late hours they keep or the volumetric whisky consumption!
For we females, you can always have a "Jean Armour" night (women only!), she having been Burns' long-suffering wife. A chance to get back at the men with parodies such as "A wummin's a wummin, for a' that."
My preference is for the less formal mixed nights, with fewer of the traditional speeches, just the Address to the Haggis, then lots of songs and poems. This is how we do it at our local folk club, with our MC, a great Burns scholar, putting together a great line-up of songs and poems, and revolving around some theme or other of Burns' life. He starts asking us in September what we want to do next January, so that there's no duplication of songs or poems!

24 Jan 17 - 05:36 PM (#3834625)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: keberoxu

What I found out about haggis in these United States:

The US is hostile to consumption of sheep lungs.
Don't know if it's still in effect, but there was a USDA ban against the use of sheep lung in any food for consumption.
Likewise, sheep lung from outside the US is banned for import into the US.

Haggis manufactured in the United States:
contains no sheep lung
is encased in something artificial rather than a stomach.

24 Jan 17 - 05:49 PM (#3834627)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Herga Kitty

I'd forgotten I contributed to this thread 14 years ago! IIRC Moira, Alan and Carole did pass round some Ritz crackers with haggis on at the Cellar....


24 Jan 17 - 07:49 PM (#3834653)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Felipa

Burns nights generally are NOT men only these days

The ones I went to in Scotland had a Toast to the Ladies and The Ladies Reply (both are comical original talks by the speakers). I havent come across that part of the order of cermony in N Ireland or Co Donegal, but the events were not male dominated. There are Burns nights in Burnfoot and in Newtowncunningham, east Donegal; and a Burns weekend in west Donegal. The Ulster Scots Agency publishes an on-line list of many Burns events in N Ireland.

In my area the library and the district council are both staging Burns events, not full Burns night supper and céilidh; but poetry and song and a taste of haggis and neeps (turnip).

The web has lists of some London events -

this looks good (if pricy) for folkies, lots of dancing; in Hammersmith and a choice of dates "Our celebrations will be held at Hammersmith Town Hall on the 20th, 21st, 27th, 28th, Jan and the 3rd and 4th Feb 2017. There's no better way to get rid of those winter blues than 3 hours of dancing, haggis eating, poetry and drinking with friends old and new.

"If you would like to recite a Burns poem or song then please get in touch."
choice of vegetarian or meat haggis (veggie haggis is really tasty by the way)

24 Jan 17 - 08:36 PM (#3834661)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Jack Campin

I remembered there was an Ode to a Vegetarian Haggis. Googling finds more than one:

Ode To A Vegetarian Haggis

1. Oh vegetarian haggis whit a view
Thou glorious, steaming bag of veggie goo
No one could ever say that you
Dish death to beasts,
Not a single murdered chicken, pig or coo
Taints your braw feasts.

2. But noble pud you must ignore the taunting bores
From meaty Caledonia's shores,
The moaning bloody carnivores
Who think you need
To slaughter sheep in scores
To have good feed.

3. Thy beauteous form can satisfy
The keenest neb or mouth or eye,
Wi' as braw' a meal as ane could buy
Pulse, veg and spice
And ev'n sheep eaters that dare to try
Say Oh it's nice!

4 So stuff the purists and their cries of sin
Let's split this pudding, serve and shovel it in,
And what the hell if it's wee skin
A humble plastic bag is.
Let's drink a toast and we'll begin
The vegetarian haggis.

Tim Dalling January 1993


Address to a Vegetarian Haggis

Composed for the Scottish Croquet Association Burns Supper on 28 January 2006.

Wee brother o' the puddin' king
Whase praises Rabbie Burns did sing,
Relief an' joy tae us ye bring,
That eat nae meat!
For us ye are the verra thing,
A rich rare treat!

Devourers o' the spud an' neep
Whase heart at offal disnae leap,
Whase flesh sheep's stomachs mak tae creep,
Need na be edgy:
For you, nae need tae kill a sheep;
For why? - Ye're veggie!

We see your innards noo revealed
Whaur Scotland's fertile acres yield
Carrots an' onions frae the field,
Mushrooms an' oats!
Wi' richt guid-will the fork we'll wield
An' stuff our throats!

Fergus McInnes


There are several others - look at YouTube.

25 Jan 17 - 05:52 AM (#3834713)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Mr Red

events, including dance and supper, in my area

Bristol 28th

Halsway Manor 25th

25 Jan 17 - 07:26 AM (#3834721)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: GUEST,Peter C

Gloucestershire events here Not much tonight, but more at the weekend

25 Jan 17 - 08:29 AM (#3834726)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: JMB

I know this is a UK based thread for Robert Burns Night Suppers, but I've done poetry readings at past Robert Burns Nights. I am in Nova Scotia, and since I moved to a different part of the province, it has been tricky getting to a Burns Night, due to travelling time and costs and my commitments where I am now residing. There isn't a whole lot in the valley for Scottish heritage I find which makes me a little lonesome.

Robert Burns is my favourite poet and songwriter and has influenced much of my compositions. His wife Jean Armour was mentioned in this thread. The song "A' The Airts" is a favourite of mine by him that was written for Jean on their honeymoon. Davy Steele did an excellent version of it.

25 Jan 17 - 11:32 AM (#3834769)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Stanron

I'll be out back burning a set of hooligan pipes, if I can find any. What better way to spend Burns night?

25 Jan 17 - 07:03 PM (#3834872)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Gallus Moll

JMB you could invite a few people to a wee Burns evening that you design to suit - rather than a formal Burns Supper.
Give each a task - eg involve them in the food preparation / bringing certain dishes.
Also ask each to participate - you can suggest particular readings/ songs/ poems/ grace or you can point them in the direction and let them seek out their own choice.
Everything to be short and sweet!
Maybe some song sheets for a few well known Burns compositions.
A relaxed evening with a focus- - it is great fun and introduces 'beginners' gently to the works of the poet.

25 Jan 17 - 08:31 PM (#3834891)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Tattie Bogle

Just back from the Edinburgh Folk Club Burns Night. All very good: main band was Haggerdash, who did quite a few Burns songs, but others as well. Some songs from the floor too, and our resident piper playing tunes. Only one speech, The Immortal Memory, which was pretty light-hearted, featuring various definitions of "Trump" from Frank Bechhofer. And his wife, Jean, did the Selkirk Grace before we had very nice cock-a-leekie soup and haggis, neeps and tatties, of course, and a wee dram of Old Pulteney. (From Wick.)

26 Jan 17 - 01:45 PM (#3835041)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: JMB

Thanks Gallus. That would be a good thing to do for next time.

26 Jan 17 - 07:05 PM (#3835092)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Jack Campin

Only one speech, The Immortal Memory, which was pretty light-hearted, featuring various definitions of "Trump" from Frank Bechhofer.

There has be a market for little dyed-blonde wigs you can put on your haggis before you stab it in the guts.

26 Jan 17 - 07:23 PM (#3835096)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Tattie Bogle

Shall we set up a company, Jack?

09 Jan 18 - 10:04 PM (#3898456)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: FreddyHeadey


10 Jan 18 - 11:51 AM (#3898578)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Allan Conn

I used to go to the Kelso Burns Club "Burns Supper" and the Kelso one is like Tattie Bogle suggests men only. I gave up going to that several years ago as we now have a wine club one as well as our folk club one. Two is enough and both of these are less formal than the Burns Club. I'm organising the Folk Club one and we do normally have an Immortal Memory; the toast to and reply from the lassies; the address to the haggis; and a rendition of Tam O'Shanter. As long as we can get folks to do them all that is. Various club members do a couple of songs each. The only stipulation I made was that the songs/tunes need to be associated with Burns - even if it is a parody. However still getting folks wanting to do Annie Laurie, Loch Lomond etc.

10 Jan 18 - 12:34 PM (#3898593)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: GUEST,Observer

Any Burns Night doings in UK?

I would imagine many thousands - especially towards the North end of the UK.

Typical that Folk Clubs tend to shy away from actually celebrating and commemorating the life and work of the man the "night" is supposed to be all about. Well done Allan Conn for making the attempt to stay on piste.

10 Jan 18 - 01:42 PM (#3898605)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Jack Campin

The very first Burns Night was held in Dalkeith in 1812. I was surprised to see that the Dalkeith Masons are holding one, open to the public:

10 Jan 18 - 07:54 PM (#3898671)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Tattie Bogle

For the last few years, my concertina-playing friend and I (button accordion) have been asked to do a tunes slot at our folk club Burns supper, as there are already plenty of singers. It has given us the chance to root out some older tunes that Burns used, as well as ones we think the singers are less likely to sing, so no toes trodden on. One year, our set was all jigs, another, all strathspeys ( which largely had every "snap" ironed out of them when they became songs!), and we also have a set of reels. This year it will be a mixed bunch, starting with a slow air and gradually going up tempo with each successive tune, until we finish with a reel.

12 Jan 18 - 09:32 AM (#3899065)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Sarah the flute

My celidh band The Aqueduct aka Adequate Ceilidh Band have 8 this year and 5 are on consecutive nights. Having to invest in more tartan! They are all private events though but the other half of Morrigan have a public one on 26th Jan at Mycenae House in Blackheath - see Morrigan website for details

12 Jan 18 - 11:25 AM (#3899093)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: GUEST,akenaton

I love aw Burns work, but tae ma mind the nearest thing we've got at present is Davie Robertson. Jist a wee taste ye ken

12 Jan 18 - 11:35 AM (#3899098)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: GUEST,akenaton

An' here's wan fur the   

12 Jan 18 - 01:53 PM (#3899140)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Gallus Moll

Jack - do you mean the first Burns night that was held in Dalkeith was in 1812?*
'Cos the first celebration of Burns was held in Alloway in his cottage in 1801, soon followed by the establishment of the 'Mither Club' in Greenock- the first actual Burns Club.

*think the Dalkeith memorial to Burns was erected in the late 1800s----

12 Jan 18 - 02:06 PM (#3899150)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Tattie Bogle

Love they sangs Ake! Not intae the body mutilation masel'!

Just met wi ma concertina friend today to go through our set for the next local folk club Burns supper: the theme is to be Burns' Travels so we have:
Logan Water/It Was A' for Our Rightful King/Come Boat Me Ower tae Charlie/There was a lad was born in Kyle (the last NOT being the Dainty Davie tune but the ither yin).

And for Cafe Ceilidh in the Scottish Storytelling Centre on 23rd Jan (2pm in the efternoon if ye fancy it!) we are playing 2 of the tunes formerly used for "My Love is Like a Red Red Rose" before the one that is most usually sing took hold - Mary Queen of Scots' Lament, followed by Major Graham.

12 Jan 18 - 03:23 PM (#3899172)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Senoufou

There are Burns Nights all over Norfolk (for some reason!) even at Banningham (the Crown pub), a small village not far from us.
My husband and I adore haggis, so we'll probably have that and some neaps & tatties.
I get a bit weepy hearing all those lovely old Robert Burns songs. I do miss Scotland at times like that.

12 Jan 18 - 05:58 PM (#3899196)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Jack Campin

I have more info on my Music of Dalkeith pages - the modern form of the Burns Supper was invented there, and spread from there to the rest of the world. Whatever they did in Alloway in 1801 didn't immediately catch on.

12 Jan 18 - 05:59 PM (#3899198)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Tattie Bogle

Always been a lot o' Scots in E Anglia, Senofou. I was brought up in Essex, then Suffolk (although born in Scotland). My mother started a Caledonian Society in Clacton-on Sea (of all places!) in the 1950s (anyone know if it's still going?)
After we moved to Ipswich when I was only 9, there was already a Caledonian Society there, as well as the Presbyterian Church which attracted a lot of Scots to it. There my mother ran Scottish Country Dancing classes in the church hall, playing piano and bawling out instructions (which you could do while learning the dances, tho' NOT, absolutely NOT at a proper dance nights - "We don't do callers"!). Many of our family friends were Scots and we had Burns Suppers, St Andrews nights, Hogmanays, etc!

13 Jan 18 - 04:31 AM (#3899255)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: GUEST,Observer

"The first supper was held in memoriam at Burns Cottage by Burns's friends, on 21 July 1801, the fifth anniversary of his death; it has been a regular occurrence ever since. The first still extant Burns Club was founded in Greenock in 1801 by merchants who were born in Ayrshire, some of whom had known Burns. They held the first Burns supper on what they thought was his birthday, 29 January 1802, but in 1803, they discovered the Ayr parish records that noted his date of birth was actually 25 January 1759. Since then, suppers have been held on or about 25 January."

16 Jan 18 - 06:55 AM (#3899942)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Tattie Bogle

Just a wee selection of public events available here!
And here:

16 Jan 18 - 06:58 AM (#3899944)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Tattie Bogle

Blickifier apparently not working, so just copy and paste links into your browser if you really wanna know!

16 Jan 18 - 11:42 AM (#3899999)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: GUEST,Jack Campin

"Observer"'s unattributed source is Wikipedia. Not surprising they didn't want to admit to where they found it.

Got something more authoritative, like The People's Friend?

16 Jan 18 - 05:43 PM (#3900065)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: GUEST,Observer

Don't be so dismissive GUEST Jack - Tell us all what information contained is in dispute? The Wiki entry has references that lead to the Greenock Burns Club which was the first and is the oldest and is referred to as "The Mother Club" - Are you saying that their records are incorrect, or false.

You mention that the Dalkeith Club is where "the modern form of the Burns Supper was invented" means absolutely nothing. But that is a bit different to what you claimed in your post of 10 Jan 18 - 01:42 PM - "The very first Burns Night was held in Dalkeith in 1812." - That claim GUEST Jack Campin is a myth that has been well and truly disproven.

23 Jan 18 - 08:20 PM (#3901365)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: FreddyHeadey

btw JCs's page
(lots of other stuff there too even if there is a dispute about a date\location!)

24 Jan 18 - 04:20 AM (#3901389)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Senoufou

We finally managed to get a haggis (not easy in Norfolk villages) We asked in one shop and all they had was a TINNED one! Husband ate it and said it was nice. I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.
But the proper haggis (from a supermarket) is in the fridge, and we have some neaps at the ready for tomorrow.
I'm Clan Mackay and can dance all the Scottish dances known to man. I can also recite quite a bit of Burns. Oh dear, hanky at the ready! I also get a bit emotional on St Patrick's Day as I'm half Irish too.
Husband has designed himself a tartan (Mc Very-African-name) and has threatened to commission a Kilt in it. (There's a men's bridegroom shop in Norwich that does kilts for weddings) He particularly admires sporrans for some reason.

24 Jan 18 - 04:59 AM (#3901392)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Jack Campin

Senoufou, has your hubby considered registering his tartan? If his name is that of some sizable African clan, it might well be worth doing, and would certainly get them in the public eye in Scotland.

24 Jan 18 - 05:32 AM (#3901395)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Senoufou

Ooooh Jack! That's a brilliant idea! I'll show him that site later.
He so adored Scotland when we visited my sister, and was blown away by Edinburgh.

24 Jan 18 - 09:15 AM (#3901434)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Leadfingers

Blue Anchor (Byfleet) has a Burns Night tomorrow - Haggis and all !!

24 Jan 18 - 01:48 PM (#3901515)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Tattie Bogle

Edinburgh Folk Club tonight, but missing it: still struggling with ear problems.
Very nice afternoon in the Scottish Story-telling Centre yesterday, with lots of Burns songs, recitations, tunes, etc, and speaking of "The People's Friend" as JC was, even a John Watt song - another of Scotland's greatest bards! (Kelty Clippie.) And 2 songs in Russian!

24 Jan 18 - 02:05 PM (#3901519)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Senoufou

Just realised I meant 'neeps' not 'neaps'!

24 Jan 18 - 07:08 PM (#3901571)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Tattie Bogle

Aye, I got pu'ed up for spelling it wrang a few years back when I did the poster for our local Burns Nicht, and told aebuddy they'd get "haggis, neaps and tatties"! Onywey, efter that, coulna resist gieing ye this wee sang! (Tho ye micht need a translator!) Note the chorus efter verses 2 and 4!
Sylvia Barnes does a brilliant version o' it!

Whan I've a saxpence under my thoum,
Then I'll get credit in ilka toun:
But aye whan I'm puir they bid me gang by;
O! poverty pairts guid company.
Toddlin hame, toddlin hame,
Couldna my love come toddlin hame?

Fair fa' the guidwife, an send her guid sale,
She gies us white bannocks to drink her ale,
Syne if her tippenny chance to be sma',
We'll tak a guid scoor o't, an ca't awa.
Toddlin hame, toddlin hame,
As roond as a neep come toddlin hame.

My kimmer an me lays doun to sleep,
An twa pint stoups at oor bed-feet;
An aye when we waukened we drank them dry:
What think ye o my wee kimmer an I?
Toddlin but an toddlin ben,
Sae roond as my love comes toddlin hame.

Leeze me on liqor, my toddlin dou,
Ye're aye sae guid-humoured when weetin your mou;
When sober sae soor, ye'll fecht wi a flee,
That it's a blythe sicht to the bairns an me,
Toddlin hame, toddlin hame,
When roond as a neep ye come toddlin hame.

25 Jan 18 - 03:20 AM (#3901619)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Senoufou

Hahaha Tattie, I absolutely loved that song! (And I didn't need a translator either!)
I particularly liked the line 'When sober sae soor, ye'll fecht wi a flee'.
There's a children's programme on CBeebies called 'Abney and Teal'. They have a little friend called 'Neep' (and he is a neep)

We're looking forward to our haggis tonight (and the neeps, which we'll get today at Tesco's with a bit of luck)

25 Jan 18 - 05:39 AM (#3901639)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Tattie Bogle

A very old song. Enjoy your Burns Supper! Ours is next Tuesday.
School dinners put me off neeps (swede) for life, so husband always gets mine!

25 Jan 18 - 05:48 AM (#3901641)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Johnny J

The neeps are probably the healthiest part of the whole meal.

25 Jan 18 - 07:09 PM (#3901812)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Leadfingers

Byfleet was a great evening

11 Mar 18 - 12:56 PM (#3910511)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: GUEST,keberoxu

Apropos Tattie Bogle's submission of Toddlin' Hame:

I wasn't aware that Franz Josef Haydn wrote an arrangement of this.
It's for baritone voice, accompanied by
violin, cello, and keyboard.

13 Mar 18 - 08:18 PM (#3910947)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: Tattie Bogle

There was a big thing going between Robert Burns' publisher, George Thomson and Haydn: quite a long and devious story. Maybe best to Google it if you are interested, as too long and involved to spell it all out here! Beethoven involved somewhere too.

13 Mar 18 - 08:59 PM (#3910951)
Subject: RE: Any Burns Night doings in UK?
From: keberoxu

So, that might explain how
both Haydn and Beethoven ended up setting
Scottish and English lyrics to music.