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Try my new Yahoo sound website

08 Jan 03 - 07:34 AM (#861484)
Subject: Try my new Yahoo sound website
From: GUEST,Jim Clark..London..England

I've just started adding sound poems to my new "sound poetry" Yahoo
group...currently theres sound versions of poems by
Keats,Shelley,Christina Rossetti,Emily Bronte,Wilfred Owen and in the
very near future as time permits there will be much more to listen
to ...

All are welcome to post their own sound versions of favourite classic
poems or their own originals....or to request me to read a favourite
poem for them..

Heres the link.

Sound Poetry Yahoo group


Jim Clark..sound poet..London..England

08 Jan 03 - 07:44 AM (#861498)
Subject: RE: Try my new Yahoo sound website
From: Nigel Parsons

"Sound poet" ? I've known some unsound poets!


08 Jan 03 - 06:45 PM (#862031)
Subject: RE: Try my new Yahoo sound website
From: Stephen L. Rich

Jim -- how did you do it? I have a Yahoo site and I've been trying to upload an audio track for ages. What file format did you use,etc.?

Stephen Lee

09 Jan 03 - 06:36 AM (#862385)
Subject: RE: Try my new Yahoo sound website
From: GUEST,Jim Clark..London..England

I run a line via a sound mixer into the back of my computer into the socket marked yellow this leads to the sound card so you do need to use a sound mixer of any other device that regulates sound volume between player and computer....I use the pc's sound recorder found in the menu under programs,accesories,entertainment on my windows 98 get initialy only 60 seconds recording time on this gizmo,but if you allow it to run o the 60 secs max,then keep on clicking record without touching the slider and aloowing it to record til it stops you can amass several minutes recording time...the format you should convert to is gsm 6.10 8bit (you can find all the formats available in the sound recorder menu..i find this works fine for me) save you time when making wav recordings for the net should amass several minutes of recording time in the fashion i've suggested and save it in a folder on your pc and a cdr for repeated use as a can shorten iyt to the length of the tracks you wish to upload by going to the sound recorderd edit menu and clipping away any extraneous sound at the beginning and end of your recordings....


Jim Clark...
Heres the link to my other sound website which currently has dozens of unique recordings of musical sound poems and acoustic music in it various categories.
acoustic musicians and poets sound archive

09 Jan 03 - 07:03 AM (#862396)
Subject: RE: Try my new Yahoo sound website
From: GUEST,Jim Clark..London..England

One other thing..unlike with msn...You'll need to save the files onto a cd/rw or cdr before uploading to yahoo as once as they are on cdr the files names become short enough for yahoos server to cope with...


Jim Clark..

09 Jan 03 - 03:33 PM (#862942)
Subject: RE: Try my new Yahoo sound website
From: GUEST,Jim Clark..London..England

Loads more sound poems added today....

Sound Poetry Yahoo group

12 Jan 03 - 08:46 AM (#865098)
Subject: RE: Try my new Yahoo sound website
From: GUEST,Jim Clark..London..England

Sound Poetry Yahoo group