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BS: Blair threatens war on USA

06 Feb 03 - 07:17 PM (#884371)
Subject: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: InOBU

On BBC tonight, Tony Blair was asked by an audience member in an interview, what is the purpose of going to war. He said to rid the world of weapons of mass distruction. The fellow then asked, what they, make war around the world? Blair said , no just those nations with weapons of mass distruction. As a citizen of a nation with weapons of mass distruction, I must say, I am worried.

06 Feb 03 - 07:26 PM (#884380)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: McGrath of Harlow

Maybe he meant only those countries with weapons of mass destruction which don't have their leaders democratically elected, and which put people in prison without trials, and which invade foreign countries.

Oh dear...

06 Feb 03 - 07:27 PM (#884381)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: Lanfranc

It's OK, we in the United(sic) Kingdom have them, too.

We'll show you ours if you'll show us yours!

The Right Honourable Member for Texas North did cover the situation that you fear in another comment, where he said that a different approach was needed for different countries. The official UK approach to the US at present is crawling on the belly, only rising to lick Presidential arse!

As far as I am aware, this exchange of fluids is not lethal, just unhealthy.


06 Feb 03 - 07:33 PM (#884385)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA

The Daughter of an Arab Warrior Tells Her Tale
>    By Nonie Darwish
> Ms. Darwish is an American of Arab/Muslim origin
> and a former editor and translator.
> Her e-mail is
> Source: - December 30, 2002
> _____________________
Lengthy copy-paste article deleted. Please provide a link, plus a summary in your own words.
-Joe Offer-

06 Feb 03 - 07:42 PM (#884390)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA

GWBush says the same thing pretty often.

You know, if you just listen to GW and imagine that, every time he says 'Saddam' or 'bin Laden' or 'dictator' when referring to his enemies...if you just imagine he is mocking you and substitute HIS name for that of the enemy he is describing, his speeches and statements make a warped kind of sense. He is TELLING us in a sick kind of plain-sight code that HE is the 'evildoer'. Seriously.

Some people think this is part of his 'ritual'...that some occult requirement demands he make us all aware of his intentions before carrying them out.

I noticed Powell doing it too, in the minute or so I heard of him at the U.N. The practices of developing and hiding weapons Powell was describing are AMERICAN practices. And the U.N. Ambassadors aren't so stupid they can't see that, so that tells me Powell's whole visit to the U.N. was just pro forma. They're fully aware of the occult garbage on the part of the U.S. and are patiently sitting there tabulating how much Iraqi oil it will take to subdue the next 'rogue nation'.

06 Feb 03 - 07:50 PM (#884397)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: Bobert

I did that tonight, GUEST, and guess what. Just about everything Bush says about Saddam one could easily plug Bush in instead of Saddam. I heard Bush's latest temper tantrum on the way home form work tonight. I think it would be intersting for someone with greater pudder skill than I to post it and leave a fill-in-the-blank every time Bush say Saddam.

Can you do that, GUEST? I think it would be rather fun. Okay, you don't have to take the entire speech but there are lots of places where Bush is the better choice....Especially about dissent.


06 Feb 03 - 08:13 PM (#884404)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

tony blair is a bag of shit.john

06 Feb 03 - 08:27 PM (#884408)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: Bobert

Well, john, that is one hatefull thing to do to a perfectly good bag, don't ya think?

But, take away the perfectly good bag, and I agree with you whole heartedly. No more than a boot licker to another boot licker of the military indusrtialists.

Couple of bus station whores...


06 Feb 03 - 09:06 PM (#884424)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA

That would mean I have to READ the crap, Bobert. Spare me. I know what he's going to say beforehand (globalist mis-direction and terrorism while HE pretends to be our alternative to terrorism). I can barely listen to him speak, even. I mostly watch for the releases from the Exec Branch departments. That's where the real perilous stuff is coming from now. Sure, GW's going to burn American bodies in his desert sacrifice in Iraq, but those military folks...they signed up for it. I'm more worried about my neighbors, etc. None of us voted for mercenaries patrolling our streets.

But if the speech is short enough I might be able to cut / paste and sub GW's name for 'Saddam', 'bin Laden', 'the terrorists', etc. Any suggestions on a short speech he's vomitted forth recently?

06 Feb 03 - 10:27 PM (#884472)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: Bobert

Yo, GUEST, it ain't that long. It ain't like Powell's 71 minute one the other day. It's like 10 minutes. You know Junior. He gets distracted after about 10 minutes of anything other than roller derby, which I'm told he can watch for days upon end...


06 Feb 03 - 10:30 PM (#884474)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: GUEST,Richard H

Fact: Samson slew 1000 men with the jawbone of an ass.
Reasonable conclusion: The jawbone of an ass is a weapon of mass destruction.

This is scary information. Bush and Blair could both be handling weapons of mass destruction every time they shave!

06 Feb 03 - 10:37 PM (#884477)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: Little Hawk

That's an amusing and very attention-getting thread title, Larry. "Weapons of mass destruction" is the latest excuse for aggression, that's all. I wonder what the next one will be? "Saving innocent lives"? Goebbels lives again, alive and well in Britain and America.

06 Feb 03 - 10:41 PM (#884480)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: Bobert

Well, everytime that Bush scratches his chin he's messin' with the jawbone of an ass.

Couldn't pass that one up. Sorry.


06 Feb 03 - 11:20 PM (#884500)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA

I butted in on this thread about Blair and yapped about Bush, and I apologize. I also have to admit I don't know much about Blair.

In America, every time Blair is shown on the news, he seems to be switching his position on something. And our CSPAN station carries an hour a week, I believe, of your parliamentary session where both sides challenge and hoot at each other. And the couple times I've watched it, Blair has seemed...suspicious. No matter how badly he is exposed on issues, he rises and tries to put a good face on things. I have to admire his tenacity, but some of his lies are so OBVIOUS, even to me, I wonder how he can shamelessly persevere.

Don't you folks in Britain have the 'vote of confidence' thing which I sometimes wish we had in the U.S.? Can't you just vote someone like Blair out of office?

I mean, from what I've seen of Blair on the news, he is about to get your country into some SERIOUS trouble. Or so it seems. But then who am I to ask questions and offer advice? Bush...enough said.

06 Feb 03 - 11:29 PM (#884506)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: Little Hawk

Yes, is there a mechanism for bringing down a goverment in the UK? Vote of non-confidence? Something like that? How big a parliamentary majority does Blair have?

07 Feb 03 - 12:29 AM (#884542)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: leprechaun

Neville Chamberlain ain't doin' so bad either.

07 Feb 03 - 12:38 AM (#884545)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: GUEST,The Old Vet

I was surprised to stumble on this thread and others like it while looking for some folk song lyrics. The virulence, truculence and utter ignorance of many of the posts also surprised me. My God, were you to say things such as these in many--perhaps most--countries, you'd be on your way to the local Gulag in short order. Have you no perspective?

Free speech carries with it the responsibility to be informed.   I don't see much of that in these posts.   Our country has faced a very somber reality since 9/11. Like it or not, we are at war.   We would be at war were Gore or even Clinton the president instead of Bush. Our enemies are ephemeral and fanatical and utterly unscupulous and amoral. Didn't 9/11 convince you of that?   Whether or not we go to war with Iraq, we will remain at war with terrorism, and will be for a very long time.

This somber new reality demands of you a mature and balanced response. And well it should. Your outspoken, anti-establishment views would mark you as among the first to go behind the barbed wire should an authoritarian theocracy take over your government.

07 Feb 03 - 12:51 AM (#884553)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: Bill D

Free speech carries with it the responsibility to be informed."

...unfortunately, there is no examination to see if one is 'well informed' before they speak out.....and, to judge by what I read, BEING well informed has little effect on analysis and conclusions! Most seem to pick and choose among the things they are 'well-informed' about in order to justify what they already accepted on emotion and bias and vested interests....

07 Feb 03 - 01:02 AM (#884555)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: Tam the bam fraeSaltcoatsScotland

What sacres me is when George Bush learns to countdown from 10 to 1.
Then I'll be watching the skies.

Boom Boom

07 Feb 03 - 01:12 AM (#884559)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: Sorcha

I wish my brother, career US Army, could internalize this stuff. He never will. He just thinks we should go Kick Ass where-ever for whatever. Oh well. I love him anyway. He's my brother.

And, are you Tam the Bam frae Scotland? What happened to Tam?

07 Feb 03 - 01:55 AM (#884565)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA

Old vet...the terrorists are in the White House. They terrorize us daily now. They pulled 5 of the hijackers aside on Sept 11 for random boarding checks on Sept 11, and the 5 were 'known associates of bin Laden' and had blatant visa violations at that very moment. Yet the FBI database the airport security personell tapped into gave the men a green reason to hold them. Then NORAD didn't function. For 75 minutes G.W. Bush and Gen. Ralph Eberhart held the interceptor jets on the ground so the hijacked planes could reach their targets.

I agree with all the bad things you said about the terrorists, but unfortunately the terrorists are dug into the White House.

And as far as going to the gulag, that won't be in MY future. Freedom or death. And I don't need lectures on the responsibilities that go with freedom of speech. To be quiet about the corporate fascistic government taking over the U.S. would be to betray every oath to the Constitution I ever took. A global crime syndicate has taken control of the U.S. govt, and I plan to keep pointing that out to people until we either return to a Constitutional Republic or until I'm dead. And if we ALL felt that way, things would be back to normal tomorrow.

07 Feb 03 - 03:23 AM (#884581)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: katlaughing judge by what I read, BEING well informed has little effect on analysis and conclusions...BillD, how did you conclude that they might BE well informed? All I've seen lately, esp. from raving lunatic GUEST, is a bunch of...well, ravings with no cites! As you so eloquently say sometimes: *sigh*

07 Feb 03 - 04:00 AM (#884589)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: Teribus

GUEST 01:55 above says in his post above:

"For 75 minutes G.W. Bush and Gen. Ralph Eberhart held the interceptor jets on the ground so the hijacked planes could reach their targets."

How very sinister!!! - Well no really it isn't. Up until the aircraft actually struck their targets the situation was that of a multiple hijacking. No one at the time those aircraft were taken over could have possibly predicted what the intent of the terrorists was. Onboard the one aircraft where the passengers did realise what the intent was, they fought and caused the aircraft to crash in open country, short of its target.

07 Feb 03 - 06:04 AM (#884641)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: Gareth

That Conspiracy theory explained and proven.

Click 'Ere and down load the file !


07 Feb 03 - 06:49 AM (#884659)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: Sibelius

Vote of confidence? If only! The vote of confidence is only available within Parliament itself, not as a means for a disillusioned electorate to throw out the PM. It's rarely used, but when it is, it's usually in a situation when a Government, with a small majority in Parliament, has become seriously damaged as a result of mishandling a particular issue. The situation has to be so bad that the Govt loses the confidence of a significant proportion of its own members, as well as the opposition. It also requires the opposition to be an effective force, able to get all of its own members into the voting lobby, and convince sufficient numbers in the governing party to vote against their own leader.

Even if a vote of confidence is carried against the Govt., it still doesn't necessarily bring them down. I seem to remember John Major's government losing a vote of confidence on the issue of the VAT levy on domestic fuel, but the legislation still went through, just a bit watered down.

Currently we have a government with a large majority and a hopelessly ineffective opposition. Although Tony Blair's personal popularity is rapidly falling, he doesn't yet have the destructive fault lines in the Labour Party that caused the collapse of the Tory Party in the 1990s. So we're a long way from having the necessary conditions for a vote of confidence.

It may be a different story when the killing starts. With the general public massively opposed to an attack on Iraq, if there are significant casualties, either among Iraqi civilians or British armed forces, an awful lot of Labour MPs are going to be worrying about their seats. If the thing drags on, then we might see questions being asked about Blair's grasp of reality.

07 Feb 03 - 07:10 AM (#884669)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: McGrath of Harlow

I never quite understand it when people say "You should be grateful you are allowed free speech. So shut up."

It's the kind of thing politicians boom out through their microphones and PA system as the odd protestor, who has somehow managed to get into a "public meeting" and shouted out a question, is dragged off by the security people and dumped outside somewhere, very likely in a cell.

There is more than one way a society can silence opposition, and some of the most effective ways involve leaving critics to drown themselves at the equivalent of Speakers Corner, while maintaining steady control on what is considered as suitable material for shadow-boxing in the arena of mass media and big politics.

07 Feb 03 - 09:15 AM (#884722)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: InOBU

Dear old vet:
Welcome to the cat. We singers of folk songs often wind up behind the wire, from Bobby Sands to Victor Hara. Not a problem, we even wind up behind the wire and infront of the firing squads here, just ask the ghost of Joe Hill.
You will find a lot of open discussion here, and welcome to the fray. You may find, for example, folks like me pointing out the gass used to kill Iraqui Kurds was not produced in Iraq, but was produced in Iran as was shown by the chemical markers. Part of being a folk singer has sometimes be singing truth to lies, or singing the lie. Even Woody Guthery added to the myth of the Rubin James.
Worlds at war build Gulags everywhere. Lets find a better way. You and I have seen war up close and it is a piss poor way to change the world or to protect rights. I live in downtown New York. I was there when the buildings came down and worried for my wife who works directly under the buildings. I saw, and I don't want revenge, I want a world at peace. Your way can make us as safe as folks are in Isreal, not really the model I choose to follow.
All the best, and again welcome

07 Feb 03 - 09:40 AM (#884744)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: Peg

Old Vet: I am perplexed at the connection you seem to be making between the terrorist acts of September 11 2001, and the justifability of an immanent invasion on Iraq. Could you explain exactly how the two are connected? And why the "war on terrorism" necessitates a war in Iraq?

Teribus: as for passengers fighting causing that plane to crash in Pennsylvania: there is a fair amount of speculation (and no small amount of hushed-up evidence) that our own military shot down that plane to prevent it reaching its target. A sacrificial action that perhaps saved more lives than it took...but that's not to say it wasn't a cold-blooded thing to do.

07 Feb 03 - 10:02 AM (#884757)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: banjomad (inactive)

If the UK declare war on the USA I will come over and be your personal human shield Larry, maybe the only chance I'll get to see
Sorcha Dorcha.
Dave, [ formerly known as zander ]

07 Feb 03 - 10:40 AM (#884776)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: Teribus

Aye Peg, speculation regarding how the fourth plane came down is one thing, but my point to the inference made by Guest 7-02.03, 01:55 was that up until the first plane crashed - everybody thought along the lines of a straight forward hijacking - what actually transpired was a completely new twist that could not have been foreseen.

07 Feb 03 - 11:03 AM (#884788)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA

No, Teribus. The people in charge WERE thinking along the lines of airliners used as bombs. On the morning of Sept. 11...the day itself...the Pentagon was having an evacuation drill. The simulated situation was that of a plane hitting the building. THEY WERE HAVING A DRILL SIMULATING WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. And GWBush was told six weeks prior to the hijackings, at his ranch in Crawford, TX, that EXACTLY what happened was a possibility. He denied it at first, then later overwhelming evidence came out and he HAD to admit it.

The FAA immediately cleared the airlanes when 4 jets went off course. They cleared the lanes and waited for the military intervention. Standard Operating Procedure. Intervention never came. Only two men had the power to make the NORAD jets stand down that day. Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart and G.W. Bush. Bush is now 'popular' because of his terrorism. Eberhart is now Proconsul of North charge of NORTHCOM...the new military dictatorship. He got promoted, and he is pushing for a change to the 1878 law which prohibits American troops from taking part in police actions on American streets. He started pushing for the change less than 30 days after he got paid off for murdering thousands in New York. They have a couple more pesky laws to change before their dictatorship becomes 'legal' on paper, and then we'll see if they can implement it.

And InOBU -- Iran may have sold Hussein some of the nerve gas used against the Kurds, but most of it was purchased from James Baker III. Former Secretary of State of the U.S. And the sale required presidential approval, so Bush # 1 approved it. That is why the 12 thousand page list of weapons Iraq issued was seized by the U.S. authorities, though it was supposed to be circulated around the entire Security Council. The U.S. seized both copies, and when it reappeared, it had been cut down to only 3 thousand pages. The Bushes and their pals sold Hussein most of his weapons.

07 Feb 03 - 11:07 AM (#884792)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA

And thank you for your explanation, Sibelius. That makes sense now. You mention an ineffectual opposition to the government...I know in the U.S. the opposition to Bush (the Democratic party being the opposition) have no REASON to oppose, because Bush's spending spree is giving the opposition all they want. So why fuss? He's buying off the competition, and when he's not, he says we're 'at war, so don't bother me'. Might be the same in Britain.

07 Feb 03 - 05:13 PM (#885039)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA
From: leprechaun

Hey Old Vet. Welcome to the Mudcat. This is a great place, really. If you have a question about Folk music, you can post it here, and it will nearly always be answered, sometimes within minutes. There are a lot of nice people with a lot of knowledge, and they're very generous about sharing it.

They're also very generous about sharing some very strong opinions. And they do get pretty virulent don't they? Of course there's the occasional bad-faith kookball posting a load of crap just to get a reaction.

But since it's mostly a folk music site, most of the folks are fashionably radical. In a way, though, it's good to have them around. They squall like stuck pigs about how vicious and dishonest our government and leaders are. They swear to the sky that the CIA and FBI are spying on them and the armies of capitalist robber barons are poised to wipe them out for speaking their minds. Yet here they still are, free to squall and swear and whine, disproving every day all their paranoid theories about how oppressed they are.

As much as we might get on each other's nerves, we still have a good laugh all together now and then.

I hope you stick around Old Vet. I like your voice.

07 Feb 03 - 05:57 PM (#885068)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair threatens war on USA


Wasn't the flight path of the plane in Pennsylvania taking it to the nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island? I know the govt said it 'nose dived' into a field, but it's debris was spread out for over a mile, which would indicate explosion in air. And locals heard an explosion in the air. It was shot down, but a govt admission of that would lead to an open inquiry into Sept 11, which we still haven't had. It was just more neat to say it crashed, in my opinion.