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The Decency of the 'Cat

12 Feb 03 - 08:18 PM (#889032)
Subject: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Amos

The Mudcat Community is populated most of all with people who are decent. In the thousands of times I have come here looking for lyrics, looking for laughs and looking for a sign of life on the planet, I have never failed to be touched by the fact that the people of the ?Cat are what I can only call ?good people?.

This means a number of things to me,

It means people who are interested in an open exchange of points of view.

It means people who share a love for the magic that happens when they hear singing, and when they sing themselves.

It means people who are generally more willing to be plain and straightforward than they are in need of being fancy, special or egoistical.

It means people who will find the time to help other people for no other reason than it seems like a good thing to do.

It means people who will go out of their way to help others find answers to questions, to share lessons learned, to make each other laugh, to provide comfort and support in hard times, to cheer the wins and celebrate the good times.

It means people who are willing to sit down at their keyboard and put their minds to work on behalf of community.

It often means people who will drive for long distances to share music or provide help.

It means people who will often go out of their way to make an environment that is safe for others.

All these elements are part of what I call the ?decency? of the folks who come here to share songs and swap stories and tell jokes and ponder the tough puzzles of life with each other.

I have seen this quality coming to the fore here over, and over, and over again, even when the temptations to do otherwise were plentiful and blatant.

And I think this is an observation worthy of recording, and perhaps pointing to from time to time when the invitations to lesser forms of conduct come knocking.

This is a truly decent place, and I love it.


12 Feb 03 - 08:21 PM (#889037)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Don Firth


Don Firth

12 Feb 03 - 08:25 PM (#889040)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Mr Happy

'the Cat' aka 'the kitty' [in uk]

life's not like a sewer!

life's like a kitty- the more you put in, the more you get out!!

thanks for that Amos,


Mr H

12 Feb 03 - 08:26 PM (#889042)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Neighmond

Speaker, oh speaker! I second the motion!
I call for a tally to see who agrees!
If any amongst us has a contrary notion
Sit in for awile, and our good side you'll see!

12 Feb 03 - 08:27 PM (#889043)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Mr Happy

you're on a winner there Amos!

12 Feb 03 - 08:28 PM (#889044)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: wysiwyg

I dunno how you can call it decent, what with them photo calendars an' all. :~)


12 Feb 03 - 08:30 PM (#889049)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: McGrath of Harlow

That seems to go for most people, regardless of which side they come down on over disagrements.

Perhaps a lot of us save the nicer side of us for the Mudcat - which is the other way round from a lot of places on the Internet.

12 Feb 03 - 08:42 PM (#889060)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Rick Fielding

Of course it's decent. And if it's politics in general seem quite liberal to some, that's 'cause we've come here (at first) for FOLK MUSIC!!

I dare say if it was a "Vikings Appreciation and Chat" site, or "Wagner vas a Vimp" forum, those of conservative bent would find a few more kindred souls. But it ain't.

Nope, A LOT of Mudcatters question authority, a lot of folks are pretty scared at the moment, AND feelings are running high....but decency? Of course. I'm not talking about the four or five 'whackballs',.....we've got far fewer than ANY of the other sites.



12 Feb 03 - 08:46 PM (#889064)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Mr Happy

'whack balls!',.....OUCH!!

12 Feb 03 - 08:49 PM (#889066)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Bobert

Right on, Amos...

I tried to make this point on the "angry, rage" thread but you have done it very well.

Hey, I don't know what goes on at other sites other than Tweedsblues but thats more like a few folks hanging on the corner compared to this joint.

Hey, given the times, I think we've held up right well. Civil for the most part. Okay, I might get a tad roudy at times but I respect allmost everyone here...


12 Feb 03 - 09:24 PM (#889092)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Mudlark

Thanks, Amos, for stating it so well...and count yourself high among like-minded decent folk. You fit the criteria.

12 Feb 03 - 09:37 PM (#889099)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Mark Clark


12 Feb 03 - 09:43 PM (#889104)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat

HEear Hear...or here know, what Amos said...

12 Feb 03 - 09:47 PM (#889107)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Dave Swan

Right again, Amos.


12 Feb 03 - 09:51 PM (#889111)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Tinker

Thank you Amos. Thank you Mudcat. Thank you all.


12 Feb 03 - 09:59 PM (#889116)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Jerry Rasmussen

I find everything you say to be true, Amos. People may get very outspoken around here, but it is rarely directed personally at someone. I think that when tempers start to flare, people do admirably well in restraining themselves. But, it's not just a lack of nastiness. It's a genuine good-will and gnerosity that makes this place run.

And you are one of the finest men here, Amos... don't get me started on picking the top ten.. but you'd be in there..


12 Feb 03 - 10:19 PM (#889127)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Amos

Aw geeze, man!! I'm gonna turn red all over!! :>)

Thank you for the kind comment, Jerry, but that's a mirror you're lookin' at!


12 Feb 03 - 10:21 PM (#889128)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Rustic Rebel

I agree Amos. Everyone here is;
down to earth,
breath takin',
can't beat 'em
wanna greet 'em,
some day meet 'em.
Music makers,
Ain't no fakers,
egg shakers,
Sisters and brothers,
some are mothers (Ha!)
Damn straight
Don't hesitate
Down-right, good decent folks.

Peace. Rustic

12 Feb 03 - 10:25 PM (#889130)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Bill D

yup...on the whole we are decent, friendly, helpful folk(s)... and even the dreaded inner clique has been known to come out of their cabalistic meetings and do good things. ;.))

as Pogo 'should' have said, "We have met both the enemy and the friends, and we am both of 'em."

12 Feb 03 - 10:46 PM (#889147)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: catspaw49

What a posting Amos....What a posting! Let's review it...........

It means people who are interested in an open exchange of points of view. Oftimes we find these viewpoints on the end of a rapier

It means people who share a love for the magic that happens when they hear singing, and when they sing themselves. And some of us simply hope for love when we pull a dead rabbit out of the hat

It means people who are generally more willing to be plain and straightforward than they are in need of being fancy, special or egoistical. Yeah, I think that's probably least some of the time.....maybe....or maybe not as the case may be......I dunno'......You could be wrong as you often are as opposed to me as I am never wrong!!! I think the clearly obvious point here is that you're an asshole Amos.

It means people who will find the time to help other people for no other reason than it seems like a good thing to do. Here I think you have left out the entire "brownie point" angle Amos....No small thing to some! In your case you probably don't think of that angle because you are used to "small things"......

It means people who will go out of their way to help others find answers to questions, to share lessons learned, to make each other laugh, to provide comfort and support in hard times, to cheer the wins and celebrate the good times. This simply means that we like to showoff our knowledge and searching abilities, that we all love to talk, and mainly that we're bored stiff.

It means people who are willing to sit down at their keyboard and put their minds to work on behalf of community. Proving my point! You were obviously bored when you wrote this diatribe and I'm bored stiff now.....or I wouldn't be responding to such boringass drivel!

It often means people who will drive for long distances to share music or provide help. Listen....How about you take a run over to my place and clean the drains? We can play a few tunes too....Shouldn't take any longer than 50 or 55 hours round trip. Pick up a rooter snake on your way huh? Also some strings....and a couple of pizzas.....and a case of brew.....maybe a side of beef too if you can fit it in.......

It means people who will often go out of their way to make an environment that is safe for others. I think we could all go in together and build a climatically controlled geodesic dome on the moon for a couple of our anonymous guests.

All these elements are part of what I call the ?decency? of the folks who come here to share songs and swap stories and tell jokes and ponder the tough puzzles of life with each other. Hey Man, we're ALL bored!!!.......and Kermit the Frog solved life's puzzle long ago when he said, "There ain't nothin' to it but to do it."

I have seen this quality coming to the fore here over, and over, and over again, even when the temptations to do otherwise were plentiful and blatant. Let me know if it comes to the fives and I'll break out the duct tape, hardhats, batteries.....

And I think this is an observation worthy of recording, and perhaps pointing to from time to time when the invitations to lesser forms of conduct come knocking. Yeah, you would......oy............

This is a truly decent place, and I love it. Keericed you'd brown nose anyone wouldn't you? What a suck up!!! The truth is that WE all hate you Amos, so why not just bugger off? There's a good boy...


12 Feb 03 - 10:51 PM (#889155)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: artbrooks

I know I agree with Amos...I don't have a clue what Spaw said....

12 Feb 03 - 10:55 PM (#889156)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Amos


Thanks so much, man -- but that's a mirror you'r e lookin' at...


12 Feb 03 - 10:57 PM (#889157)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: catspaw49

Oh........Hmmmmm.......geez, glad you pointed that out Amos! Okay then...........nevermind.........


13 Feb 03 - 02:52 AM (#889238)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Ebbie

hahahha good one, Amos!

13 Feb 03 - 02:58 AM (#889239)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: stevetheORC

well said Amos. I love this place its so much fun.


13 Feb 03 - 03:13 AM (#889244)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Gervase

There are times when I've thought "Bollocks, why do I bother looking at the Mudcat any more? It's full of inane chatter, typos and eejits." Then Amos reminds us of the good side, and 'Spaw makes me snort my morning tea across the bloody keyboard....ROTFLMAO. Splat.
It reminds me of the first impression I ever had of a folk festival - a feeling of having stumbled across a small part of the world, Brigadoon-like, where the 'normal' rules were turned on their heads; where people were friendly, helpful and everything else that Amos has so eloquently listed.
It is a special atmosphere here in this never-ending online session, and one to be cherished. If only it was contagious!

13 Feb 03 - 03:44 AM (#889247)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Steve Parkes

Er ... all the above goes for me too!


13 Feb 03 - 03:53 AM (#889252)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Bullfrog Jones

C'mon guys admit it --- no one else would want us!


13 Feb 03 - 03:55 AM (#889254)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: alanabit

I vote for Amos.

13 Feb 03 - 05:44 AM (#889305)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: khandu

I figure that any place that does not give me argument over my right to the Throne of Mississippi is a grandly decent place...and smart, too! (Unfortunately, most of Mississippi is not so decent and smart!)

Also, I have noticed how Tweed and Bobert are tolerated accepted here, even though they are, uh, er...well, you know.

And then there is the Spaw. I suppose everyone needs an outlet for their incoherent ravings and their frustrations from "certain" inadequacies from which they suffer, and the Cafe is obviously Spaw's. And the Mudchaps are very gracious to him in his misery.

Yes, this is a decent place to visit.

Hell, we even put up with Amos!


13 Feb 03 - 06:24 AM (#889318)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Keith A of Hertford

Yes, I have had several requests answered so promptly, and even when it appears I could should have been able to find it on site already, no one really minded.
I have also made friends in both the cyber and real world.
Of course ther are issues on which people differ, and that's OK, but it is a shame some members get abusive with others whom they disagree with.

13 Feb 03 - 08:25 AM (#889375)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Rapparee

I'm fairly new, but I agree with Amos!

But I'd like to make a point to those who call A Certain Guest "an asshole": Assholes, like most things, have a useful function. I guess I'm the president of the Let's Give Assholes The Respect They Deserve Association (LGATRTDA, in short, and feel free to use the acronym). Thank you.

And thank you, 'Cat.

13 Feb 03 - 08:41 AM (#889391)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Morticia

Couldn't agree more,Amos.I don't post as often as I used to ( I think I used up all I had to say on anything back in 2000) but I pop in to look,listen and learn once or twice a day.The friends I've made here are some of the most precious I ever expect to make in my life and a few of them ( you know who you are,guys) have been saving my sanity on a regular basis ( despite it being an impossible task) whenever they sense I need it, which has been pretty often these last couple of years.

A sincere and heartfelt thank you to all the posters here who have ever made me smile, think,learn something new or reached out with a hand or advice when I needed it....I don't know what I would have done without you and I'm very glad I don't have to find out.

13 Feb 03 - 09:13 AM (#889407)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Mr Red

How can we disagree?

I always remember my first singles club (fresh into divorce) I told committe chair that a new face needed a friendly chat to welcome them - he said it wasn't his job! So I thought and figured he was in part right - I was a menber and as such it was my club and so I went over and chatted (up) the young lass. From then on I made it a self appointed task and I got first call on any new face and made friends (of either gender) that way. The side effect? A healthy boost in the self-worth dept long flattened by a bad marriage.

I think there are a lot of similarly minded people here.

13 Feb 03 - 09:13 AM (#889408)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: GUEST,Banished

*Amos* Except for your first clause regarding points of view i am in total agreement.
(Exception only applies to a select few U.K "cat"ters.)

13 Feb 03 - 09:14 AM (#889409)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: *daylia*

This place seems very 'human' to me. The discussions bring out some of the very best - and occasionally some of the worst - in people. That's only to be expected, especially in these uncertain, anxiety-laden times.

What I like is that when it really starts to 'stink', someone always voluntarily 'cleans the cat-box' in short order. Like Joe did a couple days ago, with the "Miscellaneous BS" thread. Thanks, Joe!

I come here to find information of all kinds, to be inspired by poetry and music-talk, to have a good laugh, to bounce ideas around with intelligent informed creative people who espouse a variety of points of view, and yes Spaw, sometimes just to relieve the boredom that being 'snowed in' can bring. Nothing wrong with that, is there??

And I am most grateful that the 'Cat is here! Anyone who's kept a cat knows that sometimes it's necessary to do battle with fleas, hairballs, clawed furniture, half-digested mice etc. And it's more than worth it. for the comfort and the companionship!

Thank you all, and thanks Amos for starting this up-beat thread.

Purrrrrrrrrr - daylia

13 Feb 03 - 10:03 AM (#889457)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: *daylia*

PS - this is on the T-shirt I'm wearing right now ...

"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life - MUSIC and CATS."

- Albert Schweitzer

Thank you folks, for giving a whole new meaning to the word 'cats'!


13 Feb 03 - 10:08 AM (#889464)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Kim C


13 Feb 03 - 10:18 AM (#889473)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: TIA

I love you man (sniff)...

13 Feb 03 - 11:03 AM (#889508)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: beadie

. . . . to be sure; I've never found a friendlier forum.

14 Feb 03 - 01:29 AM (#890085)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Amos

I am really touched by all the resonance and echoes and cheers this produced, and I gotta say it just shows to go ya -- as an old Greek gentleman on Kyros once toasted to me (when i was much too young to appreciate it!)

"Here's to the good people in life -- they always seem to find one another!"



14 Feb 03 - 08:53 AM (#890240)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat

Patting yourselves on the back and complimentimg each other is the most flagrant self aggrandizment possible. True value is what others say about you and this site.

14 Feb 03 - 09:46 AM (#890267)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Amos

Well put, Guest. You're right -- this is just meaningless cant. Except for one thing.

People feel that way, and it's true.

Go figger.


14 Feb 03 - 10:08 AM (#890284)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: BuckMulligan

"them what don't like us can leave us alone????"


14 Feb 03 - 10:23 AM (#890301)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: jimmyt

Have you ever tried to describe to a noncatter how much this place means to you? They look at you like you are crazy and pathetic. I absolutely love the interaction we have here. Recently I was visiting with a friend of 15 years and it occured to me that I know less about his true feelings than I do at least 50 people on Mudcat. Something about this forum encourages openness. Thanks for the thread Amos, and thanks to all of you catters out there that somehow make this place work

18 Feb 03 - 01:03 PM (#892824)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Bullfrog Jones

I'd never posted to a forum before I came to Mudcat, it's just not my kind of thing. I came here looking for lyrics and sort of stuck around, drawn in by the friendliness and the helpfulness and the honesty. I haven't posted to any other forum since joining the Mudcat, either. I wouldn't want to.


18 Feb 03 - 02:25 PM (#892890)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: GUEST,The Hated Guest

Well, the Brits HAVE to be decent, don't they?

"British citizens will be extradited for what critics have called a "thought crime" under a new European arrest warrant, the Government has conceded...."

Extradition for thoughts

Here are LOTS of links to similar stories about 'hate speech':

Hate Speech

Europe doesn't have the First Amendment.

For those of you not familiar with our American 'Amendments', ten of them were added to the U.S. Constitution to create our 'Bill of Rights'. Like math, one follows another, and one cannot be removed without negating the whole. The Bill of Rights is perfect. The first amendment reads:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Look at some of the links at the URL above. Such actions are not legal in America. So a governmental assault on the Bill of Rights is taking place right now...abuses and legal test cases here and destroy the Amendments one by one. Eventually one will collapse, and the the whole structure will fall. That's the plan, at least.

One ploy the tyrannists in this country use to attack the First Amendment is 'hate speech'. We have the right to say anything we want, but now some people believe they have the right to tell others what is 'hateful' and what isn't. It's all highly illegal, as you can see from the First Amendment, but it is so far the biggest crack in the assault against the First Amendment.

Unfortunately, liberals have been backed into a corner on this issue...they have to 'respect' the rights of others (as we all do, according to the Bill of Rights), but now the liberals are being told that freedom of speech can be abridged with laws against 'hateful' intent in speech. Bunch of crap. Liberals have been duped on this issue, as 'conservatives' have been duped on other issues, and gradually our rights are being chipped away. Time will tell if we end up like the silenced Brits.

18 Feb 03 - 03:32 PM (#892944)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Willie-O

Amos, one of these days we'll get to sit down and play some music together.

Hell, maybe even with Spaw. Way down deep he just wants to be l***ed.

Anything could happen.


18 Feb 03 - 03:37 PM (#892950)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Amos

Willie-O, it would be a hoot and an honor.

HG, you make some fine points, but really, they do not belong on this thread.


18 Feb 03 - 03:58 PM (#892968)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Ebbie

hg, you say: For those of you not familiar with our American 'Amendments', ten of them were added to the U.S. Constitution to create our 'Bill of Rights'. Like math, one follows another, and one cannot be removed without negating the whole. The Bill of Rights is perfect.

That's not my understanding of the American Bill of Rights. There have been a number of modifications made on the Bill of Rights over the years, and a good many of the Rights are currently not honored. And I don't believe they are tied to each other in any way, except sequentially.

#1 (Congress shall make no law…) or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble Oh, yeah?

#3 No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. This has been abrogated many times; commandeering a house or horses or vehicles is common in wartime.

#4 The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Well, it appears we're about to lose this one.

#6. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence. Tell that to a few hundred detainees.

#8 Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Oh. Right.

18 Feb 03 - 04:25 PM (#893002)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: NicoleC

Ebbie, #3 doesn't apply in wartime. Angary is legal, however, the authors were trying to prevent the kind of military abuses they experienced under British rule, where sometimes the red coats would show up and take over a house for a few weeks of months, pretty much because they felt like it.

But I'd add:
#5 ...nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Happening all the time lately. Congress legalized the seizure of property by law enforcement on almost any pretext. Recently in Georgia, over 100,000 dollars ($180,000, I think) in cash was permanently confiscated from two men in a car because they were speeding. The money was legitimately theirs, but it was legal to steal it from them because it was "suspected" of being drug money.

#10 The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. Oh my. Not even close.

18 Feb 03 - 04:36 PM (#893014)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat

When ballots fail bullets don't. Where did I hear that? Mudcat is OK - great space for music - but I tend to agree with Amos and Spaw - flip a coin -

18 Feb 03 - 05:38 PM (#893078)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Ebbie

Thanks, Nicole C- so when it says:" nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. ", the operative phrase is 'in a manner prescribed by law"? I do know that that there's been summary confiscation of property when needed, but I suppose that if a complaint were made against the military in a court of law, the military could make an easy case of it.

You made me look up 'angary'- I had never run across that word. Thanks!

18 Feb 03 - 06:12 PM (#893101)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: NicoleC

Yes. Siezure of property during wartime with just compensation is recognized under international law, and has been around in one form or another for all of known history, usually historically associated with sailing vessels but it doesn't have to be. If we were shy of planes to transport troops during wartime, and Lufthansa had planes at a nearby airport, it would be legal under international law to "borrow" them for our use, provided we paid Lufthansa back later.

During FDR's administration, this was extended to a concept of an emergency situation which co-opts the right of due process, which really has been horribly abused for everything from the Vietnam War to the "War on Drugs."

18 Feb 03 - 06:35 PM (#893111)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat

Here is an interesting rundown on the Bill of Rights (pardon the pun):

18 Feb 03 - 06:37 PM (#893113)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: katlaughing

Didn't you guys already hash out the Bill of Rights crap in another thread? Amos is right - it doesn't belong in this thread!

18 Feb 03 - 07:04 PM (#893138)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Amos

(be still, my heart!) Thanks, Kat!


18 Feb 03 - 07:49 PM (#893175)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: GUEST,The Hated Guest

I was just explaining to the Brits (who MUST be 'decent' or face incarceration) that we Americans don't have to be decent in our speech. It is a human RIGHT to speak freely. Doesn't belong on this thread?...sounds like some liberals here are just a bit squeamish on the topic of their support of hate crime legislation. I mean, how can you be FOR free speech while you're DENYING it to people? Sounds like some people haven't worked out the kinks in their ideologies. Someone kick off another thread on the topic and I'll address the matter there.

18 Feb 03 - 08:01 PM (#893186)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Amos

Jesus Christ, HG -- why don't you address it in a separate forum. Freedom of speech and decency of speech are perfectly compatible, to those with a whit of language skills. You think there's some inherent benefit in spouting racist remarks ? That's not communication, it's shit. It shouldn't be suppressed legally, but it should be intolerable to anyone with half a soul left.


18 Feb 03 - 08:05 PM (#893188)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: GUEST,The Hated Guest

You tell me not to talk about it then you talk about it. What comes next?

18 Feb 03 - 08:36 PM (#893207)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Charley Noble

Hmmmm. Looks like the "guests" are doing their evil work of transforming another good thread.

Thanks for starting this one, Amos. Next time consider using a secret code threadname that the "guests" won't be able to figure out.

Charley Noble

18 Feb 03 - 08:59 PM (#893219)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: GUEST,jaze

But, Charlie, I'm not part of the inner circle(or whatever it's called) and I would miss out on a great post by Amos. You have a beautiful soul,Amos. I thoroughly enjoy your posts,common sense point of view and humor. Keep it coming. James

19 Feb 03 - 02:34 AM (#893284)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: GUEST,The Hated Guest

God you people are weak on the Bill of Rights.

They are 'God given'. The framers of the Constitution intended it that way so no human could deny them. No human and no government can over-rule the Bill of Rights. Period. Ten simple rules that never change. You're supposed to be teaching your kids this stuff.

No rights have been 'taken away' by anyone. The gibberish may be there on paper, but all laws which contradict the Bill of Rights are Null and Void upon their passage. You don't have to follow those laws. And you DEAL with people who try to deny you your rights. Where the hell did your spines go? Just because domestic terrorists are trying to scare you pissless, you don't give in. Ever. Protect the Bill of Rights at the cost of your life, or your life as an American will cease to have meaning. Buy guns and use your 'God-given' right to excercise your freedoms. Bunch of whiners.

19 Feb 03 - 03:01 AM (#893292)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: catspaw49

Good thought HG!!!!!...........Somebody gimmee a gun huh?................HG, could you just stand over there against that wall for a minute?.........uh, yeah, right there............Couple of rounds here please.................HG, ya' wanna' cigarette?.........................


19 Feb 03 - 04:30 AM (#893323)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: My guru always said

So... is Spaw decent? Probably *g*

19 Feb 03 - 11:18 AM (#893431)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Amos

Thank you, jaze. Appreciate the lift. :>)


21 Feb 03 - 12:56 AM (#894926)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Genie

You done said it, Brother Amos!


21 Feb 03 - 01:25 AM (#894945)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Blackcatter

Thanks Amos,

Speaking as a black cat (one of many cats here who were cats long before running into the mudcat), I happen to like just about everything around here.

I like the annoying guests (they're like hunting mice - easy to trip up, mess around with, not worth killing and easy to let go, once I become bored).

I like Spaw (I agree with Spaw more often than not - maybe not with the opinion, but definately with the attitude).

I like the commaradarie (friends helping friends).

I like the goofiness and the seriousness.

I like the fact that people are free to pat themselves on their collective backs (a complain when someone says something negative in such a back-patting thread).

I like the fact that people say that threads should stay on-topic and then complain that there are too many BS threads.

Good night John Boy, Mary Ellen and Grampa. Turn out the light and head towards a Ex-lax commercial . . . .

pax yall

21 Feb 03 - 10:27 AM (#895130)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Schantieman

I like this too.   That's why I keep coming back.

It allows me to discuss things - usually, but not always, lightheartedly - with others with whom I share at least one interest.

It provides a welcome diversion to the daily grind - and a way to let off steam about aspects thereof!

It provides information about festivals, sessions & clubs I might attend.

It's a method of keeping in touch with friends.

It's helped me make some new friends, an achievement which I've previously found very difficult. One special one in particular!

Thanks, fellow Mudcatters everywhere!

...oh, and by the way, the Royal Navy commandeers ships from time to time (I think the Falklands in 1982 was the last time). The offcial description is 'Ships Taken Up From Trade' or STUFT.   Nuff said!


21 Feb 03 - 03:57 PM (#895428)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: McGrath of Harlow

I see this thread ran into, not thread drift, but thread creep. What a creep...

21 Feb 03 - 04:02 PM (#895431)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Amos

Yeah but it uncrept, which is one of the things I like about the 'Cat! :>)


22 Feb 03 - 02:01 PM (#896010)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: pict

All these people baring their souls I suppose you could call it decent exposure.

18 Feb 06 - 07:36 PM (#1672425)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: *daylia*

Amen, amen -- again and again!

18 Feb 06 - 07:41 PM (#1672430)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: Clinton Hammond

Hey look... another Mudcat Daisy-chain thread....

This needed to be dredged up after 3 years why?

18 Feb 06 - 07:57 PM (#1672440)
Subject: RE: The Decency of the 'Cat
From: kendall

Hated Guest, no one is depriving you of your right to free speech. The problem is, you don't seem to know the difference between liberty and license.