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BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?

18 Feb 03 - 03:55 PM (#892964)
Subject: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?

For all those who are convinced the US/UK war on Iraq is a just war, and that taking out Saddam is the humanitarian thing to do (while leaving all the rest of the world's most dangerous despots in power, of course), I would like to ask you one thing.

What if we invade, and don't find Saddam, just like with Bin Laden in Afghanistan? I mean, the track record of the US military in tracking down these terrorists and nailing these despots isn't so very good.

So, what's the plan if we don't get Saddam?

18 Feb 03 - 03:58 PM (#892967)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: Gareth

Remval of Sadam and his means of control will suffice in the short term. In the long term I have little doubt nemesis will catch up with him.


18 Feb 03 - 04:02 PM (#892976)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: McGrath of Harlow

More than likely they'll give him an Amnesty after killing lots of his supporters and lots more women children and old men. Maybe he'll live in Florida. Get together with his old buddies Donald Rumsfeld and George Bush senior.

18 Feb 03 - 04:06 PM (#892980)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: Rapparee

"News of the World" said last week that he'd move to New Jersey. Serve him right!

18 Feb 03 - 04:15 PM (#892991)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?

I appreciate the humor guys, but I am being serious. What if we don't catch the bad guy this time either? We've already seen Bush's reconstruction promises for Afghanistan exposed as the lies they are (see "Not a Dime from Bush..." thread). Bin Laden is nowhere to be found. We all know Saddam must have a bizillion escape plans and routes, and that realistically it is highly unlikely our troops will find or kill him.

So, where does that leave post-incineration Iraq? Where does that leave us in the US, with another Patriot Act to make the failed policy look like we might just be able to catch us some terrorists around here?

18 Feb 03 - 04:21 PM (#892996)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?

New Jersey - WAIT I have a friend in New Jersey - NOT FAIR GUEST!! How about he goes to the head of the Human Rights Counsel's country - Libya?? That would be fair -

18 Feb 03 - 04:24 PM (#892999)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: Charley Noble

Just ID yourself "Guest" and I'll be happy to explain the master plan. But how do I know you're not Saddam, looking for help from Mudcat for a sure-fire escape option?

Charley Noble

18 Feb 03 - 04:28 PM (#893008)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: DougR

Charley, you beat me to it. But you handled it so much more diplomatically than I probably would have.

Am I the only one who has noticed that most of the threads of this type recently have been started by "Guests?"


18 Feb 03 - 04:30 PM (#893010)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: Bobert

Yo, GUEST. I've given this a little thought myself here lately but then like who cares. Boggie-men come and boggie-men go. The Bush administration has a secret boggie-man department that keeps a long line of fresh meat to keep everyone happy.... except the millions of folks who are in them streets and writing their letters... and those on the list, of course...


18 Feb 03 - 04:32 PM (#893011)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?

Sure, it is easy to dismiss an anonymous guest. I note how cheerily the war mongerers are doing in the forum right now, but no one is getting down on the anonymous war mongering guests.

No double standard operating here is there?

18 Feb 03 - 04:38 PM (#893018)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?

Bobert, the thing is this. A lot of folks are going to die over this. It ain't about the weapons, and it ain't about Saddam. It is about the Bush administration getting control of the oil in the region, so their cronies can't be extorted by the Riyadh cartel anymore.

Look at the countries receiving increased foreign aid this year, like Columbia, to guard OUR oil pipelines...or all those funny named countries around the Caspian Sea oilfields, whose foreign aid increased 100% in 2003.

18 Feb 03 - 04:39 PM (#893019)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?

OK - War mongering GUESTS - this is for you -

Get down on the GUEST
Get down on the GUEST
Get down on the GUEST
Get down on the war mongering guest
And throw them to the wolves.

Sung to the tune of Mary had a Little Lamb - how appropriate eh?

I wonder - is childbirth of a lamb by a Mary just as painful as childbirth of a child?

18 Feb 03 - 04:41 PM (#893021)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: mg

I don't see the problem. If we "invade" and there is no Saddam, but no resistance, we invite the military to turn in their weapons. We do our darndest to make sure there is no secret command in place and we announce to the people of Iraq that they are now free. We set up an occupied type government to keep things honest and let Saddam go, making sure that people understand what will happen if they cooperate with him again ever. If there is a Saddam in place and we know where he is, we neutralize him however, with kind words and education if that works..however. If we don't know where he is but there is resistance, we crush the resistance however we have to, with all sorts of information about how it is better to not resist at that point and I think most people will understand that. THen we announce to the people of Iraq that they are now free. We open the country to people who are in place ready to go in with humanitarian aid, construction projects etc.


18 Feb 03 - 04:49 PM (#893028)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?

Mary Garvey - How eloquent - it's exactly what we did with Japan and Germany - now two of the most successful countries in the world.

18 Feb 03 - 05:11 PM (#893053)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: DougR

True. If you don't count the economies of each of those countries.


18 Feb 03 - 05:20 PM (#893059)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: katlaughing

What if anon. GUESTs couldn't start anything other than music threads? As if Mudcat needs its own 24/7 newsflash bullshit.

18 Feb 03 - 05:21 PM (#893060)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: GUEST,Forum Lurker

That seems like a pretty good plan, Mary. There's really only one problem: the Bush administration isn't going to set up a MacArthur to manage Iraq, they're going to give Shell, Exxon, etc. a free hand in their economy. And DougR, Germany and Japan are both a lot better off than they would have been without U.S. aid. Come to think of it, Japan has the highest per capita income in the world, and is the cutting edge in almost all electronics works. While you have to give the Japanese a lot of credit for their ability to incorporate Western technologies and ideas without losing their own culture, the American aid did hel a whole lot.

18 Feb 03 - 05:26 PM (#893065)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: Ebbie

Speaking to the question of whether giving birth to a lamb or to a child is more painful to someone of the human species- it's probably sex of won and a half dozen others. The child is smaller and more nearly torpedo shaped and doesn't have as many hard parts but on the other hand, the lamb is covered with lanolin.

18 Feb 03 - 05:38 PM (#893079)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: Charley Noble

Forum Lurker Guest-

Japan? Well, no thanks to MacArthur, I'm sure. What an amazingly arrogant bastard! And as I recall the various Japanese cartels survived the war pretty much intact. We didn't even ask for reparations. Well, I'm all over the map on this one. Happy to have the Japanese recover from a devastating war, but still angry that they initiated the war in the first place, causing so much death and desctruction to so many people in Southeast Asia, not to mention our own losses.

Well, one thing I'm convinced of is that reconstruction of a Post-Saddam Iraq will not be easy. And with the Bush Administration in charge "recovery" will be a mockery.

Charley Noble

18 Feb 03 - 05:40 PM (#893082)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?

I screwed up, meaning to post this article excerpt to this thread. Here is the link to what the Kurds think the post-war plan is about:


18 Feb 03 - 05:41 PM (#893083)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: Bill D

"What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?"

why are **we** supposed to know?

....a MUCH more interesting question is.."What if guests IP addresses are published?"

18 Feb 03 - 05:45 PM (#893086)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: Rick Fielding

"What if the troops don't get Saddam"?

Does anyone seriously believe they WILL? All this 'smokin' 'em outta their holes', is ridiculous.

But they sure managed to get rid of several Canadians didn't they? I simply couldn't believe how tiny the news coverage on that was. Do you remember what the excuse was for opening fire on them? The pilots had taken too many amphetamines.

Good grief.


18 Feb 03 - 05:52 PM (#893089)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?

"What if guests IP addresses are published?"

Horrors! I might become known as!

18 Feb 03 - 07:40 PM (#893171)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: Amos

Not unless you're hanging out at MIT, Guesty. Which I find a little hard to believe...


18 Feb 03 - 07:53 PM (#893178)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: McGrath of Harlow

If there is anyone around who actually likes having threads started by a GUEST-without-a-handle, maybe they'd like to post here and say that is the case.

19 Feb 03 - 02:35 AM (#893285)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: Gareth

Well having been accused, normally by ANON GUEST, of warmongering, and one who inevitably signs his name, anonomouse insults is just water of the back.

Besides there is the enjoyment of pulling specious arguments to bits.
Cos it seems only those who have rational arguments seem to sign thier posts.


19 Feb 03 - 05:44 AM (#893348)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: Dave Bryant

I reckon that he's already escaped from Iraq and is probably living in Hull9 - seems like a suitable punishment !

19 Feb 03 - 07:44 AM (#893383)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?

The point is, the Bush administration and the mainstream media are acting as if capturing or killing Saddam is a done deal. That once we send in the troops, we'll have Saddam.

It is those kinds of disconnects from reality the propagandizing encourages that are really disturbing. They seem to be selling the American public this bill of goods that says--this time, we won't make the same mistake as in the first Gulf War, this time we'll get Saddam.

I agree with Rick. We won't get Saddam, not under any circumstances. So why use that as a selling point in the propaganda war? Won't it backfire on the Bush administration in a way that really could damage their credibility, among hawks and chickenhawks?

19 Feb 03 - 11:51 AM (#893479)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: Gareth

I've no problem wih damaging Bush, or any of his corrupt gang, but folks, please lets wait untill after he has done the decent thing and given the orders to destroy the Iraqui regime.

Oops there I go warmongering again.


19 Feb 03 - 12:38 PM (#893534)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: Oldguy

I think the objective a change of regime.

I think if he destroys everything of value in Baghdad, torches the oil fields and gasses the civilan popualtion he should not be granted asylum anywhere in the world. He should be tried for war crimes.

Old Guy

19 Feb 03 - 01:22 PM (#893569)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: RichM

Everyone who posts on mudcat is anonymous. That's the way Mudcat was designed. Even those of us who use our true names, or parts thereof, are anonymous, unless we choose to reveal who we are.

Why not just accept that the internet works this way, and address the issue of each thread? Or better still, ignore that threa if it bothers you....?

Anonymously yers,
Rich McCarthy

19 Feb 03 - 06:16 PM (#893826)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: Oldguy

I think it would be useful to have the posters IP number displayed with every post. It exposes people that are posting under more than one name and you can trace them to a general area of the world but not to the point where one is in fear of the black helicopters landing.

I know from experience That the IP number being known prevents a lot of mischief.

Old Guy

19 Feb 03 - 06:39 PM (#893841)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: Gareth

Hey Oldguy - yer joined welcome to the madhouse !!


19 Feb 03 - 10:03 PM (#893985)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: Oldguy

I think it is a little too mad for me. People here are feeding off of each other's insecurities.

I don't think I will have time to post anymore.

I stumbled in here to find lyrics for some Bluegrass songs and I end up in a quagmire of defeatists waiting for the end of the world.

Joe don't like me either so I am done.

Old Guy

19 Feb 03 - 10:27 PM (#894001)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: Bobert

Well, Old Guy, fir an' old guy who stopped in fir lyrics, yer sure spent a lot of time holed up with DougR and Teribus on the BS threads. Oh well? We'll miss ya' You put up a purdy good fight. Well, not like T but a tad ore that poor ol' Dougie does.

Ahhhhh, speakin' of Saddam, my late wife's niece, Terry, lives in New York ans swore me not to tell anyone but, hey... So, here's the deal. The real Saddam is driving a cab ib New York City and has a bunch of look alikes in Iraq. Then after the US thinks that they've killed off the last of the imposters, he's gonna surface and annpunce his candidacy for President of the United States running as a Democrat!

Thats my story and Iz stickin' to it...


19 Feb 03 - 10:58 PM (#894019)
Subject: RE: BS: What if the Troops Don't Get Saddam?
From: leprechaun

I tried those lyrics over and over again and it just doesn't scan to Mary Had a Little Lamb.