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BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq

20 Feb 03 - 12:10 PM (#894351)
Subject: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq
From: GUEST,Leo Condie

this is from a george monbiot article (

Troy Davis of the World Citizen Foundation has been sketching out an ingenious means of pulling the rug from beneath Saddam's feet. The United Nations, he proposes, should help the opposition groups based abroad and in Iraq's no-fly zones to establish a democratically-elected government in exile. This government is then given the world's Iraqi embassies and the nation's frozen assets. It gradually takes control of the no-fly zones and the oil-for-food programme. Saddam Hussein would find himself both isolated diplomatically and confronted by a legitimate alternative government. It is not hard to see how his authority over his own people would be undermined, permitting him to be toppled more easily. This plan also ensures that democracy is less likely to be frustrated by the installation of a puppet regime.

and this is the actual website outlining the WCF's plan:

this thread is dedicated to all those people who think war is the only answer.

20 Feb 03 - 12:16 PM (#894357)
Subject: RE: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq
From: Nigel Parsons

Blicky added

20 Feb 03 - 01:05 PM (#894406)
Subject: RE: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq
From: David Ingerson

Bravo! This is one of many creative diplomatic, economic, political ways of solving this problem without blowing up many of the people and much of the infrastructure of that tortured country.

Thanks for posting it.


20 Feb 03 - 01:43 PM (#894441)
Subject: RE: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq
From: McGrath of Harlow

We've got an awful lot of Iraq discussions running in parallel - I syuggest it'd be better to carry on this one in this thread BS: Saddam Has Got To Go

20 Feb 03 - 01:56 PM (#894450)
Subject: RE: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq
From: GUEST,herc

This did seem inspirational, but I am afraid that experts in international law may give us dissapointing news on the plan's viability. This Monbiot fellow seems to have failed to notice that the site promoting the concept clearly states that the UN can have no involvement in a plan for regime change. The site has the following quote: "Danilo Türk, Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs, United Nations:

" This is worth trying. The UN has no mandate for regime change and cannot initiate this or host it, but if the Iraquis initiate this process, we might get involved at a later date. . . . "

The entire thrust of this plan is in the pre-overthrow phase. I can't find any reference on the main site to Monbiot proposal for seizing Iraqi assets and embassies, and giving them all to this pre-overthrow transitional government in exile. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that those are not legal options, either.

In tandem with that, the problems of democratically electing a transitional government-in-exile seem massive. If it then has problems with legal standing, well then, how would it work.

Hate to be a naysayer, but, I suspect this one needs a LOT more work, into a form that would make its current incarnation unrecognizable. Glad to be wrong.


20 Feb 03 - 04:09 PM (#894567)
Subject: RE: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq

the monbiot article was different. i just found his quote a lot more concise than the WCF website. frankly i think this is the best idea i've heard in a while, and i have no idea why you're "Glad to be wrong". This is the sort of avenue we need to be going down, because if you seriously suggest a bombing campaign is going to do better then maybe you should do a bit more research.

20 Feb 03 - 05:25 PM (#894610)
Subject: RE: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq
From: RichM

How do you democratically elect a government in exile, without access to the citizens of Iraq?

20 Feb 03 - 05:27 PM (#894611)
Subject: RE: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq
From: Bobert

Well, this does show that someone is thinking out of the box and not mezmorized by the center of the magnifying glass. It's a start. Actually, 2/3's of Iraq could break away with a little cooperation from Turkey, Suadi Arabia and Iran and Saddam would be pretty much powerless from stopping this.

I'm not saying that I find this solution as "the" answer but it sure beats the heck out of what Bush has in mind, thank you...


20 Feb 03 - 05:28 PM (#894612)
Subject: RE: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq
From: McGrath of Harlow

tis discussion sems to have shifted

20 Feb 03 - 05:29 PM (#894613)
Subject: RE: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq
From: McGrath of Harlow

This discussion seems to have shifted here

20 Feb 03 - 06:08 PM (#894648)
Subject: RE: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq
From: GUEST,Twinklestar

20 Feb 03 - 06:16 PM (#894655)
Subject: RE: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq
From: Frankham

The idea has merit except that the UN needs to be involved for it to work. Unless we decide which American state we would like to annex in which to put the new country of Iraq. Texas is big enough. :)

I don't think anyone in their right mind wants to see Saddam succeed. But we need to be reminded that he's not the only one. There are others (dictators) who are not on the news these days.

Frank Hamilton

20 Feb 03 - 06:37 PM (#894672)
Subject: RE: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq
From: Bobert

Good point, Frank. Saddam has done a great job off taking the heat off a lot of other bad, bad men who just happen to have power over large populations. You sniffin' something here? I am...


20 Feb 03 - 10:29 PM (#894831)
Subject: RE: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Quite brillant! A truly "bloodless coup."


You have moved my thinking outside the box...and I was previously a talons-out-hawk.