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Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!

11 Mar 03 - 08:03 AM (#907205)
Subject: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: InOBU

Yup... Sorcha Dorcha found itself in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame last night... Genie, my wee wifie and I were invited to the Waldorph Astoria for a wee get together to welcome my old law school dean, John Sexton, into his new post of president of New York University... so we saw the crowds all dressed in their furs going into a ball room or something, and Genie and I in my plain Quaker togs, looking like Parson Jones started in, having forgotten to bring our invite with the room number... and with all the press snapping away, Genie says, I don't think this is the NYU reception... Quite right, says I, for it was in fact the Rock and Roll Hall of fame investitures... so we turned about and found our way to the NYU reception... so for about sixty seconds, Sorcha Dorcha was in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
SO, if you wish to get us back into the same, don't forget to send for the two Sorcha Dorcha CDs Nil Sasta Ach Amadain and The Times That Try The Soul... and pray that the R&R H of F has a broad enough interpritation of Rock and Roll to include Irish ballads.

11 Mar 03 - 08:23 AM (#907214)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: MMario


11 Mar 03 - 08:26 AM (#907218)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: catspaw49

Say listen Plug-O-Matic......for a few bucks I can get you into the Rockabilly Hall of Fame too! My gawd boy, you'd be a SUPERSTAR!!!


11 Mar 03 - 08:29 AM (#907220)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of F
From: greg stephens

Well, the Boat Band were once in the Museum of Witchcraft in Boscastle. So there!

11 Mar 03 - 09:21 AM (#907264)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: InOBU

Well... Sorcha Dorcha was in the Britsh Musium AND the Louve (wearing Sabots!) SOOOO THEERRREE!!!!!

11 Mar 03 - 09:22 AM (#907265)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: InOBU

PS It helps when you are the only constant member of the band in each incarnation.... grin. CHeers Larry

11 Mar 03 - 10:09 AM (#907302)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: Áine

Oh -- So that's who that strange looking couple was that I saw in the Enquirer this morning??? I should have known from the git-go, since the headline read 'Aliens Invade Investiture' ;-)

-- Áine

11 Mar 03 - 11:41 AM (#907397)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: Giac


So, Larry, should I pen in this notation on the bottom of my Sorcha Dorcha poster that hangs above my computer?


11 Mar 03 - 03:49 PM (#907627)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: GUEST, herc

"Dan on display in Getty Museum - One Day Only!"

11 Mar 03 - 03:50 PM (#907629)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: InOBU

Well... one never knows! I think if the Boat Band and Sorcha Dorcha do the great Canal tour proposed in the thread above... on... Dog n' Gun... we may wind up in SOME hall of fame or another!
PS... isn't this a music thread???

11 Mar 03 - 03:51 PM (#907632)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: InOBU

But I guess the question of is this a music thread is a kin to what is folk music, uh oh, here we go again.... Larry

12 Mar 03 - 06:46 AM (#908067)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: alanabit

That was "The Witches' House" in Boscastle, Greg. What a lovely place to get a gig!

12 Mar 03 - 07:16 AM (#908082)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: Bobert

Well, Larry and Gregster, you two are in the Bobert's Hall of Fame and that means more to me than the one in Cleveland.

Ahhhh, but our records show that you both are a tad behind on your anual dues so if you wouldn't mind...


12 Mar 03 - 05:30 PM (#908516)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of F
From: greg stephens

This used to be classified as a music thread, which I'd have thought it still was. Trouble is with having a Classification Police, it makes you feel a bit sarcastic sometimes. Do we really need it?
I mean, if InObu Bobert Alanabit Spaw etc etc are talking about music in the music department, what's wrong with that??

12 Mar 03 - 06:54 PM (#908571)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: InOBU

Well, I think we should give Spaw a big plate of nice BEENS! Then this will become a musical thread again!!!

12 Mar 03 - 07:08 PM (#908579)
Subject: Rick Fielding signs contract with Columbia
From: Rick Fielding

Sorry to steal yer thread Larry, but I had to tell someone!

The first five CDs are free! And then I get to choose from a HUGE only 29.95 each!

And get this Larry....even if I FORGET to get back to them....they'll STILL send me a "Popular Choice" like Celine Dion, or that older woman who lifts weights and fathered Michael Jackson's baby...Madonna.

Rick, thrilled

(who has refreshed so many Sorcha Dorcha threads it's unnatural)

13 Mar 03 - 08:01 AM (#908957)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: InOBU

Always happy for you to wiegh lay any of my threads Rick, encluding the threads I am wearing, if you ever want to be mistaken for Amish.
Cheers Larry

13 Mar 03 - 04:20 PM (#909376)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: GUEST,John Hernandez

Pete Seeger actually is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He has told me in person he can't figure out why, but he realizes that it an honor just the same. Pete says he can almost understand why Woody Guthrie and Leadbelly are in it, but his being there makes no sense.

13 Mar 03 - 04:20 PM (#909377)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: M.Ted

May be time to re-open another thread, Larry, as it develops that Judge Peter Nemeth has returned Martha Toogood returned to the custody of her mother--

13 Mar 03 - 05:19 PM (#909410)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: InOBU

I have been keeping that quiet, letting it go away MTed. The fact is that having won in the case, more or less, folks who say there was no racism will now say look the system worked... forget that at one point in this nonsence they were saying she was the female sadam husain (Boston paper, the Herald I think) married to Al Capone, and she was facing two separate five year sentences... but there you are, I hope a few of us helped a wee bit. Cheers and thanks for noticing, the family is very pleased that things are returning to normal.

13 Mar 03 - 05:41 PM (#909432)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: M.Ted


You will note that I *didn't* revive the thread:-)

As per the "no racism" comments--The fact that people think that it is noteworthy when "no racism" is involved in a judicial matter is proof of how much a part of our society racism is--

14 Mar 03 - 05:00 PM (#910270)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: Hollowfox

Dang, IOBU, I thought you'd come to Cleveland without coming to visit me. (sniff) I feel better now.

14 Mar 03 - 07:08 PM (#910378)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sorcha Dorcha in the Rock Hall of Fame!
From: InOBU

Well there is always you coming to New York HF. Cheers Larry