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BS: Why are these awful people smiling?

03 Apr 03 - 09:26 PM (#925726)
Subject: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Rick Fielding

OK, I know I'm getting verrry picky in my dotage, but I just HAVE to have a credible answer to this.

Why is Saddam Hussein always SMILING, in those videos we've been seeing for the last two months? Here he is, always sitting at the end of some folding buffet table that looks like it came from the Colonel Sanders 'Banquet' room, with about twenty of these "Military advisors"(?)

They can't ALL be his sons (could they?) and if they really ARE advisors, they have to be telling him that no matter what happens, they're really out-gunned, and they're all gonna die. Maybe in three weeks, maybe in three months....but however long it takes, the Yanks are gonna trash the country, and turn Bagdhad into rubble.

So what's so FUNNY? Saddam looks around and soundlessly or two of the "Generals" grins a bit.....then they look serious again....then it's back to the little smiles!! Drives me nuts!

What do they know that we don't? Is one of the "Generals" sayin' "Did ya hear the one about the Suni Muslim, the Coptic Christian and the Zionist devil"?

Is Saddam actually giving them hilarious military instructions? "So......when the Americans blow up everything, this spaceship will come down and pulverize everyone and re-build the city, and make me King for life, and we'll all get a shitload of virgins, and..and....."

And are his "advisors" thinking "Hmmmm he's looking at me right now, so I'll nod my head and say 'great strategy El Comandante', WE never would have thought of that".


And that wickstick Tony Blair. He does it TOO! Every time he makes a speech, he has this incredibly silly grin on his face. He's hated by most of his country, he's gonna get turfed at the next election, but still he's grinning?

Thank Gawd that Dubya has replace that goofy grin he used all the way through that election, with a 'steely resolve' look.

Chretien (our guy) doesn't smile inappropriately either.....and oddly enough, he's the ONLY one who has REASON to snicker. He's already said he won't run again!


03 Apr 03 - 09:32 PM (#925728)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Jerry Rasmussen

If you don't at least smile at Saddam's jokes, Rick, I imagine you'll have a big grin across your throat. As for Saddam and Blair, some people smile nervously and have no control over it... just like some people laugh or giggle at the most innapropriate times. I always look at Bush (when I can bring myself to) with his furrowed brow and think that what's really going on in his head is... how much is three and three?"

Deep he ain't..


03 Apr 03 - 09:37 PM (#925729)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Jeri

My guess is Jerry Lewis is on the TV in back of the camera guy. Either that or the happy faces are meant to inspire confidence and make people in enemy countries wonder what's so funny.

03 Apr 03 - 09:38 PM (#925731)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: jimmyt

Rick, I don't know if you have a good camera angle in what you have seen but Saddam and all his "advisors " are naked from the waist down, and each and every one of them is sitting on a water pic. Not sure about Blair, but he kinda looks like he knows a secret or something!

03 Apr 03 - 10:31 PM (#925759)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: katlaughing

It's probably another version of at your enemy and keep 'em guessing, as we've done in this thread, OR, he's watching Rodney Dangerfield whine about getting no respect thinking of what he'll do to anyone who dares not show him respect in the meetings, etc.! OR, maybe he's grimacing from hemorrohidal(sp) pain, which would go along with what jimmyt says?! OR, maybe he's already got the virgins and they are all doing a Monica Lewinsky on him!! Have you seen any cigars?

03 Apr 03 - 10:41 PM (#925767)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: JedMarum

because those film/pictures were all taken months ago when Saddam was alive and healthy.

03 Apr 03 - 10:48 PM (#925770)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Melani

It's not REALLY George Bush, you know. Alfred E. Newman has finally been elected Preident.

04 Apr 03 - 12:20 AM (#925818)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Cluin

It's the drugs. Everybody's on `em, not just the pilots.

04 Apr 03 - 01:05 AM (#925832)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Plastic surgery. Gotta be plastic surgery. Saddam's perpetual smile courtesy of the same folks who brought you Michael Jackson's nose.

Actually, it was a mistake. Saddam told the surgeon he wanted to look "dominant and grim" and the surgeon thought he said he wanted a "dumb-assed grin".


04 Apr 03 - 03:45 AM (#925885)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Mr Happy

there's a guy i work with. he's swarthy & got a big black bushy? moustache like SH. the other colleagues call him 'porno' cos he's like one of those actors in old 'blue' movies- gold chain, hairy chest etc.

i said to him the other day he could be another saddam 'double'!

04 Apr 03 - 04:33 AM (#925902)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Steve Parkes

I always disliked TB's grin (well, I'm entitled to: I'm English). But I finally realised it's not deliberate, he can't help looking like that.I think maybe he fell (or was he pushed?) in a vat of acid, like Jack Nicholson in Batman. I have this lurking fear he might turn into Jack Torrance from The Shining ... it may already have happened ...

Cherie (Mrs Blair) as a strange grin, too: her lips are closer in the middle than at the ends; she looks like she's forcing a smile to stop anyone seeing she's crying. Maybe she's seen hs chopper...?


04 Apr 03 - 06:25 AM (#925922)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: harvey andrews

Maybe because they know something we don't?

04 Apr 03 - 06:34 AM (#925925)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Clean Supper

Tony Blair has had his cheeks stapled to his eyelids so there's no alternative for him, now.

04 Apr 03 - 06:38 AM (#925927)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: McGrath of Harlow

"I always disliked TB's grin (well, I'm entitled to: I'm English)."

Don't forget - Tony Blair is a Scot. (Though he always seems to - and so do most Scots, and who can blame them?)

There's the expression "shit-eating grin", which I've dometimes weondered how to define. I think that's what these guys have in common though.

04 Apr 03 - 07:51 AM (#925956)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Steve Parkes

I'd forgotten he's a Scot: two reasons! But that would be taking unfair advantage ...

Tony Blair has had his cheeks stapled to his eyelids Like that animal in the song, the Winky-wanky Bear? Or am I thinking of something else?

04 Apr 03 - 07:52 AM (#925958)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Jeri

McGrath, I'm very familiar with the term "shit-eating grin" - great big toothy smile, and none of it reaches the eyes. I'd always thought people used it to cover up guilt, but I don't know if many politicians are capable of feeling guilt. Certainly not Saddam. It might be a manifestation of fear, it might be a full-face smirk due to (as Harvey said) knowing something we don't or attempting to give us that impression. With Saddam, it may be that jolly mood I believe some dangerously insane people get in right before they make party favors out of your teeth and finger bones. (That may be the Jack Nicholson grin.)

04 Apr 03 - 08:20 AM (#925975)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: catspaw49

Well we've covered quite a few folks here so let me address Laura Bush. Actually it would be easy to address Laura since she moves so little. It's a little known fact that when Hilary was the First Lady, several former FL's banded together in a show of cross party unity and formed the "First Lady's Training Academy of Vacuous Expression."

Funded by Jackie Kennedy and supported by Rosalynn Carter and the Trust Fund of Pat Nixon, Nancy Reagan was chosen as the Chief Instructor and CEO. While we have had many somewhat less than animated FL's, Nancy stands unmoving head and shoulders above the rest. Her ability to appear totally catatonic is rivaled only by James Taylor and though the press was asked to sit on the story, insiders know that Nancy was once replaced at a state function by a blow-up doll (Smooth Snatch Sandy) and no one would have noticed had not she deflated after accidental contact with an olive fork. Even then it might have passed had Ronnie not gotten on his knees between her legs and commenced blowing on the inflation valve.

Laura Bush graduated with honors from the program and she has done an exceptional job of putting her training to use. I'm sure many of you saw her the other day at Camp LeJeune where an errant seagull landed on her head and proceeded to take a monstrous crap while Laura never moved a muscle. I was much better than Hilary who could be cranky and animated as well as smiling and joyous. Who the hell needs that?


04 Apr 03 - 08:52 AM (#925992)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Jerry Rasmussen

The creepiest of all grins is Rmusfeld's.... with his little pointy-topped, thin, devil eyebrows he looks like he just pictured one of his critics boiling in oil.... ecchhh!!!


04 Apr 03 - 09:23 AM (#926012)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: kendall

Jerry is right. That grin is probably from tension. Sir Lawrence Oliver once said when he first started acting, he was so nervous that he would giggle uncontrollably at times of stress.

04 Apr 03 - 09:25 AM (#926013)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Greg F.

Rumsfeld is a vampire; he can't help it.

I'm not convinced that Dumbya's current severely constipated / straining expression is an improvement over the smirk.

04 Apr 03 - 09:36 AM (#926023)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Rick Fielding

Hi Jed!

I'm verrrrrry aware that all those "happy Saddam and the seventeen military advisors" videos are from quite a while ago. I've followed this thing as close as humanly possible from day one...including reading as many COMPLETELY CONFLICTING accounts as I can. Seems to me to be the only way I can really diseminate information from ALL sides (while sitting here in safety while thousands are dieing).

My thread was purely humour....every line of it. Very dark humour to many, I'm sure, but the only way I can deal with it these days. The option would be to endlessly post the same opinion over and over again, constantly reflecting an unchanging ideology...and the day I do that, is the day I stop caring about, or simply ignoring new information.

But.....But...... I HAVE THE ANSWER FOLKS!! I Read it in the paper this morning. They were ALL heading for a luxury Hotel in Syria! It's true...check it out!



04 Apr 03 - 10:24 AM (#926057)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Peg

I too find Rumsfeld scary when he smiles. But the most shudder-inducing smiler of all for me is Condoleezza Rice...

04 Apr 03 - 01:19 PM (#926187)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: gnomad

I don't know about the other guys, but I heard an explanation for Blair's gash of a smile (just after he came to power) -

Anyone who smiles so much is either giving you the shaft already, or has worked out how he is going to do so in the future.

Works for me.

04 Apr 03 - 02:21 PM (#926242)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: katlaughing

I always thought "shit-eating grin" referred to that look dogs get on their face after munching on catbox tootsie rolls. You know, they're gumming it 'cause it's kinda chewy like peanut butter and they grimace while doing about yer sick puppies! It reminds me of the technical term for a death-grin, what is it...rictus mortis?

04 Apr 03 - 02:24 PM (#926244)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Jeri

Spaw: " one would have noticed had not she deflated" How did they notice she'd deflated?

You have to wonder if Saddam's advisors are so scared of him, they keep telling him "Yeah, one faithful 90-year-old subject blew up an entire convoy and shot down a couple of B-2s with a pea-shooter. We'll probably have them on the run in an hour or two." Now, is Saddam smiling because he believes it or because he's thinking how silly the messengers are gonna look headless?

04 Apr 03 - 02:35 PM (#926250)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: CarolC

GW's still got the smirk. You can see it if you look very carefully. He is a man who clearly enjoys his job.

04 Apr 03 - 02:48 PM (#926259)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: catspaw49

I preferred a President who enjoyed a good blow job......


04 Apr 03 - 03:06 PM (#926269)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: duuuude

Speaking of Condi .......

04 Apr 03 - 05:19 PM (#926343)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?

Damn it Spaw! Not coffee out my nose but beer! It tickles and burns all at the same time.

04 Apr 03 - 05:27 PM (#926347)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Steve, you may remember Cherie Blair acquiring a bright red coat for some function. Someone said that if she wore it in the street she would need to keep moving, or people would put their mail in her mouth. (Fraid this joke works only in the UK.)

Rick, sadly I don't think we can assume yet that Blair's going down at the nxt election. Right now, alas, there's no-one else in sight.

05 Apr 03 - 04:23 PM (#926825)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Linda Kelly

Question: where does Saddam keep his wine answer : in Iraq   Question: when does he drink it    answer : When Tariq Aziz

05 Apr 03 - 10:55 PM (#927013)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Rick Fielding

Fionn! Are you sayin' that after all this he's gonna win? Jeez, I gotta read different newspapers!


05 Apr 03 - 11:08 PM (#927023)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?

Lately, I haven't been invited to Bagdad for dinner.

How did you get an invite?

Where are you getting these fantasies from?

Surely, Mr Fielding, you have better things for your time than BBC CNN propaganda?

06 Apr 03 - 11:01 AM (#927233)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Rick Fielding

Arghhhhh! It's hopeless isn't it? Twice I explain that this thread is a joke. Irony...takin' the piss outta... doodah, doodah....

I post at least a dozen times over the last month about how disappointed I am with the one sided CNN (and since the first week...the BBC) coverage...and GUEST thinks that I actually BELIEVE what the networks tell us.

Back to The Three Stooges for my dose of reality, ha ha!



They're STILL doin' it! Saddam strollin' through the rubble, just a rappin' and a high fivin' with the residents. I just don't understand how you can say "Hmmmm...a sixty foot crater" with a smile on your face!


06 Apr 03 - 11:18 AM (#927242)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: *daylia*

"Gas" pains? Probably brought on and intensified by contemplating Iraq's future "democracy".


06 Apr 03 - 04:39 PM (#927407)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are these awful people smiling?
From: Rick Fielding

But.....GUEST, if I had your admirable computer skills (yes, I notice them) I'd check out some other more obscure net news sites. Yah, Ya, I know you've already given some, but I have a TERRIBLE memory, and I can't find 'em anymore!

But thanks fer keepin me honest!

