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Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)

15 Apr 03 - 04:26 PM (#934170)
Subject: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Peter T.

The medieval street person!yours, Peter T.

15 Apr 03 - 04:31 PM (#934174)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Clinton Hammond


The times they may be a-changing, but the face it needs a-liftin'!

He looks like something that crawled out of Joan Rivers....

15 Apr 03 - 04:34 PM (#934177)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Don Firth

"The Dead?" OY!

Don Firth

15 Apr 03 - 04:36 PM (#934178)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)

Guess blondes have more fun, too.

15 Apr 03 - 04:57 PM (#934190)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser)

...And I still think 'Self Portrait' is his best record...

15 Apr 03 - 05:18 PM (#934207)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)

Ah out of the nose time. Warn me next time.

Poor Bob has not aged well. Gravity is a cruel master.

15 Apr 03 - 05:25 PM (#934215)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Little Hawk

OY!!! And he looked so great in '65. Well, that's how it goes when you're housed in a physical body. I think he and Joni Mitchell should marry while there's still time, thus uniting two of the greatest songwriters and smokers of all time in an unforgettable combination.

I also think we should have a runoff vote between Bob and Spaw in the looks department. It would be tight. :-)

- LH

15 Apr 03 - 05:38 PM (#934228)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Giac

Well, he IS nearly 62 and has survived some debilitating physical traumas. And, I can identify with that.

He's still performing and cranking out music. I can't identify with that!

I don't care how he looks, I still love him!

~;o) Mary

15 Apr 03 - 06:55 PM (#934300)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Clinton Hammond

Only 62???

He looks like he mighta dated Methuselahs MOM fer cryin' out loud!

15 Apr 03 - 07:05 PM (#934312)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: jaze

All in all, Joan Baez has weathered the years far better in the looks dept.

15 Apr 03 - 07:21 PM (#934321)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: George Papavgeris

He should avoid being photographed. Come to think of it, he should avoid appearing in public. Let him spend the rest of his days in a studio.

15 Apr 03 - 07:51 PM (#934338)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: greg stephens

Well I'm not casting any stones. I looked pretty cute in 1962, but what the hell.

15 Apr 03 - 08:46 PM (#934363)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: khandu

LH...I vote for Bob!
This picture proves that...well, I don't remember what it proves but be he ugly or be he a hunk, he is The BOB!!


15 Apr 03 - 11:29 PM (#934450)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Steve Latimer

Somehow I see the following as a caption

Well, I waited for you when I was half sick
Yes, I waited for you when you hated me
Well, I waited for you inside of the frozen traffic
When you knew I had some other place to be
Now, where are you tonight, sweet Marie?

16 Apr 03 - 02:29 AM (#934505)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Rustic Rebel

I don't think he looked all that bad. I think the concert will be a good one, hope it comes up here. Last time I saw the Dead, Bob was there too.

16 Apr 03 - 03:20 AM (#934526)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Art Thieme

Hell, I'm 61 and have been through the mill m'self. Still, I've got to look 15 to 20 years younger than that !! Something's got to be eating him from the inside. Or, at least, that shot has been doctored. If it's real, that is very sad to see.

Art Thieme

16 Apr 03 - 03:30 AM (#934531)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Rick Fielding

People! People! People! It's the pencil-thin moustache! OK it's also the blonde hair. What's that he's wearing on his head...a Bull Scrotum?

Give him a break....when you meet him at the Sally Ann, say: "Hey Bob, how do you manage to stay so slim.

Truthfully this is what happens when really skinny people get old.


Clinton yer friggin' revoltin'! I like that in a man!

16 Apr 03 - 07:03 AM (#934613)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: George Papavgeris

Let's face it, Bob was never good looking, so he lost very little.
But I don't feel the need to see him; just to hear his songs.
And it must be 15 or 20 years since I last enjoyed his performance of his own songs; something has gone out of his delivery, for my taste. He still writes like the master he is, of course.
So let him write, and let others perform his stuff; and I will listen to my old vinyl and reconstituted CDs to remember and enjoy him as he was. Looking at him now simply reminds me of my own mortality - and I have plenty of reminders for that, I don't need to see my idols wither also.

16 Apr 03 - 07:30 AM (#934624)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: catspaw49

Kinda' looks like Anne Frank's mother..........


16 Apr 03 - 07:57 AM (#934631)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: George Papavgeris

Unfair comparison - Anne Frank's mother was a corker, at least Anne Frank's father thought so, and produced children with her.
I dread to, no, no way!

16 Apr 03 - 01:17 PM (#934832)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Steve Benbows protege

"Bob dylan and 'The Dead.'" did they have to put the 'and' in that particular sentence? ruined a good joke!

16 Apr 03 - 10:26 PM (#935150)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)

This picture demonstrates that along with Highway 61, his Bobness is revisiting the 'Blonde on Blonde' period.

Somebody has Obviously Five Believers (sorry), nicked the picture out of his attic.

It could happen to anybody.

Best regards,


P.S. Now might be a good time to re-record 'Like A Strolling Bone','The Mighty Quiff' or It's All Over Now Baby Blue Rinse'.

P.P.S. And another thing. Speaking as the owner of a fine head of skin, he's got more hair now than I had when I was forty. He must be doing something right.

16 Apr 03 - 11:22 PM (#935176)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Amos

Was this picture taken in the middle of winter, in Utah, then?

Let's get a follow-up shot in the full bloom of Spring.

As far as comparing him with Joanie -- Ithink he rode his clutch a lot harder than she did hers, and ignored all the manufactuer's recommendations for appropriate chemicals to add to the system.

It's a good thing we don't value him for his looks!


16 Apr 03 - 11:24 PM (#935179)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

The song "Your So Vain" is going through my mind now.

What is wrong with you people? If Dylan went the "Cher" route and had a couple of face lifts you would be on his case. Dylan, considering the medical problems he had, is actually in damn good shape. He may not look like Paul Newman, but who really gives a damn?

By the way, some of you that have posted above, have you taken a moment to look at the pictures you've posted here on Mudcat?   I hate to break it to you, but nobody here is going to win any beauty contests either.

Give Bob a break - he is 62, doesn't give a damn what he looks like, and he is having a great time from what I hear.   I think many of us would like to be in that position.


16 Apr 03 - 11:51 PM (#935186)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Metchosin

ah gee, it's hard for anyone not to look like a bag lady when you're over 60 and wear a touque.

17 Apr 03 - 12:21 AM (#935197)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: PoppaGator

Aw come on! It's an awful picture, no doubt, but you gotta figure he was doing poorly in the unaccustomed winter cold of Utah. I guess it's kinda weird that he tried being blonde instead of gray, but I'll let him slide on the theory, "I guess that's show biz."

I can't believe he could have aged so badly since I saw him onstage just last year. He looked fine, exuded *plenty* of energy, and sounded great --indeed, maybe better than I've ever heard him, (Now, that's only a dozen or so times, starting in 1964. Even though I'm a great admirer of his, there have been times when I was disappointed with his perfomance -- but not recently.)

Who is in "The Dead" now? Last I heard, the surviving members were touring as "The Other Ones" and playing in a number of different combinations in a complicated little network of jammers. I have an urge to make some comment about the Grateful Dead, but also feel like "why bother?" I know some of y'all can't conceive of the GD as anything but a bad joke, in which case I have nothing to say, and others who dig 'em, recognize their folk-music roots among other admirable qualities, and I don't have much to add for you folks either.

For that matter, what can we really say about the master, Mr. Zimmerman? Joke around about his bad hair and all -- that works!

By the way, the wife and I *rarely* spring for those high-dollar concert tickets, but we are looking forward to next Saturday night when we'll be seeing Bob again, with the wonderful Lucinda Williams opening. I really don't want to believe he'll walk into the spotlight looking like this picture!

17 Apr 03 - 12:27 AM (#935199)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Clinton Hammond

"doesn't give a damn what he looks like"

When you're that ugly, you can't really afford to care what you look like...

17 Apr 03 - 12:36 AM (#935202)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Stilly River Sage

For the novelty, I did a few searches:

Bob Dylan and more images via Google.

Arlo Guthrie and the Google Image search.

Joni Mitchell and the full image search.

Carole King and the full image search.

Carly Simon and the rest of the search.

James Taylor and the whole image search.

Mick Jagger and the whole search.

Joan Baez and the whole search.

Peter, Paul and Mary and the image search.

Pete Seeger and the rest of the search.

Oscar Brand and the rest of the search.



17 Apr 03 - 12:59 AM (#935208)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Stilly River Sage

Or there are more:

Jean Ritchie and the rest of the search.

Clinton Hammond and the rest of the search.

Kendall Morse

Rick Fielding and the rest of the search.

MMario or the rest of the search (sorry about that Leo. . . ).

17 Apr 03 - 01:16 AM (#935212)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Clinton Hammond


Check out the sunburn on the top of that dudes head!


Bald headed SUCKER!!!!

17 Apr 03 - 08:06 PM (#935703)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)

18 Apr 03 - 09:43 AM (#935931)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: GUEST,Arnie

Give him some credit - his face matches the voice.
Heck - he's still out there playin' and havin a good time - and he's loved by many.

18 Apr 03 - 01:10 PM (#936031)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Little Hawk

Hey, Ron Olesko...

Take off, eh? :-)

What has us all worried is that we glimpse our own mortality in the aging of our idols. It makes us a bit uncomfortable. I love Bob and I don't care what he looks like, but, if I may echo Suze Rotolo...she recently said (when asked what birthday present she would like to give Bob): "youth, good looks, and no more biographies".

I would love to see him again like he was in 65-66. Man, he looked amazing.

And hey, I'm not lookin' too bad for my 55 years of age. I put it down to not smoking, and never having been a Republican or a corporate lawyer... (grin)

- LH

18 Apr 03 - 04:11 PM (#936127)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: PoppaGator

RE: Dylan and the Dead

Just this minute got an email from, releasing concert dates with "The Dead and Robert Hunter.' Just six dates in late summer: one in Florida, four in the midwest, one in upstate New York. That's all, folks!

No word on who now constitutes The Dead (surviving members plus...who?). For those who don't know, Robert Hunter is the longtime Grateful Dead lyricist, Jerry Garcia's songwriting partner -- *not* by any means a musician who will fill in the blanks left by Jerry's absence.

Hunter has recently become a personal hero of mine since I learned that he quit his modest solo-acoustic career due to arthiris of the fingers (an affliction I share), but was able to resume playing after starting on a glucosaine/chondrotin supplement (which works for me, too.)

18 Apr 03 - 04:37 PM (#936145)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Little Hawk

Say, here's another thing that can cure arthritis...I speak from experience on this.

Stop eating most meat, particularly red meat. Try and limit it to just fish, if you can. Eat lots of vegetables and rice. Eat like a Japanese, in other words. Eat raw vegetables if you can. It also seems to help if you eliminate coffee and most sugar (which will confer a host of other benefits in any case...and help you avoid diabetes, in the case of the sugar).

I did this for a few months, completely curing the arthritis I was beginning to get in my knees. The cure took effect in a few weeks and has held for over five years now, even though I sometimes slide back into the meat-eating habit. I have totally stopped drinking coffee for good. But with the arthritis, the meat is the main thing, given my experience.

If the arthritis reappears, I know what to do about it.

- LH

20 Apr 03 - 11:59 PM (#936933)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Steve Latimer

I just finished watching "Don't Look Back". It sure was interesting to see him in '65 just after seeing this picture.

21 Apr 03 - 11:01 AM (#937105)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Little Hawk

I've been looking for a copy of that for some time.

21 Apr 03 - 11:48 AM (#937150)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Steve Latimer

Little Hawk,

I got the DVD at HMV in Oshawa. I am looking forward to watching it using the commentary feature.

21 Apr 03 - 11:50 AM (#937153)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: GUEST,Desdemona

Hey, the guy is an indisputable genius of mammoth proportions, but let's face it----he's a "dead" ringer for Vincent Price (somebody cue the organ music, please)!

23 Apr 03 - 05:57 PM (#938802)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Art Thieme


23 Apr 03 - 08:10 PM (#938888)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Little Hawk

What is "HMV" in Oshawa?

23 Apr 03 - 08:31 PM (#938896)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Steve Latimer

HMV is a CD store in the Oshawa Center, it's a chain. I'm sure that there will be one in Orillia of Barrie.

24 Apr 03 - 01:00 PM (#939286)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)

Her looks exactly like a 60 year old Russian Jew should look.


Sometimes I wonder about you muddycats.

Jody Gibson

24 Apr 03 - 06:40 PM (#939550)
Subject: RE: Latest Bob Dylan Pic! (brrrrr)
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, but he has also smoked 72,866,612 cigarettes...and counting...

Don't forget that. Cigarettes age the face and the whole body prematurely, not to mention the voice.

- LH