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Don Conoscenti in La Veta

13 May 03 - 07:25 AM (#951649)
Subject: Don Conoscenti in La Veta
From: BlueJay

Wow. Wow. We just had Don Conoscenti here in humble La Veta, CO for a house concert and guitar workshop this last weekend. My daughter Annie, and hubby David just moved to a new house, which has a sun-room which seats about 50 people. Kind of a pentagon with one larger end, which is where David put the stage.

Don Conoscenti is a truly amazing performer. Allegedly based out of our neighboring town, Alamosa, Co. The town fathers scoff, because he's never in Alamosa, he's always touring.

"Beautiful river, beautiful valley,
San Juan mountains, and the Sangres too,
Me and this banjo,
gonna pick a lot of music, We sure are happy,
To be here with you.

And there's an old volcano, down in Antonito,
Named after my father,
And I sure like that,
I can go away to Boulder,
Or San Francisco,
Or to New York City,
But I keep coming back,

To the beautiful river, beautiful valley,
San Juan Mountains, mysterious light,
Me and this banjo,
Gonna pick a lot of music,
We sure are happy,
To be here tonight".

Just a sample, that song is on the banjo. Don's guitar work is just incredible. He has a unique blend of capoing the guitar, and double capoing, which combined with his agressive slapping style of picking the guitar is astounding.

Don has already agreed to a repeat performance in early August. Any 'Catters near southern Colorado around that time would be well advised to stop in La Veta and catch this great musician.   Thanks, BlueJay