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Mudcatterings in N. Central PA

18 May 03 - 06:30 PM (#955067)
Subject: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

May 24
June 20
July 18
Aug. 15
Sept. 19

Likely participants:

Hippie Chick
Hardiman the Fiddler
... and maybe Dick and Susan if schedules mesh.

Find old threads to see where, what happens, and so forth.


18 May 03 - 09:47 PM (#955154)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: khandu

Or, on May 24, you can join Tweed, Bobert and me at Como, MS to hear "Slick" Ballinger play some mean blues!

Back atcha, Wizzy! ;-)

25 May 03 - 04:08 PM (#959010)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: MMario

well know - iffen I had joined you I wouldn't have had the pleasure of singing at the concert last night - or hearing the celtic music from Kinruss.

05 Jun 03 - 09:59 PM (#962995)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

June 20 jam/songcircle/Cattering is on, theme to be "From the Dark Side" led by Hogeye. Modal tunes, murders, and mayhem. Bring the kiddies! :~)

Post HERE if you are coming, but PM me your email address if you want to get news, directions, etc., that way.


05 Jun 03 - 11:13 PM (#963008)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: MMario

if I can. I know he knows a bunch of "dark" stuff!

06 Jun 03 - 06:59 AM (#963114)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

..... My old friend, Black Betty..... my old friend stands guard....


06 Jun 03 - 11:36 AM (#963263)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: Uncle_DaveO

WYSIWYG, you said to see previous threads as to where, etc. There are several threads, none of whose subject lines obviously refer to this. Can you give more details here? Where? What happens? Do I gather it's the same, or different from a general gathering/jam of Mudcatters?

Dave Oesterreich

07 Jun 03 - 12:50 PM (#963709)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Sorry-- look up Mudgather for previous threads. Mmario will link in a few if I don't get to it in the next day or so. We're just in off a long, nasty road trip and hoping for some sack time!


07 Jun 03 - 01:02 PM (#963714)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: MMario

spring 'o2 thread

07 Jun 03 - 01:04 PM (#963715)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: MMario

< ahref=>first mudgathering in PA thread

07 Jun 03 - 01:34 PM (#963724)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Thanks, bro. (Puder back, reinstalling boatloads of stuff, rushing for services this week, and a parishioner is the principal at the middle school where a kid shot himself Thursday AM......)


08 Jun 03 - 12:17 PM (#964023)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: Uncle_DaveO

As of now, my Beautiful Wife and I are looking forward to being there for the June 20 occasion. We will probably drive from Indianapolis Friday morning and drive back on Sunday. I think we'll expect to put up in a motel. More planning going on now.

Dave Oesterreich

08 Jun 03 - 12:30 PM (#964033)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

OK... kewl!

We have a nice double-bed guest room and you have first call on it if you want it. Travel time I dunno-- 6 hours from Cleveland? I can make some motel recommendations if you PM me a price range. If you are using an internet lodging source, our zip code is 16933. The major towns we're near would be Wellsboro (16901) and Mansfield (16933). Each town center of these is an easy and straightforward ten minutes from the house. There are also some nice B&B's, in either town.


08 Jun 03 - 01:49 PM (#964064)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: MMario

ooh-ooh! Now I Hafta get there the 20th!

08 Jun 03 - 01:55 PM (#964071)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Let the Inspiration begin! Go ahead and PM people you'd like to see come!


08 Jun 03 - 06:48 PM (#964186)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: GUEST,Walking Eagle

Any single folks planning to come? If yes, when? Don't get me wrong, I love to be amongst couples and families, jes' as I like to be among some of my own as well!


08 Jun 03 - 09:37 PM (#964277)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Singles are here for the jams, so come ahead dear! (Mmario is single, HC is single....)


08 Jun 03 - 10:01 PM (#964285)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: Uncle_DaveO

Actually, my Beautiful Wife and I will have with us our 29 year old Downs syndrome son, so the double bed guesthouse won't do too well. Thanks just the same, Susan. We'll just plan on a motel, or possibly a B&B. Any nominees?

If we're going to a motel, we'll be getting two rooms, one for us and one for our son. In the range from $75 to $95 a night is possible. Lower, obviously, is always better if the place is presentable. We typically stop at Motel 8s or Red Roof Inns, that sort of thing.
We don't have high-flown ideas; as long as the rooms are clean, doesn't have to be fancy.

I plan to do some Orbitz shopping on line, but local intelligence is always helpful.

Dave Oesterreich

08 Jun 03 - 11:37 PM (#964326)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

We are Red Roofers ourselves. Comparable quality here (plus indoor pool) would be the Canyon Motel in Wellsboro. The Fitzgeralds' B&B in Mansfield is also very nice. I am not sure how rates run, so let me know if I can check further for you.

Since you mentioned your son may I say that we look forward to meeting him, very much. The people who attend our jam are also very welcoming and you will find them quite a diverse lot.


09 Jun 03 - 03:48 PM (#964691)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: Walking Eagle

Any places for tenting?

09 Jun 03 - 07:09 PM (#964792)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Oh yes! Look at the old threads for details.


10 Jun 03 - 12:41 AM (#964885)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: Susan from California

I am very jealous! One of these summers ( 3 years from now, when all the kids have left the nest?) we'll have to make it!

10 Jun 03 - 03:03 PM (#965267)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: Booster Terrik

I will be there for the jamming.


16 Jun 03 - 12:02 PM (#967033)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Last call!


17 Jun 03 - 12:11 PM (#967707)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

If you were thinking of coming and didn't make up your mind-- COME. This could be the ONE not to miss, a big one like the first one we did. The RSVPs don't reflect it, but there is something about Uncle Dave's deternination to come that I think augers well for something special on the verge of occurring.

Mudcatters expected as of now:

Mmario (Friday night only)
Hogeye (Probably Friday night only)
Hippie Chick (a possible stayover into Saturday)
WYSIWYG (all weekend, ha ha)
Hardiman the Fiddler (ditto)
Booster Terrik (Friday, maybe Saturday too)
Uncle_DaveO & family (May not arrive til Saturday)

Also anticipated are a number of regular Friday jammers, and several folks who have never been to our jams, all on Friday night. We'll certainly ask if they care to return for more music on Saturday. I also sent out the notice to the jamlist from downstate (and my own near/far lists), and we have had some participation from there in the past so who knows?

Saturday evening also will offer the option of the old-fashioned gospel service at our church, where we always welcome visting musicians to sit in on some easy three-chord classics and/or do an offertory.

Not sure what to say about food-- impossible to tell who will be here/when. Just have to see what happens.

RSVP's are in order to help us flex logistics, if you plan on coming over and you are not on the list above. Use the Help forum if the Cat is down, or email me at but be sure to put MUDCAT in the subject line-- it's become the spam address from hell, and it's heavily filtered nowadays.


17 Jun 03 - 12:13 PM (#967711)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: MMario

AAARRRRGGGGHHHH! If Uncle Dave doesn't arrive until saturday ---- well - depends on the weather and the general climate of Family.... (which ain't good right now)

17 Jun 03 - 12:31 PM (#967726)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Could use some help issuing PMs to people from past threads who were maybe's, once upon a time..... just can't do it, this time. A simple "Please see" clicky to this thread, in a PM, is how I would do it if I were doing it....


17 Jun 03 - 12:32 PM (#967728)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

... and now that we can PM directly from a post, wish I'd thought of it earlier.... all those old threads full of potential.... dang!


17 Jun 03 - 03:03 PM (#967831)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: Uncle_DaveO

Yes, I WILL be there Friday evening.   Starting from Indianapolis at 7:00 a.m., which with time zone change would be 8:00 a.m. Pennsylvania time. About 10 hours driving, plus stops, so I am expecting to arrive in the Wellsboro area maybe 7:00 to 7:30 or so.

Dave Oesterreich

17 Jun 03 - 03:29 PM (#967848)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: LilyFestre

Add LilyFestre to that list, please. :)

17 Jun 03 - 03:40 PM (#967851)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Yee Hah! Welcome to Mudcat, LF!

Dave, feel free to PM to other PA and NY and OH Catters!

BTW-- major local town festival over the weekend-- watch out for closed streets due to the parade!


17 Jun 03 - 04:29 PM (#967893)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: Burke

What time do you get jamming on Friday & how late does it go? Mebee I can get my act together this weekend.

17 Jun 03 - 04:30 PM (#967895)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: MMario

about 7 - and it usually goes a couple hours

17 Jun 03 - 05:01 PM (#967919)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

It goes till the next-to-last person goes to bed. You know, the one that says, "whoa, I gotta crash now," leaving the last-last person to kill all the lights! :~) Got a bed for you, too, Burke, no need to pack boatloads of stuff.

Last jam went quite late, when 2 people dropped by who had "always wanted" to come to these.... when they got here, most people had left, and there were two people here besides me and Greg. These 2 left just after the new arrivals came in-- so we stayed up playing and talking for several more hours.

We'll have the crockpot going, too, as before, for Friday arrivals. We can assess other food needs Saturday AM.

Maybe we will end up using the dorm space finally-- somebody want to use the cicular saw to cut the plywood I got for the attic dorm mattresses???


17 Jun 03 - 05:03 PM (#967920)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Might want to BRING BATHING SUITS OR SUITABLE SHORTS. There is the chilly sitting pool out back (I "lap-swim" in it on a tether) or the $5 per visit health club with the nice warm swimming pool and great hot tub.


17 Jun 03 - 06:01 PM (#967954)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Maybe someone will set up the portastudio to record some stuff if I bring mics home....

Mmario, when do you arrive?


18 Jun 03 - 09:02 AM (#968331)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: MMario

I'm working this week (FOUR WHOLE DAYS!!) so won't be down to seven or so -

18 Jun 03 - 10:38 AM (#968411)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg


Friday's crock will be greekish Lamb Stew and Couscous. We'll do the Hooskie Couskie.

Staying over then?


18 Jun 03 - 11:08 AM (#968433)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: MMario

no - but may come back Saturday evening - especially if the weather turns wet.

18 Jun 03 - 11:12 AM (#968435)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Ah HAHHHH.... there's a plan.....


18 Jun 03 - 05:10 PM (#968601)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: annamill

Hi Hon! Sounds wonderful but Glenn and I are working our hearts out. I have two jobs now. One during the day, one at night til 11pm. We both work weekends. We can't go anywhere!

Maybe some day ;-)


18 Jun 03 - 05:27 PM (#968614)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Aw, too bad!


19 Jun 03 - 12:40 PM (#969132)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg


The beverage fridge will be empty (except for chilled water) and open for deposits.

Sleepovers: Burke (pine room), Bryon & pal Perry (attic dorm), maybe Hogeye & Mrs. (Widow's Walk)... Still room for more in all these areas. Have a parent-child room (bed + floor) still up for grabs. Have a few extra sleeping bags, covers, foam mats, etc.

Food: Have plenty of ice to make... huge can of fruit cocktail to open and use up.... prison meal trays scrubbed, have lots of plastic utensils, no need for paper cups (have dishwasher)... have tea, sugar, coffeemate... prolly some koolaid and Crystal Lite in there somedamnwhere... lots of condiments...

Could use (post here so people know who/what): Bread, chips, dip, snackeroonie type things... maybe a dozen eggs... meat for Saturday dinner... cheese is always nice....

Dinner Friday evening is all set, Greekish lamb or chickpea stew and couscous.

Breakfast Saturday AM is all set, eggs and pancakes with real maple syrup.

Lunch Saturday, Booster is bringing pantry items to share, and we can deputize someone to make a burger/dog run for things to throw on the grill.

Dinner Saturday, usually late, after the church service. Have veg and potatoes for a dutch-oven deal, need a couple of pounds of beef or chicken.

Sunday-- leftovers... Hardi and I each leave fairly early to do our respective Sunday AM chores (two churches), back late AM/early afternoon...

Anything else?


19 Jun 03 - 12:43 PM (#969136)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

.... and I am not cleaning much, this time.


19 Jun 03 - 12:47 PM (#969138)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: MMario


Slow down, breath a little;it's gonna be a good time; People will deal!

YOU should enjoy this too, remember?

19 Jun 03 - 01:40 PM (#969188)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

What, I haven't really done a thing, yet, I'm just taking stock! We're just reaping all the improvements around here since I've been feeling better*. In fact I ain't even dressed, I slept in, I'm lazing around looking forward to it, and Booster has signed up to take care of The Kitty Litter Situation! He'll be here early to sweep out the porches, too... while Hardi and I make a run for some new strings tomorrow. The rest--- aw, fuggit!

Are bringing instant-set lime jello by any chance? Need a lot for that pool!


*At the first Gathering we held, I was so weak all I did was sit around wrapped in a blanket for most of it, watching the fun. Now-- I can have fun and I have muscles to kick a few asses.

19 Jun 03 - 02:00 PM (#969212)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: MMario

just checking...

19 Jun 03 - 02:15 PM (#969221)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

.... COFFEE! We need coffee... well, :~) obviously I don't, but if coffee is wanted, we're out except for Hardi's espresso. So a pound of drip or espresso grind would be helpful....

19 Jun 03 - 04:47 PM (#969296)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: Burke

I'll get the coffee, some snacks, dozen bottles of Saranac beveridges-alcoholic & not. Other depends on what I see at the store.

20 Jun 03 - 01:54 AM (#969498)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: musicmick

I am looking forward to getting up to your area this summer as part of atrip that will include Elysburg (for a few thrills on the Pheonix)
and that big hole in the ground near Wellsboro. I hope that our trip will coincide with the anual Knoebel's Grove performance of my old pals, Sadie Green Sales Ragtime Jug Band. I played that date with them quite a few seasons. The August date seems most realistic as I have commited the next few months to a recording project. Yes, I am making my first solo CD after playing on everyone else's these last forty years. I shall invite a guest reviewer to critique it and I pray he/she will be kind and gushing.


20 Jun 03 - 10:02 AM (#969690)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Burke-- Great! Don't break the bank!

Mike-- Be sure to keep us posted. If your visit does not coincide with a jam, be sure to see us anyhow, unless we are out of town. Great news on the CD-- about the reviewing: I believe I may have auditioned for that role, but as I have no reputation to speak of, perhaps I can just copy-edit in some gushing for whoever reviews it. :~) I have a nominee in mind however.


20 Jun 03 - 12:48 PM (#969775)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Kitchen scrubbed, welcome banner hung. Bring it on!


20 Jun 03 - 12:55 PM (#969779)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: MMario

I'll be heading down after work - will pick up some snacky type things; just what depends on what hits my fancy when I stop.

lessee - lime jello for approx how many cubic feet?

area of a circle = pie are square. (except pies are round!) volume of the pool would be pie are squared * depth. 7.5 gallons per cubic foot. 8 boxes of jello per gallon.....

20 Jun 03 - 12:59 PM (#969782)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Prolly most appreciated would be good bread for soaking up stews tomorrow (becomes soup) after we eat most of the solid parts tonight. And good olives. Think Greek. Or we can whiz up a pesto-- I have a lot of elfantino-- maybe get fresh basil....


20 Jun 03 - 01:00 PM (#969783)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: MMario

Bread I can do - *grin*

20 Jun 03 - 01:50 PM (#969803)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

... garlickybubblingsmellsissuingforth..... now where the HECK did Hardi hide the second crockpot????????????


20 Jun 03 - 02:18 PM (#969822)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: MMario

Did you check the Oven? *grin*

20 Jun 03 - 04:32 PM (#969883)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: MMario

on my way in 5 minutes!

20 Jun 03 - 06:44 PM (#969939)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Arrivals underway... now I get a shower and then MUSIC!


21 Jun 03 - 07:47 AM (#970131)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Up in a foggy little hollow of the mountings, it were a grim and giesely night 'mid vapours, an' Hogeye had slipped up the pike from his home to lead us in a grand and glorious round of tunes from the Dark Side.... while on cat was fast-prisoned, another, new Cat took shape as the ballads flew through the air twixt Hogeye and a man passing himself off as Uncle DaveO... even the gospel and Sacred Harp songs the ladies offered had a gloomious tone to them.... oh I don't recall the names of the songs but the blessed dead were more than mere memories.... and all the while, Mmario sat calmly and silently, crocheting through the bloody gore... maybe HE can tell us... IF he ever got home alive...


21 Jun 03 - 09:22 AM (#970148)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Frittatta (omelettey eggs) from leftover chickpea stew & cheddar, fruit pancakes with syrup, OJ, espresso.... and you're not here.

Nyah nyah!


21 Jun 03 - 04:35 PM (#970288)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg


> Discussion and sound samples of Sacred Harp, in the LR
> Jam out front (in the cold rain) on the porch, working up some tunes for a new set list

... all this after working up some tunes for tonight's church service, Burke to teach two and Dave to teach one, Dorris to play an offertory onm piano....

Fast-fingers Steve is here now too, was bluesing it up on the porch with me and Hardi...


21 Jun 03 - 04:50 PM (#970295)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Mmario-- we will be back at the house after church, jamming some more. Come on by if you like....


22 Jun 03 - 02:44 PM (#970472)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: Susan from California

Man, I am so envious of the foo, fun,company and music!!!

22 Jun 03 - 02:45 PM (#970473)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: Susan from California

Um, Make that food, as opposed to "foo"   :-)

22 Jun 03 - 03:25 PM (#970497)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

There was indeed great fou, thanks to everyone's participation. :~)

Last night at the church service it was all-Mudcat.... Burke led us in two hymns new to us, and I got to lay back and sing harmonies. Uncle DaveO joined us with his guitar, and his wife Dorris gave us a swell offertory on piano. Uncle DaveO closed the service by teaching us a Navajo version of St. Patrick's Breastplate-- if it's not already posted at Mudcat I hope he'll post it.

I forgot to mention that Hogeye now has a website with MP3s of what he's been working on-- we asked him to post the URL here when he gets a chance.

After the Saturday service, our band-pal Tom came over and I think we played till 11. First it was blues (and songs brought to mind by the blues songs), and then Hardi and Tom and I ripped into some fiddle tunes. Burke sang "A Chat with your Mother" which we'd been dying to learn ever since blending our family of 3 teeneagers, and she even had a Berryman tape to leave us a copy of the song. The Uncle DaveO contingent took their leave so as to get an early start back to Indy this AM. Burke, the last one up with us before bed last night, treated us to what she calls her "beginning clawhammer" banjo. She's going to be very good-- it was wonderful to hear her feel on the banjo.

Burke and Booster both departed this AM after I got back from the church service I play for a couple of towns over. I went back to bed!!

I hope everyone will post here, what they sang and played, as much as they can remember.

I sang:
Backslidin' Blues (posted in a thread)
Mr. Fox (DT)
Old Stepstone (I think DT, learned from Pete Peterson's band's CD)
Shake Sugaree
Sittin' on Top of the World
.... and some gospel.


23 Jun 03 - 08:08 AM (#970858)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: MMario

I got home safe and sound - just ended up with a very busy weekend - As I suspected - If I hadn't come down friday night I wouldn't have gotton down at all.

First chance I've even had to check e-mail all weekend!

23 Jun 03 - 08:43 AM (#970873)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

OK, how about a report for people who missed it?


23 Jun 03 - 05:05 PM (#971169)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: Burke

My first & only time to WYSISYG's gather was just over 2 years ago. This was smaller, but worth the trip. It was great to meet Uncle DaveO, Dorris, Hogeye & Booster. I could watch MMario crochet without covetousness this time, since I do have the shawl he was working on the last time I was there.

Last time I did not have an instrument. Being there was part of what got me inspired to give the banjo a try.

Uncle DaveO knows a huge number of songs. It was great to hear them.

My contributions to the Dark side were:
The Dying Californian (Sacred Harp p.410)
a poor attempt at "The Lone (White) Pilgrim" (see the active thread)
And am I born to die (Idumea, Sacred Harp p.47)

For the Service:
Alas and did my Savior Bleed/At the Cross (Watts/Hudson)
Oh, how I love Jesus (verse begins: There is a name I love to hear) 8-9 verses in total.

WYSIWYG found multitudinous additional verses for both at Cyberhymnal. We sang them all! She worked up chords in a flash & printed it all out for the service.

Other times:
A Chat with you Mother

Bedtime reading:
The Cat that went to Heaven (found on the bookshelf in the sailboat room)

I got home in time for our montly Sacred Harp singing where we did The White Pilgrim from "Indian Melodies" and The Lone Pilgrim from "Sacred Harp." Now I can do two different treble lines, but I'm still weak on the tune.

23 Jun 03 - 06:36 PM (#971220)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: Uncle_DaveO

I arrived back home in Indianapolis, happy, about midafternoon on Monday. Great weather most of the day, after the cold, rainy weekend in Wellsboro--which was wonderfully offset by the warm companionship.

I won't try to begin to list all the songs I sang (nor the many others I wasn't able to get to). I will say that I was frankly amazed at the number of unaccompanied songs I was moved to sing, especially on Friday night. Usually the unaccompanied songs are just the salt and pepper, so to speak.

Dorris and my son Hans had a great time too, and Dorris particularly as glad of the chance to play the offertory at church Saturday night. I particularly treasure the opportunity to teach/lead "Call Down a Blessing". I heard a performer lead it only once, about two years ago, and ever since had been looking for an appropriate occasion to do it.

I can't just now, but I'll put the text of "Call Down a Blessing" either into this thread or in a separate thread within the next day or so. I'll record it and send the MP3 to someone who can make a midi for the DT.

Dave Oesterreich

24 Jun 03 - 08:06 AM (#971485)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: MMario

I wallowed in the music.

24 Jun 03 - 02:12 PM (#971701)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Updates on upcoming dates, and a few slept-on reflections:

July 18-- There will be our usual jam and people to come and stay over are welcome, but Hardi will be hosting without me-- I have to travel on family business. I will not be widely promoting it via eamil as I will be computerless while away and would not be able to reply to inquiries-- and Hardi lacks time to do it. However the jam is advertised on the local TV anouncements and we do anticipate at least moderate attendance.

Aug. 15-- A friend will open the house, lead the regular jam, and might be willing to host stayovers, but Hardi and I will be away on vacation most likely.

Sept. 19-- Back to usual.

Another word of thanks to all who helped us host this one, with things said and done for this one and in the past-- you know who you are, and I appreciate how much you have added to the special way these happen.

We had a very important day yesterday, dealing with a legal matter arising from our December, 2000 house fire. I am much surer than before that we will remain in this big ole farmhouse for the foreseeable future-- so I'm looking forward to some winter-wonderland gatherings, in the coming year.

To build capacity for these, I've started on a series of pages too add to our own website, describing what happens and what to expect, how to find us, what Mudcat is, and so forth. I've also compiled a set of links to the past Mudcat threads, so that it should be easier for folks to dig up details.

It was especially neat to have local people sleep over this time, for the first time. It added to the event for us all, that they were with us for more than just the Friday jam or a few hours on Saturday.

The still-developing Mudcat attic dorm worked well for late-RSVP/overflow guests, and we look forward to expanding the amenities up there even more, over the summer. I wish we could hold a work-camp!

Once again the weather confirmed that this is not a good site for outdoor tenting, as if the bears and skunks and mice weren't enough of a challenge! :~) Well, we're up in the mountains on a real, working hardscrabble farm, and that means critters and bugs and smells, and damp, COLD nights, even in late June. But the attic dorm is a great option for campers-- camp up there, as comfy or as rough as you like! :~)

This also was the first time all participants present, regardless of personal beliefs, chose to come along and help do the music for the Saturday night service. This adds so much to our growing Saturday night congregation's sense of the development of a rich music community! Since they form the core audience for secular music we've presented in the church's wonderful acoustics, it seems to me like two areas we've worked on for a long time are converging. It's exciting to see it happen, and it also helps increase the diversity factor around our church activities. Maybe a Mudcat concert on a Gathering weekend is an emerging possibility.

I marvel at the depth and eloquence of personal appreciation we receive after these-- we continue to get feedback that however many or few attend, there's something important happening here for people who don't just WANT to come, but DECIDE to come. We still have a long list of people who assure us they hope to come sometime... But people who prefer the reality to the hope are a really special bunch of people to spend time with, as they give us and each other that gift called "showing up." Maybe, next time, YOU.


03 Aug 03 - 12:13 AM (#995793)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Aug. 15 jam is on, hosted at our place by Booster Terrik, music led by Ed or most able leader present. PM Booster about possible sleepovers. If you have been here before, you know what is available, altho anyone wanting the double bed will find it stripped and needing its sheets washed and put back on.

Sept. 19 we'll be back and hosting/leading, and no more shall I roam, God willing.


22 Aug 03 - 11:39 AM (#1006521)
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
From: wysiwyg

Special Opportunity in October:

Concertina whiz and raconteur BRIAN PETERS is going to be in our area at the end of October, for a concert, probably in our church as it is shaping up. Night before Halloween most likely.
