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Neil Sharpley Any News? - 2003 court trial

18 May 03 - 07:14 PM (#955085)
Subject: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: GUEST,Ian

Neil Sharpley was due to appear at Leicester Crown Court on 8th...have I missed any exciting news!!!

19 May 03 - 01:54 PM (#955574)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?

Nothing down here.
But, like you, my breath is bated!
Anybody else know anything?

12 Aug 03 - 12:23 PM (#1000902)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: baur325

check out the above link, choose "Marker" guess who?

12 Aug 03 - 12:35 PM (#1000911)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: GUEST,Guest

Be at the Leicester Crown Court in late September (regret have mislaid date but can be obtained - presumably - from the court) when we hope justice will finally be meeted out to Mr Sharpley

12 Aug 03 - 12:38 PM (#1000913)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: GUEST,Andy, Port Erin, I-O-M

Don't bother the Court - its set for Monday 29th September.

12 Aug 03 - 12:39 PM (#1000915)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: baur325

another laugh for all concerned. Text below for speed.

The Stone Network respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide The Stone Network's Copyright Agent the following information:

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3. a description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the site;

4. your address, telephone number, and e-mail address;

5. a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;

6. a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your Notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.

The Stone Network's Copyright Agent for Notice of claims of copyright infringement on its site is Neil Sharpley who can be reached as follows:

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Neil Sharpley
The Stone Network
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13 Aug 03 - 12:35 PM (#1001307)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?

I thought the court appearance was supposed to happen months ago - I'll await September 29 with great interest.

14 Aug 03 - 04:35 AM (#1001744)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: baur325

re: court; he's claiming "abuse of process" and i hear that he has called the Lincolnshire Police "Stalinist Revisionists" . I believe the next court date is to resolve the first claim so it may not be the actual trial. Watching with interest.

14 Aug 03 - 11:37 AM (#1001951)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?

You folks really need to get a life.

15 Aug 03 - 07:30 AM (#1002602)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: GUEST,guest

thanks Neil

03 Sep 03 - 09:21 AM (#1011962)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?

Eye-witness report from Louth. An embarrassed Neil Anthony Sharpley was seen at lunchtime on 03 sept removing a clamp from a silver Peugeot belonging to two policemen, who drove away with broad grins. No money chaned hands.

04 Sep 03 - 03:51 AM (#1012511)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: GUEST,Andy, Port Erin, I-O-M

The up side to this story (hopefully) is that two policemen - with broad grins - might be clamping Neil Anthony Sharpley into handcuffs if he is convicted at Leicester Crown Court on 29 September!

29 Sep 03 - 11:58 PM (#1026504)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: GUEST,Lien


10:30 - 29 September 2003

Former Louth coroner Neil Sharpley was due in court today accused of deception charges involving £47,000.

Sharpley (52), of Westgate, Louth, faces a charge of obtaining £25,000 from John Lewis in February 1997.

He faces a similar charge of deception involving £22,000 obtained from John Lewis in May 1997.

Both charges relate to money allegedly obtained to finance a music business.

Sharpley has denied both charges and was due to go trial at Leicester Crown Court.

01 Oct 03 - 08:54 AM (#1027148)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?


10:30 - 30 September 2003

Louth: The town's former coroner has denied deception charges involving a total of £47,000.

Neil Sharpley of Westgate, Louth, appeared in court yesterday and pleaded not guilty to a charge of obtaining £25,000 from John Lewis in February 1997.

The 52-year-old has also denied a similar charge of deception involving £22,000, which was also obtained from Mr Lewis, in May 1997.

Leicester Crown Court was today hearing legal arguments and a trial jury is expected to be sworn in later this week.

02 Oct 03 - 01:09 AM (#1027736)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: GUEST,jennifer

BBC Radio Lincolnshire News 6am - After three days of legal argument the case against Neil Sharpley has been thrown out due to an abuse of process in bringing the case to court.

02 Oct 03 - 05:00 AM (#1027800)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: nickp

Back to square one then....

02 Oct 03 - 05:26 AM (#1027814)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: baur325

watch where you park.

02 Oct 03 - 11:00 AM (#1027995)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: GUEST,Lien

Whatever miscarriage of justice lets Sharpley walk must only be the start of a renewed campaign to rid the folk world of him and his appalling master, Bulmer. It can only be a matter of time....

02 Oct 03 - 11:06 AM (#1028002)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?

Oh Bugger

02 Oct 03 - 11:35 AM (#1028026)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: GUEST,Ned Ludd

I only came to this by accident following a trail from Google. This and its companion thread on Dave Bulmer and Celtic Music are compelling but nothing seems to have been done. Clearly the hope Mudcatters had of justice at the Crown Court has now evaporated, but if the gripes and moans I have read here have substance they should be acted on.

A contact tells me the Lincs Police have read what is here but are disincined to act in any way as "no complaint has been made". That might seem odd but if ther is any hard fact that can be put up then do it. If not then you have to give up now. For example the issuing of CDR discs as CD's must be of interest to trading satandards officers or the police for starters.

I am told the police were quietly confident until today so they might welcome another approach on another subject. My info is the arresting officer is one DI Stocking.

Good luck

02 Oct 03 - 12:19 PM (#1028061)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: Richard Bridge

Can anyone direct me to a proper law report of the legal argument on the "abuse of process" point? That normally takes quite a lot of establishing.

02 Oct 03 - 01:22 PM (#1028100)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: treewind

I was hoping you'd enlighten us, Richard!

I assumed it meant that some trivial dotting of i's or crossing of t's wasn't done in the corrrect and prescribed manner, so for some minor technicality the prosecution case wasn't valid. Does "abuse of process" mean something more contentious than that?

As for other cases, mentioned a few posts back, we haven't heard any more about Pat Cooksey's, have we?


02 Oct 03 - 01:23 PM (#1028102)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: baur325

I'll have word in some legal ears

02 Oct 03 - 07:21 PM (#1028351)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: Richard Bridge

Yes, abuse of process refers to a fundamental impropriety, not just a procedural error. It being after midnight, good examples are not springing to mind.

If you brought libel proceedings, and lost, and then brought malicious falsehood proceedings on the same facts, you would lose for two reasons. First there would be issue estoppel (don't ask). Second, because you were trying to get a second bite at the same cherry, it would be an abuse of process.

Does that help?

03 Oct 03 - 05:49 AM (#1028648)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: GUEST,Lien


10:30 - 02 October 2003

A Former coroner and solicitor accused of deception offences has walked free from court after the charges against him were thrown out.

Neil Sharpley (52), who was once the coroner for Louth, was alleged to have obtained £47,000 from a client's estate and used it for his own purposes. He had been due to stand trial at Leicester Crown Court this week.

But the proceedings did not reach the stage of swearing in a jury to hear the case.

After three days of legal argument Judge Ian Collis ruled that Mr Sharpley could not receive a fair trial due to an "abuse of process" in bringing the case to court.

Abuse of process is deemed to have taken place when something is judged to be so unfair or wrong with the prosecution that the case cannot continue.

The individual facts of each case are considered when deciding if the method used to bring the case to court was unfair.

Mr Sharpley, of Westgate, Louth, had denied two offences of obtaining a money transfer by deception from his client John Lewis between February and June 1997.

03 Oct 03 - 07:47 AM (#1028698)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: GUEST,Guest

So the oily one escapes justice again. How many more honest people will be damaged before the law finally decides that enough is enough and deals with these two crooks?

03 Oct 03 - 11:11 AM (#1028872)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: baur325

like guest Ned Ludd says if there is something meaningful then do something, but if not or if no-one can be bothered then it is dead in the water.

03 Oct 03 - 03:02 PM (#1029066)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: Tyke


03 Oct 03 - 05:54 PM (#1029208)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: okthen

The new ad above this post is about illegal copying, uncanny huh.

03 Oct 03 - 05:56 PM (#1029210)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: okthen

I checked to see if was still there and it's gone

04 Oct 03 - 05:31 AM (#1029441)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?

"the issuing of CDR discs as CD's must be of interest to trading standards officers or the police for starters"(Ned Ludd above). It looks like huge numbers of folk singers and musicians could be in serious trouble then!

04 Oct 03 - 09:24 AM (#1029521)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: baur325

I think that misses the point. Individual artists selling at the door are not in the same catagory as a "bona fide" Record Label distributing CD's through normal retail channels. Others have posted instances of Celtic Music CD's not proving Kosher but I couldn't comment as I have not seen any myself.

10 Oct 03 - 02:00 PM (#1033269)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?

So who did have Mr Lewis's cash Neil????

Ex-coroner walks free as deception charges are dropped

FORMER Louth coroner and solicitor Neil Sharpley, who was accused of deception offences, walked free from court last week after the charges against him were thrown out.

Mr Sharpley, 52, of Westgate, was alleged to have obtained £47,000 from a client's estate and used it for his own purposes.
He had been due to stand trial at Leicester Crown Court , but the case never reached the stage of swearing in a panel of jurors. After three days of legal argument Judge Ian Collis ruled Mr Sharpley could not receive a fair trial due to an "abuse of process" in bringing the case to court.

Mr Sharpley had denied two offences of obtaining a money transfer by deception from John Lewis between February and June 1997. A spokesperson for the Crown Prosecution Service explained an "abuse of process" was something which could affect the overall fairness of a trial. He said the ruling was not particularly uncommon.
Neil Sharpley told the Leader he was relieved the matter was over.

He said: "This has all been a gross waste of public resources and money. I'm just glad the saga is over and the sooner it is out of the public arena the better"
A police spokesperson said the police were awaiting a written copy of the judgement from his honour Judge Collis.

She said: "Until we have examined the findings in detail and discussed the matter with the Crown Prosecution Service and prosecution council we are not in a position to comment on the case."

08 October 2003

11 Oct 03 - 09:31 AM (#1033665)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: GUEST,Ian Johnson

What breathtaking arrogance. What is happening to the legal system in the UK when crooks like Neil Sharpley are able to walk away from justice? From what I read the man had been dipping into clients accounts and was struck off as a solicitor by his professional association for that dishonesty. But that was a civil matter - didn't the Police have a duty to deal with the criminal side of this conduct, and by the same reasoning, didn't the court have a duty to deal with the criminality?? It seems that yet again the courts have failed in that duty as they do almost daily nowadays. I wonder like Guest (above) what happened to the money stolen from Mr Lewis and also how Mr Lewis and his family feel - do they think justice has been done? Do they think they have been treated "fairly" by the Court? It seems to be a misplaced direction by yet another barmy judge.   Mr Sharpley must surely be heading for a fall sooner or later as this sort of "slipping through the noose" cannot go without remark or eventual action - legal or otherwise.

14 Dec 03 - 01:57 PM (#1072174)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?

"If you brought libel proceedings, and lost, and then brought malicious falsehood proceedings on the same facts, you would..." a card carrying member of the anti-Bulmer cult. If there ever was a case to pursue against Celtic Music, the libelous falsehoods spread about Bulmer and Sharpley by the folk and "world" music pundits (who so obviously were trying the case in the court of public opinion on behalf of some very popular musicians, ie Jones, Gaughan, et al) have made certain no case can now be brought because of their prejudicing all those involved in the argument.

All this has ever been about is a fight among industry types over who ripped off whom, and who owes whom money.

Bulmer isn't the anti-Christ, and the purportedly wronged parties aren't saints. Nothing in life is that black and white.

15 Dec 03 - 05:58 AM (#1072692)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?

Seems that Green Linnet in the US have the same practices - and who was their UK distributor?

15 Dec 03 - 08:08 AM (#1072774)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?

So like finds like. Your point is...? No one holds a gun to the heads of these musicians to make them sign away their rights. Both outfits have long been known to rip off artists. Caveat emptor, eh?

19 Dec 03 - 04:35 AM (#1075971)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?

Sure, no one holds a gun..... but they have simply been conned by a pair of crooks who have set out to obtain by any means. Caveat emptor?? Did the deceased who foolishly assigned Sharpley the task of administering their estates consider that concept before they died? No, it was TRUST Mr Sharpley, and Mr Bulmer, the same trust that you both have jetisoned in favour of gain at any cost.

19 Dec 03 - 07:35 AM (#1076057)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?

I understood that many of these artists did NOT sign contracts with CM, it bought the rights to their work from other companies.

19 Dec 03 - 12:47 PM (#1076284)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?

Oh, then that must be the explanation as to why they thought it would be OK to screw the artists!

19 Dec 03 - 01:05 PM (#1076292)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: Willie-O

God damn, could you guests please come up with some names for yourselves?

You sound freakin' schizophrenic.

gutless wonders need not actually register, just use a sig in your posts...

confused Canuck

24 Dec 03 - 05:09 AM (#1079053)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: baur325

Having returned to this thread and the Bulmer/Celtic Music one after some time, I find it interesting that there seems to be a revival or resurrection of apologists and revisionists since the trial of NS collapsed (on a technicality). The Law Society and the Office for the Supervision of Solicitors are not reorted to be considering reversing their decisions as yet. Happy Christmas to one and all.

26 Dec 03 - 04:06 AM (#1080094)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: GUEST,Andy, Port Erin, I-O-M

Interesting, Baur325. The apologists and revisionists you mention are probably Mr Bulmer and Mr Sharpley acting with renewed vigour following the appalling matter of Sharpley escaping justice again. Take comfort in that it can only be a matter of time before justice catches up with these crooks.

24 Feb 06 - 04:13 AM (#1677454)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: GUEST,Guest

Alarmingly after all he did to the people of Louth, he is now the President of the Louth Chamber of Trade (Business). Jeez, they deserve all they're gonna get!

24 Feb 06 - 06:28 AM (#1677530)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: gnomad

What is it with Louth? First Jeffrey Archer, now this, and yet it's a lovely little town.

24 Feb 06 - 07:48 AM (#1677560)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: Ruston Hornsby

Only just seen this, quite shocked really. As a Lincolnshire ex-pat my memories of Neil and brother Gerry from 15+ years ago were of two exceptional musicians on fiddle and guitar. Anyone remember the Teatime Three? Louth is certainly turning them out, didn't that chap who crashed off the M62 and caused the railway accident come from there too?

28 Mar 12 - 10:44 AM (#3330125)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?

what's neil sharpley doing now,has he been locked up yet any news?

14 May 12 - 12:51 PM (#3350742)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?

Hi i will tell you what is doing he is part of a vetinary company called Lincs Vetinary Solutions Ltd along with a so called vet called Jefrey Chakwenya who is not on the vet register!! this vet put my horse through alot of unnessersary suffering before dying just to make £349 out of me.. they have now taken me to court and a few days ago i received a letter from Marker Collection saying they are balliffs but my solicitor n c.a.b and police have noticed this i am in the process of taking things further..As my solicitor has put it i am a victim of a scam by crooks!!!!!

17 Nov 12 - 09:44 AM (#3437787)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: GUEST,Guest

Hi we are also having some serious problems with the so called Vet Jefrey Chakwenya and would welcome any addityional information that anyone might have that might strenghen our case to bring the man to account.

13 Nov 13 - 01:23 PM (#3575315)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: GUEST,johnboy

Hes running a company called Marker collect in louth chasing debts and obtaining CCJ by filling false information then trying to enforce them. Im currently in a case from them to which I will be challenging.

14 Nov 13 - 11:52 AM (#3575586)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: Richard Bridge

I don't suppose the police do anything about his perjury.

14 May 16 - 06:57 AM (#3790218)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: The Sandman

FORMER Louth coroner and solicitor Neil Sharpley, who was accused of deception offences, walked free from court last week after the charges against him were thrown out.

Mr Sharpley, 52, of Westgate, was alleged to have obtained £47,000 from a client's estate and used it for his own purposes.
He had been due to stand trial at Leicester Crown Court , but the case never reached the stage of swearing in a panel of jurors. After three days of legal argument Judge Ian Collis ruled Mr Sharpley could not receive a fair trial due to an "abuse of process" in bringing the case to court.

Mr Sharpley had denied two offences of obtaining a money transfer by deception from John Lewis between February and June 1997. A spokesperson for the Crown Prosecution Service explained an "abuse of process" was something which could affect the overall fairness of a trial. He said the ruling was not particularly uncommon.
Neil Sharpley told the Leader he was relieved the matter was over.

He said: "This has all been a gross waste of public resources and money. I'm just glad the saga is over and the sooner it is out of the public arena the better"
A police spokesperson said the police were awaiting a written copy of the judgement from his honour Judge Collis.

She said: "Until we have examined the findings in detail and discussed the matter with the Crown Prosecution Service and prosecution council we are not in a position to comment on the case."

    Note from Joe Offer: this appears to be a copy of a message posted above in 2003. I can't figure out why it was posted again.

14 May 16 - 07:44 AM (#3790221)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: Steve Shaw

I suggest that neither are we.

14 May 16 - 08:31 AM (#3790226)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: Jack Campin

That was an unattributed repost of a story from 13 years ago. GSS was lying by implying it was a recent case.

Geoffrey Chakwenya seems to have a sideline in managing Zimbabwean bands. These connections just keep getting weirder.

14 May 16 - 09:12 AM (#3790228)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: GUEST,henryp

It's fairly clear that the report comes from the local Leader newspaper.

It's not clear that it dates back to 08 October 2003.

Sharpley had avoided a trial - ironically - because of 'abuse of process'.

14 May 16 - 01:01 PM (#3790271)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: The Sandman

jackcampin, i wasnt implying anything, or lying
i was bringing to peoples attention sharpeleys past and his acquittal because of a technicality, i did this because he appears to now own the bulmer estate see the other thread on dave bulmer.

14 May 16 - 01:03 PM (#3790273)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: The Sandman

for the attention of jack campin, the thread on dave bulmer
Subject: RE: Dave Bulmer-related enquiry
From: Good Soldier Schweik - PM
Date: 14 May 16 - 06:52 AM

Neil Sharpely 10:30 - 02 October 2003

A Former coroner and solicitor accused of deception offences has walked free from court after the charges against him were thrown out.

Neil Sharpley (52), who was once the coroner for Louth, was alleged to have obtained £47,000 from a client's estate and used it for his own purposes. He had been due to stand trial at Leicester Crown Court this week.

But the proceedings did not reach the stage of swearing in a jury to hear the case.

After three days of legal argument Judge Ian Collis ruled that Mr Sharpley could not receive a fair trial due to an "abuse of process" in bringing the case to court.

Abuse of process is deemed to have taken place when something is judged to be so unfair or wrong with the prosecution that the case cannot continue.

The individual facts of each case are considered when deciding if the method used to bring the case to court was unfair.

Mr Sharpley, of Westgate, Louth, had denied two offences of obtaining a money transfer by deception from his client John Lewis between February and June 1997.
now jack calm down and stop accusing people of lying

14 May 16 - 05:26 PM (#3790328)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
From: Joe Offer

Dick, your post of 14 May 2016 says: FORMER Louth coroner and solicitor Neil Sharpley, who was accused of deception offences, walked free from court last week after the charges against him were thrown out.

You really need to stop this reposting of undated, unattributed information. I spent twenty minutes trying to figure out what this was all about, only to find that this was about an event that took place in 2003.

If something has been posted before, please give us complete information about where the information came from and the date it was created. Don't waste our time.

I renamed the thread so nobody else gets deceived.

-Joe Offer-

15 May 16 - 04:11 PM (#3790475)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News? - 2003 court trial
From: GUEST,Don Andrews.

The news about Sharpley is very clear,he takes everything possible from PRS,MCPS, and every other publishing agency possible, we are not talking about 2003 but 2016, just put his name and Louth, Lincolnshire, in Google and you will see how far deception and theft can go.

17 May 16 - 04:37 PM (#3790820)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News? - 2003 court trial
From: Joe Offer

That's all well and good, Don. Please fill us in on what the story of Neil Sharpley is now. That's what we need - not copy-pastes of the same messages that were posted in this thread in 2003. I really would like to know what's going on now.


17 May 16 - 05:02 PM (#3790823)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News? - 2003 court trial
From: The Sandman

no, joe you are being officious and smallminded.
Don Andrews is spot on.

17 May 16 - 05:21 PM (#3790827)
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News? - 2003 court trial

Companies House details for C M Records:

This official record indicates that accounts have not been filed for several years - and the company was to be removed from the list. An objection was raised and the removal has been suspended (twice).

No additional shareholder information has been posted since Mr B's passing - he was the majority shareholder (66%) in 2014 with Mr S having the remaining 33%