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Folklore: Fable and Phrase

20 May 03 - 11:12 PM (#956683)
Subject: Folklore: Fable and Phrase
From: rangeroger

While doing a Google search I came across the Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. What an amazing reference!

If you have a word and want to know some background on it,here's the place. I learned all about absquatulate. Now I will have to wait for the occasion to use it.


20 May 03 - 11:12 PM (#956685)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Fable and Phrase
From: Sorcha


20 May 03 - 11:37 PM (#956697)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Fable and Phrase

Looks like a fun site. I bookmarked it for future reading, but don't take the text as gospel. Noted several errors and some fakelore in just a quick glance-through. After all, the reference is over 100 years old.

21 May 03 - 05:31 AM (#956780)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Fable and Phrase
From: masato sakurai

It has been revised many times since (and will be). Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, 16th ed., edited by Adrian Room, is the newest.


21 May 03 - 08:47 AM (#956852)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Fable and Phrase
From: Rapparee

One of those classic reference books us liberryans are taught about in liberry skool. Good for Looking Things Up In, or just to browse through for trivia that impresses those who come to us for help (or attractive members of the opposite/same sex).

21 May 03 - 09:10 AM (#956865)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Fable and Phrase
From: Les from Hull

There's also a Brewer's Twentieth Century Phrase and Fable.