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Songs about underwater life

21 Jun 03 - 02:16 AM (#970072)
Subject: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: JennieG

The school library where I work is pulling out all the stops for a big display for Oz Children's Book Week in August. This year's theme is "Oceans of Stories" and I am trying to find songs that would tie in. So far I have thought of:
The Codfish Ball (sung by Shirley Temple in a movie in 1936)
Octopus's Garden )
Yellow Submarine ) both Beatles songs
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


21 Jun 03 - 02:24 AM (#970074)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Liz the Squeak

Marina? Back theme to Stingray....

What sort of genre are you after? There are plenty of shanties that could be sung by children - I remember singing 'What shall we do with the Drunken Sailor' and others when a child. One of them was about a mermaid, and can I remember it now? No. I will know it when I see it, but it's just popped out of my head.

There's always the Disney stuff - 'Under the sea' from Little Mermaid springs to mind.


21 Jun 03 - 02:30 AM (#970076)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Liz the Squeak

It was a clean version of the Mermaid with the chorus 'the landlubbers lying down below, below below, and the landlubbers lying down below.' The version in the DT isn't exactly child matterial - well actually, it IS child material, it's just not PARENT material!


21 Jun 03 - 02:56 AM (#970079)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: JennieG

Not shanties - more like songs that conjure up pictures of what a jolly life those undersea creatures lead - I don't know the Little Mermaid song but we may even have the video in our collection anyway. And the girls range in age from 5 to 18 so it needs to be reasonably clean!

21 Jun 03 - 03:37 AM (#970090)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: GUEST,jennifer

I'm thinking of Lewis Carroll's poem that starts "would you walk a little faster said the whiting to the snail, there's a porpoise close behind us and he's treading on my tail" has anyone ever set it to music?

21 Jun 03 - 03:53 AM (#970094)
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

(Windy Old Weather)

Used to be in the DT. Perhaps, the MC search engine is screwy after its "stroke". (

It will give your children more than enough fish to explore for a summer:
You and the kids have FUN!!

SONG IN AMERICA. Burl Ives, Waryfarer Music Co., 1962, p.60

Come all you bold fishermen, listen to me,
While I sing to you a song of the sea.

CHORUS: Then blow ye winds westerly, westerly blow,
We're bound to the southward, so steady we go.

First comes the blue-fish a-wagging his tail,
He come up on the deck and yells: "All hands make sail!" CHORUS

Next comes the eels, with their nimble tails,
They jumped up aloft and loosed all the sails. CHORUS

Next come the herrings, with their little tails,
The manned sheets and halliards and set all the sails. CHORUS

Next comes the porpoise, with his short snout,
He jumps on the bridge and yells: "Ready, about!" CHORUS

Next comes the swordfish, the scourge of the sea,
The order he gives is "Helm's a-lee!" CHORUS

Then comes the turbot, as red as a beet,
He shouts from the bridge: "Stick out that foresheet!" CHORUS

Having accomplished these wonderful feats,
The blackfish sings out next to: "Rise tacks and sheet!" CHORUS

Next comes the whale, the largest of all,
Singing out from the bridge: "Haul taut, mainsail, haul!" CHORUS

Then comes the mackerel, with his striped back,
He flopped on the bridge and yelled: "Board the main tack!" CHORUS

Next comes the sprat, the smallest of all,
He sings out: "Haul well taut, let go and haul!" CHORUS

Then comes the catfish, with his chuckle had,
Out in the main chains for a heave of the lead. CHORUS

Next comes the flounder, quite fresh from the ground,
Crying: "Damn your eyes, chucklehead, mind where you sound!" CHORUS

Along came a dolphin, flapping his tail,
He yelled to the boatswain to reef the foresail. CHORUS

Along came the shark, with his three rows of teeth,
He flops on the foreyard and takes a snug reef. CHORUS

Up jumps the fisherman, stalwart and grim,
And with his big net he scooped them all in. CHORUS


21 Jun 03 - 07:30 AM (#970130)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Jen M

When my fourth grade class studied invertebrates I taught them Tom Chapin's "Billy the Squid". Not factual but fun. Very young kids don't get the puns but enjoy the imagery. ("He took from the selfish and gave to the shellfish")

21 Jun 03 - 09:05 AM (#970145)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Sorcha

Again, Whale Song, by Tom Chapin.

21 Jun 03 - 11:34 AM (#970186)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Amos

Undah De Sea is a cute Calypse tune from "The Little Mermaid".   "OCtopus' Garden" does the job.


21 Jun 03 - 01:54 PM (#970248)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: GUEST,Lidy

Old Walter the Whale is a whopper,
He's as big and as blue as can be,
And if he don't eat you up for his supper,
He'll gobble you up for his tea.

I have no idea where it can from or why I know it, I just have vague recollections of singing it when very young.

And there's also the fab
"40 years on an iceberg out in the ocean wide,
Nothing to wear but pyjamas, nothing to do but slide,
The weather was cold and frosty,
The frost began to bite,
I had to cuddle a polar bear to keep me warm at night!"
not particularly ocean-linked but it does use the word!

21 Jun 03 - 05:43 PM (#970308)
From: GUEST,Pelrad

How about "Down in the Diving Bell?" Jeff Warner and Jeff Davis recorded it on Two Little Boys. Here's a link to the original sheet music, although Jeff and Jeff sing slightly different words and I can't read music so don't know if it's the exact same tune they use.

Once I was a sailor lad, this tale to you I'll tell
About the wonders of the deep while down in the diving bell
When I was just a sailor boy the captain challenged me
I'd not the pluck to go and see the mermaids in the sea.

Ch: Down in the diving bell to the bottom of the sea
There are the prettiest sights that you will ever see.
Down in the diving bell to the bottom of the sea
Those nice little mermaids, pretty little mermaids,
All come courting me.

When I was only halfway down the mermaids came to me
They danced around to greet me at the bottom of the sea
I clasped a mermaid in my arms, to kiss her was my wish
But like an eel she slipped away, oh you cannot kiss a fish.

Her mother brought her back to me and whispered unto me
That if I would we could be married there beneath the sea.
We were married in a chapel made out of oyster shells
The parson wore his bathing gown and the cod fish rang the bells.

21 Jun 03 - 08:29 PM (#970374)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: JennieG

Thank you all for your input - I do like "Down in the Diving Bell"! And I had forgotten that poem by Lewis Carroll.


21 Jun 03 - 09:07 PM (#970381)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Charley Noble

Yes "Down in a Diving Bell" should work fine.

Maybe you could work up something from one of my mother's children's books entitle DEEP SEA FARM (search for Dahlov Ipcar on She had all kinds of faniful scenes and puns about the farm animals, the sea cows and sea horses, hunting for the sea wolf. harvesting the sea cucumbers, neat stuff like that. You'd enjoy the book anyway; they're generally available in good used condition on the internet but most haven't been reprinted in years.

You probably don't want "The Old She-Crab."

Charley Noble

21 Jun 03 - 09:36 PM (#970390)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: GUEST,dave ruch

Shel Silverstein wrote a song called "The Mermaid of Ontario" which was recorded by Lee Murdock on one of his albums (Ontario being Lake Ontario on the Great Lakes).

23 Jun 03 - 07:10 AM (#970841)
From: Tiger

Written by Wallace Irwin

The most chivalrous fish of the ocean, to ladies forbearing and mild,
Though his record be dark, is the man-eating shark,
Who will eat neither woman nor child.

He dines upon seamen and skippers, and tourists his hunger assuage,
And a fresh cabin boy will inspire him with joy,
If he's past the maturity age.

A doctor, a lawyer, a preacher, he'll gobble one any fine day,
But the ladies, God bless 'em, he'll only address 'em
Politely and go on his way.

I can readily cite you an instance, where a lovely young lady of Breem,
Who was tender and sweet and delicious to eat,
Fell into the bay with a scream.

She struggled and flounced in the water, and signaled in vain for her bark,
And she'd surely been drowned, if she hadn't been found
By a chivalrous man-eating shark.

He bowed in a manner most polished, thus soothing her impulses wild:
"Don't be frightened," he said, "I've been properly bred,
And will eat neither woman nor child."

Then he proffered his fin and she took it – such a gallantry none can dispute –
While the passengers cheered, as the vessel they neared,
And a broadside was fired in salute.

And they stood alongside the vessel, when a life-saving dinghy was lowered,
With the pick of the crew and her relatives, too,
And the mate and the skipper aboard.

So they took her aboard in a jiffy, and the shark stood at attention the while,
Then he raised on his flipper and ate up the skipper,
And went on his way with a smile.

And this shows that the prince of the ocean, to ladies forbearing and mild,
Though his record be dark, is the man-eating shark,
Who will eat neither woman nor child.

23 Jun 03 - 08:48 AM (#970876)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: BuckMulligan

Can't locate the lyrics right now, but how about "Whale of a Tale" - as sung by Ned Land (Kirk Douglas) in Disney's "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" from the 1950s. Fun song for kids.

23 Jun 03 - 08:56 AM (#970878)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: MMario

Sorry - I'm blanking at the moment - but there is a 'Whale song' we used to sing at campfire....something about eating grandmothers 'And anything else that's helpless'

23 Jun 03 - 09:25 AM (#970892)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Dave Bryant

There's a Cornish Song (Clickerty-Clack ?) about some fisherman whose wives are too busy gossiping so they go off to sea and marry mermaids. Eventually they return home after many years and their wives are still busy nattering, so they go back again. I'm pretty sure that Tom and Barbara Brown sing it.

23 Jun 03 - 09:34 AM (#970894)
Subject: Add:Sarah The Whale
From: MMario

(Tune: Dixie)

In Frisco town there lived a whale
They fed her peanuts by the pail,
And washtubs and bathtubs
And sailboats and schooners.

Her name is Sarah and she's a peach,
But don't put food within her reach
Or babies, or nursemaids
Or chocolate ice cream sodas.

She loves to smile and when she smiles
You can see her teeth for miles and miles,
And her tonsils and her spare ribs
And things too fierce to mention.

Now what can you do in a case like that,
There's nothing to do but sit on your hat,
Or your toothbrush, or your grandmother,
Or anything else that's helpless.

23 Jun 03 - 09:35 AM (#970896)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Dave Bryant

I think that the above song is called "The Wives of St Ives" I can remember the late Mervyn Vincent singing it.

23 Jun 03 - 10:12 AM (#970912)
Subject: Lyr Add: A WHALE OF A TALE
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Here you go Mr. Buck.


A Whale Of A Tale
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - 1954

Music and Lyrics by Norman Gimbel and Al Hoffman
Sung/Danced by Kirk Douglas as Ned Land -comic relief with a seal

(a curious amalgam of folk tunes including "girl I left behind me")

Got a whale of a tale to tell ya, lads
A whale of a tale or two
'Bout the flappin' fish and the girls I've loved
On nights like this with the moon above
A whale of a tale and it's all true
I swear by my tattoo

There was Mermaid Minnie, met her down in Madagaskarv
She would kiss me, any time that I would ask her
Then one evening her flame of love blew out
Blow me down and pick me up!
She swapped me for a trout

Got a whale of a tale to tell ya, lads
A whale of a tale or two
'Bout the flappin' fish and the girls I've loved
On nights like this with the moon above
A whale of a tale and it's all true
I swear by my tattoo

There was Typhoon Tessie, met her on the coast of Java
When we kissed I bubbled up like molten lava
Then she gave me the scare of my young
Blow me down and pick me up!
She was the captain's wife <>

Got a whale of a tale to tell ya, lads
A whale of a tale or two
'Bout the flappin' fish and the girls I've loved
On nights like this with the moon above
A whale of a tale and it's all true
I swear by my tattoo


23 Jun 03 - 11:01 AM (#970951)
Subject: Lyr Add: A HORSE NAMED BILL
From: JennyO

Hi Jennie G, from JennyO

I think there are other verses to Sarah the Whale, but I can only find a little bit more. I found it on one site as part of a song called "A HORSE NAMED BILL". Click here
to go there and hear the tune - very familiar, of course.
A lot of these words are not relevant, but it's funny, so here they are:


I had a horse, his name was Bill
And when he ran, he couldn't stand still
He ran away, one day And also, I ran with him.

He ran so hard he couldn't stop
He ran into a barber's shop
He fell exhausted, with his teeth In the barber's left shoulder.

Oh I went out into the woods last year
To hunt for baar and not for deer
I am, I ain't A great, sharp shootsress.

At shooting birds, I am a beaut
There is no bird I cannot shoot
In the toe, in the ear, in the little finger.

Oh, I went up in a balloon so big,
That the people on earth all looked like a pig,
Like a mice, like a geese,
Like fleases, and like flieses.                           

The balloon turned up, with its bottom side --higher,
It fell on the head of a country squire,
He made a noise-like a steamboat,
And, also, like a popsicle.

I had a gal and her name was Daisy
And when she sang the cat went crazy
With deliriums - St. Vituses - And all kinds of cataleptics.

One day she sang a song about
A man who turned himself inside out
And jumped into the river
He was so very sleepy.

In Frisco Bay there lives a whale
And she eats porkchops by the bale
By the hatbox, by the pillbox, by the hogshead, by the schooner.

Her name is Lena, she is a peach
But don't leave food within her reach
Or babies, or nursemaids, or chocolate ice cream sodas.

She loves to laugh and when she smiles
You just see teeth for miles and miles
And tonsils, and spareribs, and things to fierce to mention.

She knows no games so when she plays
She rolls her eyes for days and days
She vibrates, she yodels, and breaks the ten commandments.

Oh, what can you do in a case like that
Oh what can you do but sit on your hat
Or, a toothbrush, or your grandmother, or anything that's helpless!

This song is sung with many variations of the words. This version is a collection of several versions.

John-patrick Yeiser

23 Jun 03 - 11:10 AM (#970955)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: EBarnacle1

The League of Righteous Grannies got us to change to last line of "Sarah the Whale" for public performance a few years ago. It can now be sung as "...or your toothbrush, or your Chihuahua, or anything else that's helpless."

23 Jun 03 - 11:14 AM (#970957)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Wolfgang

German song/ballad 'Die schöne Lilofee' (first line: Es freit ein wilder Wassermann...):

A king's daughter marries a water spirit and lives with him under water. Homesick she comes to the land again to see normal humans. Her husband says she can live again at land but without her children. With the heaviest of heart she decides for her children and lives under water again. Now that's a song about underwater life!


23 Jun 03 - 11:15 AM (#970959)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: MMario

I'd rather have the League of Indignant Grannies mad at me then a Chihuahua - those little beggers are nasty and NEVER forgive a grudge.

23 Jun 03 - 11:16 AM (#970960)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: DMcG

I'm thinking of Lewis Carroll's poem that starts "would you walk a little faster said the whiting to the snail, there's a porpoise close behind us and he's treading on my tail" has anyone ever set it to music?

See this thread at the Annexe

23 Jun 03 - 11:37 AM (#970975)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Schantieman

There's a hole at the bottom of the sea
There's a hole at the bottom of the sea
There's a hole,
There's a hole,
There's a hole at the bottom of the sea.

There's a whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea
There's a whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea
There's a hole,
There's a hole,
There's a hole at the bottom of the sea.

There's a tail on the whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea
There's a tail on the whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea
There's a hole,
There's a hole,
There's a hole at the bottom of the sea.

There's a fluke on the tail of the whale....
(you get the idea)


There's a atom in a molecule of DNA in the bacterium in the mite in the leg of the barnacle on the shell of the limpet on the fluke on the tail of the whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea....

(I had never actually sung this all the way through until a couple of weeks ago when I made the mistake of singing the first couple of verses to Jenny (7) and was forced to complete it!

If nothing else (well, OK, its only virtue) it will keep them occupied for ages!


23 Jun 03 - 11:37 AM (#970976)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: GUEST,Dave H.

23 Jun 03 - 11:41 AM (#970978)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: GUEST,Dave H

You might also try "Bobbing Along" from the Disney film Bedknobs and Broomsticks"

There's a very good song by Kip O'dotta called "Wet Dream" which contains too many puns to mention. It's unfortunately a little adult although I don't think the kids would get the jokes.

"I was driving my Stingray when it overheated, the mechanic said I'd blown a seal, I said "fix the darn thing and leave my private life out of this would'ya mac?"

23 Jun 03 - 11:45 AM (#970981)
Subject: Lyr Add: THREE LITTLE FISHIES (Saxie Dowell)
From: Metchosin

How about Three Little Fishies, I loved this when I was small.
Midi here   

Sung by Kay Kyser (#1 in 1939)
Words and music by Saxie Dowell

Down in the meadow in a little bitty pool
Swam three little fishies and a mama fishie too
"Swim" said the mama fishie, "Swim if you can"
And they swam and they swam all over the dam
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
And they swam and they swam all over the dam

"Stop" said the mama fishie, "or you will get lost"
The three little fishies didn't wanna be bossed
The three little fishies went off on a spree
And they swam and they swam right out to the sea
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
And they swam and they swam right out to the sea

"Whee!" yelled the little fishies, "Here's a lot of fun
We'll swim in the sea till the day is done"
They swam and they swam, and it was a lark
Till all of a sudden they saw a shark!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Till all of a sudden they saw a shark!

"Help!" cried the little fishies, "Gee! look at all the whales!"
And quick as they could, they turned on their tails
And back to the pool in the meadow they swam
And they swam and they swam back over the dam
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
And they swam and they swam back over the dam.

23 Jun 03 - 11:59 AM (#970987)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: the lemonade lady

Well Schantieman... that knowledge can only come from a biologist!



23 Jun 03 - 12:07 PM (#970991)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Pied Piper

I wrote a song about Kim Howells and PEL's legislation, but does Pond life count?

23 Jun 03 - 05:24 PM (#971189)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: BuckMulligan

And then there's "The Mermaid" by (I think) Shel Silverstein - Glenn Yarbrough used to do it, had to do with "you're not gonna love the tail" - finally meets the Mermaid's sister whose "upper half was an ug-a-ly fish, but there rest of her was girl..." and ends "and I don't give a damn 'bout the upper half, if that's how I get my tail..."
Maybe not for kids, I guess.

23 Jun 03 - 11:53 PM (#971354)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: JennyO

My friend Rhymin' Simon does that one. Definitely not for kids, though.


24 Jun 03 - 12:20 AM (#971362)
Subject: Lyr Add: MERMAID (Shel Silverstein - Jim Friedman)
From: JennyO

I just found the words. Yes it is by Shel Silverstein, but as I said before, more for adults than kids:


(Shel Silverstein - Jim Friedman)

« © '65 Evil Eye Music »

When I was a lad in fishing town an old man said to me
You can spend your life your jolly life just sailing on the sea
You can search the world for pretty girls till your eyes're weak and dim
But don't go swimming with the mermaid son if you don't know how to

Cause her hair is green as seaweed and her skin is blue and pale
And I tell you now before you start you can love that girl with all your heart
But you're just gonna love the upper part you're not gonna like the tail

So I signed onto a whaling ship and my very first day at sea
I seen a mermaid in the waves a reaching out to me
Come live with me in the sea said she and down on the ocean's floor
I'll show you a million wonderous things you never seen before

So over I jumped and she pulled me down down to her seaweed bed
And the pillow made of tortoise shell she placed beneath my head
She fed me shrimps and caviar upon the silver dish
From her head to her waist she was my taste but the rest of her was a fish

Her hair was green as seaweed and her skin was blue and pale
And her face it was a work of art and I loved that girl with all my heart
But I only loved the upper part I did not like the tail

Then one day she swam away and I sang to the clams and whales
I missed her fence and her seaweed hair and the silvery shine of her
Then her sister she swam by and set my heart awhirl
Cause her upper part was an ugly fish but the bottom part was a girl

Yeah her toes are pink and rosy and her knees are smooth and pale
And her legs they are a work of art and I love that girl with all my heart
I don't give a damn bout the upper part and that's how I end my tale



24 Jun 03 - 01:49 AM (#971379)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: alison

someone beat me to it with "3 little fishies"

if you have littlies

5 Jellyfish

5 Jellyfish,
5 Jellyfish,
5 Jellyfi-i-i-ish,
sitting on a rock

one jumped off AAWWWWWWWWWWHHH!!!!

4 jellyfish, 4 jellyfish, 4 jellyfi-i-i-ish... you get the idea

(tune - pretty close to 3 blind mice... ask any preschool kid ... or I'll sing it to you at the session.... *grin*)



24 Jun 03 - 03:15 AM (#971393)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Shuffer

Depends on how young an audience you are catering for but have a look at who specialise in writing music and action songs for pre school and early years music. If you visit the site and click the Spaceman Sid Songs button you will find downloadable songs I would suggest Seaweed Sam, Ollie the Octopus,Ride on a Dolphin and maybe even Seasick in the bath as suitable for your project.


24 Jun 03 - 03:42 AM (#971401)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: JennieG

Thank you all so much, you have come up trumps. This whole thing is beginning to look bigger than Ben Hur.....the librarian has contacted the music department (it's quite a large school, we have departments all up and down the street) and suggested that the girls could sing some suitably aquatic songs as part of the hooley. Schubert's Trout Quintet springs to mind also - but perhaps not the Eddystone Light.
Alison - you can sing it for me on Friday night!

24 Jun 03 - 04:42 AM (#971421)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Schantieman

At Whaton Aston (or was it Chippenham? - so many festivals, so little brain) someone sang a version of Herrings' Heads (now there's another one) ...
Now what shall I do with my octopus's leg?....

24 Jun 03 - 05:47 AM (#971434)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Dave Bryant

No-one seems to have mentioned the "Marri-i-ed to a Merm-i-aid" version of "Rule Brittania" in the DT here.

Has anyone got the words to the "Wives of St. Ives" which I mentioned previously ? - If not I'll see if I can get Tom Brown to post it.

24 Jun 03 - 09:28 AM (#971524)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: GUEST,Dave H.

24 Jun 03 - 09:30 AM (#971526)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: GUEST,Dave H

If you are looking for songs for the kids then the following won't help, but if your background then try "Rock Lobster" by the B-52's.

24 Jun 03 - 09:48 AM (#971535)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Sorcha

How is it that folks show up here, ask for stuff and then never come back? Oh JennieG, where are you??

24 Jun 03 - 09:57 AM (#971544)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: MMario

Hey Scorch! She was here this morning - and thanked people!

24 Jun 03 - 10:49 AM (#971579)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: GUEST,reggie miles

Written whilst in a moment's madness, as the fever was upon me, here's a short and silly salty tale suitable for young and old alike about one of the most infamous and fearsome creatures of the briny deep, the chartreuse seahorse, Seasick Cecil! Even merchant marines and stevedores shudder at the telling of it. Ooo! It's scary! *BG* ;~)

The One What Bitsed Me Washboard's Leg Off!
(An obscure foot note in the annals of maritime jugbandalry)

Avast ye landlubbers! Ar! That's right I was once known as Master Gadget Master, ar, but that was a long time ago, ar, and me mem'ry's not what it used t' be. But near as I can ar'member, it was on a Sunday the sixth of September, of '78, that I was shanghaied by the Band Of Buzzards to serve aboard The Ship O' Fools. A surlier ensemble of unscrupulous, seafarin', scurvy scoundrels and assorted scraggly street scum I ain't seen the likes of afore or since. Ar!

Let me give ya a sense of what was transpirin' by settin' the stage and intoducin' the crew's compliment. Let's see, first, at center stage, there was the skipper, Scarecrow The Insignificant, scratchin' and sawin' on his instrument of choice as if possessed by some supernatural spirit. By his side, as always, was Cosmic Gypsy Sea Dog, a sneering, snarling, savagely astute visionary of surgically precise six strings strummin', nothing to sneeze at. Next was the Spoonman himself, boasting the singular most astounding display of utensil manipulation ever witnessed, a not to be missed, amazingly seismic percussion spectacle, to be sure. And last, but certainly not least, Space Bass, well versed in the classics, a symphonic treasure chest, studied and schooled in the production of lush tones and lustrous tunes, sure to please the most discriminatin' palates. Ar! Why, they could seduce mister Jolly Roger's skull an' crossed bones clean off it's staff, slick as you please, and set 'im to shimmyin' the skeleton shuffle right b'fore yer eyes. Ar!

Well, we set sail for the seven seas after sayin' so long, see ya later, sayonara and asta la vista to several Seattle seaport scullery wenches. There was Sally, ar, the one what sold sea shells by the seashore and then there was Sue. Ar! There's many a sleepless night I spent stuck up in the crows' nest musin' o'er, er, oh, uh, excuse me, I digress. Where was I?

Ah yes, I was sittin' neath the mizzenmast, on the poop deck, takin' a....sabbatical. Scrub 'er down and polish 'er brass straightaway. Those were me orders. Instead, I was staring at the surrealistic horizon, observin' the deceptively subtle serenity that surrounded us, and in silence reminiscin' me unserendipitous situation, whilst scrapin' the barnacles loose from me skivvies.

The sea was stifling, breezeless and sweltering. I was a sweaty, skuzzy mess and I stank with a sailor's stench the stinkiest stuff you ever smelt. Ar! Ya see, we was stuck on the outskirts of the prevailin' winds in some sort o' slack water. Our progress was at a stand still. It was just then that I happened to glance at me timepiece. It showed seven minutes past seven o'clock. When, suddenly, the skies were sullied by a stratocumulus cloud mass that positioned itself above us. Moments later we was socked in by a mist as dense as spoiled soup that obscured our sight. Soon the surf started to seethe with swells that surged and slammed our vessel broadside, tossin' us like a Caesar's salad. I scanned the scene with me one good eye seekin' some semblance of the sun to steer by, but it was scuttled by a surprise souwester' that swiftly swept a swirlin' squall across our stern. Explosions of thunder crashed and flashing shafts of lighting streaked from the heavens striking and shattering our spar to pieces in a shower of sparks. A dozen or so sea spouts spired and spun about us. Our compass was useless against the tempest.

Suspectin' the worst, I swallowed a slug o' some swill that 'ad most certainly sat stagnant for weeks. The sickly taste made me nauseous but somehow seemed to ease my distress so I swigged several more snorts. (BELCH!) It had a desensitizin' bouquet, disturbingly complex, robust yet somewhat sophisticated, reminiscent of soiled hosiery and perspiration of pedal extremities, hence the name, Chateau Le Stinky Socks. "They should've served this with last night's sushi smorgasbord," I soliloquized in a whispered voice.

A stinging soaking splash spilled over me. We started listing leeward. Awash in the waves I lashed myself to the mast. I squirmed and
shook in the shadow of that storm, seized by a spasm that that sent shivers up me timbers! I stood steadfast and stouthearted against the shock and screeching shriek of the fiercely gusting winds, secretly scrutinizing our situation and surmised, "Saints preserve us, ah shucks, we're sunk!"

In an instant the sea sagged. A second later it sank. Then it split asunder! A steady stream of sulfurous stench, scalding steam and sooty smoke rose from the chasm, as if the sharp sword of the sea devil, Lucifer himself, had sliced it. The scar separated the surface off the starboard side of the ship.

That's when I saw something that would surely strike scaredness into the soul of any swab what gazed upon it. Well sir, ya says, spit it out. What sort o' slimy sea serpent was it, famished sea lion, smelly salmon, snooty expectant sturgeon? 'T wasn't so simple. I saw the saltiest scourge to ever swim the south sound estuaries, that scrawny scaly scallywag, that skinny, scheming, scrappy scamp, that shrimp of a shark, the chartreuse seahorse, Seasick Cecil!

This wasn't just any seahorse. He was a monster, six, seven centimeters, if he was an inch. He had this single saber tooth, a razor sharp incisor that he'd slash you with. (SNAP! SNAP! SNAP!) Erstwhile he'd simultaneously spew sludge like secretions and cast scurrilous aspersions in numerous directions. Besides, he had these steely eyes. All glazed over and glossy they was, from starvation. Ar! Well he wasn't stoppin' by to pay us a social visit. As he sprang from the maelstrom I could see his icy jaws was salivatin' to be masticatin' somebody and ol' Master Gadget Master's skin 'n' bones was his selected savory suppertime snack.

I was certain a scuffle with the accursed beast would spell casualties
or at least disastrously catastrophic destruction. The fearless crew scattered, scurryin' like rats from a sinkin' scow. Whilst a stupendous struggle of fist o' cuffs ensued betwixt that nemesis and me. The scrimmage sapped me stamina and me strength was slippin' fast. All seemed lost! Exhausted, I summoned every once I could muster to search for a shillelagh or spear for defense. I spotted some ship stores strewn and sloshing about, cans of stewed and strained spinach in a sweet syrup sauce. I skipped several like stones at the cantankerous creature's cavernous esophagus. "How's that taste ya stunted stubborn stubby stump?" I stuttered. The sarcastic taunts only succeeded in increasing his ferocity. I snatched me washboard to use as a shield against his malicious assent. He smashed me cymbal in a symbolic show of force. Then he started scratchin' the washboard usin' his tiny spiny fins as brushes. The stylishly systematic synchronicity of his syncopation was hypnotizin'. Entranced, yet incensed, I screamed, "Skullduggery, that's the last straw showoff!" I extended me washboard's telescopin' support, stabbin' and thrustin' it like so, desperate to save us from a shipwreck and seein' Davy Jones' storage shed first hand. I sallied, "So ya wants t' swashbuckle eh? I shall smite thee to very shores of the river Styx if that's what it takes! Surrender or be slain!"

That's when circumstances took a swerve to worse. I slipped on some seaweed and settled on me posterior. Cecil wasted no time instantly severin' me make shift cutlass in two with a single stroke of his fearsome incisor. Helpless, I soggily sat staring face to face with destiny. When, as suddenly as it started, it was finished. Strangely satiated or perhaps just simply satisfied, I was never sure. He ceased his menacing pursuit and swam away, ne'er to be seen nor heard of again. Though it seems to me I perceived a slight swagger in the way he slowly sauntered off, as if to say, "See ya later!" Ar!

Well mates that's the whole fish story. Now some of you may assume this is simply a silly nonsense story scrawled by a psychotic schlockmeister schlump. Still others may suppose these lines to be a
sham, a ruse, insane oceanic scuttlebutt or just the scribbled inspirations of a screwy stowaway slacker. So I swears a solemn
promise, should so much as a solitary phrase of this manuscript be false, may I be struck by an extremely localized tsunami.

Seriously mates, it my sincere desire that this little illiterate alliteration has supplied some small measure of whimsy. If so, then this witticism has successfully accomplished its' mission.

Now, I don't mean to abandon ship or desert ya but I've got t' shove off, that is, skedaddle. But don't ya be forgettin' ol' Master Gadget Master and ar'member, if you're ever crusin' the salty seas, there's a shiny simulated solid silver Mardi Gras shillin' t' th' one what spies 'im, (AR!), the chartreuse seahorse, Seasick Cecil. (AR!) The one what bitsed me washboard's leg off! (AR!) Thar she blows!

24 Jun 03 - 10:56 AM (#971581)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Sorcha

Oh, missed that. Sorry, Jennie! Mea culpa!

24 Jun 03 - 04:12 PM (#971754)
Subject: Lyr Add: WET DREAM (Kip Adotta and Biff Manard)
From: BTMP

How about this one from Dr. Demento:


It was April the 41st, being a quadruple Leap Year. I was driving in downtown Atlantis. My Barracuda was in the shop, so I was in a rented Stingray and it was overheating.   So I pulled into a Shell station - they said I'd blown a seal. I said, "Fix the damn thing and leave my private life out of it, OK, Pal?" While they were doing that, I walked over to a place called the Oyster Bar - a real dive. But I knew the owner - he used to play for the Dolphins. I said, "Hi, Gill!" You have to yell - he's hard of herring.

Gill was also down on his luck. The fact is, he was barely keeping his head below water. I bellied up to the sand bar.   He poured me the usual - rusty snail , hold the grunion, shaken - not stirred, with a peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich on the side - heavy on the mako.   I slipped him a fin - on porpoise. I was feeling good - I even dropped a sand dollar in the box for Jerry's squids - for the halibut.    Well, the place was crowded - we were packed in like sardines. They were all there to listen to the big band sounds of Tommy Dorsal - what sole! Tommy was rocking the place with a very popular tuna - 'Salmon Chanted Evening', and the stage was surrounded by screaming groupers. Probably there to see the bass player.   One of them was this cute little yellowtail, and she was giving me the eye. So I figured this was my chance for a little fun, you know - a piece of Pisces.   But she said things I just couldn't fathom - she was too deep, seemed to be under a lot of pressure. Boy, could she drink! She drank like a . . she drank a lot! I said, "What's your sign?" She said, "Aquarium."   I said, "Great! Let's get tanked!"

I invited her up to my place for a little midnight bait. I said, "Come on, baby - it'll only take a few minnows!" She threw me that same old line, "Not tonight - I got a haddock." And she wasn't kidding, either, 'cause in came the biggest, meanest looking haddock I'd ever seen come down the pike - he was covered with mussels. He came over to me and said, "Listen shrimp, don't you come trolling around here!" What a crab! This guy was steamed! I could see the anchor in his eyes! I turned to him and said, "Abalone! You're just being shellfish!"   Well, I knew there was gonna be trouble and so did Gill - he was already on the phone to the cods. The haddock hits me with a sucker punch - I catch him with a left hook. He eels over. It was a fluke, but there he was, lying on the deck, flat as a mackerel - kelpless.   I said, "Forget the cods, Gill, this guy's gonna need a sturgeon!" Well, the yellowtail was impressed with the way I landed her boyfriend. She came over to me and said, "Hey, big boy, you're really a game fish! What's your name?"   I said, "Marlin".

Well, from then on we had a whale of a time. I took her to dinner, I took her to dance, I bought her a bouquet of flounders. And then I went home with her. And what did I get for my trouble - a case of the clams!

25 Jun 03 - 09:51 AM (#972113)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Dave Bryant

If you want include swamp life, pond life etc - there's lot's of songs about lawyers !

25 Jun 03 - 10:39 AM (#972127)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: GUEST,Dave H.

25 Jun 03 - 10:40 AM (#972128)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: GUEST,Dave H

BTMP - That's Kip O'dotta's WET DREAM as I mentioned earlier.
I doubt the parents want to hear their children singing that one!

25 Jun 03 - 09:30 PM (#972412)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: JennieG

I'm here Sorcha, I have been very busy over the last 2 days and haven't had a chance to visit Mudcat! But I really appreciate the help you are all giving me.

25 Jun 03 - 09:47 PM (#972419)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Bob Bolton

G'day Jennie,

If you want (or can get away with) an Australianised version of Wet Dream I think I have a Jim Haynes version on CD ... along with something comparably attrocious called I Found Her, but Then I Lobster!.

I'll check the details when I get home.


Bob Bolton

25 Jun 03 - 10:40 PM (#972440)
Subject: RE: Wanted: songs about underwater life
From: Bob Bolton

Ooops! Sorry Jennie,

That should have been even more attrocious: I Flounder, but Then I Lobster!

Hey! I can spell ... type ... ? .. ! Well ...

