04 Jul 03 - 07:08 PM (#976958) Subject: Lyr Req: . The Hug. From: GUEST,spalpeen |
04 Jul 03 - 07:14 PM (#976961) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Song Reqd. The Hug. From: Helen Do you have any more info on this? What sort of song, music style, where did you hear it? Do you want the lyrics or music or both? etc etc etc Helen |
04 Jul 03 - 09:03 PM (#977015) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Song Reqd. The Hug. From: GUEST,spalpeen Hi Helen. I heard this song on Highland Radio transmitted from Co.donegal. Eire. via internet, I think the singer was ???? O'Reilly the lyrics are very interesting and send out a wonderful message, can't remember any words apart from title.(THE HUG) Thank you for reply. spalpeen. |
04 Jul 03 - 09:17 PM (#977024) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Song Reqd. The Hug. From: wysiwyg By Fred Small? ~S~ |
04 Jul 03 - 10:37 PM (#977056) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Song Reqd. The Hug. From: Joe Offer I'll bet Susan's guess of Fred Small is correct. I'm not sure if I like the song, but I posted it here (click). -Joe Offer- Thread #26625 Message #321276 Posted By: Joe Offer 17-Oct-00 - 06:44 PM Thread Name: I need a hug Subject: ADD: The Hug Song - Fred Small
Maybe this will help, Hollowfox. I copied from here (click). |
05 Jul 03 - 01:30 PM (#977360) Subject: Lyr Add: THE HUG SONG (Fred Small) From: Murray MacLeod Joe, are your lyrics incomplete ? Full version as I remember it : THE HUG (Fred Small) Dan Murrow is a mighty friendly man He's big and round like a bear He hugs his friends and his friends hug him Anytime, anywhere. His patients would come for therapy To drive their blues away And sooner or later they'd feel a lot better Cause this is what he'd say: CHORUS: I want a hug when we say hello I want a hug when it's time to go I want a hug 'cause I want you to konw I'm awfully fond of you. I want a hug--what a wonderful feeling I want a hug--to feel you squeezing I want a hug--it certainly seems like The natural thing to do! But when the head of the hospital heard about it He got all annoyed Cause hugging is sexual sublimation According to Doctor Freud. You can beat 'em down, you can hide 'em away, You can keep 'em quiet with drugs, You can strap 'em and zap 'em with electroshock But you better not give 'em a hug. CHORUS So the boss says, "Dan, clean out your desk-- Your conduct is lax and lewd. Any deviation from standard medical Practice can get us sued." Now, Dan don't feel too bad for himself He's really kind of proud. But he's sorry for the people who are locked away Where hugging ain't allowed. CHORUS (for kids) CHORUS When I was a little bitty baby child, my momma used to hold me tight My daddy used to come and pick me up when I got scared at night The years have passed, I've grown so fast, and mostly I feel strong But timid or bold, I'm never too old to sing this cozy song. CHORUS Now some folks don't like hugging--they think they're too tough I bet they'd be a whole lot friendlier if they were just hugged enough When you hug the ones who love you, an amazing thing you learn When you give a hug, you just can't help but get one in return! CHORUS Sometimes grownups are grouchy and they put the blame on you Sometimes you make just a little mistake though you did the best you could do Sometimes love is everywhere and it's a beautiful day And every time is the perfect time to open your arms and say: CHORUS Murray |
05 Jul 03 - 04:21 PM (#977445) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Song Reqd. The Hug. From: CapriUni Well, I don't know about Joe -- but I like it! Where can I hear the tune for this? |
05 Jul 03 - 06:14 PM (#977489) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Song Reqd. The Hug. From: Susanne (skw) More lyrics and a few notes at My Songbook. It was recorded by Iain MacKintosh on his CD 'Risks and Roses', still available from Greentrax. |
05 Jul 03 - 08:06 PM (#977543) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Song Reqd. The Hug. From: wysiwyg oops! I got lost in there AGAIN! ~S~ |
06 Jul 03 - 02:00 AM (#977642) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Song Reqd. The Hug. From: Joe Offer Now, Murray, I guess I have to admit you got me. Fred Small copyrighted the "adult" version in 1981, and the children's version in 1984. I neglected to post the adult lyrics. Still, I have to say I don't quite believe you. You said that the lyrics are the full version as you remember it. The lyrics are exactly the same as those printed in Breaking from the Line - The Songs of Fred Small. Even the punctuation is exactly the same (except that the songbook doesn't have the third children's verse). So, 'fess up - am I supposed to believe you have a photogenic memory? -Joe Offer- |
06 Jul 03 - 04:15 AM (#977658) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Song Reqd. The Hug. From: Murray MacLeod Ahh, Joe, no intent to deceive on my part. When I clicked on your link above and read the lyrics you had posted, I was convinced that there was a verse missing from the song that I remembered from years ago, so I went hunting on the net to see if I could trace it down. The version I posted above is, as you correctly surmise, a copy and paste job. Murray |
06 Jul 03 - 09:51 AM (#977759) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Song Reqd. The Hug. From: Ernest Hello Guest Spalpeen, was that the song you meant? If not, Ben Sands of the Sands Family wrote a different one with that title. It is recorded on his last CD "Better already". His e-mail adress (as said on the CD) is "bensands77@hotmail.com". Yours Ernest |
06 Jul 03 - 07:50 PM (#977996) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Song Reqd. The Hug. From: GUEST,Spalpeen I wish to thank all you wonderful music lovers who have responded to my request, all I know that the singer was ????? O'Reilly, must try and listen on Highland Radio again perhaps it may get played, Many thank's. Spalpeen. |
10 Jul 03 - 10:50 AM (#980576) Subject: Lyr Add: HUG (Ben Sands) From: GUEST,spalpeen Hi Ernest. Just put in a request on highland radio and Ben Sands was mentioned. Chorus goes:
Oh, we all need a hug in the morning, and one at the end of the day. I haven't picked up all the lyrics as it's got four verses. Thank you for all your help. spalpeen
30 Jul 03 - 08:30 PM (#993839) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Song Reqd. The Hug. From: Jim Dixon Click here for a description of Ben Sands' album "Better Already." It contains the song "Hug" with the liner notes saying "A wonderful conclusion that the simple Hug is indeed the best medication known to mankind." This is probably the one you want. It's not the same as Fred Small's song, which is more properly known as "The Hug Song." Sorry, I couldn't find the lyrics or any sound samples. |
31 Jul 03 - 02:04 AM (#993973) Subject: Lyr Add: HUG (Ben Sands) From: Ernest Verses are:
1. I remember I wasn't much older than four, maybe five, at the most.
CHORUS: Oh, we all need a hug in the morning, and one at the end of the day.
2. I met an old exile in Boston who longed to go back home one day,
3. There's a doctor who lives out in China, a master of medical arts.
4. And when Adam was cast from the garden and feeling that life was unfair,
5. A letter can bring consolation. A phone call can brighten the night.
Virtual hugs
10 Jul 08 - 06:27 AM (#2385516) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Song Reqd. The Hug. From: christycant "Hug" lyrics and sound clip at www.bensands.com |