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Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence

15 Jul 03 - 09:00 AM (#983701)
Subject: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: GUEST,Eamonn Holmes

Isaac ...

You were a good 'un.

I'll never forget having a garavy chip with you in The Peking after a hard night on the Baileys in The Ashburn!

You were always willing to abandon politics and religious bitterness in favour of a rake of drink and a bit of a take-away.

For that, I respect you.


15 Jul 03 - 09:01 AM (#983702)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: GUEST,Sinead O'Connor

Respec' due!

Ras Ta Far I!

15 Jul 03 - 09:02 AM (#983703)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: GUEST,Brendan Bowyer


I can har'ly bring myself to hucklebuck t'day at all!

Sleep well, oul hand!

15 Jul 03 - 09:03 AM (#983705)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: GUEST,Ian Paisley

You may have been a backslider and a fraterniser, but ... damnit ... you were one of our own!

(Breaks down in uncontrollable sobs)

15 Jul 03 - 09:04 AM (#983706)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: GUEST,Gloria Hunniford

Isaac ..

I am so, so sorry!

15 Jul 03 - 09:05 AM (#983707)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: GUEST,Caron Keating

Quit yappin', ma!

You're destroying yer mascara.

Buck up!

15 Jul 03 - 09:19 AM (#983712)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: Hollowfox

Could someone please enlighten a clueless yank?

15 Jul 03 - 09:38 AM (#983722)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: GUEST,Tom Paulin

I never liked the man.

I never said anything good about him when he was alive.

I'm buggered if I'm going to say anything good about him now he's dead!

15 Jul 03 - 09:38 AM (#983723)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: GUEST,Daniel O'Donnell

We were brawrs till the end, Isaac.

I'll never fergit you!

15 Jul 03 - 09:42 AM (#983727)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: An Pluiméir Ceolmhar

Ah, the bewildered Yank without whom no Drumcree thread is complete.

The story begins more or less here, though there are antecedents which you might find by doing a word search for Drumcree.
This year's gripping instalment begins here.

But don't go into mourning just yet, yon Isaac is a bit of a Finnegan. We haven't seen the last of him yet. He's just using the Fenian ploy of the staged death and funeral to confound his enemies before he rises up and strikes again. His law has yet to chucky.

15 Jul 03 - 12:02 PM (#983808)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: GUEST,Dana

Thon Hunniford huzzy has a quareneck on 'er showin' her oul' face here.

If I get a houl' of thon blow-dried mop, I'll have it out by the root, so I will!


D'ye hear me?

Ye dorty clart!

15 Jul 03 - 12:03 PM (#983810)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: GUEST,Caron Keating

Just ignore her, ma!

Oi, Brown - ye talentless God-botherer - away and ball yer dung!

16 Jul 03 - 06:49 AM (#984326)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: GUEST,Brush Shiels




16 Jul 03 - 06:50 AM (#984327)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: GUEST,Ringo McDonagh

Shove over there and let a man get a bit of elbow-room!

16 Jul 03 - 06:52 AM (#984328)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: GUEST,Big Tom

(wheeze, pant)

You were an in (wheeze) spiration.

Rest (wheeze) in peace.


16 Jul 03 - 07:59 AM (#984351)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: GUEST,Newsflash

The Isaac McKittery Memorial Fund is instigating legal proceedings against Franklin Mint, the US-owned manufacturer and retailer of gewgaws, catchpennies and trumpery, after they have, it is alleged, been marketing an Isaac McKittery action figure without first having sought the Fund's permission. The Fund claims worldwide merchandising rights in respect of the dead Ulster folk-hero.

Dressed in black suit, with white gloves, bowler, brolly and sash, The McKittery "Deluxe Souvenir" utters a number of phrases - "Ulster Says No!", "No Surrender", "Gi's A Swig O' Thon Buckie Ye Tight Bastard" and "Anybody Want A Bang On This Joint Before I Put It Out?".

The US company was unavailable for comment.

However a spokesman for the Isaac McKittery Memorial Fund issued the following statement. "Them hoors' melts'll rue the day they messed wi' the boys of Killicomaine! If they don't back down they'll be the sorry men, 'n that's for sure! Ha' you got a wee feg on ye, by any chance, darlin'? I'm gaspin', I am."

16 Jul 03 - 03:12 PM (#984621)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: GUEST,Pope John Paul II

I can't believe it. Sure when young Guido toul me this mornin' it fair put the heart across me so it did an' me not to the fore as the man said. Feck me it was just like yesterday me an him was stokin' the oul bone fire on the eleventh night and him jokin' that he was gonna throw me on tap a it...well I think he was jokin' anyway. Ahh McKittery even though you were a bitter, twisted, orange hoor ye'll be sore missed so ye will. I'll get the beads out now for a wee novena after a finish this feg.

16 Jul 03 - 09:22 PM (#984809)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: alison

"As flags of all colours were lowered and a lone piper sounded a lament, McKittery's body was lowered into the sea and floated off."

does Greenpeace know about this?

yer all away in the head!!

do ye think we all came up the Lagan in a bubble? ... I fer one won't believe it until his body washes up on a beach somewhere where I can see it....... and its whale watching season over here.... could be confusing for whoever finds him....

I reckin he's jist actin' the goat as usual... If I had a fiver for every time he's pulled this stunt I'd almost be able to come back over there and bate some sense into the waster!!

17 Jul 03 - 04:03 AM (#984970)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: GUEST,The Isaac McKittery Memorial Fund

Daughter dear, houl' yer whisht for a minute and quit yer oul' philanderin'.

Nigh ...

We'll take it as the grief has you makin' wile accusations and so, on this here occasion, we'll say no more about it.

However, as legal custodians of the McKittery brand and legacy in all territories worldwide, we will not stand for aspersions bein' cast on the man in death - as indeed he would not have stood for such in life.

Samuel Burntollet Carson Mehaffey
Chief Executive
IMcKMF (Worldwide) Inc.

17 Jul 03 - 06:21 AM (#985016)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: Hrothgar

Will ye pay back the fiver he borrowed last year?

17 Jul 03 - 06:39 AM (#985027)
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
From: GUEST,IMcKMF (W) Inc

In yer eye, mate!

Tell it till the judge!