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BS: How do you beat the heat ?

24 Jul 03 - 01:15 PM (#989718)
Subject: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: GUEST,Les B.

Our locale (Southwestern Montana) has suffered through five straight days of record setting high temperatures - over 100F each day - and it's really energy sucking.    I know this isn't high for some of you in the rest of the world, but for us who are used to 85-degree heat, it's a killer!

So, other than air conditioning, cold showers 3 to 4 times daily, or going out and living in the lake, how do you deal with the heat? I'm wondering about the flowing robes the Arabs wear, for instance, and what do they wear under them ? What does the military in Iraq do where the temperatures are reportedly 110 - 120F. - ??

24 Jul 03 - 01:21 PM (#989727)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: TheBigPinkLad

Cold water across the left wrist.

24 Jul 03 - 01:32 PM (#989734)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Allan C.

I really love those spray/fan bottles!

24 Jul 03 - 01:36 PM (#989738)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: GUEST,MMario

water - lots and lots of water; taken internally

NOT turning the AC up full blast if you have to move between AC non/AC areas - just makes the change more brutal

sleep. seriously - if you can take a siesta and then be active later at night when it's cooler...

24 Jul 03 - 01:43 PM (#989750)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Ebbie

I moved north. In Juneau, Alaska, our temperatures are ranging from 50 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Lovely, indeed.

24 Jul 03 - 01:59 PM (#989764)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Bert

Mmario has it right. As well as that, just enjoying it helps. I pretend that I'm in England on the beach and it's as cold as usual and the sun has just peeked out from behind the clouds for a few moments - Ahhh that's wonderful.

On really hot days the Arabs soak those headdresses (Ghutras) in water.

But do as Mmario says LOTS OF WATER. Just water, no pop, and definately no ice. Ice just tricks your internal temperature regulator and makes things worse.

24 Jul 03 - 02:06 PM (#989771)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Sorcha

Spray bottles and a fan. Sit in the pool (in the shade). Don't go out in the heat unless you really have to. Shop in airconditioned stores.

24 Jul 03 - 02:18 PM (#989778)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: harpgirl

I'm an expert on this subject. Swim in a spring. The water is always delightfully cold and extraordinarily refreshing! Springs abound in the land of flowers! (Florid-duh)

24 Jul 03 - 02:27 PM (#989785)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Deckman

It's a SERIOUS problem for me. As my mudcat name implies, I really am a deck builder. And trying to spend hours on my hands and knees screwing off a deck is like working on frypan. The sun and heat just bounce off the deck onto me. The best I can do, when I have to work in the heat, is drink gallons of water, slather on the sunblock (by the way, I have some strong opinions about this if you want to pm me), and start as early as possible. Here in the Puget Sound area, it's been in the high 90's by noon, which means I get burned off the decks by then. The best I can hope for is a project   w a y    out in the country with understanding customers that will let me start work at dawn. Keep kool! Bob

24 Jul 03 - 02:34 PM (#989795)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Les B

I've already ordered, out of curiosity, a "cooling vest" which you apparently soak in cold water for a minute and - so say the claims - it will keep you cool for 6 to 8 hours through extended evaporation.

I thought by now the military would have something like the cooling suits the desert planet people wore in the sci fi novel "Dune". Maybe these vests are the closest thing ?!? I'm glad to know the Arabs soak their headdresses - gives me some faith in the evaporation theory.

24 Jul 03 - 02:35 PM (#989803)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Sorcha

The cooling vest is probably similar to the neckerchiefs and dog crate pads that have silicone beads in them.

24 Jul 03 - 02:41 PM (#989806)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Deckman

I also do a trick of soaking a bandana in water, draping it over my head and onto my shoulders, putting on my cap. It helps for four or five minutes at a time! Bob

24 Jul 03 - 02:44 PM (#989812)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Mudlark

Soaked headdresses...or soaked hats, handerchiefs under hats, bandannas...all good. As in winter, head temp. regulates body temp. If you can keep your head cool the rest of your body will benefit. If you have to be out working in the heat, having enough water available to douse head, as well as drink, is a must.

Kiddy pools...very helpful...very cheap. And easy to fill and MT (pref. onto trees and flower beds). With something cool and pleasant to drink in hand, a soothing soak in the evening in a kiddy pool is delightful (assuming you dont have the real thing).

Aside from heavy water intake, there is nothing quite like a large slice of very cold watermelon for cooldown. 110 every day here and if I have to be out in it for long, and internal temp. starts climbing and wont come down, leisurely meal of watermelon works every time. I don't use an A/C but a bowl of ice cubes placed in front of a portable fan is locally effective.

Hope your heatwave breaks soon!

24 Jul 03 - 03:33 PM (#989850)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Deckman

Hey Mudlark ... knowing your country as I do, I'll bet that you can even get garlic flavored watermelon ... eh? (though I may be off by a few miles). CHEERS, Bob

24 Jul 03 - 04:10 PM (#989874)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: katlaughing

I bought a Misty Mate when they first came out, about ten years ago. I strap it around my waist, clip the nozzle to a hat, then it mists the air in front of me, cooling it down by as much as ten degrees or more. I bought it at a fair, in an open air booth which had a tent top on poles. That day it was over 100 degrees. They had the inside, underneath part of the canopy lined with their outdoor cooling system. The thermometer in their booth read about 25 degrees cooler. It was a very crowded booth! Bob, these would work on your decks!

Their cooling bandanas are the best thing to a cold compress at the back of the neck to come along in forever, imo!

I notice they've also donated some to our troops in Iraq and, as Sorcha noted, there are units for dogs, too.

It has been horrible here. Usually the hundred and over doesn't hit until later in the summer, but we've had over 100 for several weeks, now. The only change has been a few thunderstorms in the evenings, but they are dry and have started some awful fires. One night, they counted over 400 lightening strikes just in one area.

Siestas should mandatory for all businesses, etc. ala Latin America, imo! When I lie down in the heat of the day, I kind of do like Bert...I imagine myself in a cool forest clearing just after, or during a mountain afternoon shower of soft and cool rain. It helps, then I am more active again in the evenings. Good thing about here is it always does cool off once the sun goes down.:-)

Be Kewl, Man!**bg**


24 Jul 03 - 04:14 PM (#989877)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Sorcha

Misty Mate would mist my glasses, tho. And, Bob's protective goggles.

24 Jul 03 - 04:17 PM (#989881)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: katlaughing

Hmmmm...I don't recall it being that heavy of a mist and I wear glasses, too. I guess you could clip it to your lapel or buttonhole, etc. lower down, or down yer back, yer shorts, at yer toes....**BG**

24 Jul 03 - 04:52 PM (#989906)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Deckman

Speaking of wearing "protective glasses", and other general body protection, I was approached last Summer by a family camping club that was "clothing optional." They wanted me to build them a deck surrounding their clubhouse. As it was also quite hot last Summer, I asked them if I could start work at midnight and build under floodlights. I never heard back from them ... Oh well! Bob

24 Jul 03 - 05:34 PM (#989947)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Rapparee

It's been in the hundreds here in Pocatello for a couple of weeks nows. The fire rating is "Explosive."

Lots of folks at the city pool, some even swimming in the much-polluted river.

I wear a short sleeved shirt, a bolo tie or no tie at all, no undershirt, lightweight pants, and try to spend as much time as possible in A/C. If walking I try to make use of all possible shade: trees, even light poles and street signs. At night in my un-A/Ced abode I sleep with two fans on me and a bottle of water by the bed.

And water, water, water.

(Today, for the first time in weeks, it's rained some.)

24 Jul 03 - 07:47 PM (#990066)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: kendall

Up until recently, I would have said, "I arranged to be born in Maine" but, with global warming, we now have temps in the high 90's.
Over the past few years I've noticed creatures from the south coming into Maine. Things such as, Possums, mockingbirds and cardinals.

24 Jul 03 - 07:52 PM (#990069)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Bev and Jerry

You ought to know, Mudlark. Listen to these wimps complaining about 100 degrees. Where you live, people put on sweaters when it drops to 100 degerees.

For the rest of you, we live about 40 miles from Mudlark and the temperature is about 40 degrees cooler. Really. Today's high was about 68!

But, we're about to get our comeuppance. We're leaving in the morning for eastern Oregon. Our only hope is that it will take us about a week to get there and maybe, maybe, maybe it will cool off by then.

Bev and Jerry

24 Jul 03 - 08:50 PM (#990085)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Padre

I sit in the pool and drink beer

24 Jul 03 - 09:44 PM (#990112)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Sorcha

So do I, Padre! But not 24/7!

24 Jul 03 - 10:36 PM (#990141)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: mack/misophist

It got pretty hot when I used to live in Texas. Since I left I've never gotten more than comfortably warm. 70 is too cool, 80 is about right, 90 is perfect if you're in the shade with just a touch of a breeze. Too hot means getting all the tea towels and stuffing them under your arms and between your legs so you can stay dry enough to sleep.

24 Jul 03 - 11:11 PM (#990151)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Bill D

I really feel for you folks in the North-West who do not usually get this sort of heat...many people never considered air-conditioning, because it was seldom hot long enough to notice.

Places like Phoenix simply have different schedules and life-styles, with some businesses closing in the afternoon (you can't sell cars when you can't touch them!)

having lived in Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma, I can take quite a lot of heat, though I don't 'like' it...I deal with what I have to do by starting early, like Deckman says....and taking frequent breaks.

many of the suggestions above are good ones, and those commercial neck-wraps are getting a lot of good press recently. Water...water....and then more the shade.

24 Jul 03 - 11:25 PM (#990157)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Stilly River Sage

Being from Deckman's neck of the woods, I have to say that while I have lived in Texas a long time, I will never get used to it. Puget Sound cools better at night in the summer and never gets this hot during the day. The trouble up there is that people don't have air conditioning in the same way as down here--I stayed at my Mom's in Ballard a few years ago and her attic bedroom was an oven with no fan or A/C. We moved our cots and mattresses downstairs and slept in her office. I don't like the air conditioning I've had to live with in Texas--the vent blowing on my legs or feet makes them ache and I used to wear socks to bed when I couldn't move the bed away from the vent.

Trouble with mist is that it contributes to humidity. In the desert southwest evaporative coolers work because it is so dry, but they won't work around here in Fort Worth. Drink lots of fluids, wear a broad brimmed hat if you're out in the sun, and use a bandana over the back of your neck. Wear long sleeved shirts, as light-weight fabric as possible, if you have to do something like mow. It makes a difference--the sweat stays on the shirt and you're cooler than in sleeveless.

Sleep is a tough call--when it's coolest in the morning is when sleep feels best, but you miss your opportunity to go outside comfortably. I go out early now and water, weed, mow, whatever, as soon as the light is out if I wake that early.

My choice for sleep has several easy steps: take a warm (not hot, not cold) shower before bed. Use nice cotton sheets, don't crank the air conditioning down--I leave it around 80 all of the time. I have, and use, ceiling fans in every room of the house except the kitchen and bathrooms. Turn the fan on low, sleep in very little if any clothing (I wear just a long t-shirt), and use a simple cotton top sheet over your legs if the fan or occasional air conditioner bother you. The object is to sleep as warm as is tolerated. It does feel better.

I love the Ann Miller song in the musical Kiss Me, Kate--"It's Too Darned Hot." For those who don't want to find themselves stuck to a sweaty partner, but don't want to give up sex for the summer, perhaps a visit here will offer a helpful compromise. ;-)

And finally, a few observations on the Texas heat:

  • You learn that a seat belt makes a pretty good branding iron.

  • The temperature drops below 95, you feel a bit chilly.

  • You discover that in July, it takes only 2 fingers to drive your car.

  • You discover that you can get a sunburn through your car window.

  • You notice that the best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.

  • Hot water now comes out of both taps.

  • It's noon in July, kids are on summer vacation, and not one person is out on the streets.

  • You actually burn your hand opening the car door.

  • You break a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m. before work.

  • No one would dream of putting vinyl upholstery in a car.

  • Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and get cooked to death?"

  • You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.


25 Jul 03 - 12:18 AM (#990171)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Joe Offer

Well, I've been in Greece the last two weeks. It was hot there, too - but delightful sitting outside at a cafe, listening to music and drinking ouzo. I got up at 6 most mornings and took a walk. I do the same thing here in the Sacramento area when it's hot - stay inside during the heat of the day, and enjoy the mornings and early evenings outdoors.
Don't listen to all those people who tell you not to drink alcohol or use ice and all that. If you like it, drink it. I understand that recent studies have shown that alcoholic drinks and soda pop can hydrate you just as well as water can. And when you're in Greece, try Mythos beer. It's good stuff.
-Joe Offer-

25 Jul 03 - 12:28 AM (#990174)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Deckman

Maggie ... you send such good vibes! CHEERS, Bob

25 Jul 03 - 02:58 AM (#990215)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Bert

Kat, I'm glad you mentioned a cooling device for dogs. Don't forget folks that dogs are much more susceptible to heatstroke than us humans. Keep those poor pups cool or wet or both.

25 Jul 03 - 07:34 AM (#990316)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?

Work most nights

Sleep most days.



25 Jul 03 - 09:39 AM (#990384)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: GUEST,Kim C no cookie

I bought a snow-cone maker. :-)

25 Jul 03 - 09:46 AM (#990391)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: wysiwyg

Sit or swim in cool water (pool, tub, whatEVer) during the hottest part of the day. Sip water while doing it. (Cyclists know, you want to sip at the same rate you sweat, not flood your kidneys and pee it all back out!) By the time I warm up again the cooler part of the day has arrived.


25 Jul 03 - 11:26 AM (#990469)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: kendall

Utah Phillips said it was so hot, he saw a dog chasing a cat, and they were both walking.

25 Jul 03 - 11:44 AM (#990481)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Mary in Kentucky

Many of the misting-type coolers work better in dry climates, not very well in Kentucky. I think in West Texas they actually hang wet sheets in a barn - the evaporative cooling lowers the temperature significantly.

A cousin gave me a "cobber" (cooling bandana) years ago (said they originated in Australia). Mine is the type you can put in the freezer after it's hydrated. They sell them at WalMart now for just a few dollars.

I've been known to take freezer ice packs (the kind used in shipping) to outdoor concerts to place on my ankles and wrists for a continuous cooling effect.

My grandmother swore by drinking hot coffee in the middle of the day. Said she learned it in Mississippi. I never liked that.

Fans are great, but the best thing for me is to just do nothing during the heat of the day, and that's hard.

25 Jul 03 - 11:56 AM (#990491)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Bert

Yes Mary your Grandmother was right. Hot tea is a little better though. What it does of course, is kick start your body's own cooling system. It makes you perspire.

By the same logic Ice and iced drinks fool your body and make things worse.

WYSILUV, A lot of cyclists suffer serious dehydration. You need to aim to drink enough that your pee is always clear and never yellow.

Drink plain water until you have quenched your thirst and then drink just a little more.

25 Jul 03 - 01:47 PM (#990599)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?

It is a lovely evening in Ireland a nice 19 degrees centigrade, "how pleasant to live in a moderate climate", not my words but those of a lovely lady from Kentucky who really enjoyed her three weeks here. Cool Pat.

25 Jul 03 - 07:23 PM (#990806)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Deckman

Mary in Kentucky ... I've been known to drink COLD coffee and have it boiling in my cup before it's gone! Bob

25 Jul 03 - 08:15 PM (#990827)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?

I used to be an Engineer in the Merchant Navy and visited lots of exotic (and very hot) places. Sometimes the Air Conditioning worked -and sometimes it didn't. I learned a good trick to keep cool at night which is to lay covered with a damp towel across you. I won't bore you with the technicalities of how it keeps you cool (mainly because I can't remember !) but it's something to do with latent heat of evaporation.


25 Jul 03 - 08:17 PM (#990829)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: GUEST,Seaking

Sorry, forgot to sign


25 Jul 03 - 08:58 PM (#990845)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Mary in Kentucky

Bob, you lost me on that one!

CK, does that trick work in humid climates? Evaporation takes heat energy to change liquid water to gaseous water (water vapor), and this heat is usually taken from the surrounding air, thus the temperature drops. I guess a wet towel on the body would take heat from the body.

A side comment ~~~ all you ladies with night sweats (those of us over 50), I read that if you sleep with ONE FOOT out from under the covers, it helps the body to quickly regulate temperature. Now that's one I don't understand.

I neglected to say above that the cooling effect used in barns and other large buildings or even outdoors in dry climates usually consists of a wet sheet with a large commercial fan blowing on it.

Bert, I'm sipping hot tea now! Wish I had some more of the Yorkshire stuff.

26 Jul 03 - 12:00 AM (#990912)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Sorcha

The foot out of the covers thing doesn't work for me. I've tried everything.....nothing works except 1) going outside if it's winter or fanning the sheet if it's summer. Hot flashes are sooooo much fun when it's already 110 outside........

26 Jul 03 - 01:09 AM (#990931)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: katlaughing

The wet towel thing will not work in a humid climate, I know I tried it when we moved from the hot, dry West to hot, hazy and humid New England. LOL Of course, i had trouble with a/c working in New England, too, on the kept freezing up with moisture. The newer type are better about not doing that, though.

Evaporative cooling works best with a fan and that is the technology, really very simple, behind what we refer to as "swamp coolers" out here in the West, really called "Evaporative Coolers." My friend back East teases me about watching out for the alligators in my swamp cooler!

26 Jul 03 - 08:58 PM (#991269)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Bert

Mary, ytou'll get good tea at your local Asian or Indian Grocery store.

26 Jul 03 - 09:51 PM (#991282)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Jeri

I'm a little late, but...
The military doesn't have any special equipment for cooling off in the desert. I was in Kuwait when it was in the 120s during the day. Most of us worked at night, when it got down in the 90s and some people put jackets on. There was no humidity. One drank loads of water and adapted. I felt seriously puffy after I'd been there a few days and realised it was because the capilaries in my skin had decided to circulate more blood out there where it could be cooled by evaporation.

Drink more water than you think you need. If it's seriously hot, you may be in the danger zone by the time you actually feel thirsty.

If you can't change the temperature, do what you can to help your body's cooling system. Wear loose, airy clothing (or none). Sit in front of a fan. Dump water over your head or water yourself while you're doing your lawn. My dad taught me how to soak a wash cloth in cold water, wring it out and then flop it on my face. The feeling doesn't last, but it sure feels good while it does!

I once knew someone who would fill a large towel with ice and suspend it from the ceiling in front of a fan. Her room always seemed a bit cooler.

26 Jul 03 - 10:01 PM (#991285)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Sorcha

Today during a gig it was @ 100 inside the metal building. There was a 5' barn fan going and I remembered to bring a wet towel. Soaked it down again and draped it over my head a la Arab/nun style. Helped a LOT. So, I kept wearing it all day. Home, grocery store, etc. I really don't care what I look like anymore as long as I am comfy!

26 Jul 03 - 11:06 PM (#991300)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Bert

One time in Bahrain in mid summer, we had an emergency at the aluminum smelter and us expats had to go out raking the furnaces. We would spend a few seconds in front of the furnace and then go out into the sun (The saame as Jeri's Kuwait sun, and yes it was 120 degrees in the shade) to cool down.

Plain water was the only thing that worked. And Jeri is right, drink all that you feel you need and then drink some more. If your pee is yellow then you are not drinking enough.

27 Jul 03 - 09:48 AM (#991422)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Kim C

I don't drink cold water. I drink my bottled water at room temp. Cold water is uncomfortable on the back of my throat.

I have drunk hot tea on a hot day, and oddly enough, it's very comforting and refreshing.

27 Jul 03 - 10:48 AM (#991436)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Bill D

now you've all got me remembering about how houses and autos were 'cooled' 50+years ago, before regular AC was common. We had what we simply called "water coolers" at home, it was a box similar to an air conditioner, fit into a window...with a squirrel-cage fan inside and grill-work cut into it. Fit just inside the grill on 3 sides was a mat of wood fiber (what WAS that called??) There was a little trough at the top with holes in the bottom and a connection for a garden hose to send a slow trickle of water around that dripped thru the fiber batting, so that the air from the outside was filtered thru damp batting as it was blown into the house. (We had to go to a supplier and buy a new mat-filter every couple of years, as it would decay and smell!

Earlier, we had a similar gadget that fitted onto a car, over the passenger side. It was a tube-shaped thing filled with the fibers with an opening at the front, like a jet engine, and side vent into the car, thru a partially open window. The faster you drove, the more 'cool' air you got.

The point was, that the evaporative effect was supposed to help the comfort level, but I think just having the air move was as important as anything! (That house unit had to have the air flow directed upwards, as it would blow the papers off the table 6 ft, away!)

27 Jul 03 - 11:39 AM (#991458)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Ely

I didn't realize how much I had acclimated to Houston's horrible summer weather (100+ degrees, 90+ percent humidity) until I went to Iowa in May and thought I was going to freeze. Fans are a must, even if you have AC--we keep our AC at 80 degrees or warmer but the ceiling fans make up the difference and are cheaper to run.

Tea is a diuretic so don't overdo it. I don't like cold water but water (at whatever temp you prefer) is the best. If you're sweating a lot, eat a little something salty, too. Mom and I went to a music festival once and the weather was so bad that we bought a bag of ice and took turns carrying it over our shoulders as we browsed. We were soaked but at least we were cold.

Bill D, you can still get window swamp coolers for VW Beetles (they have the regular ones that work when the car is moving, and fancy electric ones that power their own fans).

27 Jul 03 - 12:07 PM (#991469)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: katlaughing

BIllD, those are the swamp/evaporative coolers I was talking about. They are very much still in use out here in the arid West. Technology of them hasn't changed any, either, really. We still have to replace the "filters" and we also add a treatment to the reservoir to keep the water from going "bad" and getting smelly.

I sip my ice water, slowly, throughout the day. DOn't like the taste of tepid water and as that is all I drink I get plenty regardless.

27 Jul 03 - 12:33 PM (#991482)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Nigel Parsons

Deckman: you're probably way ahead of me on this, but if the heat from the ground (or decking) is getting you, and the heat from the Sun is too, then as you obviously transport sufficient lumber for the job (or get it delivered) why not get a large 'gazebo' [or even half a dozen 15ft pioneering poles, a large canvas/tarpaulin & sufficient guy ropes and anchorage] to give you shade. The air temp will be a lot lower than the temp you're getting from your solid surrounds.


27 Jul 03 - 01:14 PM (#991510)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Bill D

"swamp/evaporative coolers "..yep, seems like the same..(I am just straining to remember the trade name for the fiber mat we used, so I can do a search on it...I HATE senior moments!)

27 Jul 03 - 02:00 PM (#991522)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Deckman

Hi Nigel ... thanks for the thought. This kind of heat is so rare in the Pacific Northwest that I've never seriously considered the tent approach. However I'm occasionally offered big bucks to build high end decks in horrible places like Hawaii and Arizona. I turn those down.

By the way, am I the only one old enough to remember the canvass water bag we hung from the radiator filler cap on the trucks. As we drove, water would seep through the canvass and the evaporation would definantly cool the water. "Cool Water." Hey, that might be a good title for a song! CHEERS, Bob

27 Jul 03 - 06:52 PM (#991624)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Ely

It's already a good title for a song. Marty Robbins recorded it about 50 years ago.

Geez, katlaughing--why call it a swamp cooler if it doesn't smell like a swamp?

27 Jul 03 - 07:16 PM (#991630)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Bill D

I got it!...that word has been flickering at the edge of my brain all day, and I JUST tricked myself into remembering it...

we used 'excelsior' batting! and, kat, it seems the good stuff is made from Aspen!

"The absorbency and strength of Rocky Mountain Aspen excelsior have proven unbeatable in such products as evaporative cooler pads,..."

27 Jul 03 - 07:21 PM (#991632)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Bill D

also, from this page (tells how to build a cooler)

"Previously, most pads were made of aspen shavings, excelsior or plastic. Now on the market are cellulose pads impregnated with insoluble antirot salts. Another modern cooling pad system consists of a bonded plastic fiber pad coated with an absorbent cellular foam. Unaffected by continual exposure to moisture, disinfectants, chlorine or water acidity, these new pads are so efficient that you do not even see water trickling down the side.

27 Jul 03 - 07:26 PM (#991634)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: katlaughing

Hmmm. Bill, I'll have to check with Rog to see what kind he used this year. I know they smell good, like wood shavings, so maybe they are from Aspens!

Ely, yeah I know, but if you could smell it! AArrrgghhhh!

Deckman, I remember my dad having one of those. Last year, for a joke, when we knew we were moving to the high desert of western Colorado, I searched high and low on the Internet for one of those bags for Rog. I found a company in San Francisco which rents them for movies and such, but would not sell them. I finally found one on ebay, I think through a query on Mudcat, if I remember correctly.:-)

27 Jul 03 - 07:59 PM (#991648)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Rudyard Kipling, in several of his short-stories makes reference to hot tea as an aid in heat. For example, in "At the End of the Passage" the characters are suffering through 101 degree, unrelenting even at night humid Indian heat.

" - thank Heaven who has set a term to our miseries,' said Spurstow, settling the cushions under the head. ' It occurs to me that unless I drink something I shall go out before my time. I've stopped sweating, and - I wear a seventeen-inch collar.' He brewed himself scalding hot tea, which is an excellent remedy against heat-apoplexy if you take three or four cups of it in time."


27 Jul 03 - 09:28 PM (#991692)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Ely

;) I smell it every morning. Nothing EVER dries out in the Gulf Coast. On good days, it's like moldy spinach.

27 Jul 03 - 09:35 PM (#991695)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Rapparee

I bought a room-sized evaporative cooler a few weeks ago. It's okay, but I think that it's too small for the room size. But just adding ANY humidity helps.

It rained a little bit the day before yesterday, but not enough to matter much. At last count, four firefighters were dead in Idaho fires. Nearly 5,000 acres have burned around here, the biggest, which burned two barns and a house, was caused by a "transient" who is now in jail -- and yes, the proof in conclusive.

But the heat broke somewhat. It was 86 here today, but it's going up to the 100s again this week.

28 Jul 03 - 12:20 AM (#991755)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Sorcha

Oh no, not more of it, Rapaire! I was just so thankful it had been cooler here........oh well. No swamp cooler, no AC, just fans here. And mister bottles, wet rags, etc. Damme.

28 Jul 03 - 03:18 AM (#991783)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Metchosin

more like 60 years Ely, Cool Water was first recorded by the Sons of the Pioneers in 1941. Canadian, Bob Nolan penned it. When I was small this was one of my favourites and although Marty did a nice job, no subsequent versions sound right to me without the echo part..... "cool clear water"..........."water"

28 Jul 03 - 04:00 AM (#991798)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Wilfried Schaum

In 1911, when there was a real hot sommer in Germany, my late great aunt Marta was a young girl. She told me that the entire family moved into the wine cellar for 3 weeks with table, chairs and beds. Very convenient for papa, such a short way ...
In North Africa I saw some dug out Roman houses with a winter floor (above ground) and a summer floor (underground) around, or better squared, a common atrium for both. Didn't need much electricity for air condition and cooling, since the Romans hadn't any.
Best advice: Stop working after lunch at noon, retire for a real good long siesta, and revive for work or fun when the sun is going down.


28 Jul 03 - 10:01 AM (#991942)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Mary in Kentucky

I just read my MS newsletter and it has an article on "How to Beat the Heat." As many of you know, many people with MS have an increase in symptoms when body temperature is raised. Although I'm extremely lucky to not have this problem, I'm still aware of the heat and watch to see if it affects me.

From the article:

Wear light clothing.

Exercise early in the morning or late in the evening.

Take a cold swim or exercise in a swimming pool. (a cool one, most therapeutic pools are too warm) Your body has four large heat sinks (two arms and two legs) to help keep the body cool for a few hours.

Fill a tube sock with rice and keep it in the freezer to put around your neck on hot days.

Use a cooling vest. Cooling vests that use freezer packs are available.

Also, I noticed that in all our ramblings and rememberings about cooling contraptions nobody mentioned the good ole attic fan. I live in a large house and use it constantly during the summer. I have fond memories of my childhood on the gulf coast of Texas sleeping with my head on a pillow in a window, and a cool gulf breeze blowing through the screen.

28 Jul 03 - 11:14 AM (#991990)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Dave Bryant

I was once in a local TV Christmas show, which we pre-recorded in the summer. We spent most of the time on set dressed in heavy victorian-style outdoor costumes. The cameras in use were old-style EMI types which needed higher levels of lighting than modern ones. We ended up doing about a dozen takes of "Walking in a Winter Wonderland" with polystyrene bead "snow" being tipped on us from the fly gallery - which was getting hotter and hotter each time that it was collected and re-used.

We had to try and cool down (and then be powdered off) after each take. That tip about running cold water over the insides of your wrists really works - with full make-up on and not enough time to get out of costume it was the only way we could get cool.

28 Jul 03 - 12:56 PM (#992051)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
From: Deckman

This thread just reminded me of that song from "MacSorley's (sp?) Wonderful Saloon." Remember when Professor Seagull would sing:

"In the Winter, I'm a buddhist,
In the Summer, I'm a nudist."