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New member Kitchen piper

02 Sep 03 - 06:28 PM (#1011593)
Subject: New member Kitchen piper
From: smallpiper

Welcome to another new member to the cat. Kitchen Piper - yep another exponent of the scottish smallpipes ( and bloody good she is too). welcome to the mad house girrrrl!

02 Sep 03 - 06:43 PM (#1011602)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: John Robinson (aka Cittern)

Perhaps the piper from "Serious Kitchen"?

If so, great set at Stainsby Festival. Very impressed.

Best regards
John Robinson

02 Sep 03 - 06:48 PM (#1011609)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Noreen

Indeed she is... and she's jumped in the deep end by dropping into Mudchat already, and she survived (I think!)

Welcome, Vicki :0)

02 Sep 03 - 06:55 PM (#1011616)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Leadfingers

Welcome aboard,as they say

02 Sep 03 - 07:00 PM (#1011621)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: LadyJean

Welcome to mudcat. I LOVE THE PIPES! Don't suppose you'll be a the Ligonier games this Saturday.

02 Sep 03 - 07:11 PM (#1011629)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Jeri

If Peter Pepper picked a pack o' pickled pipers...


02 Sep 03 - 07:19 PM (#1011634)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Catherine Jayne

Welcome Vicki and nice to see you in chat earlier! Welcome to the Cat Box!!


02 Sep 03 - 07:22 PM (#1011635)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Bassic

Hiya Vicki :-) Welcome to the `Cat!! Sorry I missed you in the Mudchat. I will save you a seat next time. Any chance of getting J to join as well? Look forward to regular posts on the goings on in the "Kitchen". Seems to have been a really successful summer for you all. Any more festivals left in the calendar for you this year? Best wishes from Hull.


02 Sep 03 - 07:44 PM (#1011653)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Noreen

Yep- have a look at serious kitchen
(in case she's too shy to blow her own trumpet... or something...)

02 Sep 03 - 07:56 PM (#1011661)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Alba

Hi there Vicki. Good to meet you and as a Scot abroad, what can I say...but the Pipes are without a doubt the one instrument that brings a tear to my a good, makes me think of Home kind of way:>)
May you meet and make many new Friends on the Cat. It's a great place:>)

02 Sep 03 - 07:58 PM (#1011665)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: McGrath of Harlow

Good band.

02 Sep 03 - 08:11 PM (#1011671)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull



03 Sep 03 - 11:41 AM (#1012034)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: kitchen piper

I just found this thread!!!
Thank you for all your wonderful welcomes!!!
I feel at home here already!


03 Sep 03 - 12:12 PM (#1012051)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: smallpiper

Oh lads and lasses if saying hello makes her blush lets do it in style!

Hello Kitchen Piper!

I'm sure someone (coffcoff Noreen) could do even better

03 Sep 03 - 12:54 PM (#1012071)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: John MacKenzie

Yep welcome to the nuthouse KP

03 Sep 03 - 06:30 PM (#1012295)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: rainbow_girl

welcome to this mad site!!

03 Sep 03 - 10:22 PM (#1012403)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

writing size=really BIG- And colour =green=

04 Sep 03 - 04:34 AM (#1012521)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: kitchen piper

Are there many pipers here on mudcat?
What do you guys all play?
If I got my pipes out, would you guys join me in a virtual session?


04 Sep 03 - 05:00 AM (#1012535)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Mr Happy

knock 3 times on the ceiling if you want me, 336600 twice on the pipes if the answer is no,

welcome kp!

04 Sep 03 - 05:29 AM (#1012547)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: smallpiper

There are a fair few of us Kitchen playing alsorts of pipes

04 Sep 03 - 06:33 AM (#1012568)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Tig

Welcome to the Mudhouse Kitchen Piper - glad to have you along.

If you have survived Chat and are still here you must belong.

Tig xx

04 Sep 03 - 12:12 PM (#1012697)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Morticia

Hi KP, I saw you briefly in chat last night where you flashed in and flashed out again....I hope we didn't scare you?

04 Sep 03 - 12:34 PM (#1012716)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: kitchen piper

No I wasn't scared, something came up at home and I hit the quit button. I did catch a flash though asking what sort of pipes I play, I think! I would have liked to have gone back in again, but had no time to come back again.
I'll ba back in again!

04 Sep 03 - 01:10 PM (#1012733)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: John MacKenzie

Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah
Someone's in the kitchen I know
Someones in the kitchen with Dinah
Playing the old banjo.

I love the "Cauld wynd Pipes"


04 Sep 03 - 01:43 PM (#1012754)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Noreen

Well, Pied Piper is a member here but I don't have his photo. I do however have a photo of the wondrous Adrian Schofield (click) who has been known to play with PP at the Bulls Head session in Manchester, which smallpiper has been threatening to visit.

Perhaps we could get a massed piping session going, Vicki, with Northumbrian pipers too such as mudcatters 8pints and John Routledge?


04 Sep 03 - 01:51 PM (#1012761)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Nemesis

Welcome Kitchen piper :)

See you at the Willows in Arundel on Wednesday then !!

04 Sep 03 - 07:13 PM (#1012958)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Gareth

Welcome - Remember sanity is optional.


04 Sep 03 - 07:26 PM (#1012974)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: John Routledge

Welcome from an NSP player who is just slightly below your standard - not :0)

Thanks for wonderful Adrian photo Noreen. Those who do not know him may or may not be surprised to learn that he is a wonderful wonderful player of the Northumbrian Small pipes - generally in a traditional way.

Adrian also plays at Peveril of the Peak session just off Oxford Street in central Manchester on Tuesdays.

Looking forward to hearing you play KP

05 Sep 03 - 09:00 AM (#1013286)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Why has this thread been relegated to the bottom half? Or "below the salt"?

05 Sep 03 - 09:34 AM (#1013304)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: kitchen piper

I have no idea why it's now BS! Ho hum!

ok, I'm kicking the kitchen session off with er, um, ok
"John Macmillan of Barra"
(I found the dots yesterday, cracking tune)
I'd love to find some way of actually having this virtual session. There has to be a way. If you guys can record the tunes you suggest and mail them to me, I can stitch it together maybe. I have no problems hosting it!
Anyone up for it? Or am I just loopy?

05 Sep 03 - 09:43 AM (#1013309)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Morticia

You probably are loopy,Vix but as that is an esential requirement here, no matter. How do you visualise this virtual session working then?

05 Sep 03 - 12:10 PM (#1013393)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: weepiper

Hi and welcome Kitchen Piper (that's a great tune by the way)

I play Scottish smallpipes, border pipes and GHB, although I've just had an enforced 3 month break from all piping due to having had a baby 3 weeks ago (even the bellows wouldn't fit with the bump!). Picked up my border pipes again for the first time today - oh it's great to be able to play again :) yaaay the pipes!

05 Sep 03 - 12:20 PM (#1013400)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Morticia

Congratulations Weepiper......what flavour child did you have?

05 Sep 03 - 12:22 PM (#1013401)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: smallpiper

Hey Weepiper! So come on what variety was it? I've got my border monsters at last (well since last we spoke) Vix says they are easier to play than hers but I tell you they are bloody unforgiving ... but when I get it right wow!

erm about this virtual session vix you're as mad as a chip but that fits in well with the rest of us ... so how's it going to work?

Father John MacMillan is a good starter what about the Home wrecker to follow?

05 Sep 03 - 12:37 PM (#1013412)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: weepiper

thanks chaps.....

I had a girl, Sophie - 7lbs 9 and a half oz. And she has nice long fingers so will obviously be a piper when she grows up, although her dad is trying to sabotage this by playing the fiddle to her....

The birth was pretty hard but we are both ok now, although I dare say it'll be a while before I feel up to blowing the big pipes :O

05 Sep 03 - 01:43 PM (#1013460)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Eric the Viking

Welcome. Saw you at Fylde-very impressed with all of you. If you are half mad, you'll be fine here. Completely mad, you'll be right at home. I like the way you name sets of tunes, perhaps there'll be one such as;"Oh dam, the pc's crashed again" or something. Have fun.



05 Sep 03 - 05:33 PM (#1013563)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: smallpiper

Welcome Weepiper's Sophie!

Weepiper she can play both but (I predict) will choose the pipes as her first instrument.

05 Sep 03 - 05:34 PM (#1013564)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: smallpiper

PS Sophie; coochie choochie cooo

06 Sep 03 - 06:45 AM (#1013828)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Pied Piper

Hi Vicki and welcome.
A Manchester Piper's get together sounds like a great idea, but we have moved the Monday night Session from the Bull's Head to the Pot of Beer. It is located on New Mount St just of Rochdale Road between the Beer House and the Marble Arch. The pub has 4 real ales (changing regularly) and a couple of scrumpies (dangerous) all well kept.
We play a lot of the Smallpipe stuff because Adrian Scofield is a regular.
As you probably know we have the same session (well you know what I mean) in the Castle, Oldham ST on Fridays.


06 Sep 03 - 07:23 AM (#1013837)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Herma

Hi Vicki,

Welcome aboard from me as well!
Really enjoyed your music at Bridgnorth and Fylde !
Saw Nick before when he was playing our folkclub (solo), but really like the way you all sound together!
Back home (Holland) now, hope to see you all again before long!


08 Sep 03 - 12:08 PM (#1014812)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: kitchen piper


Ok, I've been thinking about this session long and hard.
My first thought is that every person records their tune and e-mails it to me.
I stich it together, maybe 3 times through each tune and 3 tunes per set.
I create a webpage with the audio track on it and also the dots that people can play along to.

While we're trying this for size I am investigating other more flashy possibilites.

To give you an ideam has anyone been to the radio 2 online session?
It's wild;

Click here to visit the site! You need a recent version of flash but it's worth it.

What I think would be nice would be to develop a tool that would mean we could layer our very own online session. I need to bang my head against a wall for a while, but it might just be possible! Let's start simple and see what we get!


08 Sep 03 - 01:25 PM (#1014862)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: smallpiper

Good idea vix tape ok?

10 Sep 03 - 07:57 AM (#1016186)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: weepiper

.......I'm getting a horrible vision of ten pipers all slightly out of tune with each other.....if it were'nt for that this would be pretty cool...

10 Sep 03 - 08:32 AM (#1016208)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: smallpiper

but she has the technology to speed up and slow stuff down thereby altering the pitch of the individual instruments. Don't know if she can do anything about the bum notes that I will produce though!

Hows the wee un?

12 Sep 03 - 05:03 AM (#1017393)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: kitchen piper

This sounds like a challenge to me!
I've been talking to a programmer here at the lab and we're on the case!
In the meantime though, What I'd like to produce is a session tune learning tool, somewhat like the radio 2 virtual session, the difference being, er I'd like you guys to send me tunes from your sessions, I'll put them together into a flash document and put it on some of my webspace. It'd be great to showcase some of our stuff!. I think it should be piper orientated.
So if you guys have a session and can put a tune or two to minidisk, I'll do the rest. It'd give me a good excuse to try to visit one or two as well. (I'm really not crap at sessions, so it'd do me good!)

First session in Hull? Let's book a date!!!!!


12 Sep 03 - 05:31 AM (#1017413)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: smallpiper

Your on girlie! When you free?

Will talk to you about it at Otley

12 Sep 03 - 07:58 AM (#1017493)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: kitchen piper

I just re-read my post and it should have read, I really am crap at sessions so it'd do me good!

12 Sep 03 - 09:16 AM (#1017559)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: smallpiper

Use the LBPS session book Vix - erm didn't you have somthing to do with producing it?

I'll bring that thar CD to Otley for you (it really is poo mind)

12 Sep 03 - 02:37 PM (#1017669)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: oombanjo

If FAT B------ & OLD GIT.have sorted out the challanges???
is it possible that we may see the clash of the pipers in the SUN one day.???? and it was'nt me in the kitchen with Dinah, I swear I dont know the lady. Welcome OOmbanjo.

12 Sep 03 - 02:39 PM (#1017670)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: oombanjo

Sorry 4 using your Sunday name Jim.

12 Sep 03 - 03:15 PM (#1017707)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: kitchen piper

Er, well I thought it was just friendly banter!
I'd rather just have a bit of a play than actually a clash of the pipers, but there you go.
Myself, smallpiper and happyguitar are at Otley.
Everyone else is welcome! Let's play!
And thanks for your wonderful words Oombanjo, nice to meet you too!
Who's Dinah?

12 Sep 03 - 03:46 PM (#1017731)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: oombanjo

Check back in your welcomes to Giok. And I repeat I never met the lady.

12 Sep 03 - 10:32 PM (#1017954)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: smallpiper

I'm sorry but clash of the pipers will never happen... us piper chaps and chappesses are just too laid back and cool for that kind of thing! Now competition that's different! That's where our killer instinct comes out ..... but only if we can be bothered that is and most of us non GHBP lot are fairly non competative bunch so don't hold ye breath waiting for any fir to fly here!

13 Sep 03 - 02:39 PM (#1018210)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Barry T

KP> Are there many pipers here on mudcat?
KP> What do you guys all play?

Hi and welcome, Kitchen Piper! I [ photo ] play GHB and mouthblown smallpipes, but I've retired from the competition band scene to focus on the smallpipes lately. I also play guitar, and love to jam with smallpipers.

I have an interest in creating notation files of tunes and sets to accompany smallpipes in the key of D, with chords for the guitarist, melody line for fiddle, etc.

14 Sep 03 - 08:53 AM (#1018561)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: smallpiper

Barry T

I paly small pipes in A and D and Border Pipes in A I have also been known to play the GHB in what ever key they are in!

14 Sep 03 - 10:53 AM (#1018600)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: kitchen piper

I also play smallpipes in A and D and Border Pipes in A. I own a set of GHB, but don't play them.

14 Sep 03 - 05:21 PM (#1018800)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: Noreen

Great Hairy Buggers?
Gooseberry& Ham Butties?

14 Sep 03 - 07:58 PM (#1018925)
Subject: RE: New member Kitchen piper
From: smallpiper

Sigh - Noreen! GHB = Great Highland Bagpipe but I prefer your idea of calling them Great Hairy Buggers!