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A Mighty Wind on DVD

21 Sep 03 - 02:04 AM (#1022371)
Subject: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Clinton Hammond

So I watched it tonight... didn't see it in theatres... but for those who will see it on DVD, I gotta ask...

Is it just me, or was some of the best stuff in the 'Deleted Scenes'?

21 Sep 03 - 03:02 AM (#1022378)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: John Hindsill

I guess maybe you had to live though, and be part of, the era to appreciate it. But I saw MW at a theater in a college town (San Luis Obispo, CA) where there was an audience mix of 60-somethings to college students who all seemed to mightily (excuse the pun) enjoy it.

21 Sep 03 - 11:19 AM (#1022454)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Peter T.

Now there is a waste of electrons! yours, Peter T.

21 Sep 03 - 11:36 AM (#1022460)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: John MacKenzie

I thought this would be thread about Spaw. It isn't; is it??

21 Sep 03 - 12:49 PM (#1022500)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Rick Fielding

Oh lordy lordy lord!

Last night I watched a repeat of the "Folk special" on PBS. When I first saw it last year, I wrote in Mudcat (click) that it was horrid and embarrassing (and got lots of delicious flack).

Well....on second viewing, I have to say....that it was worse! Cloying, zombie-like, and with one of the worst "Patriotic" songs (by the ubiquitous Randy Sparks) imaginable.

If the gleeful geriatrics in the audience really DID make up the audience of the folk revival 40 years ago, then the music didn't really have much of an effect. Or perhaps those New Christy Minstrel fans of years ago really WERE as bland as the commercial folk groups.

Geez....thank Gawd for Doc, Phil Ochs, and Bobby Zimmerman.

If you have any questions as to why "A Mighty Wind" isn't as funny as "Spinal Tap", Best In Show, or "Waiting For Guffman".....just give the PBS show a look (I'm sure it'l be on again). It's hard to parody something tht's already a parody.


21 Sep 03 - 01:23 PM (#1022517)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Clinton Hammond

Hey... where did I say I thought it wasn't funny???

I liked "A Mighty Wind" a HELL of a lot more than "Best In Show" (Which seemed to just go on and on and on with no point) and I'd say I enjoyed it as much (or close enough anyway) as "Spinal Tap"

But this isn't about the theatrical release folks... it's about the Special Features on the DVD... There was some really funny, very entertaining stuff there, that I'm surprised wasn't in the movie...

21 Sep 03 - 01:39 PM (#1022530)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Rick Fielding

Hi Clinton. I was hijacking yer thread in order to spew my narrow and bigoted views about!!! can have it back.*

* unless I think of something else to complain about!!

Cheers and top o' the mornin'......and help me talk Heather into letting us get a DVD player.


21 Sep 03 - 01:48 PM (#1022534)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Clinton Hammond

Narrow and bigoted?

I woulnd't have you any other way chum!

YOU can hijack away... at least you contribute more than 7 or 8 word posts that mean nothing...

As for taking H into a DVD player, ya gotta find the right hook... What movies has she been into lately? Cause I can promise you, they'll have all kinds of neat stuff on the DVDs... Go at it from that angle mate...


21 Sep 03 - 02:21 PM (#1022553)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Amergin

well, considering it won't be released for another TWO days....I don't think very many people will have seen the dvd version yet...

21 Sep 03 - 03:51 PM (#1022609)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Clinton Hammond

Ya.. well, I have seen it (The joys of a 'connection') So I started this thread so that as people do see it then can come in and comment...


21 Sep 03 - 04:25 PM (#1022627)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Ron Olesko

It is getting harder and harder NOT to have a DVD player.   First of all, the prices for a basic DVD player are very cheap - under $100.

Second of all, VHS tapes are being slowly eased out of the marketplace.   DVD sales are already higher than VHS and it is only a matter of time.

Third, you are missing out on some great features. The "extras" are sometimes better than the features!

21 Sep 03 - 09:10 PM (#1022772)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD

Where can I get it? I saw it on a US/UK Virgin flight last month and enjoyed it so much I watched it twice, and I almost never watch movies on planes. I would love to know how to get a copy. Thanks in advance.

21 Sep 03 - 09:28 PM (#1022784)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD

Cancel the last request - just ordered it from CD-WOW...

21 Sep 03 - 09:29 PM (#1022785)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Amergin

well...since you are obviously without clinton's amazing connection...wait a couple of days and you cna find it in a shop. it's that easy.

21 Sep 03 - 10:26 PM (#1022804)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: The Fooles Troupe

Sorry, thought this thread was about baked beans...

21 Sep 03 - 10:45 PM (#1022814)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Clinton Hammond

Man... this forum needs a moderator...

Amergin... I wouldn't call it an amazing connection... I just happen to know a guy who manages a Blockbuster store... Their new movies get released on Tuesdays (mostly) but are usually shipped to the store the Wed or Thurs. before... So I can usually get any new movie the weekend before it's official release... No big deal... just a handy chummer...

Guest CN... I'm thinking about owning this version, but might wait to see if there's a Special Edition planned...

22 Sep 03 - 03:30 AM (#1022898)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Little Robyn

Hey Rick, here in lil ole New Zealand an electronic co. is offering a Cyber Drive Combo CDRW/DVD that you just plug into your computer! That way you can play DVDs and then you can write your own CDs into the bargain!!! And they're only $148(NZ). I'm just sad because I don't think my computer will take it.

22 Sep 03 - 09:52 AM (#1023005)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Ron Olesko

Incidently, the cast of A Mighty Wind is in the middle of tour. This past Saturday night they performed two shows at the REAL Town Hall in NYC. Unfortunately I had a prior engagement, but I do know a few people who went and gave it a rave review. The entire cast (with the exception of Fred Willard) appeared and performed in character.

There seems to be divided opinion about the film, as is the case with most movies.   From what I've gathered, the people who were disapointed SEEM to be hardcore folkies who were expecting more "in" jokes or people who were expecting the film to be another Spinal Tap. The latter is a bit unfair since Spinal Tap really was the among the first in the musical mockumentary genre. It is very hard to repeat such a classic.    Another group of "dissenters" seem to miss(or don't care for) the subtle humor in the songs.   I found them to be hysterical, but if you were expecting the in-your-face style of a Tom Lehrer, look elsewhere.

Pop some corn, sit back, and enjoy the DVD for what it is - a fun comedy.

22 Sep 03 - 10:38 AM (#1023016)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Amos

Well I rthought A Mighty Wind was as funny as hell. I don't need to see it again but if I did I have a DVD/CD read and write drive that BBW installed in my puder one night as a birthday surprise, so I am all set.


22 Sep 03 - 12:46 PM (#1023044)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Rick Fielding

My criterion for a Christopher Guest film appears to be enjoying it again and again and again and ag........

......but THIS amp goes up to 11!

Question: How can you tell if a commercial 60s folk group has not worked in 40 years (until PBS calls)?

They're still using Hamilton capos.



22 Sep 03 - 01:28 PM (#1023065)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Jeri

Looks like I may finally see this! Tuesday, huh? Tomorrow?

The only problem with DVD is that I have to watch it on my computer.

22 Sep 03 - 02:16 PM (#1023097)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Clinton Hammond

"the people who were disapointed SEEM to be hardcore folkies"

Which I don't think were the taget audience for this movie at all... nor do I think they should have been... May as well make a movie with red headed girls named "Schnarf" as the target audience...

What's "Hamilton Capo"?

(heh... )

22 Sep 03 - 02:26 PM (#1023103)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: jimmyt

CLinton, it is a suburb of Hamilton Ontario, on the north (or Head, egro Capo) end of town. Known for their Stella Guitar refinishers and sardine cannery.

22 Sep 03 - 02:36 PM (#1023106)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Ron Olesko

You are exactly right Clinton, that was my point. The problem is the "disapointed" voices are those that are being voiced HERE, from hardcore folkies.

I've worked in the television industry for 23 years and I've always thought that "Broadcast News" could have been a better movie because they missed a number of details and opportunities. However,while that might have me laugh a bit more, the film probably would have suffered on a whole.

22 Sep 03 - 03:04 PM (#1023121)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Slickerbill

Loved the film, but I'm with you on the extra dvd stuff. I especially loved the Folksmen's "Corn Wine" . Has the makings of a classic.

22 Sep 03 - 03:10 PM (#1023127)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Martin Gibson

Rick Fielding-

Your pompous is showing. Bobby Zimmerman? Had your ears checked for pitch lately?

22 Sep 03 - 03:35 PM (#1023151)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Ron Olesko

So now we are pompous if we appreciate Bob Dylan??????? That is pretty rude M.G.!!!

22 Sep 03 - 04:22 PM (#1023197)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: MAG

I still say he's the stone ugly in disguise.

22 Sep 03 - 09:58 PM (#1023308)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Martin Gibson

No you are not pompous if you like Bob Dylan.

Tone deaf, perhaps, but not pompous.

What's pompous, is putting down folk music that's loved by many that's presented by PBS and ridiculing 1960s folk groups.

22 Sep 03 - 11:46 PM (#1023363)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Clinton Hammond

What's pompous is the belief that because YOU like something, evereyone else should too...

PBS... ha... Public Bull Sh!t...

1960s folks groups... yer right... one shouldn't ridicule them... they've suffered enough... at their own hands...

23 Sep 03 - 12:00 AM (#1023370)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: maire-aine

I haven't seen the DVD yet, but I saw the movie when it first showed up in the theater. I felt at the time that they were saving some stuff for the DVD. Considering that they improvise most of the dialogue, I figured that they had a lot more material.


23 Sep 03 - 12:14 AM (#1023375)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: catspaw49

That PBS Special was a riot! Unfortunately it also told me how little I had educated some of those around me who thought I'd like it................

DVD.....The extras you get with every DVD in outtakes and "making of" stuff are worth the proce everytime. It's the best thing about them!!! In some cases it has actually sold me on a movie I had previously not enjoyed at all. Love ours!!!


23 Sep 03 - 04:37 PM (#1023783)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Martin Gibson


No one said you need to like anything.

As for the '60s folk groups, I don't think all of them are suffering. Not when groups like Peter, Paul, and Mary and the Kingston Trio are playing cultural centers at $50 a ticket.

As for PBS, just don't watch. They probably don't show it in many bars, anyway.

23 Sep 03 - 04:54 PM (#1023797)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Ron Olesko

Where are PPM and Kingston Trio getting $50 a ticket??? Cultural Centers or Casinos??

More power to them if they can get it!!!

M.G. - I know you are just stirring the pot, but I don't think it is fair to make rude insinuations like your last post contained. I know we all think we are comics, but it doesn't always work.

I do agree with you though, it really is unfair to look down at some of these folk groups. I happen to think that the Kingston Trio and Limeliters NEVER got the recognition for what they accomplished and offered to the music scene. While it may have been commercial, at least it had more content than some of the other bubble gum sounds that were occuring at the time.

Unfortunately that PBS special was a piece of crap shot on a minimal budget. The production values really made the groups and music come off as cheesy. They are better than that.

23 Sep 03 - 04:55 PM (#1023801)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Justa Picker

I've rented it and am going to watch it tonight.
I'm really looking forward to it.
(I figure if Peter T. hates it, it's gotta be good!) :-)

23 Sep 03 - 05:06 PM (#1023807)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Martin Gibson

Both groups I mentioned easily get $50. a ticket at cultural centers in major cities. If they get it in casinos, more power to them.

I'm still trying to figure out what you think I said was rude. If you want rude, not to mention pompous, Rick Fielding said in his post above:

"If the gleeful geriatrics in the audience really DID make up the audience of the folk revival 40 years ago, then the music didn't really have much of an effect. Or perhaps those New Christy Minstrel fans of years ago really WERE as bland as the commercial folk groups."

That's rude.

Hey, I also thought the PBS special could have been better, but I could give a rat's ass if it didn't address the so-called hard-core folkies. There's obviously not enough interest for PBS to even try to exploit it.

23 Sep 03 - 05:18 PM (#1023819)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Ron Olesko

I was talking about your comment concerning PBS and bars.

Yes, I do have to agree with you... calling their audience "gleeful geriatrics" is not P.C. I think when we paint these images, we end up painting ourselves into boxes. No wonder young people aren't attending. Of course, PBS chose to paint such a picture in the first place.

Also, you are 100% correct about the ticket prices. I did a little checking and I was amazed.

Not that they don't deserve it, but I do wonder if they end up pricing themselves away from new fans. It is true that they can exist with their current fan base, but it would be hard to attract someone who might be curious at those prices.

23 Sep 03 - 05:28 PM (#1023832)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Martin Gibson

They price the tickets that way because they can.

Economics 101.

People want to feel good.

1960's folk music and groups always made people feel good.
I respect that.

23 Sep 03 - 05:33 PM (#1023838)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Ron Olesko

Lot of anger you seem to be working out Martin!

Yes, people do want to feel good. If you can afford it, go and have a wonderful time. I do whenever I can. You did miss my point though about "spreading the word". I don't think folk music should be an exclusive club.

Don't get me wrong - if I can afford it, I have no problem paying $$$ for a concert in a setting like those that PPM are featured in.   I've got my fingers crossed for Simon & Garfunkel, and the tickets are more than twice that price!

23 Sep 03 - 05:49 PM (#1023857)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Clinton Hammond

Most 1960's folk music makes me feel nausious... like after I've eaten too many maple sugar candies...

Re: "They don't play PBS in bars... "

Ya... another mark in favour of bars!

23 Sep 03 - 05:57 PM (#1023861)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Martin Gibson

Man, I've no anger. Right away when someone or something is challanged it's always anger. Before I was accused of being a comic. Now I'm accused of being angry.

I'm neither.

If anything, I usually find extreme entertainment value out of these types of dialogues

I also don't think folk music should be an exclusive club, which is precisely why I usually challange the ones who generally think it is, so I don't think I've missed any point.

And yes, I can afford it. Thank God for a good education and a wonderful corporation to work for.

23 Sep 03 - 06:01 PM (#1023866)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Martin Gibson

Most drunks in bars make me sick.

I'd rather be home watching PBS.

23 Sep 03 - 06:19 PM (#1023882)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Ron Olesko

Okay Martin -- you aren't angry and you aren't a comic. You are just sensitive.

I too like these discussions.   I also like bars and PBS. I'm not sure which one will give you a better view on life.

Getting back on subject, I just picked up my copy of "A Might Wind" on DVD. Someone told me there is a version floating around that contains a CD of songs that weren't on the original soundtrack CD. Can anyone confirm this?

23 Sep 03 - 06:57 PM (#1023910)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Peter T.

Speaking as a negative barometer, Justa Picker, it is the most wonderful, funny, knee-slapping, rib-tickler, ever. Be sure and tell your friends what a laff-riot it is.


Peter T.

23 Sep 03 - 06:59 PM (#1023914)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Clinton Hammond

Ya whatever MG... No one is as perfect as you...

23 Sep 03 - 07:00 PM (#1023915)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,pdq

County Sales current newsletter, #260 I think, exlains the situation and lists all song found on both CD and DVD, but I can't find my copy right now. available at:

23 Sep 03 - 07:33 PM (#1023944)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Steve Latimer

Hey, Good to see you back JP.

23 Sep 03 - 08:30 PM (#1023982)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Jeri

I figure I'll like it too IF I EVER GET TO SEE IT!!!
I went to rent the DVD to watch on my little computer screen and every damned copy was out. I thought, oh well, I'll get the tape...every damned copy was out. Who woulda guessed it would be this popular? I mean, it showed in the theaters and people stayed away in droves!

23 Sep 03 - 10:06 PM (#1024041)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Ron Olesko

That actually isn't true - it did okay at the box office for it's genre. It had a limited release. I bet it will do very well on DVD, as do many films like this. Austin Powers had a very mediocre stint in the theaters. After it was released on VHS it developed a huge following.

23 Sep 03 - 10:19 PM (#1024048)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Art Thieme

Bought it today. Watched it twice. Then I watched the great extra scenes that didn't make the film. I thought all of it was a stitch. Wonderful, and poingnant as hell in many spots.

Best of all, I knew EVERYONE there. Actually, I saw at least 5 or ten folks I've known in each and every one of the characters in the film. The movie avoided those of us who hang on the trad side of town. But I didn't grow up in bubble. I just know what I prefer.

Interestingly, I generally avoided being very close to those like the people in A Mighty Wind. But they were always fun to watch and nice people to know. As a solo performer, I got to keep all the cash from my gigs----and nobody ever quit my group either.

Art Thieme

24 Sep 03 - 12:13 PM (#1024349)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: fretless

The live MW tour was in Washington DC this past weekend. Great performances, howlingly funny. The Washington performance hall was much smaller than NYC's Town Hall, which probably helped since the compactness of the hall played beautifully against the pretension of the performers.

24 Sep 03 - 12:30 PM (#1024358)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Justa Picker

I found it very entertaining and very well-done for what it was.

24 Sep 03 - 01:01 PM (#1024376)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Ron Olesko

Some of the outtakes are priceless!   There was one scene where the Folksmen were discussing how the lines "hey-nonny-nonny" should be sung. Brilliant!

24 Sep 03 - 02:25 PM (#1024437)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Clinton Hammond

One of my fav bits too RO...


24 Sep 03 - 02:38 PM (#1024448)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Jack the Sailor

Carol and I watched it last night. It was a very good movie. Think Spinal Tap with folkies and an actual plot.

"Martin Gibson"

Would it be rude If I said you are pompous?
The geriatrics of PBS must be wearing out their walkers in their rush to thank you.


A Mighty Wind Obviously shares your nopinion of PBS. From what you said and what I saw it may have been inspired from the show you describe. Do ya think "The New Main Street Singers" may be a parody of "THe New Christie Minstrals?

24 Sep 03 - 02:56 PM (#1024471)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Martin Gibson

Clinton Hammond:

Thanks. Now you can work on your own self-esteem.

Jack the Sailor:

Well, blow me down. I could give a rat's ass what the PBS people think. I never send them any money.

24 Sep 03 - 03:12 PM (#1024482)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Ron Olesko

Don't pick on Martin - he can't even afford a membership to Mudcat!!!

24 Sep 03 - 04:16 PM (#1024534)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Tinker from Chicago

Yeah, the New Christies seem to be most people's idea of MW's target, but I go further. The NCM after all weren't always singing about sunshine and love. Seems to me the target is the bright smiles of Up With People, or even the Serendipity Singers. The NCM, remember, gave the world Barry McGuire, Kenny Rogers and Kim Carnes, among others. Not my choice for the world's cheeriest trio.

But when you parody one aspect of anything, you stereotype that aspect in the minds of those who weren't around for the original. Many of the kids today think that the 1950's consisted of half "Happy Days" and half "Grease." They weren't there, so they trust that the parodies are accurate history.

In the same vein, there sure were some insipid folksters in the 60's, but there was also Odetta, Phil Ochs, Tom Paxton, Buffy Ste. Marie, Joan Baez, et al. "Mighty Wind" needs a sequel.

24 Sep 03 - 05:15 PM (#1024573)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Ron Olesko

Tinker, it is true that most parodies often perpetuate stereotypes, but there is usually a basis for such.   In the case of "A Mighty Wind" there are definite basis for each group and individual in that movie.   Sure, they could have added a sterotyped protest singer, a jug band, and so many others... but that would have bogged down the film.

It is one thing for us not to like a film, butI don't think it is fair for us to tell a director what areas they should cover in THEIR film.   It would be like telling Dylan - maybe you should have added rain and snow instead of having the answer only blowing in the wind.   Maybe John Steinback should have added a few scenes featuring New York City in "Grapes of Wrath".   Sure, there are always things that I would do differently if I was the creator, but I do think it is only fair to judge someone on what they created, not on the art you wish they created.

As for the New Christy Minstrels, I think the issue that most of have with that "genre" is that there is little basis for it in folk traditions. You can see how bluegrass bands developed and the tradition of solo singing is one of our oldest, but where does "neuf-tets" come from???

24 Sep 03 - 06:00 PM (#1024600)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: fretless

Jack, The frau and I assumed the New Main Street Singers = the New Christy Minstrels (an obvious choice); the Folksmen = the Limelighters (although there were other candidates); and Mitch and Mickey = Ian and Sylvia (boy/girl group plus the Canadian connection).

25 Sep 03 - 03:21 AM (#1024718)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Amergin

Well, I just saw it and loved it...and the extra scenes were wonderful....sure wish they would start adding the extra scenes into the actual movie...I really loved it when the lady from the Main Street Singers was describing her "film" career before she went into singing....and the quasi-religion she and her husband

I have the feeling that the groups weren't really aimed at anyone in particular....just a hodgee podge of various characters...if it was aimed at anyone at all....i saw a bit of PPM in the folksmen...Guest with a Peter Yarrow hairdo....and at the end two guys and a blond "chick".... ;)

25 Sep 03 - 01:54 PM (#1024795)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Jeri

I loved it too. That extra scene with the lava-lamp set and 'Children of the Sun' sounded Barry McGuirish enough. (It was from the Folksmen's one badly received electric album.)

Then there was the scene with the press conference - Mitch talks about rap. Said he once heard a Canadian rap station (just guess the call letters) and he rather liked the young folks rapping about politeness, proprietry and conservatism. THAT was probably cut because 'CRAP' and Canadian-ribbing were a bit too obvious.

The name 'Ramblin' Sandy Pitnick' is just a wee bit too close (has all the letters in the right order) to

The name 'Bohner'.

Ed Begley's Swedish character Lars Olfen's yiddish.

'Never Did No Wandrin' sounds a LOT like Billy Ed Wheeler's Coal Tatoo.

'When You're Next to Me' - I wish they'd kept that in. I LIKED that song!

25 Sep 03 - 09:22 PM (#1024913)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Art Thieme

After watching Mighty Wind I put on a video my brother had sent me of a PBS fundraiser program featuring The Limelighters, Kingston Trio, Barry Maguire, Brothers Four, Jim Roger McGuinn, Mike Settle, The Smothers Brothers, Randy Sparks and "The Minstrels" (called that on this show 'cause the New Crusty Nostrils no longer belonged to Randy), ---- and several others from that pop folk era. It was as if A Mighty Wind had never ended. The film, the outtakes and the PBS special blended seemlessly together, and there was that good old gestalt again. Just good nostalgic fun probably.

I thought that Bohner was the name of the German Harmonica that was favored for blues back then---and only cost $2.50 !!??!!??

And the Fred Willard character reminded me of a Grima-Wormtongue kind of guy whose behind-the-scenes maneuvering finagled a folk radio show hosting job away from me and my every-other-week NPR partner back in the 80s. But that's a whole other topic about how I learned to stop worrying and NOT love NPR.----That is when I was first awakened to the fact that saintly old public radio could be just as cutthroat as any other corporate entity when the rating game and money was involved. ("Where have all the folk shows gone, Long time passing...") ****BIG SMILE****

Also, Mitch and Mickey, to me, were much more Jim and Jean than Ian and Sylvia.--------

Art Thieme

25 Sep 03 - 09:30 PM (#1024919)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD

I thought it was great fun. One of my criteria for movies, probably in common with lots of other people, is great lines that I would think are still great after seeing the movie several times. One of the best I thought was the critic who after having seen the reunion kiss, soberly pronounced it one of the most significant moments in all music, if not in all human history. This movie has quite a few of that sort of moments---and I don't even have the DVD.

25 Sep 03 - 09:32 PM (#1024920)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,Ron Davies

Above post was from me----I still don't really know how this posting business works--usually I have no option but to lurk.

26 Sep 03 - 12:05 AM (#1024965)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: GUEST,pdq

The New Christie's Minstrels also supplied us with Gene Clark, a founding member of The Byrds and their best lead singer ever. Also Art Podell and Mike Settle. Two founding members of the Association, one Greek and one Phillipino, came from the Christies, although I do not remember their names. Ramos was one? Folk-Pop attracted many people who stayed long enough to appreciate "the real deal".

02 Oct 03 - 11:39 AM (#1028029)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: JenEllen

Have to agree with Spaw that the outtakes were great. (Actually better than most of the stuff they left in!) C-Rap and the press conference was good, the Mitch'n'Mickey playing "jack'n'judy" on the 70's detective show was even better, and the bit in Mickey's kitchen where Mitch drops his capo a fret because "I went from a 32'' waist to a 34...." and then nailing the song after? ROTFLMAO

I think the reason it didn't work for me as well as some of the other Guest movies is that he totally blew the formula. That behind-the-scenes stuff is only really interesting when they are portraying people who are supposedly at the top of their game. Like Spinal Tap and Best In Show, but very unlike Guffman (although I have yet to see a scene in ANY movie that makes me laugh as hard as Corky's "Mariachi Bubble Bath of Doom": We want you to liiiiiiive!) Usually if someone's gone the way of the buffalo, it's for a reason.

03 Oct 03 - 12:17 AM (#1028526)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Amergin

I was disappointed that the ballad of bobby and june wasnt in the least i didnt see it there...neither was blood on the coal....both great songs...funny as hell.

20 Nov 03 - 11:32 PM (#1058258)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Joe Offer

OK, so I put on a Journeymen CD this evening and read all the messages in all the threads on A Mighty Wind. I bought the soundtrack album and the DVD, and I like them both. I stacked firewood the other day to the soundtrack, and I have to admit that I really liked the music - and I hated myself for liking it.

I guess I have to confess to being a folk music whore. I have had backstage passes to Peter, Paul and Mary more times than I can count, and I knew all the lyrics to all their songs (and I knew the sources/original versions of most of the songs they recorded). I still get misty every time I hear "Four Strong Winds," and I memorized "Today" to impress chicks, even though I claimed I didn't like the song myself. I loved that folk-pop music of the sixties, and I still do. I don't sing that stuff in public any more, but I find it's great accompaniment for physical labor or tedious bookwork. Ever try to get something done while you're listening to a Child ballad? I suppose it's a horrible thing to say, but I think we can all use a good dose of bouncy music mixed with smarminess.

I can't imagine seeing this movie on a big screen. This one seems to be made for DVD. I gather they didn't have the entire "concert" on the big screen, and it's a hoot. It's an incomplete experience to see the movie without the concert. The movie itself is a perfect parody of the "making of" documentaries that are so common on DVD's, so your really do need to see what they're supposed to be making.

I spent most of the movie trying to figure out who was a parody of whom. I suppose the dead promoter/manager was Albert Grossman or Milt Okun. On the surface, it was easy to tag The New Main Street Singers as the New Christy Minstrels, and Mitch & Mickey as Ian and Sylvia, and the Folksmen as any number of macho male folktrios - but other memories came out as I watched the movie. The most notable was the smarmy activist sentimentality of one of the Folksmen, a ringer for Peter Yarrow. Was the transvestite bass singer supposed to be Noel Paul Stookey (and Mary Travers in his/her female alter ego)?

I couldn't figure out who the Eugene Levy character was, but I really found him interesting. Remember how "cool" it was back then to have some sort of psychological problem? Heck, there was something wrong with you if there wasn't something wrong with you. Actually, I knew somebody from that era who was exactly like the Levy character, except that he was more of a guru than a musician - my wife's first husband, an aging New Age hippie wannabe who was 20 years older than his wife.

...but that's another story.

-Joe Offer-

20 Nov 03 - 11:43 PM (#1058261)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Amos

LOL Joe!! Aside from "Four Strong Winds" I find "Hey Bo's, Can'cha Line 'Em?" to be just the thing for splitting rails or stacking firewood!


21 Nov 03 - 12:57 PM (#1058609)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: SeanM

As my significant other loudly announced after watching the DVD and listening to the commentary ("I don't think Catherine [O'Hara] even knew what an autoharp was before she picked one up for Mickey")...

"Goddamned overtalented bastards!"

You don't EVEN want to hear her commentaries about the soundtrack. "Fare Away" alone causes her to twitch and me to roll in laughter...


27 Nov 03 - 10:37 AM (#1062013)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Homeless

We saw this on DVD a few weeks back, then went out and got Spinal Tap this weekend since my lady had never seen it. Going thru the bonus stuff on the Spinal Tap DVD, there is a spot in the outtakes where David starts playing "All the Way Home" using a fingerpicking pattern on an acoustic. Can anyone figure out the pattern he's using? I'd love to be able to play it, but I'm still not able to learn fast or complex pieces by ear.

30 Nov 03 - 09:58 AM (#1063178)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD (Corn Wine)
From: voyager

Did anyone watching the outtakes have a good laugh to
the tune about CORN WINE? Makes my gourmet palate gag.

It would be nice to see these lyrics (w/out buying the DVD).


30 Nov 03 - 10:13 AM (#1063183)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: voyager

   Corn Wine Lyrics

Just remember - "Nonny before ninny".


25 Sep 09 - 09:21 PM (#2731507)
Subject: Lyr Add: Never Did No Wanderin' (The Folksmen)
From: Genie

Love this one:

(The Folksmen, from "A Mighty Wind")

My mama was the cold North wind,
My daddy was the son
of a railroad man from west of hell,
Where the trains don't even run.

Never heard the whistle of a southbound freight
Or the singing of its driving wheel.
No I, never did no wanderin'
Never did no wanderin'
Never did no wanderin' after all.

They say the highways' just one big road
And it goes from here to there,
And they say you carry a heavy load,
When you're rolling down the line somewhere.

Never seen the dance of the telephone poles
As they go whizzin' by,
No I, never did no wanderin'
Never did no wanderin'
Never did no wanderin' after all.

Never did no wanderin' high!
Never did no wanderin' low!

Now a sailor's life is a life for him,
But it never was for me,
And I've never soared where the hawk may soar,
Or seen what the hawk might see,

Never hiked to heaven on a mountain trail,
Never rode on a river's rage.
No I, never did no wanderin'
Never did no wanderin'
Never did no wanderin' after all.

Never did no wanderin'
Never did no wanderin'
Never did no wanderin' after all.

25 Sep 09 - 09:38 PM (#2731520)
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
From: Lox

Missed them at wembley this year .. (((sobs))) ...

Ah well ... another time ...

25 Sep 09 - 09:46 PM (#2731528)
Subject: The Folksmen: Old Joe's Place / Start Me Up video
From: Genie

At Wembley?

You mean like this?
Folksmen: Old Joe's Place / Start Me Up