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songs about too few men

09 Oct 03 - 08:15 AM (#1032341)
Subject: songs about too few men
From: GUEST,Susan-Marie

I've been asked to look for a song that would complement a sermon on why there are more women than men in most churches. I'm thinking there may be some songs dating from times when all the men went off to war or off to find jobs in the city. ANything spring to mind for anyone?

09 Oct 03 - 08:20 AM (#1032342)
From: postman


This isn't specifically about church, but refers to men going off to war. It's a classic - very popular in its time.

Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time ago.
Where have all the flowers gone?
The girls have picked them ev'ry one.
Oh, when will you ever learn?
Oh, when will you ever learn?
Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time ago.
Where have all the young girls gone?
They've taken husbands, every one.
Oh, when will you ever learn?
Oh, when will you ever learn?

Where have all the young men gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the young men gone?
Long time ago.
Where have all the young men gone?
They're all in uniform.
Oh, when will you ever learn?
Oh, when will you ever learn?

Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time ago.
Where have all the soldiers gone?
They've gone to graveyards, every one.
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?

Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time ago.
Where have all the graveyards gone?
They're covered with flowers, every one.
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?

Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time ago.
Where have all the flowers gone?
Young girls picked them, every one.
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?

09 Oct 03 - 08:23 AM (#1032345)
Subject: RE: songs about too few men
From: Noreen


09 Oct 03 - 09:01 AM (#1032364)
Subject: RE: songs about too few men
From: Amos

Well, "I Got No USe for the Women" is, at its core, about the fact that there were too few women in theWest. but it probably won't fly in Church!

09 Oct 03 - 09:22 AM (#1032376)
Subject: RE: songs about too few men
From: Susan-Marie

That's too few MEN, Amos, not too few women.

And don't worry about songs being fit for church - this is a UU church.

Thanks for the suggestions, postman and Noreen.

09 Oct 03 - 09:27 AM (#1032379)
Subject: RE: songs about too few men
From: sian, west wales

Cigareets an' whiskey an' wild wild women,
They'll drive you crazy, they'll drive you insane.

... perhaps?


09 Oct 03 - 10:07 AM (#1032403)
Subject: RE: songs about too few men
From: Susan-Marie

Ahhhhh - perhaps not. ;-)

09 Oct 03 - 10:17 AM (#1032408)
Subject: Lyr Add: IF I HAD MY DRUTHERS
From: sian, west wales

OK. (Some people are SO hard to please!) How about :

Lil' Abner : The Musical (1956)
(Gene De Paul / Johnny Mercer)

If I had my druthers,
I'd druther have my druthers
Than anything else I know
While you'd druther hustle
accumulatin' muscle
I'd druther watch daisies grow.

While they're growin' slow
'n the summer breeze is blowin'
My heart is overflowin' 'n so;
If I had my druthers
I'd druther have my druthers
than anything else I know.

If I had my druthers,
I'd druther have my druthers
Than work any wheres at all
It ain't that I hates it,
I often contemplates it
while watchin' the rain drops fall

I sits there for hours,
developin' my powers
a figurin' how flowers gets tall
If I had my druthers
I'd druther have my druthers
than anything else at all.


09 Oct 03 - 10:28 AM (#1032414)
Subject: RE: songs about too few men
From: Steve Parkes

I'd have thought the reason was that more men than women don't feel the need to go to church. I don't suppose there are any songs about that ...


09 Oct 03 - 10:28 AM (#1032416)
Subject: RE: songs about too few men
From: GUEST,ClaireBear

Hey, how about Bright Morning Stars? It's not meant to be about that, I don't think, but the words are actually perfect -- either the version in the DT (you'll find it here) or this one in the forum.

I'd vote for Whitsun, too, except depending on where you are the congregation might not understand the Morris tradition and WWI English history behind it. Also I can never get through it without crying.


09 Oct 03 - 10:32 AM (#1032421)
Subject: RE: songs about too few men
From: Dave Bryant

Noreen - I wouldn't expect you to be complaining about too few men.

09 Oct 03 - 11:03 AM (#1032441)
Subject: RE: songs about too few men
From: Amos

I stand corrected! Too few MEN? For some reason there aren't a lot of folksongs about that theme. I guess most non-men feel that one is plenty and more than one is a surfeit.


09 Oct 03 - 03:57 PM (#1032630)
Subject: RE: songs about too few men

There are a lot of reasons why there are more women past a certain age than is that (I am doing this from memory now and not looking up specific research so feel to contradict with actual research)...they seem to be weaker immunologically so I think more die in infancy etc. even though there are usually more boys born than girls by a ratio of about 105 to 100. Then there are accidents, suicide, drug abuse, alcoholism (all of which affect women but I am sort of remembering they wipe out more men)...industrial accidents have traditionally killed more men, and put them out of commission...they don't have to be actually killed to be out of the gene pool or seen at church...just facing such social problems that they don't seek out society or are actively rejected. Some sleep under bridges and wander the streets...shelters will often accept women before men, leaving more men homeless. Women tend to marry upwardly and men downwardly..where does that leave the men at the bottom of the pecking order? The war thing of my generation is very significant in the US..60,000 dead officially, many more unofficially,and hundreds of thousands, if not more,in very very bad shape. Like I said at Sunnycamp, no one is singing Dancing at Whitsun to us, but they should (I have a song along those lines if anyone wants it).

Plus, at a certain age, they start dying much more rapidly than women of heart attacks especially (have your insulin levels checked please, gentlemen and ladies and avoid all trans fats and white flour and sugar..)

That explains why they aren't in society. It doesn't explain why they aren't in church, except that churchs often, despite the cry to the contrary, tend to be matriarchal and more female-friendly..who know.
