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BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?

15 Oct 03 - 03:50 PM (#1036266)
Subject: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Tenjiro

Any suggestions? I've only ever liked romantic guys and I know nothing about existentialism. How do I go about wooing a guy who says he is an existentialist?

15 Oct 03 - 03:57 PM (#1036269)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: McGrath of Harlow

If he defines himself as an existentialist it means he isn't.

15 Oct 03 - 04:18 PM (#1036281)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: izzy

Well, he MIGHT be being a little pretentious. Existentialism is not a religion, so people don't generally define themselves in those terms (tho Kevin's answer is a bit too pat.)

There is no reason why someone who has an existentialist view of things can't be a romantic too. Romanticism isn't a philosophical viewpoint (except with regard to music and literature, where it gets a little more complicated) but an emotional characteristic. Thus there is no conflict.

15 Oct 03 - 04:39 PM (#1036300)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Little Hawk

Why would you want to? (grin)

15 Oct 03 - 04:45 PM (#1036304)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: GUEST,pdq

Pretend he doesn't need you.

15 Oct 03 - 04:46 PM (#1036306)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: John Hardly


I Kant give you any ideas.

15 Oct 03 - 05:02 PM (#1036316)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Let him know in no uncertain terms that although the mind-blowing passion and romance you can (and do) deliver are competely meaningless in the final analysis... in the interim they will lead you both to a painless sort of nausea that transcends it's own disgust for human emotion... leaving you both more capable of searching for the unattainable... each in your own patheticly human fascination for the negative attainments that hope once overlooked... ;^)

15 Oct 03 - 05:12 PM (#1036323)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Little Hawk

Har! Har! I am reminded of the scene where Woody Allen attempts to flirt with the suicidal young woman in the art gallery, who is explaining to him how a certain painting evokes the totally bleak, hopeless, meaningless and transitory nature of our wretched human existence on this ball of earth here...

"What are you doing tomorrow?" he asks.

"Committing suicide." she replies coldly.

"How about next week then?" he says, tentatively, at which point she gives him a glacial and utterly disinterested glance and stalks off without a word.

Woody could have taught her a lot about existential despair, I think...

He also said, "Sex without love is an empty experience. empty experiences go, it's one of the best..."

Funniest remark old Woody ever made, I think.

- LH

15 Oct 03 - 05:28 PM (#1036335)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Little Hawk

To answer the original question...well, if you like him my suggestion is: just relax, be yourself, and don't worry about how to woo him. If that doesn't work, it wouldn't probably work too well anyway.

15 Oct 03 - 05:51 PM (#1036347)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: mooman

In the words of the Monty Python team you could disregard everything you aren't certain of and say therefore you are a rhubarb tart.

That should work OK!



15 Oct 03 - 05:58 PM (#1036350)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Mr Red

Surely he must have other traits that are more appealing? Lets have the list......
If that doesn't work you can call me on 0111......... (*-)

15 Oct 03 - 06:00 PM (#1036352)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: smallpiper

kick him in the nuts then give him your phone number and let him work that one out!

15 Oct 03 - 06:05 PM (#1036359)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: greg stephens

Wear a black sweater and smoke Gaulloises, you'll be all right.

15 Oct 03 - 06:20 PM (#1036372)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: GUEST,mg

oh it sounds sort of dismal. How about a nice, jolly, hard-working man with twinkly eyes... mg

15 Oct 03 - 06:34 PM (#1036381)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Here's google's idea of what a real existentialist should look like. Rather sweet really.

15 Oct 03 - 07:00 PM (#1036395)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Amos

You might ask if he cares whether or not he is understood. And if so, what his definition of "bieng an existentialist" is.


15 Oct 03 - 07:04 PM (#1036403)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Tenjiro

Haha! You guys are great! I haven't laughed so much in a while ((that may just be because it's midterm time again and I have been studying my ass off and not having any fun.))
All your sugestions are great. Perhaps you should know that he is a college boy, that would account for him claiming to be an existentialist while he may not be. Perhaps he read something pretty and decided to think that way for a while? He is a huge fan of Sartre.

Red, you still want that list?


15 Oct 03 - 07:21 PM (#1036419)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Bill D

once you get involved with an existentialist, there is No Exit....but LOTS of Angst. How does this guy dress? In Sartréorial splendor?

15 Oct 03 - 08:07 PM (#1036450)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Amos

Yes, and drives a Camus, but its a convertible...

15 Oct 03 - 08:10 PM (#1036452)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Camus played in goal, but Sartre was no kind of a footballer. I think that's the underlying difference between them.

15 Oct 03 - 08:33 PM (#1036460)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Jeri

Sing him a nice song.

15 Oct 03 - 10:19 PM (#1036510)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Gee, when I first glanced at the title of this thread I though it said "How do you flirt with an exhibitionist?" I don't know the answer to that one either.

15 Oct 03 - 10:25 PM (#1036514)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: LadyJean

Just ask him to explain existentialism. Men love the sound of their own voices. There isn't a whole lot of romance in Camus or Sartre, though J.P. Sartre certainly got around.
The phenomenologist I dated took me to a lecture on philosophy on my birthday. Dr. Rollo May was a great thinker, but it wasn't the sort of thing I like to do on my birthday.

15 Oct 03 - 10:41 PM (#1036520)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Rapparee

Don't get Sartred with him. Existentialists are know for whispering "Hegel! Don't I know you from somewhere?" to young ladies, but you'll find yourself paddling your own Camus before you know it, full of beans and nuttyness. Inside, find a nice Aussie boy, walk up to him, and say, "Heidigger! Want to foster a closer relationship, or are you a Miss of Sissy, Foo?" It won't be long before you will no longer be The Stranger.

(Not sorry at all, really.)

16 Oct 03 - 12:23 AM (#1036553)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Amos


Yes or no: did you attend your own mother's funeral?


16 Oct 03 - 04:08 AM (#1036594)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Trevor

Don't know specifically about existentialists, but you could always get him ratarsed - have a look at this. And there might be some hints and tips here.

16 Oct 03 - 05:11 AM (#1036622)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Dave Bryant

Flash your boobs at him - hormonal reactions can probably overide even existentialism !

16 Oct 03 - 08:20 AM (#1036684)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: GUEST,Peter T.

No, no, seriously. We are talking wooing here.

The important thing is to focus on existence. Here we are on a ball of dust in the middle of nowhere, and we have to fashion our own existence from what we have and what we are. We need to examine experience, the strength of the day, the power of passionate experience. Embedded in this experience, and in our reaction to it, are all the answers we will ever have to all the questions we will ever ask.

This is what I offer you -- passionate experience, now. We can only find out what it means -- what it means for our existence -- what it makes meaningful of our existence -- by going deeply into it.

By this point, you could start taking his clothes off.

If this doesn't work, I suggest that you try a remark like: "Sartre -- who reads Sartre, except Stalinists. He completely misread Heidegger. Heidegger. Far more important than Sartre given the global technosphere. You might try Being and Time sometime."



16 Oct 03 - 08:34 AM (#1036696)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Bobert

Ignore the heck out of him!!!


16 Oct 03 - 08:53 AM (#1036707)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Rapparee

I didn't have a mother. It was a terrible way to grow up, with all of the other kids wanting to call me filthy names and couldn't, not knowing the warmth and comfort found within the circle of a mother's arms, and even today, Amos, your question hurts me, deep inside, somewhere around, oh, hereabouts, right next to my non-existent navel.

Have YOU ever been teased about your non-existent navel? I have. Some of the other kids decided the since I didn't have a navel I didn't exist at all and they wouldn't talk to me or play with me. I was always choosen last for games, because "No Navel" wouldn't be able to hold a bat or ball or run or do anything because he didn't exist.

Later, my high school counselors thought that it was simply a complete rejection of mother, but he couldn't accept the biologic alternative. Eventually he used his pyschological knowledge to obtain money from a bank under false pretenses and was jailed for bank freud.

I tried to enlist in the Marines, but was rejected because they are after all under the Sec. of the Navy and they didn't want anyone who didn't understand navel traditions.

I could continue recounting the many ways that a lack of a mother has affected me, but I'll stop.

16 Oct 03 - 08:58 AM (#1036711)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Charley Noble

I think a lot depends upon how this young man became an ex-istentialist. Was it his decision or did the rest of the istentialists kick him out? It could be that he lacked some essential istentialist commodity such as an istentialist raincoat, or istentialist shoes, or maybe didn't even subscribe to the Istentialist News. Maybe his "ex" would know...

Charley Noble, who doesn't really exist

16 Oct 03 - 09:26 AM (#1036729)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Little Hawk

I'm curious, Amy, why did you pick the membername "Tenjiro", if you don't mind my asking...?

Lady Jean is right love to hear themselves talk. :-) As a man, I can absolutely confirm it. This is probably particularly true of existentialist men, but it's a given for most men anyway. Here and there is a strong, silent one (as in the old cowboy movies), but even those guys love to hear themselves talk...they just dole it out in very occasional snippets in order to play hard to get and build up nerve-jangling suspense while they prepare their next brief and devastating remark. It's quite an effective technique, I imagine, although I'm not that type at all. Think Clint Eastwood, teeth clenched down on a cigar, eyes narrowed... I'm not even vaguely like that.

At the total other end of the scale from the strong, silent man is Woody Allen! Thankfully, I'm not much like him either. I'm somewhere in the middle of the range.

- LH

16 Oct 03 - 10:15 AM (#1036762)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: smallpiper

If you can get a word in that is between all the jabbering females around!

16 Oct 03 - 10:36 AM (#1036783)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Amos


Well, you can add to your list of complaints that it disqualifies you from being an existentialist. L'Etranger proved conclusively that one must have a mother and not care about her to be a truly sensitive existentialist.

Your lack of a navel (not, I assume, the result of naval operations) indicates you are more of a solipsist, not to say narcissist. I think about myself a lot, therefore I am.

However, do not be discouraged. The intenrational Istentioalist movement, coined here by no less a stellar light than Charlie Noble, is without doubt the wave of the future, and an opportunity for limitless power. So you should have no desire to become an ex-Istentialist.


16 Oct 03 - 11:50 AM (#1036841)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Pied Piper

Tricky; I guess it's more a Sartre than a Science.

16 Oct 03 - 12:32 PM (#1036866)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Evidently you can't be US president either, Rapaire, even if you're American, not being natural born.

There was a cartoon by the Victorian artist George Du Maurier that this thread somehow reminds me of : Fair Aesthetic (suddenly, and in the deepest tones, to Smith, who has just been introduced to take her in to Dinner). "Are you Intense?" Here it is.

16 Oct 03 - 01:01 PM (#1036883)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Castor

Unless you are an intelligent and strong-willed woman, of which I'm guessing you're not (you had to ask this place for relationship advice?), you should run like the wind for two reasons:

First, if the male in question is truly an exhistentialist, he is misery wrapped in an enigma. There will never be any joy in Mudville, if you catch my drift.... I think a strong woman could deal with this, but she'd never truly be happy. An exhistentialist wouldn't care if she were, or not.

Second, if the male is just looking for a 'cool hook to get chicks' and is using the label, he's probably not worth your time. If you simply have to have this individual, expend the least amount of effort necessary. You'll thank yourself later.

In my own expereince, I was the first of the two. I say WAS. Until I went on a date with a woman I met in a library. We sat across the table from each other and I ran on and on, much like your intended male target must do, and she stared at me in wide-eyed admiration over the rim of her cup. At least that is what I thought was happening---until she finally gasped, choked on her drink, and laughed until it came out of her nose. When the dust settled, she was laying on the floor of the restaurant, with her feet on the chair, and two tiny pieces of tissue shoved delicately up her nostrils. She then proceeded to open fire on every one of my 'theories'.

I asked her to marry me, and in the theme of smart women, she said no, but the important thing was that it made a clear distinction in time, from being a man who WAS an exhistentialist, to being a man who read them. I suggest you look for the same in your proposed mate.

16 Oct 03 - 01:53 PM (#1036913)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Bill D

find him a copy of The Santaroga Barrier by Frank Herbert and ask his reaction..if he takes it seriously, run...if he laughs, he may be worth keeping.

(Gilbert Dasein investigates the Jaspers Cheese Factory in a town no one ever leaves)

16 Oct 03 - 02:35 PM (#1036941)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Mr Red


Yea, list away........

16 Oct 03 - 02:52 PM (#1036950)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Don Firth

Look on the bright side, Rapaire. No lint build-up.

Don Firth

16 Oct 03 - 04:16 PM (#1036997)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Tenjiro

Woo! I would have written sooner but I was swamped with work! Not anymore though! The next five days are completly relxation days! Alright, now...on to some questions.

Little Hawk, I chose this screen name because I'm a geek and as a geek I roleplay in a wee little rp chat room called The Theatre des Vampires and Tenjiro is the name of the character I've been using there since I was a first year in highschool.

Red...a list of what else about Dan I like? Lets see, I'll list 5 things for now:

5. He is a writer, which is pretty sexy.
4. He has sexy hair.
3. He is really fun to have conversations with because we have alot in common but not so much that we agree all the time.
2. He is fluent in spanish and reads spanish poems to me.
1. He has bad nerves and so when he sleeps he vibrates and it's really cute.

((I could add more but I'll let you guys live with those for now))

So, I actually asked him about his existentialism yesterday in a moment of awkward silence. Though he didn;t really explain about his own view on it he did tell me what the definition was. I think perhaps he really wants to be one but doesn;t really know what one is.

16 Oct 03 - 04:48 PM (#1037013)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: EBarnacle1

The important question is whether you will attend your own funeral. If you truly believe that this life is strictly in your mind, then the funeral will not exist if you do not.

16 Oct 03 - 07:32 PM (#1037099)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: McGrath of Harlow

That's solipsism, not existentialism.

Existentialism is much more to do with the idea that you live in the moment, and your actions and decisions are not restricted by your actions and decisions at any previous time. "Today is the first day of the rest of your life" is really a kind of existentialism.

That's what I meant by saying that declaring oneself to be an existentialist is not really the kind of thing a real existentialist should do.

16 Oct 03 - 07:49 PM (#1037111)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Bill D

David Hume came about as close as any 'serious' philosopher to being a solipsist, but he admitted in a little footnote that as much as he was convinced of the logic of his position, he couldn't really act as one(it sort of hurt his head trying).....existentialism is much easier to live out, if, like McGrath says, you don't label yourself first..*grin*

16 Oct 03 - 08:30 PM (#1037152)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: McGrath of Harlow

I'd have thought Bishop Berekely came closer: "Berkeley's principal metaphysical position is idealism: nothing, including material objects, exists apart from perception; external objects are ultimately collections of ideas and sensations."

16 Oct 03 - 10:35 PM (#1037191)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Little Hawk

You sound a bit like someone I used go out with Amy...maybe.

Anyway, I like the sound of "Tenjiro", because I love all things Japanese. (I was Japanese once....a fairly long time ago...maybe more than once, for all I know. Still love Japan.)

I like your list of things you like about Mr eX...cute...good luck to you in your "search for fabled romance" (quoting from one of my own songs). I hope you have good times. Spanish poetry is marvelous! And so are Spanish songs.

- LH

16 Oct 03 - 11:58 PM (#1037218)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Deckman

I would suggest reading poetry ... perhaps: "The Man With The Blue Guitar." Bob

17 Oct 03 - 12:09 AM (#1037228)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: LadyJean

The phenominologist I dated looked like Roger Ebert. It made our breakup less traumatic. Your existentialist sounds like he'd be worth a lecture on philosophy on your birthday. LOL

17 Oct 03 - 10:27 AM (#1037282)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Bill D

ohh..right, McGrath..the good Bishop Berkley! ...well, maybe I just subjectively defined him as "not a serious philosopher"..Hume was MUCH more fun to read..

it was late....and I was thinking Getaway...and my corns hurt...and I'm old...and I hadn't had my pills...and...and...

17 Oct 03 - 10:44 AM (#1037291)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Amos

Little Hawk:

I think Khandu wrote a song about your relationship with someone named Amy, but I don't think this is the same person.


17 Oct 03 - 11:22 AM (#1037314)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Tenjiro

ooo...a song with my name in it?

17 Oct 03 - 11:51 AM (#1037338)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Amos

Uh...Tenjiro -- suffice it to say it was written from the viewpoint of someone who was highly disappointed in the relationship. So it must have been some other Amy, I am sure.


17 Oct 03 - 12:15 PM (#1037349)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Bill D

someone less "amyable"

17 Oct 03 - 03:41 PM (#1037441)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Mr Red


Speaking as a fully paid-up born again bachelor - I would say five things mustbe a small subset of the bigger picture or you are going to be surprised in a few years. BUT I think #1 is a good start!!!!

17 Oct 03 - 04:04 PM (#1037455)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Tenjiro

There are more, for sure, just realize that I haven't known him for very long so the list has much room to expand.

17 Oct 03 - 07:26 PM (#1037531)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Little Hawk

What in the world are you talking about now, Amos? Why would Khandu write a song about one of my relationships? I may just have to retaliate by writing a song about one of his...I'll just make it up as I go along. :-)

- LH

17 Oct 03 - 07:51 PM (#1037540)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Amos

Sorry LH, I take it all back as unfounded bluster on my part.

But where is Khandu and why is he silent? Isn't it your duty to know?


17 Oct 03 - 08:26 PM (#1037553)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Little Hawk

Well, it's not my duty exactly, but I have been wondering...

What do you do when you're not Mudcatting, Amos? Sleep?

- LH

17 Oct 03 - 10:26 PM (#1037584)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Amos

I actually do several things: work on a real job, look after honey-dews at home, sing songs, work on guitar skills, work on a book that keeps being nearly completed, worry about friends, worry about money, worry about friends' money. Sometimes I build furniture or madcap statuary. For a long time I was deeply immersed in producing the Mudcat CD series. Breath, and hope, and try to see through the maze of deception in the world. Write songs, or learn those writ by others.


18 Oct 03 - 12:21 PM (#1037725)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: EBarnacle1

Amos, as one who is also working on several books, be warned of the trap involved in "Just as soon as I touch up this one little thing." It's good to be dissatisfied, at the same time, we have to let go of our children or we will never sell them.

18 Oct 03 - 02:17 PM (#1037763)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: GUEST,heric

Amos and EB, I have an aging uncle who I rarely see, on the East Coast. Last time I visited, I saw the Cessna that he has been buiding in his basement for at least twenty five years. I saw my cousin, his son, last week, who informed me that there are now three different aircraft in partial stages of construction in his (large) basement, none of which can be, or were ever expected to be, extricated from the structure.

Amy: Invite the guy to sit on your invisible love seat with you (assume the position), then, when he joins in, laughing, suddenly remember that you moved it yesterday to the other wall. Fall down, laugh, fall in love. (Boy scouts know this one.)

18 Oct 03 - 02:27 PM (#1037765)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Amos


Has anyone ever asked your uncle what he was thinking? Hoping the house would blow away from on top. or planning to drag it off? Or just fire 'em up and drill his way out?

Alas, good Barnacle, your advice is too true, too hard-learned. But the risk of rejection is so painful that endless continuous improvement is much to be preferred! :>))


18 Oct 03 - 02:39 PM (#1037770)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: GUEST,heric

No need to ask. He loves airplanes. Flies cross-country a lot, too.

18 Oct 03 - 03:21 PM (#1037780)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Little Hawk

Hmmm. I build model airplanes rather than the full-sized ones, and even that gets pretty expensive. I would enjoy trying to fly a full-sized Japanese Zero (after being trained adequately, of course). Those planes could stay in the air at speeds as slow as 30 mph when coasting in for a landing. They were amazingly responsive.

- LH

18 Oct 03 - 05:07 PM (#1037806)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well, when Noah started building this big boat in the middle of a field far from the sea, everyone thought he was nuts...Maybe your uncle knows something you don't.

18 Oct 03 - 06:04 PM (#1037816)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Thomas the Rhymer

"Pola X"... A French film by Leos Carax... seems to size it up for the contemporary young aspirant...

18 Oct 03 - 06:53 PM (#1037824)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: GUEST,pdc

I'm saying this gently, from the perspective of a "wise" old grandmother: I believe that existentialism is very common among the young. I was one, and called myself a "moonling." That memory now makes me blush, or look back fondly at who I was.

18 Oct 03 - 08:07 PM (#1037844)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Sam L

I too think existentialism is natural for young people, even those who are busy being mainly something else. It always seemed to me that existentialism mainly says Things That Go Without Saying, at great length, and as if nobody ever thought about it before. Which is natural, sometimes, but as a concern of philosophers it seems to me to exist the way Performance Artists discovered the art of theatre: mainly by claiming it and taking themselves very seriously about it.

I remember liking David Hume a lot too. And Descartes's solecism solipsism.

18 Oct 03 - 09:20 PM (#1037864)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: GUEST,Waldorf

Everybody didn't think Noah was nuts. There was a guy named Abdel who thought Noah was right on, but Noah didn't like him so he never got a place on the boat. This didn't stop Abdel, however, because he and his wife Lobelia disguised themselves as a unicorn and managed to get aboard at the last minute, along with a real unicorn. It is uncertain what gender the real unicorn was, but in any case it was quite unable to mate successfully with the Abdel/Lobelia combination during the voyage...or after it. Abdel and Lobelia started up a falafel business after the deluge, and didn't do too well at first because of a lack of customers, but in time the business grew. Abdel's descendants have mainly stuck to fast food, although one offshoot of the family helped found a Minnesota chapter of the Hell's Angels in recent years.

This also explains why unicorns died out.

19 Oct 03 - 02:24 PM (#1038044)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Amos


I dunno what you've been smoking. but I suspect the other unicorn was gay.


19 Oct 03 - 03:47 PM (#1038064)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Charley Noble

I suspect the unicorns became extinct after violating the uniform unicorn code of conduct. Probably Abdel and Lobelia didn't want anyone else horning in on their business and filed a complaint.

Charley Noble

20 Oct 03 - 08:49 AM (#1038314)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Sam L

what was Noah's wife's name?

20 Oct 03 - 09:03 AM (#1038322)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Rapparee

What was Noah's last name, for that matter? Count? Zark? Or, in keeping with this thread, did he really exist? Or was he a contruct of our collective unconcious, created to fulfill some unexpressed and unexpressible desire within the human psyche? Mayhap he was, as Buber expressed it so well in his "Dialogue above the city," structuring the whirlpool out of existence -- or perhaps he was riding it. We will never know these things, of course, for we can never know these things by definition. It would all be so depressing except, as Camus wrote, "The point is to live."

20 Oct 03 - 11:25 AM (#1038429)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Amos


Your answer re your uncle is not quite responsive -- I meant, has anyone asked him what he was thinking when he built airplanes in a basement he couldn't get them out of? If he loved flying that much, I'd have thought he'd'a built them where he could fly them. Hmm?


20 Oct 03 - 11:43 AM (#1038437)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: GUEST,heric

Yes, it was not responsive, but I didn't expect you to call me on it. When one asks (feeling silly after doing so), "But you can't get it out, can you?" he answers, "No," and smiles. If I've ever asked him "why are you building airplane that you can't fly," I don't remember what the answer was. This mystery has sort of evolved, you see, in that most of us expected one of the planes (the Cessna) would near completion and some drastic news would come (yes we had thought about him firing it up and drilling his way out.) Instead, it became clear over the decades that he has no intention of finishing any of the planes. (I vaguely recall that he have told us that from the start, but we didn't believe him.)

You know what I mean, don't you, that the question seems almost un-askable? Who wants to hear a "because it's there" answer?

20 Oct 03 - 02:21 PM (#1038499)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Rapparee

Shucks, my grandpa and uncles once built a boat in the loft of their garage/barn. There was no way to get it out down the steps or by the door through which they used to use to bring up bales of hay. When they did get it out -- eventually, by cutting the front wall of the second floor in half and rebuilding it as a door -- it worked really well. (They hinged it in case they ever built another boat up there.)

I understand about the airplanes.

20 Oct 03 - 02:29 PM (#1038504)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Amos


I understand, and am astonished, by the almost Zen-perfect wisdom your uncle demonstrates. Imagine!!

If he did finish the planes he could also just mothball them up in Saranwrap, and then refinish the house so it appeared to have no basement. Then when finally it came time to demolish the house, someone would discover the planes and unwrap them. Headlines! POsthumous fame!! Har!

But he probably needs the central heater down there too.


20 Oct 03 - 04:05 PM (#1038549)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Bulding an aeroplane in a basement would count as an acte gratuit, clearly an example of existentialism in practice.

"As an impressionable young man I briefly flirted with existentialism, when I misheard an attractive young woman talking about giving me quite a treat. She had actually said acte gratuit" (from here) (I think this might suggest a possible answer to Tenjiro's original question.)

20 Oct 03 - 04:36 PM (#1038562)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: EBarnacle1

If you are saying that writing the book is an end in itself, so be it. If it is meant as a book to be read, you have to take risks. the house may fall on you, you may be rejected.

When Mark and I were working on "Songs of South Street," the publications committee that had asked us to write the book got into issues of political correctness and dithering. We went to a few publishers who turned us down on the theory that the book was too small.

We then decided to self publish because we had something to say to the public. If you want to be heard, you have to get the word out to your public. Otherwise, the book is simply an exercise in composition, worthy in its own way but a private document.

20 Oct 03 - 09:12 PM (#1038697)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: McGrath of Harlow

I'm reminded of the true story of The Colditz Glider which the prisoners of war built in the attic of Colditz Castle.

I think that was probably the origin ofthe escape plan hatched in Chicken Run.

21 Oct 03 - 11:53 AM (#1038975)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Dave Bryant

Catters who answer thread questions are usually those with a knowledge of or at least an interest in the subject being raised. So far most people have answered from their knowledge of existentialism rather than flirting. It is for this reason that I feel that Noreen seems to be conspicuous by her absence. I can only conclude that Noreen has either never tried to flirt with an Existentialist, or alternatively found the whole experience an impossible task or just not worth the effort. Perhaps you should ponder on that Tenjiro.

21 Oct 03 - 12:51 PM (#1039022)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: McGrath of Harlow

You could make up a whole set of verses to "What shall we do with a Drunken Sailor":

How do you flirt with an Existent'list,
How do you flirt with an Existent'list,
How do you flirt with an Existent'list,
On a gloomy morning?

Make him a sarnie with cheese and Sartre...

Give him a Heidegger for his breakfast...

21 Oct 03 - 09:27 PM (#1039328)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Take him flowers and snap your fingers
Take him flowers and snap your fingers
Take him flowers and snap your fingers
Earie in the mourning

Find his books and laugh all at them
Find his books and laugh all at them
Find his books and laugh all at them
Earlie in the mourning

Strap him in your bright red sports car
Strap him in your bright red sports car
Strap him in your bright red sports car
Earlie in the mourning

Give him one sly wink and smile
Give him one sly wink and smile
Give him one sly wink and smile
Earlie in the mourning

Drive too fast on the winding highway
Drive too fast on the winding highway
Drive too fast on the winding highway
Earlie in the mourning

Ask him nicely to be quiet
Ask him nicely to be quiet
Ask him nicely to be quiet
Earlie in the mourning

Walk him up the misty mountain
Walk him up the misty mountain
Walk him up the misty mountain
Earlie in the mourning

Take his hand and kiss his fingers
Take his hand and kiss his fingers
Take his hand and kiss his fingers
Earlie in the mourning

Tell him what you like at bedtime
Tell him what you like at bedtime
Tell him what you like at bedtime
Earlie in the mourning

Give him hope and laughter darling
Give him hope and laughter darling
Give him hope and laughter darling
Earlie in the mourning

Wine and dine his jubillant spirit
Wine and dine his jubillant spirit
Wine and dine his jubillant spirit
Earlie in the mourning

Attend the funeral of his dogma
Attend the funeral of his dogma
Attend the funeral of his dogma
Earlie in the mourning

22 Oct 03 - 11:41 AM (#1039718)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: M.Ted

When I was in school, people become existentialists because no one flirted with them. That was before the internet, though--

22 Oct 03 - 01:14 PM (#1039773)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: M.Ted

Here is a lecture on Existentialism from a second year philosophy class at St. Anselm College--it is probably pretty close to the one that your friend heard. If you read it, you will know as much as he does, or maybe more, if he was daydreaming.

22 Oct 03 - 01:57 PM (#1039802)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Jeanie

I've thankfully forgotten all I ever had to learn about Existentialism, except that a character in one of Sartre's plays, "Huis Clos", says "L'enfer, c'est les autres" (Hell is other people)...which doesn't bode particularly well for Tenjiro, I have to say, if she's intent on this particular man.

However.... if it's *flirting* you want to know about, look no further than ,a href="">

The thing about flirting, though, is that people do it for the sheer fun of it, without latching on to any specific outcome. Once you are intent on a specific goal, it isn't going to work !
Have fun !

- jeanie

23 Oct 03 - 04:29 AM (#1040187)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Dave Bryant

Flirting was a capital offence in the town of Titipu. I agree with Nanki-poo when he says "Flirting is capital !".

23 Oct 03 - 05:10 AM (#1040210)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: lady penelope

Ooh you guys are awful, but I like you......

I haven't laughed so hard in weeks.

I find that the only true existentialists are those who know someone else is taking care of the bills..........Other wise they tend to be known as Goths.......

Keep smiling Tenjiro, life really is too short to be weighed down by the worry of what might not be there.

TTFN Lady P.

23 Oct 03 - 06:00 PM (#1040642)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: M.Ted

Here is the lecture I tried to post yesterday:

The Ethics of Absolute Freedom

Well worth reading--and of course, as with all lectures, it takes a lot less time to read it yourself than to have the professor read it out loud to you.

23 Oct 03 - 06:35 PM (#1040663)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River

I aint met none. They are rare around here. If I met one and she was good lookkn I would flirt with her anyway. I dont care much about religion eh? But I am not prejoodished either.

Be careful of the guy Tenjiro cos he might belong to some kind of wierd cult. We dont tolerate them kind in Blind River.


23 Oct 03 - 09:19 PM (#1040754)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Naemanson

This must be a father's worst nightmare, seeing men come on to his daughter. Yes, Tenjiro is my daughter and here I am reading suggestions about flashing a prospective boyfriend and sharing passionate nights.

Sigh, what is a father to do. I am no longer Jung so I'm a Freud all I can say is,

"Kid, whatever you do, be safe!"

(I know, they aren't exactly philosophers but psychology is the next best thing to philosophy. At least both words start with "p".)

23 Oct 03 - 11:16 PM (#1040798)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Amos


I sympathize -- sometimes all you can do is raise your eyebrows and say "Don't make me c ome over there!!!"...." :>))


24 Oct 03 - 12:51 AM (#1040822)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Naemanson

I have an existential map. It has 'You are here' written all over it. - Steven Wright

24 Oct 03 - 10:07 PM (#1041399)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: mg

OK....I will give her even more advice...

Does the existentialist have a job?

Is he hard-working, sober, reliable?

So far so good. Does he gamble, do drugs, drink to excess, hurt people? Run like the wind.


25 Oct 03 - 10:30 AM (#1041606)
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
From: Sam L

I haven't been able to respond seriously because I don't really understand the question, but I'll try.

When I was young and full of ideas, my wife shocked me and impressed me by making no effort to impress me. She was an open book, intead of dressing up in intellectual positions or advertising allegiance to Deep-Sounding Things, she just told her personal stories. When she listened to one of my writer heros she said He gets on his little high horse doesn't he. When someone is trying to flirt with you, you don't have to respond in kind, just hold your ground, give a guy a chance to recognise you. Just because a guy wants to sound deep, doesn't mean he isn't.