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print source for mandolin intros/tags

02 Nov 03 - 01:29 PM (#1046284)
Subject: print source for mandolin intros/tags
From: GUEST,marthabees

Hi, all of you helpful mando people.

I'm looking for a book, print source, website, etc., where there might be an accumulation of standard and/or otherwise interesting mandolin kickoffs and tags. I read tab and standard notation so this is what I'm looking for.

I'm getting sorta decent with several tunes and when I play with folks they expect me to kick it off which I can't do, other than say "One two three four" which is ... well.....non-standard fer shure. Actually, I guess it's sub-standard (smile).

In classical music they're called intros and codas. What are they called in bluegrass/old-tyme? Kickoffs, intros, tags, endings.... is there a regular name for an intro and coda?

Thanks a whole lot!
Martha in Tallahassee

02 Nov 03 - 03:27 PM (#1046350)
Subject: RE: print source for mandolin intros/tags
From: Willie-O

Intros and endings. is a good place to look for stuff like that.

Nothing wrong with "one-two-three", but yeah, a little intro lick has more je ne sais quoi.

Welcome to the Mudcat, Martha. Join up and stick around.


03 Nov 03 - 06:27 AM (#1046655)
Subject: RE: print source for mandolin intros/tags
From: Willie-O

Hmm, I thought of one printed source for this stuff.

Mel Bay Presents Jethro Burns, Mandolin Player, by Jethro Burns and Ken Eidson

It's a book of tunes and exercises as played by the great Jethro Burns. I highly recommend it--Jethro Burns was a genius, a very innovative player, and you can glean lots of musical ideas by studying his arrangements and tunes. Among the exercises is a set of endings in various keys, although there's no corresponding page of intro licks, there are certainly some you can adapt.

03 Nov 03 - 07:47 PM (#1047198)
Subject: RE: print source for mandolin intros/tags
From: GUEST,marthabees

Thanks, Willie O!
I'll go to my friendly local music shop and check that out!

I do love my little mandolin. I had no idea how much I'd like it when I picked it up. Now about all I want to do is play it and skip the old J.O.B. even though I like it too. Retirement.... whither art thou?!?

Martha (who is a member but forgot to sign in)

04 Nov 03 - 02:42 PM (#1047845)
Subject: RE: print source for mandolin intros/tags
From: GUEST,Heely

Martha, in a dash, I use the last phrase of my break for an intro. YOu just have to remember how the end goes. I see many players warming up on their runs ahead of the song - sometimes silently with their fingers, then use the end of the run for the beginning and end. I also use this on the pipe organ at church before the hymn. Good luck. Heely