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Lyr Add: Blow at Witch's Hole

06 Nov 03 - 08:11 PM (#1049606)
Subject: Lyr Add: Blow at Witch's Hole, The
From: Charley Noble

A small gang of us were having fun with a BS thread I had posted entitled "Methane Sinks Ships" (to review thread) when we inadvertently came up with a brilliant although somewhat tragic ballad that I'd like to share:


(Words by Charlie Ipcar, Norris Dale and Mudcat Guest Unwitting Muse, 2003
Tune: traditional "White Cockade")

As we set out one evening, upon the Northern Sea,
Headed out a-fishing, for to earn our daily fee;
Headed out to fish, me lads, and set our course so bold,
When our ship was (when our ship was),
When our ship was (when our ship was),
Overwhelmed, dragged down the Witch's Hole!

Our charts were fully up-to-date, so thought our Captain Brock,
Avoiding every hazard, every shoal and rock,
Yes, every shoal and rock, me lads, upon the Northern Sea;
And we cours-ed (and we cours-ed),
And we cours-ed (and we cours-ed,
To the Witch's Hole, that lay athwart our lee.

No rogue wave swept o'er us, no squid nor octopus,
No giant whirlpool sucked us down, we had no time to fuss;
There was no time to fuss, me lads, as we sank beneath the waves,
But we all stood (yes, we all stood),
But we all stood (yes, we all stood),
Resolutely, so valiant and so brave.

A silent threat but deadly, that methane from the Hole,
Rising from the gassy depths, amidst the dark and cold,
Amidst the dark and cold, me lads, like some monster from the deep;
It dragged us (yes, it dragged us),
It dragged us (yes, it dragged us),
To the Witch's Hole, forever there to sleep.

"It's suffocate or evacuate!" we heard our captain cry,
As he pulled out a handkerchief, to wipe his tearing eyes;
As he pulled out a handkerchief, and held it to his nose,
"We will never (no, we'll never),
"We will never (no, we'll never),
Rise again from our odorous repose."

This was no bathtub bubble or some silly fish's farce,
But a blast of great proportion from the earth's own mighty arse,
From the earth's own mighty arse, me lads, the methane did arise;
The water density, (the density),
The water density, (the density),
Plummeted, and thus proved our demise.

I was the sole survivor, me messmates drowned that day,
The Coast Guard came a-racing up, and snatched me from the wave,
They snatched me from the wave, me lads, and saved me sorry skin,
And I surely (yes, I surely),
And I surely (yes, I surely),
Would have drowned if I hadn't broken wind!

The technical discussion in this thread is also of interest, and dispite my original intentions I actually learned a lot.

Charley Noble

07 Nov 03 - 07:05 PM (#1049921)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Blow at Witch's Hole
From: Charley Noble

May not be worth refreshing!

Charley Noble