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Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat

13 Nov 03 - 07:37 AM (#1052998)
Subject: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,A Corncerned Patriot

I think that the President of the US of A could be in a bit of trouble when he visits our shores. This could be a job for ace duellists Raggytash & MC Fat. I'm sure the could take on the CIA and FBI

13 Nov 03 - 08:37 AM (#1053021)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: The DeanMeister

Well they couldn't beat me and Old Git without cheating. Perhaps we could double up on on Dubya? Phat boy, you out there?

13 Nov 03 - 08:41 AM (#1053024)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat

What do yoiuu mean couldn't beat us. We whopped your asses and you cheated !!!!!!

13 Nov 03 - 08:55 AM (#1053028)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,Geoge Dubya Bush

Tell me more about 'These Good Ole Boys'

13 Nov 03 - 08:57 AM (#1053031)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,Hologram of MC Fat

Well that MC Fat is well fit and I hear his stamina is legendary.

13 Nov 03 - 09:10 AM (#1053045)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: The DeanMeister

How's your collection of anti-US Foreign Policy songs coming on, MC? We could have fun with this....

13 Nov 03 - 09:46 AM (#1053074)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat

We Shall Overcome (Whether You Like It or Not), Hand Me Down Your Weapons of Mass Destruction, Roll Out The Barrell, Me and My Saddam, Here Comes the Toppled Saddam Statue, Rumsveldt and Coca Cola.....

13 Nov 03 - 10:26 AM (#1053105)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Dave Bryant

Do you think that you have the current logistical capability to folksongarize for a sufficient temporal duration ?

13 Nov 03 - 11:02 AM (#1053134)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Red and White Rabbit

I want to know who told Bush that 'im who was after another woman and 'im who woz iz second could be up to the job or anything else ( other than fornication and drinking!) And Deanmeister hows yer arm doing?

13 Nov 03 - 12:16 PM (#1053176)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Raggytash

Whuan Keing

13 Nov 03 - 12:38 PM (#1053191)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Dave Bryant

Anyway what are you going to do when he orders them to get all the waggons round into a circle ?

13 Nov 03 - 02:08 PM (#1053231)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Red and White Rabbit

Would Bush be articulate enough to order anyone to do anything - I thought he was a ventriloquists dummy!

Lord MCfat and My noble Lord Raggy would you really defend this vagabond - this pretender to the throne? - Bet you wouldnt have done so for Clinton - just because he might have shown you what to do with a sword and women!

17 Nov 03 - 05:26 AM (#1055274)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Clinton was a top bloke and was very good at allowing his wenches to suck up to him so to speak !! Me and Raggy would have approved of that

17 Nov 03 - 05:50 AM (#1055296)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Dave Bryant

Rabbit - How could Bush be a ventriloquist's dummy - would anybody fancy putting their hand up his arse ?

McFat - I don't think that Clinton would have fancied you and Raggy - I'm sure that he'd wouldn't have wasted a good cigar on either of you.

Anyway, I don't think that he's planning to visit the northern regions, where he might be assassinated by a suicide bomber whippet, or radio-controlled exploding homing pigeon. Mind you with his knowledge of geography, he might even turn up in Hull9 by mistake.

17 Nov 03 - 06:52 AM (#1055340)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,Wombat (Raggytash's Mrs)

What you doing getting my Raggytash involved with the CIA and the FBI? It's bad enough with all this rabbiting he keeps telling me he's doing! I've not had any rabbit pie yet ?1?

Dave - isn't he going to Sedgefield with Tony? (George Bush that is) - he's very likely to get bit by a whippet up there.

17 Nov 03 - 06:56 AM (#1055342)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Raggytash

Typical southern view of Northerners, we're far more sophisicated than suicide bomber whippets or exploding pigeons, we'll feed him poisoned black peas, direct strike, no nonsense, no civilian casualties. However I'm sure given a little time we can come up with something even more sophisicated than this this space

17 Nov 03 - 08:07 AM (#1055377)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Watch out for the exploding Haggis

17 Nov 03 - 08:21 AM (#1055389)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: The DeanMeister

Mayhap we could invite him up to Huddersfield on Saturday, Raggy?

17 Nov 03 - 09:06 AM (#1055412)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Raggytash

Far too good for the likes of him

17 Nov 03 - 09:49 AM (#1055434)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Dave Bryant

Is Huddersfield open this Saturday then ?

17 Nov 03 - 10:24 AM (#1055453)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: The Barden of England

Is Huddersfield open any Saturday? Is Huddersfield open?

17 Nov 03 - 10:29 AM (#1055459)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat

I quite like Uddersbeingfelt anyway Raggy me old fruit. What time is the shindig I've got an afternoon do and may arrive shlightly pished ( nothing new there)

17 Nov 03 - 11:11 AM (#1055486)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Dave Bryant

Does Huddersfield have Weapons of Mass Destruction - perhaps they're all disguised as Narrowboats on the wide and narrow canals. You might get a visit then, not actually in person though, just a load of his mates. Whoops - I forgot, Huddersfield doesn't have any oil does it.

Lady Wombat - can you find a whippet with Rabies ?

17 Nov 03 - 11:42 AM (#1055508)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: muppett

No Huddersfield dont have any weapons of mass destruction, but they do have weapons of mass disruption, better known as the First bus company !!!!

17 Nov 03 - 11:51 AM (#1055510)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Raggytash

Shindig starts 8.30 till late, complete with that veritable fine collection of musicians know as Punch the Horse who are to help me and Wombat celebrate 25 years of togetherness ..............Aaaaahh

In't that sweet

17 Nov 03 - 11:52 AM (#1055511)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Jeri

I can't help but think Raggy & MC Fat sounds like a couple of rappers. Except shouldn't it be 'MC Phat'?
Well, I'm MC Phat, and I'm here to say
"Hello" to the Prez of the USA
But you didn't need to ramble
You didn't need to roam
You can get yer arse on Air Force 1, and GO BACK HOME
Cause it's a pretext
We think we're next
And remember what happened when Osama-and-Saddam got hexed?
Wouldn't be so bad if you just got Blair
But London'll be a crater and he'll STILL BE THERE

It needs much more, but my attention span just went somewhere else. (If you find it...)

18 Nov 03 - 03:42 AM (#1056000)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: The DeanMeister

Rumour has it that your in a position to put us up, Raggy? Have made provision to zip sleeping bags together and keep Nik Nak warm in the pennine altitudes. She'll need protecting from the Phat boy....

18 Nov 03 - 04:46 AM (#1056025)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Raggytash

This is true, the band has been assigned bedroom 4, a double sofa bed, a single bed and loads of floor space, central heating, air conditioning and fridge ...........I kid thee not

As for Nik Nak, she will sleep safe from Phat Boy cos to press I think he is kipping elsewhere and if he is staying we'll chain hin to a radiator ............sorted

18 Nov 03 - 05:00 AM (#1056033)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: The DeanMeister


18 Nov 03 - 07:50 AM (#1056115)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Dave Bryant

If McFat and Raggy drink too much ale (although I could never imagine that happening), they might need a bush on the way home !

18 Nov 03 - 07:57 AM (#1056121)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Moi drink too much I resemble that remark. Raggy have you had a look a Punch The Horse's contract 'waiver' they need hot and cold running tarts in the dressing room, Moet Champagne and White Lightening chilled to perfection, canapes, balack pudding and mushy peas !!!!

18 Nov 03 - 09:08 AM (#1056154)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Raggytash

They'll get what their given and say Thank-you, Mum's in charge of corporate hostilities

18 Nov 03 - 09:09 AM (#1056156)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Raggytash

Message from Nick Scaife ..............My email is not working and has not done so for about a week, if you have sent any could you please repeat using a PM



18 Nov 03 - 10:39 AM (#1056214)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Dave Bryant

Raggy - Your e-mail is probably being intercepted by the CIA who are trying to decide whether to "take out" Huddesfield.

18 Nov 03 - 10:57 AM (#1056231)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Dave a 'take out' in 'uddersfield is either Indian or Chinese

18 Nov 03 - 10:59 AM (#1056233)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Raggytash

Oh goody, it's been a while since I was taken out, will it be a candlelit dinner followed by the theatre or will it be a nightclub dancing the night away. There's not a restaurant or club big enough to take all of Huddersfield they'll have to do it a street at a time or in Alpha order, that's a bugger as my surname starts with S, it'll be after Christmas by the time they get to me

18 Nov 03 - 11:05 AM (#1056235)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Raggytash

Will they expect S*X on the first date

18 Nov 03 - 12:28 PM (#1056310)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: The DeanMeister

I suspect I may enjoy this party. Can Big Bird come.....?

18 Nov 03 - 01:47 PM (#1056376)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Raggytash


18 Nov 03 - 03:49 PM (#1056456)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Red and White Rabbit

Raggy/ wombat - my Lord McFat has told me he intends to arrive at your do rather intoxicated after an afternoon on the carpet with a load of train drivers.He has asked if I can pick him up at the train station and drive him to this do. How far is your abode from said waterhole? can I park camper on drive and walk to the place and kip there so I can drink or do I have to invest in a taxi back up the hill?
love R&WR

19 Nov 03 - 04:53 AM (#1056778)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat

on't carpet with a load of train drivers ? Sounds like fun although I'm not really that way inclined (more horizontal me thinks)

19 Nov 03 - 06:12 AM (#1056825)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: The DeanMeister

Having consulted my lady Big Bird, she is apparently otherwise engaged in the capital city of this green and pleasant land on Saturday. At least that MacDonald character won't get his dastardly hands on her.

19 Nov 03 - 06:21 AM (#1056826)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Get the spelling right Deano........ it's McDonald !!! and for the record I'm apparantly quite good at the laying on of hands.

19 Nov 03 - 06:25 AM (#1056828)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,George Bush

Well I'm always ready to recruitify any highly motivated guys onto my ball team. My advisers tell me that you're crap in the entertainments business. It jus so happens we've got this prison camp leisure facility on the beautiful island of Cuba and we could do with a coupla regular guys to torture entertainify the prisoners holiday makers there. Waddya say we send a 'copter up your way to get you on board.

19 Nov 03 - 06:33 AM (#1056831)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: The DeanMeister


19 Nov 03 - 06:46 AM (#1056836)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Raggytash

Rabbit, Said watering hole is about 5 minute stagger from our abode. Just past the 4 Horse Shoes over the canal bridge first left club is the first building

19 Nov 03 - 07:30 AM (#1056848)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat we get some rum, bum and concertina georgy boy ?

19 Nov 03 - 08:58 AM (#1056924)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,George Bush

19 Nov 03 - 09:24 AM (#1056941)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat

does your silence mean anything George ?

19 Nov 03 - 10:15 AM (#1056972)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,George Bush

Holy shit just hit the wrong button - Colin, can you abort that bird before it hits Moscow ?

Mr McFat - after consultifying with my consultants, I have to inform you that the United States government does not conceed to the demands of terrorists (godamme Colin let me type this myself - jus tell me which key to press next) can only meet some of your requirements:

1. The establishment is officially dry, but there are plenty of Coca-Cola vending machines. However, although we do not recommend it, there is locally produced liquor available at a very low price and the guards stewards can be bribed commissioned to bring some in for you.

2. This commodity is readily available, either in the form of our other guests or the few sheep and goats which we keep especially for the more co-operative of those guests.

3. As entertainers we would expect you to provide your own instruments. These would of course be subject to detailed scrutiny for any signs of explosives etc. We do have a list of proscribed instruments including banjos, bodhrans etc. This is because although we do not classify our guests as qualifying under the terms of the Geneva Convention, we do have to take just the teensiest little notice of international opinion on what constitutes unnacceptable cruelty.

19 Nov 03 - 10:30 AM (#1056979)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Raggytash

Hi George,
There's 4 shovels leaning against a wall here, would you like to come a take your pick

19 Nov 03 - 11:04 AM (#1057003)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Just my luck a booking for my World Tour and it's at Camp X-Ray !!! Suppose it would be mighty darn stupid to put some waivers in the contract.

20 Nov 03 - 12:56 AM (#1057538)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: DougR

Not to worry. According to the latest "Guardian" poll, the majority of Brits welcome Bush's visit. The "Guardian" is a publication with impeccable liberal credentials, right?

The thousands that will gather in Trafalgar Square tomorrow represent, evidently, the minority of extreme left-wing Brits who do not welcome his visit.

I think GWB's visit will be great for America's greatest friend, Tony Blair.


20 Nov 03 - 05:50 AM (#1057653)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Dave Bryant

You've missed the point DougR, the reason that most people welcome GWB's visit is not because they like him, but because it makes it easier to protest against his policies - not that the thick, egotistical bastard would realise that people are protesting.

Could you imagine the news flash:
President George Bush was shot dead by a sniper in London today. Upon reaching hospital his condition was described as satisfactory.

Mind you the last time he had a medical, they suggested turning off the life-support because he appeared to be brain-dead.

. . er . McFat/Raggy have you got any details on what I need to pack for Camp X-Ray ?

20 Nov 03 - 09:20 AM (#1057745)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat

x-ray specs, cake with a file in it, rubber pants, book on interrogation techniques, cuddly toy, mobile phone with Uncle Osama's number in it, cuddly toy, copy of sheep shaggers monthly, labour party membership form, Al Quiada membership card, photograph frame with piccies of Tony and Georgie, cuddly toy, cuddly toy.

20 Nov 03 - 12:29 PM (#1057853)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: DougR

Dave: I don't believe I have. You seem to be engaged in nothing more than wishfull thinking IMO.


20 Nov 03 - 01:51 PM (#1057925)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Red and White Rabbit

I'd have thought theat with sheep and goats there GWB would have been better enlisting the musical talents of lord Kenneth de chesterfield

got your e-mail Raggy will try to phone sometime before Saturday - no guarantees though!

21 Nov 03 - 03:58 AM (#1058316)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: The DeanMeister

In view of the fact that our trusty box player and anchorman, Mr. Watson, is in bed with the flu, it is likely that the pugilists will be sporting a slightly altered line up for this saturdays festivities. We shall be joined, at great expense, by the legendary Mr. Richard Wastling, together with whatever instruments he turns up with.

Oh, and Raggy, because of this, it also looks likely that we won't be requiring accommodation for the night.

21 Nov 03 - 04:53 AM (#1058331)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Wastling and his weapons of mass destruction again !!!

21 Nov 03 - 05:38 AM (#1058349)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: The DeanMeister

Be afraid, Phatboy. Be very afraid.

21 Nov 03 - 06:39 AM (#1058374)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Raggytash

Is this another challenge to a duel My Leige? Is this whippersmapper deigning to give doubt to your prowess so mightily demonstrated in the rout at the Sun Inn Beverley some months ago. Does he consider himself worthy to doubt your magnificence, if this be so I will be as always your trusty, loyal (not to say downright devious and underhand)right hand man. You can rely on me sire to cut his manhood away with a blunt and rusty instrument made of some toxic material

21 Nov 03 - 07:22 AM (#1058388)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat

We on about rusty stanley knives again !!

21 Nov 03 - 07:26 AM (#1058391)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Dave Bryant

McFat/Raggy - why don't you ask your mate GWB if he'll give you a hand to sort this new threat out. Second thoughts after all the "friendly fire" incidents, perhaps it would be safest if you asked him to support the other side.

22 Nov 03 - 06:33 AM (#1059011)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Red and White Rabbit

glad to see see you boys are still enjoying your jibes and games

all we need now is old git to join in and then you can really have fun - what a shame big bird wont be there to cheer you all on!!

24 Nov 03 - 03:32 AM (#1059735)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Big Bird

Apologies chaps - had a prior engagement with me paw and a few pints at the english school of folk dance and music (or something like that) - the wilsons say hello! Anyway, us Southerners only get allowed thru the Watford Gap once a year for Beverley Festival!
We had a pint for you 'orrible lot - lager for me, whisky for Dad as in the Beverley tradition.
So hope you had a good one, and I await the results of the latest duelling round with trepidation....

24 Nov 03 - 04:42 AM (#1059758)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Dave Bryant

Were you around at CSH on Saturday then Big Bird ? You should have come and said hello - Linda and I were trying to meet up with other mudcatters.

24 Nov 03 - 04:52 AM (#1059760)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Big Bird

Aha - you didn't have a jumper on with Mudcat Cafe and your name on the front did you? If so, spied you in the last few minutes of the singaround before the second half. Seem to remember singing 'Hard Times'. There would have been no point catching up with you then, I had lost all ability to co-ordinate speaking and manipulating a pint glass at the same time, and we all know which of the two is more important!

24 Nov 03 - 05:03 AM (#1059765)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: The DeanMeister

Not like you to be in such a state, BB...

With regard to Saturday night, we had an absolutely wonderful evening. PTH's ranks were swelled to a five piece, with the duelling fiddles of both Nik Nak and brother Oakley in SPLENDID form, as well as the resplendent Rich Wastling on Banjo, Mandola, Guitar and an abundance of harmonicas, together with the Meister and the mighty ossonflags. For my part, I must thank Raggy and Chris for a lovely evening. I enjoyed the gig more than any we have played in many a month.

With regard to the scallywag phatboy, it appears he was daunted by the presence of such greatness to the degree that he chickened out of the confrontation altogether. He knows when he's beaten, evidently, and failed to show up at all. He'll not challenge me again so readily, methinks. (actually, he had been playing in the afternoon according to R&WR, and the wages was free beer....! Oh dear....)

Once again, thanks to all who made it such a lovely evening.


24 Nov 03 - 06:31 AM (#1059781)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Oaklet

The band was swollen by the presence of Niknak. So was I, come to think of it. Lovely do, Raggy. Thanks a million.

25 Nov 03 - 01:57 AM (#1060387)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Red and White Rabbit

Big bird you missed a treat - the Dean meister was so enthusiastic about being in this lovely town of ours he broke his g string!! Good job MCFAT wasnt there else it could have got nasty what with duelling fiddles and - dare I say it - the odd appearance of a banjo

Milnsbridge will never be the same again!!

25 Nov 03 - 03:58 AM (#1060408)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: The DeanMeister

Why thankyou, R&WR....! *blush* It would have indeed been messy.

Good job he chickened out.

25 Nov 03 - 05:06 AM (#1060443)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Moi 'mushroom' out, no way. It's was a combination of excuses, sorry, reasons. One I was being paid in Abbeydale Moonshine beer a fine drop indeed. In fact copious volumous quantities were imbibed. Plan A was to get a taxi thence onto a choo choo but there were no hackney carriages to be found. Plan B was to get the next choo choo but Hackney carriages arrive too late. Plan C was to make myself scare as R & W wabbitt was on the warpath !! this led to Plan D get more drunk and stay in Sheffield. I was fired up for the fight Deano and you don't get off that lightly. There will be other times other places and other ways to skin you, you varmit.

25 Nov 03 - 06:24 AM (#1060468)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: The DeanMeister

Oooooh I'm sooooooooo scared.....

25 Nov 03 - 06:36 AM (#1060474)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: ossonflags

The snoring was quite good to.

25 Nov 03 - 07:46 AM (#1060500)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat

When it comes to snoring no one can beat my trusty third Lord Ken de Johson of Brampton. He is Derbyshire, All England and European champ.

25 Nov 03 - 12:55 PM (#1060660)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: ossonflags

How is he

at this

25 Nov 03 - 02:58 PM (#1060747)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: Red and White Rabbit

My experience of Sir Kenneth was that he only snores - ( he kept us awake at Warwick as he was in the tent next door - my kids still talk about it!)- he would never dream of emitting methane to cause difficulties with the ozone layer well not unless it meant he was going to get a free chinese - with bamboo shoots/ bean splouts!

26 Nov 03 - 05:14 AM (#1061193)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: The DeanMeister

Nice one, Michael...!!

26 Nov 03 - 06:13 AM (#1061227)
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
From: GUEST,MC Fat

When I was at Sidmouth with Sir Kenneth a few years ago, we were coming back from the LNE when we passed this tent on the camp site. The snoring was quite loud. I said to Sir Ken 'Listen to that snoring'. He replied tersely 'That's not snoring !! give me five minutes and I'll show you what real snoring is !!'