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BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)

24 Nov 03 - 06:31 PM (#1060152)
Subject: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Peace

This thought came from the Accoustic Guitar thread to do with pick ups. The word(s) pick-up, pickup, pick up has way far lots of meanings. The baser individuals amongst us will no doubt think of things they've said to the other or same sex (as the case might be), and yet others will think of an old Ford. Still others will think of things they've said to their electrified guitars or other instrument. Still others will think of what they said while cleaning up after a party. And maybe this is a really stupid thread.

24 Nov 03 - 06:36 PM (#1060158)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: TheBigPinkLad

Aww.. it's not stupid. I'm sure it will pick up ...

24 Nov 03 - 06:39 PM (#1060160)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: The Fooles Troupe

There used to be a bottled sauce in Australlia called P-M-U (Pick Me Up) - for real!

24 Nov 03 - 06:45 PM (#1060163)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Joybell

No No I think I quite like it!
My favourite "pick up" lines are in a song by Henry Clay Work "Touch the Sleeping Strings" 1876 The singer comes upon a harpist who is idle at her instrument and proceeds to try to pick her up. The ends of the verses have the lines:

.... and something makes me think I knew you
    Beyond the sea of long ago.

....Did not we walk some shore together etc.

....Did not we sing this song together etc.

....Were not our spirits linked together etc.


24 Nov 03 - 07:00 PM (#1060175)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: The Fooles Troupe

Now Look JoyBell!

You've turned this into a Music Thread!


24 Nov 03 - 07:02 PM (#1060176)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Amos

Wow -- that's pretty good stuff for such an old guy!


24 Nov 03 - 07:53 PM (#1060215)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: McGrath of Harlow

Do pick-up lines ever actually work? Any better than just saying "hello", I mean.

24 Nov 03 - 07:56 PM (#1060218)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Rapparee

The last time I used a pickup line I left the party with the roommate of the women who I eventually married. It's a long story.

24 Nov 03 - 08:34 PM (#1060250)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: artbrooks

looking down at the sweet young thing with the long brown hair, leotard and very short skirt, lying flat on the dance floor "Gee, I guess I learned that dance starting in the wrong direction!" helping her back up "Can I buy you a cup of coffee?"

True story...we will be married 34 years in March!

24 Nov 03 - 09:00 PM (#1060272)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Supposedly, book stores with coffee shops in them are the new, safe, non-alcoholic, intellectual place to pick up women (and guys.) The days have long since passed when it was mostly guys picking up women..
A couple of times when I was in my "single" mode in life, I tried to open a conversation (not necessarily to "pick someone up," by asking a woman who was reading a book I'd just finished reading, how she liked it. One time the woman said "fine" and went back to reading. The other time, it was actually the woman who asked me about a book I was reading. As it turned out, she was a married Minister. Definitely not a pick-up line... :-)

I first went out with the woman I married five years ago by expressing an interest in going to visit the sick with her. Not exactly a "Hey, baby, you want to go look at some sick people?" She was part of a group at church who visited the sick, and I'd sung in nursing homes most of my life. It was something I wanted to get more involved in, and as I was relatively new in the church, she was much more familiar with people than I was.

I wouldn't necessarily call this a "pick-up" line, because I was sincere about it. (not saying there weren't any ulterior motives..)


24 Nov 03 - 09:00 PM (#1060273)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: GUEST,pdc

True story - I married him.

Blind date with a professor; I was utterly intimidated. In a disco, with music screaming out of the speakers, I yelled in his ear, "Do you think science and technology have replaced superstition and religion as modern icons?" (Determined to show I had a mind...)

He yelled back, "WHAT??"

24 Nov 03 - 09:02 PM (#1060274)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Peter Kasin

Rapaire, aren't there laws against that? :-).

Best pick up line I've heard of is: "Can I buy you a drink, or would you rather just have the cash?"


24 Nov 03 - 09:19 PM (#1060288)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: harpgirl

From Nathan,

"I know milk does a body good but damn, how much you be drinkin?"

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

24 Nov 03 - 09:26 PM (#1060294)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)

What's your sign?
No loitering.

24 Nov 03 - 11:39 PM (#1060357)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Cluin

"Did someone call for a cab?"

25 Nov 03 - 12:59 AM (#1060373)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: GUEST,pdc

Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?


25 Nov 03 - 01:05 AM (#1060378)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: LadyJean

Some variation on "You have beautiful eyes" always worked on me. My eyes are my one and only good feature. If someone tells me I'm beautfiul, I assume they have ulterior motives, because I know I'm not.
Telling a lady you noticed her eyes, shows that you are interested in her as a person, women used to like that.

25 Nov 03 - 02:54 AM (#1060400)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: alanabit

I liked one I heard in Chesterfield over twenty years ago. A young man approached a woman who was wearing those trousers which looked as if they had been sprayed on.

    "God! How do you get into those trousers?"
    "You can start by buying me a large brandy."

25 Nov 03 - 04:28 AM (#1060415)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: smallpiper

Have you got a fridge?

25 Nov 03 - 04:37 AM (#1060419)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: The DeanMeister

"You don't sweat much, for a fat lass"

25 Nov 03 - 04:45 AM (#1060427)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Jeanie

Yes, smallpiper, I have ! How about you ?

(see, the chat-up line worked a treat !)

- jeanie

25 Nov 03 - 04:51 AM (#1060435)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Dave the Gnome

I never had much luck until my mate told me the secret. Just say 'Hello', compliment them and then start talking as normal. Can't fail he says. So, I spot a lass I fancy in the pub and wait for a suitable opportunity, which happened to be as she was coming out of the bathroom.

"Hello" I says.

"That's a pretty dress"
"Oh, thank you."

"Been for a shit then..."

Still don't know what I did wrong;-)



25 Nov 03 - 06:26 AM (#1060469)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Dave Bryant

I think my pick-up lines for Essex Girl were something like:

Do you want a drink ?

and later:

Do you need a lift home ?

Don't knock it - it worked !

25 Nov 03 - 07:00 AM (#1060484)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Dave Bryant

DtG - that's what you get when you try to pick birds up in posh pubs - none of the pubs which I go into have bathrooms - just bogs.

Mind you, if tried that line on an Essex Girl you'd probably get an answer like "I wouldn't shit myself because of you - you just make me puke !".

25 Nov 03 - 08:55 AM (#1060532)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Mooh

"Have we not met before, perhaps in a wet dream?"

Never had the balls to try it sober, and alas (a lass?) I gave up drinking.

I met my wife while camping and I think the only reason she dated me at first was to varify my outrageous claims. After that, I have no idea why she dated me.

Peace, Mooh.

25 Nov 03 - 12:18 PM (#1060636)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: ToulouseCruise

the thing with a pickup line is that the lass in question (or the gent) KNOWS it is a pickup line, so it has to actually be a little cute... checking the tag on the back of her shirt to see if she was "Made in Heaven" doesn't cut it anymore... Though, one that I like and that I have gotten decent response from (as long as you say it with a little grin)...

"Where have you been all my nights, besides my dreams?"

25 Nov 03 - 02:21 PM (#1060724)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Cluin

"Are those real?"

25 Nov 03 - 04:56 PM (#1060808)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: The Fooles Troupe

"Do you like bacon abd eggs for breakfast?"


"How do you like your eggs?"


25 Nov 03 - 08:26 PM (#1060962)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Ebbie

Segue here: Mooh, do you know 'Bless Your Foolish Heart"? Written, I think, by Jesse Winchester.

25 Nov 03 - 09:15 PM (#1060987)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: GUEST,pdq

The 1972 Chevy, yep, that pickup has some of the best lines in automotive history. Gosh, guys, sure glad yer off all that politics and talking about sumpin' important like cars. Say, maybe this Mudcat place is OK afterall.

25 Nov 03 - 11:33 PM (#1061050)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Mooh

Ebbie...Doesn't ring a bell, but I might have heard it. Refresh my memory? Mooh.

26 Nov 03 - 01:15 AM (#1061115)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Cluin

How it generally works.

26 Nov 03 - 04:48 AM (#1061182)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Dave Hanson

Australian one " hey Sheila, fancy a fuck ? "
reply, " well I didn't, but I do now ya smooth talking bastard. "

26 Nov 03 - 03:19 PM (#1061477)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Mr Red

Talking sheep huh?

In NZ they don't pick up a leaflet they uptake one.

Too right mate.

26 Nov 03 - 04:39 PM (#1061519)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: jacqui c

A male friend and I were talking about pick up lines today and he told me that he was in the habit of asking girls if they "wanted to sit on this" He said that he usually got a smile - I was tempted to ask if that was after they saw what he was referring to, but he is a friend! His other chat up line was to walk around with a couple of screws in his hand and ask if a girl wanted one. I'm surprised that a) he's lived to reach 50 and b) he ever actually got a girl!!

26 Nov 03 - 04:50 PM (#1061527)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: annamill


Two drunks at a bar and one is aying "I've had no luck picking up woman. Do you have any suggestions?"

The other fella says "Go outside, look around til you see a beautiful woman. Go up behind her and whisper "Tickle your ass with a feather?"

"If she likes you fine, if she doesn't then say "Paticularly nasty weather. Get it?"

"Wow!" sayes the first fella. " May I try that?"

"Sure" say the second fella.

Out goes the econd fella and sees a beautiful blond on the corner. As told, he goes up behind her and whispers "Stick a feather up your ass?"


she hollers!
"Well then," says the fella, "f**king cold out, huh?!".

Love, Annamill

26 Nov 03 - 05:36 PM (#1061566)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Mr Red

A bit of a cheat really because I usually (but not always) waited till the first date. It does require a few props - like a vehicle.

As the lass was trying to put on the seat belt and struggling to find the connecting catch I would say - "Do you want me to guide you in?"

I never had my face slapped and it almost always resulted a wry smile.    Certainly an ice breaker - as it were.

26 Nov 03 - 05:44 PM (#1061579)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Raedwulf

McGrath actually hit the nail on the head (as usual). I remember reading something recently that said studies had shown that the best way to to start was to simply say "Hello"...

26 Nov 03 - 05:48 PM (#1061582)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Uncle_DaveO

In a post-church-service coffee hour, I spotted an interesting new girl talking to other members of the young-adults group.

I strolled (as I thought) casually over, and said, "I'm Dave Oesterreich. Are you new with the (whatever its name was) group?"


"I'm the secretary (which was true), and I will need your address and phone number."

We've been married for forty years now. She has assured me that she saw me "casually" walking over to her, and knew exactly what I needed her phone number for. So much for subtlety.

Dave Oesterreich

26 Nov 03 - 06:00 PM (#1061593)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: The Fooles Troupe

I remember one of those delightful old "British Seaside" Postcards (I'd really like a copy now, but they are hard to find!) which had a guy and girl sitting mostly out of a tiny sports car, and the girl saying "That's the fifth time you've put my knee into third!"

It usually gets a laugh when I say, "Oops, nearly put your knee into third!" (the car has a floor shift as did all good early sports cars!) then I follow it up with the explanation of the postcard.

If it doesn't get a laugh, or even a quiet smile, then I consider that it was a sort of IQ test - I prefer intelligent women (who always have a good sense of humour) ... you can have better conversations with them when you can't find the energy to do anything else... :-)


26 Nov 03 - 07:19 PM (#1061649)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Folkiedave

I met my wife (of thirty two years next) by waiting around the school where she worked until she came out and drove by just before the bus did, offering her a lift.

Only after twenty years did she tell me she knew all the time!!



26 Nov 03 - 10:23 PM (#1061747)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Ebbie

Mooh, you said: "I met my wife while camping and I think the only reason she dated me at first was to varify my outrageous claims. After that, I have no idea why she dated me."

The song's premise is that she can't be too smart when she chose him, but 'bless your foolish heart'. Neat song.

26 Nov 03 - 11:23 PM (#1061772)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Mooh

Ebbie...[Blushing] Oops, I thought it was reference to my proposed pickup line. Mooh.

27 Nov 03 - 05:40 AM (#1061876)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Dave Hanson

Great Yorkshie pick up line= Tyke to good looking girl in night club. 'get tha coit lass tha's pulled '
[ it's an accent thing ]

27 Nov 03 - 08:08 AM (#1061944)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Hamish

many, many moons ago this worked for me. Just the once. "My place or yours?"

a few fewer moons ago: "You have a lovely voice"

...but why am I telling you this...?

27 Nov 03 - 04:13 PM (#1062174)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: GUEST,petr

Liz Carroll related how she met her husband to be..
she was playing at a session and he stood in the background listening
and she fancied him and said ... guess what the name of that tune was?
Touch me if you dare..

28 Nov 03 - 07:22 AM (#1062466)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: YorkshireYankee

I remember my mother saying "A man chases a woman until she catches him." It was certainly true in my parents' case. Mom fancied my dad, but he was living/working in Washington DC; she was in NY, NY, where they grew up (on the same street, actually, but I digress...). So she found out from his mother when he was due back home for a visit, & just "happened" to be walking her dog by the station when his train arrived...

Him: Oh, hello! Do you often walk your dog 'round here at midnight?

Her: Oh yes... all the time. (not!!)

They started chatting & before too long, he said, "Well, you'll have to come out to DC for a visit sometime."

"Wonderful idea! How about next weekend?"

I believe they were engaged 3 weeks later.

He never suspected a thing, bless 'im!



28 Nov 03 - 07:30 AM (#1062472)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Willie-O

I particularly liked the old International with the aerodynamic hood, before they changed to an ugly boxy thing...

28 Nov 03 - 02:48 PM (#1062680)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: GUEST,pdq

Willie-O... great choice...I had a 1964 travelall/4WD...basically the same lines but transferred to a station wagon...really...good looking rig...

29 Nov 03 - 10:07 AM (#1062773)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: GUEST,noddy

Try this one    while walking along look at the sky and point out a constellation you know and then turn round and gaze into her eyes and say " why am I looking at the stars when I have an Angel by my side?"

29 Nov 03 - 07:15 PM (#1062993)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Firecat

I got chatted up on the way to work!!

Him: Hi.

Me: Hi.

Him: How are you?

Me: Fine thanks.

Him: Where are you going?

Me: Work.

Him: Have you got a boyfriend?

Me: No.

Him: Do you want one?

Me: No, thanks!

Him: Why not?

I'm not telling you what I said! If you really want to know PM me! It wasn't exactly nice though! I'm not into upfront lads.

29 Nov 03 - 11:12 PM (#1063080)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Peace

If I PM you, how should I change the approach? HA HA HA.

30 Nov 03 - 03:46 PM (#1063297)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Bob Hitchcock

I used to know a bartender (female) in a very fancy bar in Washington D.C. who told me a story of a really drunk guy who approcahed a stuningly beautiful (and very rich) woman late one night. He sat down and said "Are you pregnant?" she replied "No!" so he said "Oh, do you want to be?" at that point he was thrown out on his ear never to be seen again.

30 Nov 03 - 04:10 PM (#1063304)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Little Hawk

I like Dean the pig's line in Liberty Meadows...

"I would love to do to you what Congress is doing to the American people..."


Check out for the funniest and best comic in the World.

- LH

30 Nov 03 - 05:11 PM (#1063325)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: The Fooles Troupe

The problem is Little Hawk, would the lady enjoy it as much, or be just as able to stop it, as the American people currently are? ....

Firecat - that one sometimes works - a writer friend of mine met someone on a train who used that line - she said yes - he moved in with her - and he moved out while she was out (owing shared expenses!) a few weeks later (only a couple of days ago!) when the little control freak found out that she had her own mind...

Bob, he probably felt he needed the courage of the bottle to approach her - might have been mostly human when sober - most likely his upbringing might have been a male only private school.... lucky I opted out of that "education" - my brother went that way tho...

Noddy, there's a variant of that one about how the stars reflected in her eyes look better that way... :-)


05 Dec 03 - 10:30 AM (#1066080)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Peace

I have a ten inch tongue and I can hold my breath for eighteen minutes.

05 Dec 03 - 11:08 AM (#1066100)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: Cluin

What was Les Nessman's line on WKRP?...

"Hello. I'm very wealthy."

05 Dec 03 - 06:18 PM (#1066349)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest all-time pick-up lines (clean)
From: The Fooles Troupe

"Would you like a ride in my Porche"

Earlier versions include "in my sports car" "on my motorbike" "on my pushbike", "on my horse" "on my camel" ....

Of course, I never got one ... er, Porche that is...