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BS: A New Year's Resolution

28 Dec 03 - 01:13 PM (#1080982)
Subject: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: Thomas the Rhymer

What is your New year's Resolution?

My New Year's resolution?... To use every legal and ethical means at my disposal to defeat George W. Bush in the up and coming election.

I am absolutely convinced that America is on the wrong track. No, this is not sedition, I'm not anti-American... I do not espouse Communism, and I abhore revolution's bloody ways. I do not secretly or openly support any terrorist activity... this is not blind and irrational reactiveness that I'm feeling. To me, the facts are clear enough, and it is in defense of our United States Constitution that I speak... with frankness and clarity.

I believe in this great nation, and I believe in the groundswell of devout Democratic Ideals that has always inspired the American Dream... and I am sad to admit that our current administration appears to have negligable respect for the very pillars of these halls of human freedom.

Good Luck! ...and Happy New Year!

And may the best man win!

28 Dec 03 - 01:19 PM (#1080984)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: Ebbie

I'm with you, ttr. And please God, this resolution will be kept.

28 Dec 03 - 01:33 PM (#1080992)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: catspaw49

Personally, I'm just hoping for a few good farts......


28 Dec 03 - 01:37 PM (#1080994)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution

Rendering your sophmoric existence on the planet irrelevant. Your choice of course.

28 Dec 03 - 01:59 PM (#1081012)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: catspaw49

All existence is irrelevant and we have no choice in the matter. The earth is simply a giant shithouse and we're the flies it attracts. Don't give me any crappola about what you are doing or have done with your life. It doesn't matter at all in the scheme of things in the universe.


28 Dec 03 - 02:04 PM (#1081016)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Thanks guest 01:37pm... and good luck to you, 'cause you're gonna need it... can't rewrite history, bub... ;^) My spelling isn't great, and your sophomoric spelling is y'er elephant in my book... but your intentions speak for themselves, and embody the true spirit of terrorism... yuk...

28 Dec 03 - 02:09 PM (#1081017)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution

"Personally, I'm just hoping for a few good farts......"

I find your insulting, debasing commentary upon Thomas the Rhymer and Ebbie's resolutions disgusting, but predictably par for the course coming from one of the Mudcat elite.

Imagine how little surprised I am at your arrogant pride about being a real jerk.

28 Dec 03 - 02:16 PM (#1081022)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution

Your disingenuous attempts to correlate anon guest posting to terrorism is pretty damn disgusting too, Thomas the Rhymer.

With Democratic supporters making those sorts of over the top comparisons about posters to this forum they dislike, I'm sure the Bush/Cheney campaign is shaking in their boots.

28 Dec 03 - 02:27 PM (#1081033)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: Liz the Squeak

I resolved about 20 years ago never to make New Years' Resolutions. It's the only one I've ever kept.


28 Dec 03 - 02:49 PM (#1081043)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: Kim C

I make resolutions all year long. Sometimes I keeps em, sometimes I don't, and then I have to start over. It's okay.

28 Dec 03 - 02:50 PM (#1081044)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Nice one 'spaw... silent but deadly... yeh... Liz... I'm running about 50-50 to date on mine... I'm gonna keep this one though. Some resolutions are wild wishes blooming on the withered greens of whimsy... not fertile soil for fact loving futures... ttr

28 Dec 03 - 03:04 PM (#1081048)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: Ebbie

Spaw, in keeping with your views, consider that we human beings may be dwelling in a giant (to us) antfarm! As one goldfish said to the other: Of course there's a god! Who do you think changes our water?

On that depressing note I will subside.

29 Dec 03 - 02:38 AM (#1081354)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: Thomas the Rhymer

No subsisions please! So what are your 'uplifting' Resolutions?

29 Dec 03 - 02:40 AM (#1081357)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

i aready made a thred about this, wrre my thread gone/

29 Dec 03 - 02:47 AM (#1081359)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

heloo, weres my new yeear thread gone./

29 Dec 03 - 06:09 AM (#1081403)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: catspaw49

I do so want to please our Guest and let them know I find TtR's and Ebbie's resolve in itself to be inspiring. Since I can't control the gas and I freely admit to being one of the Mudcat Elite, an arrogant, conceited, prima donna of the first order, I wanted to offer something to show my sincerity in my desire to change.

Therefore I decided to look into Cuss Control. I saw this on the local news and after giving it due consideration, I have been forced to decide it is not for me as I know myself well and after getting only halfway through the program, I will inevitably say "Fockit."

Spaw....Elitist Member of the Mudcat Inner Circle
Prostetnic Leader of the Gang of 12(00)

29 Dec 03 - 08:49 AM (#1081453)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: Rapparee

I will make my cussing more creative, and not waste my invective on the undeserving.

Rapaire (recently someone else, but who Returned)
Not very elite, but recently labeled "silly" by knowledgable 3 year olds

29 Dec 03 - 12:58 PM (#1081605)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Thanks 'spaw... I am feeling so blessed by your kindness... imagine... one of the 'elite'... decending to actually acknowledging this thread's existance...

Yeh, right... it has been asserted by some that I am ten times the 'prima donna' you are... so... if you'd like some lessons, send me a PM.

Funny that... I DO have a cursing problem...

29 Dec 03 - 02:31 PM (#1081677)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution


Kendall helped me put together my new desk - an ell shaped affair with multiple shelves.I had visions of him going into an apoplectic fit and me getting blamed for it. My cats heard some new words that day.
So my resolution is not to buy any more furniture kits. If it doesn't arrive assembled or with an assembler, I don't need it. (Captain M also put together legal bookcases and an assortment of other odd items but the desk took the cake. It almost went flying out the window with me not far behind)

29 Dec 03 - 03:00 PM (#1081703)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: wysiwyg

Finally-- This is MY year to UNDERACHIEVE!

(Thanks to Mudcatter Booster Terrik for the URL)

29 Dec 03 - 03:09 PM (#1081711)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: Ed.


We've had a few disgreements, let us both 'underachieve'?


29 Dec 03 - 03:21 PM (#1081719)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: mack/misophist

Dear Guest:

Your vocabulary is very nice; well above par. Every one has at least one good quality.

29 Dec 03 - 03:23 PM (#1081721)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: mack/misophist

Thomas the Rhymer:

We will never be rid of the shrub if we limit ourselver to ethical and legal; the republicans don't. For now, let's just try for legal.

29 Dec 03 - 03:28 PM (#1081723)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: GUEST,Martin Gibson

I am definately not one of the Mudcat's inner elite circle, nor do I aspire to be.

I am curious though. How many of you who consider yourselves to be, real fat and obese?

29 Dec 03 - 03:32 PM (#1081727)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: wysiwyg

Ed, I think I never understand you nor you me, but in the hope I have understood you aright this time, yes-- OK. We can check back next year and see what was the result, eh?


29 Dec 03 - 08:44 PM (#1081990)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Miso... yeh... they do fight dirty don't they...

They will probably start shouting 'unfair' from the rooftops when we start digging into the facts... which they have classified as 'top secret'... Those boys are sitting on the powder keg that will blow them out of office... metaphoricly speaking... and I'm sure we can uncover enough to find the fuse...

If we don't fight fair... they will beat us... it's their game.

29 Dec 03 - 09:01 PM (#1081997)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: Big Mick

As one of the Mudcat Elite, and much more importantly, as one of the founding partners in Lane, Fielding, Patterson, and Swan, Layabouts at Large, and for hire, I tire of Janet Ryan posting as though she is numerous people and then chastising us elite's for our manipulative ways. We ain't manipulative......and we ain't arrogant....we'ns are jess poor folk who wish we was as good as JR.

I have told you before, Ryan, and I will tell you again. Your pontification without action smells worse than Spaw's farts. I will take his over yours anyday.

Thomas, I apologize for that short hijack. I applaud your resolution and resolve to do the same. Working folks in this country can't take much more of this "prosperity and recovery".

Thanks for starting this.


29 Dec 03 - 11:06 PM (#1082088)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: GUEST,Janet Ryan posting

BRAVO! Big Mick got a STORMTROOPER COSTUME for Christmas.

The world truly needed ANOTHER MUDCAT TEENAGE STATUS REPORT on guests Mudcatters love to hate.

clap, clap.

29 Dec 03 - 11:37 PM (#1082111)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: Jeri

Can I be Poland again?

Nobody in my family ever made New Year's resolutions, When I heard someone else use the term, my parents explained. It sounded to me like folks had a special day to decide to do things they could have done anytime. I guess I'll do more music, write more songs, try to be a better person, and try to stay out of ruts.

29 Dec 03 - 11:57 PM (#1082118)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: Mickey191

ttr-Now there are two Micks on your team with one ambition. That is to send (P)resident George Bush back to Texas. I'm trying to spread the word about the erosion of our rights, the plan to eventually eliminate the middle class, the chaotic healthcare system, and all the other unfair & illegal actions taken by Bush to beat us down & demoralize us. Maybe we can't do it-but we've got to try.

Problem is that people don't want to hear or think for themselves.

A Question: How is the identity of the guest known?

30 Dec 03 - 12:07 AM (#1082122)
Subject: RE: BS: A New Year's Resolution
From: GUEST,Janet Ryan posting

An Answer: The Collective Conscious of the Mudcat membership 'just knows'.

Mudcat cognitive dissonance--WE JUST DON'T GET IT.