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BS: Democrat Candidates RADIO Debate

07 Jan 04 - 10:50 AM (#1087974)
Subject: BS: Democrat Candidates RADIO Debate
From: Mrrzy

Anybody else listen to the radio-only, no still photos, no TV cameras, no audience debate between the dems? What did you think, both of the content and the medium? I ask this audience in particular as being musically inclined, we may react differently to the audio medium than your Person In The Street, assuming said person has access to a radio in their street...

07 Jan 04 - 11:14 AM (#1087982)
Subject: RE: BS: Democrat Candidates RADIO Debate
From: Mrrzy

Found the transcript of the debate, if you want to check it out.

07 Jan 04 - 02:48 PM (#1088090)
Subject: RE: BS: Democrat Candidates RADIO Debate
From: GUEST,guest From NW

i heard it and liked it. i enjoy hearing the voices without the visual distraction and for some reason the candidates all seemed less contentious and addressed the issues much more directly than i'd heard before. the questioners did a good job also in keeping the responses around the time limit, deflecting the inevitable launches into stump speeches, and not asking self-serving queries like the gasbag mr. koppel.

07 Jan 04 - 02:50 PM (#1088093)
Subject: RE: BS: Democrat Candidates RADIO Debate
From: GUEST,Johnny in OKC

Start to finish. Didn't hear anything new.
Still planning to vote for Howard Dean in
hopes that he can win over GWB.

Love, Johnny

07 Jan 04 - 02:52 PM (#1088096)
Subject: RE: BS: Democrat Candidates RADIO Debate
From: Janie

I listened to most of it. Had some trouble keeping track of who was speaking. Janie

07 Jan 04 - 05:23 PM (#1088230)
Subject: RE: BS: Democrat Candidates RADIO Debate
From: Walking Eagle

I listened as well. I liked it. Not much new except that I felt that Carol Moseley-Braun had far more passion than the others. When she had a chance to speak, that is.

07 Jan 04 - 05:25 PM (#1088236)
Subject: RE: BS: Democrat Candidates RADIO Debate
From: Bobert

Yeah, I listened to it and enjoyed the responses. I'm glad it wasn't televised. The folks seems at ease and there wasn't as much in-fighting. I thought Dennis Kucinich and Ms. Braum, the two least electable of those participating, made statements that I most agreed with and....

like I have said before, I'll shed my Green coat this time around and work for whomever the Dem's pick, but I think a Dean/Clark ticket has the best chance of dethrowning King George. Yeah, I know Clark says he won't run with Dean but Dean is gonna need him... So I'm looking fir a big "Draft Clark" movement at the convention.

Sorry that Al Sharpton didn't participate. He is a hoot. If I were Dean I'd be sure to woo the Reverand and try to find a place for him in an incoming Dem administration...


07 Jan 04 - 09:32 PM (#1088424)
Subject: RE: BS: Democrat Candidates RADIO Debate
From: Walking Eagle

I know what you mean Bobert. My green stuff is coming off as well and I'm going to put my shoulder to the harness and work here in my state for whoevvah. At least I can say that I contributed if all is for naught, and that means something to me. But, I think there is a fairly good chance that there will have been some shrubbery removal done at the Whitehouse come this time next year!

08 Jan 04 - 07:55 PM (#1089084)
Subject: RE: BS: Democrat Candidates RADIO Debate
From: Barry Finn

I'd have to agree with Bobert's "Dennis Kucinich and Ms. Braum, the two least electable of those participating, made statements that I most agreed with". You're right about Al too. If Dean's the man should find a place for Al Sharpton along with Kucinich & Braum. I'd say out of all the runners that these 3 are more honest, pull no punches & have the American people closest to their heart. I'd even perfere to see any 2 of these 3 get the nomination but I don't believe they'd stand a snowball's chance in hell of coming even close. If Dean were to choose one of them as a running mate I believe it would cut his chances in half.   


08 Jan 04 - 08:38 PM (#1089110)
Subject: RE: BS: Democrat Candidates RADIO Debate
From: mg

I heard it..was quite impressed with Braum..I already like Kerry and Lieberman and the one I always forget his name...blond..Gephardt...I fear Clark because he seems to be a placeholder for the Clintons...I think I would like to see Kerry and Braum together...I think could probably put together a good health care plan....ABH. mg

09 Jan 04 - 12:54 PM (#1089511)
Subject: RE: BS: Democrat Candidates RADIO Debate
From: GUEST,Johnny in OKC

Now I'm confused. Is it "Carol Moseley-Braun"
or Braum, or Brown. Browne? Carole? And what's
with the hyphen?

Actually I like her a lot, but I don't think
the country is ready for her.

Love, Johnny

09 Jan 04 - 01:03 PM (#1089521)
Subject: RE: BS: Democrat Candidates RADIO Debate
From: PoppaGator

Has anyone heard that Kucinich brought a visual aid (pie-chart) for use on this audio-only broadcast?

It's probably not terribly serious, but could be interpreted to indicate a lack of attention to detail -- and it's funny enough to get a lot of attention.

09 Jan 04 - 01:13 PM (#1089530)
Subject: RE: BS: Democrat Candidates RADIO Debate
From: Peg

I listened to it. I thought Kerry sounded the most articulate. Lieberman came off well, but I do not agree with much of the content of what he had to say...

09 Jan 04 - 07:42 PM (#1089774)
Subject: RE: BS: Democrat Candidates RADIO Debate
From: Bobert


Dennis jus' likes to kick butt, even if the only folks whose butts would be kicked were those in the studio. I love it but not enough to peal the Dean sticker off the back of my beat up Toyota. Now Dean/Kucinich? I could live with that. It's important that even if the election is lost that the ideas get framed correctly so that in '08, should Bush no be able to manipulate martial law and call '08 off, the issues will have had time to sink into the minds of Americans who, by '08, will have it figured out that unless they're in the upper 2%, they are hopelessly screwed...

And, mary garvey, I'm impressed that you are starting to see that life under the Bushites is not going to help working Americans with real life issues, like health care.


10 Jan 04 - 02:00 AM (#1089841)
Subject: RE: BS: Democrat Candidates RADIO Debate
From: mg

listen up....and listen well ..I have never been against any sort of social programs, including a good health care program. I am for a strong national defense. The two are not mutually exclusive. You are making me very angry and I am trying not to use bad words. mg