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19 Sep 98 - 05:44 PM (#38643)
Subject: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: Chet W.

Just heard this morning on the radio while errand-running something that pleased me greatly. I hope it's a trend; I know it had nothing to do with me, or with enlightenment in general. It was this: One of the prominent dance clubs in town frequented by college students (not by me) announced that they have a new policy, "NO MORE RAP". Maybe God intends to save us all anyway.

Hopefully, Chet W.

20 Sep 98 - 02:08 AM (#38685)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: kevin ryan

Chet W., This may, or may not, be in keeping with your thread, but an English television crew is visiting our way (Southwest Virginia), getting their logistics to- gether in anticipation of doing a special on a local barber shop where folks gather to play music (mostly bluegrass). According to the director, acoustic and roots music is on the rise WORLDWIDE. The more of that, the less (c)rap we'll all have to listen to. Let's hope it is indeed a major trend!

20 Sep 98 - 11:45 AM (#38715)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: Chet W.

Good, good news.

20 Sep 98 - 05:45 PM (#38737)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: Tim Jaques

Every dog, or devil, has its day. I would be very happy to hear that rap and hip-hop are to be banished to the dustheap of history. I was just remarking last weekend, while being tortured in a pub wherein a DJ was playing hip-hop, that I was wrong twenty years ago to say that disco was the worst music ever invented.

Now, if we could only drive a stake into the heart of techno and industrial. The latter is well-named, since five minutes of it reminds me of midnight shifts at the paper mill amidst clanking and whining machinery. I understand that is the entire point of the genre. The only thing missing is the unholy smell, a mixture of steamed wood pulp, rotting bark, spruce sap, and hot oil. (Most bars can do pretty well in the unholy smell department, though. The concept that cleanliness is next to godliness has not occurred to many pub owners.)

I wonder why people would listen to "music" that is basically a computerized copy of factory sounds. Is it because they have never worked in a factory, and want to simulate the experience? It seems to be mostly middle class college kids too -- the kids who actually work in factories listen to mainstream rock and roll, country music, and sometimes even celtic music or blues when there is beer and chicken wings involved.

22 Sep 98 - 01:05 AM (#38919)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: Frank in the swamps

Hello Mudcat pals, I've been shut out half the summer because my computer got toasted by lightning and stubbornly refused to be rebuilt. My computer guru and I were also taking vacation time, at different times, so downtime galore was my mantra. Having followed some of the threads from work, I know I've missed out on some interesting discussion. I'm not going to come in this late and rehash anything, I'm just going to draw your attention to something that might be of interest, considering the origin of this thread. Someone (Joe Offer I believe) added The On-Line Books Page to the Mudcat links. On-Line books is a wonderful project, worthy of the Digital Tradition, They recently added a book called

.......I.W.W. Songs to fan the Flames of Discontent. By Joe Hill.

And for those naysayers who think that our rants aren't going to change anything, I'll admit that since our discussion about objectionable material, I've given serious thought to my whole stance on freedom of speech/artistic license, and have recognized that I can't just conveniently park my ass on one side of an imaginary fence and ignore the concerns of people on the other side. Ok, I'm just one insignificant guy in a big crowd, and I'm not changing the world, I'm not even changing my opinion, but I'm LISTENING to the other guy. Hang in there Chet, I may strap on the gloves and go a few rounds with you in the future, but I'll darn sure pick my fight more carefully.

Frank I.T.S.

22 Sep 98 - 02:40 AM (#38938)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: BSeed

I know what you mean, Frank. I came out of that one bruised and battered, too. --seed

22 Sep 98 - 05:33 PM (#39007)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: Chet W.

Just wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoy our debates/discussions. We can disagree and still be friends, right? This is a vanishing art in our time.

Chet W.

22 Sep 98 - 09:07 PM (#39035)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: Pete M

I totally agree Chet. Welcome back Frank, I was wondering where you'd gone. May the lightning not strike twice in the same place.

Pete M

23 Sep 98 - 12:24 AM (#39052)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: BSeed

Okay. So what'll we have our bloodless war over next? --seed

23 Sep 98 - 09:21 AM (#39091)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: Big Mick

Ya know lads, I have been watching this thread since its first incarnation, two generations ago. Ya want hope, I'll give it to you. Just go back and read this thing from the beginning. I jumped in on the first one, and have stayed out since, preferring to listen to you all struggle with these issues. You are a caring, questioning lot of Bards struggling with issues that more people ought to be struggling with. I have watched you go from respectful exchange of views/opinions to outright fisticuffs and back again. And why? It seems to me that it is because you choose not to just lay back and say what will be will be. Instead you choose to debate it, beat it, struggle with it, and try to make it better. And you make the world better, even it just a little. A friend of mine was at breakfast in a B & B in Galway. The proprietor inquired what the lads had done the night before. My friend replied that they had been sitting around trying to solve the problems of the world. The proprietor replied, "I thought I noticed a difference this morning".

After reading through these threads, Ya know, I think I feel a difference.


23 Sep 98 - 08:59 PM (#39151)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: Chet W.

Heartfelt thanks, Mick.

23 Sep 98 - 09:09 PM (#39156)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: BSeed

And mine, too, Mick. --seed

And--by the way--Friday night in Berkeley I went to hear Jim Hightower, bought his book (There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos), and got him to sign it. At the end of the question and answer session I took the mike to thank the State of Texas for sending us him, Molly Ivins, and the Austin Lounge Lizards.

His radio program, "Chat and Chew with Jim Hightower," isn't on any of our local stations, but is available on The guy makes all kinds of sense, and is funny as hell.

23 Sep 98 - 11:01 PM (#39170)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: Big Mick

He is great, isn't he? I met him, had about 20 minutes of conversation and then listened to him do his thing for 45 minutes on stage. I laughed for most of that time. But he raises great issues while he is doing it.

All the best,


24 Sep 98 - 10:12 PM (#39290)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: northfolk

Jim Hightower has addressed two of my unions national conventions, and I would submit that his capacity to tell a story and send a message that resonates with honest hardworking people is not much different than the effect music has on many of us. Hightower has changed things in the past, and his message will be a useful tool to lead some folks to whatever the future becomes. My Party"s slogan is, "THE BEST WAY TO PREDICT THE FUTURE, IS TO CREATE IT!"

25 Sep 98 - 03:14 AM (#39318)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: BSeed

I dunno, Northfolk, I think there are a lot of songs in Hightower's message (how about Best Foods' bland jalapeno [I can't squiggle] peppers? If you've read ...Dead Armadillos you'll get the reference. --seed

25 Sep 98 - 10:55 PM (#39426)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: northfolk

seed, It may be painfully obvious, but its been well over a year since I've read ARMADILLOs and I loaned my copy to a friend...I'm missing the reference. Hightower is a great social satirist. He has been an effective political organizer. I disagree with him on the issue of rehabilitating the Dem's, but appreciate his willingness to openly discuss and support the Labor Party, and other third party efforts. No matter what else he says and does, I hope we can agree, there are hogs in the stream, and it ain't work for the faint of heart, to push 'em out.

26 Sep 98 - 03:29 AM (#39451)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: BSeed

There's a song for you, Northfolk. --seed

26 Sep 98 - 11:59 PM (#39573)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: Chet W.

I am truly sorry that I ever started this thread.

Chet W.

27 Sep 98 - 03:35 AM (#39601)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: BSeed

Chet, this time I really don't understand. I know the thread wandered a bit, but it never got nasty like the Bob Dylan one. --seed

27 Sep 98 - 11:47 AM (#39622)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: Chet W.

Seed, I guess the thing is after being involved in these things and reading the "thread courtesy" thread in which mending seemed to be occurring, I still don't know who was offended by what. On the Dylan thread for example, I made a flippant reply to what I thought was a joke to begin with, some guy calls me nasty names, and now he's a peacemaker on the "courtesy" thread. Maybe some people think that I was provocative for even replying, I just don't know. As for this thread, maybe people are tired of hearing about this subject. I just have to think about it and decide whether to get into debates or controversy here at all. This is still a wonderful place to exchange information, and I'll continue to do that for sure. Thank you for your thoughtful input and replies.

Chet W.

27 Sep 98 - 04:11 PM (#39655)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: Tim Jaques

Who is being offensive or being offended in this thread? I am mystified.

I like that quote about the hogs. Is that from a song, or is it a folk saying from the south? I am getting involved in a few issues locally, and there are a few muddy hogs to which I shall soon have to put my shoulder. Some of these hogs have been wallowing for too long, and I expect a few nips when it comes time to move them.:)

27 Sep 98 - 05:17 PM (#39663)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: Pete M


Please don't get despondent, like you, I am still mystified by some of the recent kerfuful and can't work out what some people got offended at or why. Having said that, I'd better add to my knowledge (ie the way I have read your posts) you have never said anything here that was intended to cause distress, or to attack a person rather than their ideas. I am sure I speak for everyone when I say that we value your conributions and knowledge far too much to loose your input to the more philosophical debates.

Pete M

27 Sep 98 - 06:16 PM (#39672)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: Chet W.

Thanks, Pete.

27 Sep 98 - 06:17 PM (#39673)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: Chet W.

Thanks, Pete.

27 Sep 98 - 08:17 PM (#39688)
Subject: RE: Good News: RE: COURAGE II
From: BSeed

Chet: I got the same feelings at about that time, but I thought things were getting worked out. It was in this thread that I was most puzzled by your post. I never felt the same kinds of anger here. seed