04 Feb 04 - 02:10 PM (#1109324) Subject: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Rasener I have just joined and am rather interested in where you all come from. Just Country and County. I am living in Lincolnshire in England |
04 Feb 04 - 02:12 PM (#1109328) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Rapparee Bannock, Idaho, USA. Shouldn't this be below the line? |
04 Feb 04 - 02:14 PM (#1109329) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Oaklet I am living in North Lincolnshire in England but most of the others are living in Hull. Or America. Welcome Villan. |
04 Feb 04 - 02:15 PM (#1109330) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Big Mick Read this thread. And welcome to the Mudcat. Glad you are here. All the best, Mick |
04 Feb 04 - 02:16 PM (#1109331) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: MudGuard Mudcatter Locator |
04 Feb 04 - 02:19 PM (#1109334) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Allan C. If you click here you will see the Mudcat Locator, which, if it were a bit more updated by some of our members, would tell you where a lot of us are now. Oops! I just realized that my own listing is wrong! I am now in Dallas, Texas, USA. |
04 Feb 04 - 02:21 PM (#1109337) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Leadfingers This gives me an excuse to get on my Hobby Horse about Members Profiles. If we all put profiles up it would be so much easier sorting who is what and where. Anyway welcome to the Cat Villan - I am West London UK , Villan , |
04 Feb 04 - 02:22 PM (#1109342) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Eugene Judge As long as you are not from the Inland Revenue or some other collection agency I'll admit to being in Derbyshire! |
04 Feb 04 - 02:23 PM (#1109343) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Oaklet Hi Lead. As you know, if I put my profile up, I'd be arrested. |
04 Feb 04 - 02:23 PM (#1109344) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Rasener Okey Dokey I will look on the Mudcat Locator. :-) I was a bit confused because I have seen a few posts and they all appear to be from United kingdom. Is this an American Website? |
04 Feb 04 - 02:23 PM (#1109345) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Rapparee Don't forget the Ozites! Or Escamillo. Or the Canadians. Or the Irish. Or the Scots. Or Skarpi. Hey, this ain't just Brits and Americans! Welcome, Villan, to the nuthouse. |
04 Feb 04 - 02:24 PM (#1109347) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Allan C. I see you beat me to it, MG. Great minds and all that rubbish.... |
04 Feb 04 - 02:26 PM (#1109348) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Rasener Eugene Judge You can rest assured I am not from the inland revenue or any other such organisation. :-) |
04 Feb 04 - 02:30 PM (#1109350) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: MudGuard >> Is this an American Website? I think, Max (the God of Mudcat) allows everyone in - wherever he/she comes from. Even me (from Germany). The server is located in the US, but the postings come from around the world (at least from around the earth - so far no extraterrestrians...) |
04 Feb 04 - 02:30 PM (#1109351) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Rasener Ho Hum. off to the Mudcat locator. See you all when I re-surface. :-) |
04 Feb 04 - 02:31 PM (#1109355) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Jeanie I live in Essex, England - an often misunderstood and maligned county ! Tons of information on the Real Essex here: realessex.co.uk/ Ooh, and Welcome, Villan. - jeanie |
04 Feb 04 - 02:46 PM (#1109362) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: GUEST,MMario I believe we have members (at least temporarily) from every continent. And most major islands. *grin* |
04 Feb 04 - 03:21 PM (#1109386) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Bill D Villan..Mudcat and the database originated and developed on the east coast of the US,(the 'server' is in eastern Pennsylvania) but it didn't take long before it was world-wide, and there is an amazing bit of cross-cultural meeting happening now. A lot of the UK folk 'indulge' in both the chat room and banter on the threads, it seems...partially because they know each other RT. |
04 Feb 04 - 03:57 PM (#1109416) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: open mike Another international site which many mudcats find their way to is www.paltalk.com We conduct "jams" there in the "music rooms" and if you have a microphone and speakers you can "chime in" if so inclined. Amazing use of technology! A room I often host there in the music area is "Mudcat Live Acoustic Jam" which is often populated by a lively mix of musical characters from all over the globe. You might hve better luck finding us if you click on "Adult" . I plan to open that room on Thursday night, as I often do. Look for announcements in the forum. |
04 Feb 04 - 05:13 PM (#1109455) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Joybell Welcome The Villan, I'm from Victoria, Australia. You'll probably have seen me in the locator by now, but it's a good chance to welcome you. Joy |
04 Feb 04 - 06:40 PM (#1109528) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Gareth Typical ! Wales is ignorred !! Gareth |
04 Feb 04 - 07:25 PM (#1109563) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Rapparee No ETs? Have you forgotten freds? Or the Galactic Overlord/Overload? |
04 Feb 04 - 07:26 PM (#1109564) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Rapparee Come to think of it, Loooooooooooooooooooong John Sliver isn't even alive. |
04 Feb 04 - 07:46 PM (#1109580) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: katlaughing Oh, yeah, we have a few folk from Whales, too.**bg** Welcome to the Mudcat, Villan! kat, Colorado, late of Wyoming |
04 Feb 04 - 08:01 PM (#1109602) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Teresa I'm in the San francisco bay Area, California, USA, soon to move to Las Vegas, although some in 'Ull are encouraging me to move there instead. I'll post a profile after I move to las Vegas in a few months. :) Teresa |
04 Feb 04 - 08:01 PM (#1109604) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Don Firth Seattle, King County, Washington State (that's the State, as opposed to Washington. D.C., the city, where all those weird politicians hang out). LOcated in the upper left corner of the United States (not counting Alaska, which is a state, but not contiguous). Don Firth |
04 Feb 04 - 08:04 PM (#1109606) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: CarolC Welcome to the Mudcat, Villan. I'm from the US (Rhode Island, originally). My husband, Jack the Sailor, is from Newfoundland, Canada. We now live in Alabama (US) but that could change at any time. The Mudcat locator says I'm in West Virginia, and I need to change that, but I think I'll wait until I think I'll be somewhere long enough to make it worthwhile. |
04 Feb 04 - 08:04 PM (#1109607) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Liz the Squeak Eugene Judge - I AM from the Inland Revenue so be warned!!! The mix is pretty eclectic here, majority tend to be USE/UK but we have practically every country represented here except possibly Mongolia and Uzbeckestan. LTS |
04 Feb 04 - 08:40 PM (#1109625) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Padre Botetourt County, Virginia |
04 Feb 04 - 11:55 PM (#1109708) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Stilly River Sage Born and raised in Washington State, as described above by Don Firth, though for many years now (due to a move with the now-ex) I've been Under the other "X" in Texas. Except that it is awfully tempting to describe any of we residents of the U.S. as from the "Country to End All Countries" (if Dubya doesn't get his grubby hands off of the trigger!) SRS |
05 Feb 04 - 01:46 AM (#1109742) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: dianavan Born in the U.S.A. Live in Vancouver, British Columbia but my heart is on Lasqueti Island. By the way...that other post about what you look like ... ? The description of myself was a joke but I haven't figured out the usage of the funny little marks that lets everyone know you're kidding. Obviously I haven't figured out alot of things (especially about discussion forums). Be patient with me. I have noticed that nobody answered the question about age. My guess is an average age of over 40. Myself 56 going on 14! Which is a bonus. I thought I was 57. Its a good thing to get at least a year younger on your birthday. d |
05 Feb 04 - 02:12 AM (#1109749) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: dianavan Sorry, I was referring to impressions of you not what do you look like. d |
05 Feb 04 - 02:42 AM (#1109756) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: jacqui c Hertford - Hertfordshire. Mudguard - are you sure about no extra-terrestrials? What about j9hn -surely he's not of this planet? |
05 Feb 04 - 03:30 AM (#1109764) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: fat B****rd Born and raised in Cleethorpes when it was in Lincolnshire. Now resident in County Durham. Welcome. |
05 Feb 04 - 04:09 AM (#1109773) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Little Robyn I'm a kiwi - from Hawke's Bay in New Zealand. I just checked the locator. It only has Sam and me. What about Gurney and Jacko and a few others. Robyn |
05 Feb 04 - 08:45 AM (#1109888) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: GUEST,Sooz(at work) I'm also Lincolnshire UK and visit many folk clubs in the county (although mainly our own here in Gainsborough.) Where exactly are you - are we likely to bump into you anywhere? |
05 Feb 04 - 08:50 AM (#1109895) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: MudGuard Ok, Jacqui, I correct what I said above: noone here (to my knowledge) has yet admitted being extraterrestrian... ;-) Gareth, what is this "Wales" thing you are talking about? Never heard of it... ;-) |
05 Feb 04 - 08:52 AM (#1109896) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Sandra in Sydney born & bred in Sydney, Oz - bred in the western suburbs of Sydney, now living next to the CBD in the eastern suburbs, about half a kilometre from the famous harbour |
05 Feb 04 - 09:13 AM (#1109910) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: John MacKenzie Lairg, Sutherland, in the highlands of Scotland. John |
05 Feb 04 - 10:18 AM (#1109951) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Gern and some of us are from the US too. I'm in St. Petersburg, Florida, where I just got back from a long kayak paddle and think I might just sit out by the pool. Sorry... |
05 Feb 04 - 10:21 AM (#1109953) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: freda underhill born in Melbourne, moved around Australia, & have lived in Erskineville (Erko), inner Sydney off n on since mid 70s. freda |
05 Feb 04 - 10:30 AM (#1109955) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Bobjack Hiya villan, I am a Guinea Pig and I live in a splendid outdoor cage in Hull.There are tons of mudcat members of varying species in Hull. |
05 Feb 04 - 10:52 AM (#1109973) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: JennyO I'm an Aussie born and bred - always lived somewhere in NSW. Born in Parkes, spent my childhood in Goulburn, then moved to Sydney so my parents could send me to a prestigious high school, which I hated. Then got married, lived in various places on the Central Coast, then a year in Kempsey (which was one year too long), then back to Sydney. For the last 25 years I lived in the Ryde/Gladesville area, and am now in the Inner West, in Earlwood. |
05 Feb 04 - 10:03 PM (#1110404) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: GUEST,Strick I'm from the County Taylor in the west of Texas. |
05 Feb 04 - 10:05 PM (#1110405) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Strick This thing's always eating my cookie. |
05 Feb 04 - 10:16 PM (#1110415) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: magician Gillie and I are in Guisborough, North Yokshire. Yor next best move is to come to our gathering next weekend to meet loads of Cats. Not far from Lincolnshire in this balmy weather. |
05 Feb 04 - 10:34 PM (#1110426) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: artbrooks Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, USA |
05 Feb 04 - 10:55 PM (#1110438) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Allan C. In answer to Little Robyn's question as to why certain 'Catters aren't listed where they should be: Entries for the Locator can only be initiated by the individual Mudcatter, themselves. Otherwise this fun-loving lot would have Little Robyn living on Kwajalein or some such place. |
05 Feb 04 - 10:58 PM (#1110441) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: artbrooks Allan, is that also a "send the info to Pene Azul" or else how do you do it? |
06 Feb 04 - 08:26 AM (#1110667) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: bbc Yes, art, send a message to Pene Azul (aka Jeff) to add or correct personal info. People, check your info periodically. If you change location, email address, etc., & don't correct, the info becomes pretty useless. Thanks, Barbara |
06 Feb 04 - 11:34 AM (#1110786) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: CarolC The Villan, many of us in the US who posted here put the state we live in but not the county. I didn't notice the part where you asked for the county until after I posted. We've only got 50 states, but we have literally hundreds of counties. I live in Russell County in Alabama, USA. |
06 Feb 04 - 04:46 PM (#1110968) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Rasener Blimey what a mix. I am living in Market Rasen - my wife is 46 and Dutch, my daughters are 8 (she is Autistic) and 12. I am 58 born in Birmingham and yes a dad (my own efforts in case you might be wondering LOL) at 50, so I hold a proud record there. My parents are still alive and in a care home in Lincoln. All in all this prevents me from going out to see Folk music although I love it. Just too many other commitments. I have to say that my wife and children love eating Kiwi's :-), but they don't like Folk music (such a shame) Cleethorpes - that's our quick visit to the seaside job to keep the kids happy. Gainsborough - my brother lives in Lea so I go to Gainsborough reasonably often. As for Wales - they always get overlooked (Ah). The Gower Peninsula is one of my favourite areas. Time to stop. Thanks for messages. :-) |
06 Feb 04 - 07:51 PM (#1111077) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: GUEST,Manfred the Martian I am from Mars, please come and get your damn toys out of my yard. Thank you very much. Gleebx |
07 Feb 04 - 06:59 PM (#1111581) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Jimmy C Originally from Belfast, Ireland but now residing in Whitby, Ontario, Canada |
07 Feb 04 - 07:01 PM (#1111582) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Jimmy C Sorry, I shoud have asked this in my last posting. How does one go about getting their information on the Locator, with photos etc. ????? |
07 Feb 04 - 07:04 PM (#1111583) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: MudGuard Send an email to Jeff (Pene Azul)... As you can read here |
09 Feb 04 - 08:15 AM (#1112430) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: GUEST Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia |
09 Feb 04 - 01:32 PM (#1112669) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: John MacKenzie In the town of Lunenberg down Nova Scotia way. G'day Bluenose.....John |
09 Feb 04 - 02:03 PM (#1112689) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: GUEST Hi John, I am not sure what your post means, does it mean that you come From Lunenburg county as well ? |
09 Feb 04 - 04:08 PM (#1112773) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Alaska Mike I live in Anchorage, Alaska. The largest of the United States as well as the furthest north. We don't have counties in Alaska. Some of the state is divided into "boroughs" and there are some incorporated cities and towns, but most of the state is independent of local governments. Alaska has more powerful earthquakes than California (and more often), more active volcanos than Hawaii, more lakes than Minnesota (over 3 million), and more coastline than all the rest of the United States put together. But we only have a bit more than 600,000 people living in the whole state. So there is room for anyone who wants to visit. Camai, Mike |
10 Jun 04 - 11:25 AM (#1204363) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull I'm from Hull. |
10 Jun 04 - 11:39 AM (#1204374) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: el ted I live 200yards from him. |
10 Jun 04 - 11:57 AM (#1204396) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: GUEST,JOHN FROM ELSIE`S BAND Kemsing, Kent, England. God`s own garden |
11 Jun 04 - 12:01 PM (#1205215) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Blackcatter It's interesting how quickly this thread moved away from the original question of "county & country." Instead, People needed to list their town or city and state or province. I like the concept of counties. To me they are interesting divisions - often times they do have a different feel, both politically and geographically. ---------------- I was born in San Bernardino County, California. The largest county in square miles in the U.S. I have lived in Delta County, Colorado on the sourthern edge of the Grand Mesa, Martin County, Florida with the Atlantic Ocean on the right and the Lake Okeechobee on the left, one of the U.S.'s few counties that can claim major bodies of water on either side. |
11 Jun 04 - 04:21 PM (#1205355) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: John-S Baillieston, Glasgow, Scotland |
12 Jun 04 - 09:32 AM (#1205737) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: GUEST,John O'Lennaine Little Robyn - My wife comes from Hawkes Bay. (Waipawa) Oh, I'm from Sydney originally, now the Blue Mountains, NSW, Oz John |
12 Jun 04 - 10:51 PM (#1206008) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: GUEST,Clint Keller I'm living in Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho, USA. I grew up in Bonners Ferry, Boundary County, Idaho. It's on the Kootenai River, which is 50 miles or so from Kootenai County, but I was born in Shelbina, Shelby County, Missouri, USA. Shelbina is close to Shelbyville, and I've always wondered who Shelby was. Missourians used to be called Pukes, Indianians were Hoosiers and Oklahomans Sooners. And so on. I never heard what they call Idahoans, so I'm only a former Puke. I love names. Indianers? Indianites? clint |
13 Jun 04 - 10:11 PM (#1206561) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Deckman Snohomish County, state of Washington, country of U.S.A., I'm the third house from the corner ... yellow! CHEERS, Bob(deckman)Nelson ((I don't care what my neighbors say ... I'm really a nice guy))! |
14 Jun 04 - 02:06 AM (#1206640) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Blackcatter Gee. Most of my neighbors choose not to speak of me. . . |
14 Jun 04 - 03:59 AM (#1206672) Subject: RE: Which Country /County do you come from? From: Catherine Jayne Originally from North Yorkshire, UK, now live in East London. |