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Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!

18 Feb 04 - 12:58 AM (#1118161)
Subject: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Guest

I found so many references to this subject I couldn't decided which was the most recent so I started a new thread.
I was surfing through the TV channels the other day when I hit on a show called "Mythbusters" on The Discovery Channel. These two guys apply modern engineering to try to prove/disprove many Urban Legends and Myths (such as the "sick note" and "dying by peeing on the third rail of an electric rail line").
This show, they were trying to recreate the circumstances described in "The Sick Note" with a wooden barrel, a skid load of bricks, a 30' high scaffolding, a pulley wheel, a rope and (as the unfortunate bricklayer) a used "Crash-test" dummy. To ensure safety, remote release mechanisms were used to "untie " the rope to start with and "let go" the rope at the end.
After several uncuccessful attempts (the barrel was very strong and didn't break the first time to release the bricks & the combined weight of the dummy, barrel and bricks bent the support pole), they were able to achieve all three barrel movements, hit the dummy going up and coming down and finally beat up the dummy quite badly by dropping the remains of the empty barrel on it.
They declared the myth "Proved". They seemed to be having a good time in the process. It looked to me like the ultimate "Guy" job!

18 Feb 04 - 01:10 AM (#1118164)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: katlaughing

We missed that one, darn it!!

18 Feb 04 - 02:32 AM (#1118171)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Dead Horse

And the "Electrifying Experience"?????
Just in case I get caught short, you understand.

18 Feb 04 - 02:44 AM (#1118172)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Blackcatter

Not exactly a hard thing to figure being possible. Simple physics - we worked on such circumstances in 11th grade physics class. Years ago I could have computed the speed, force, etc.   In fact, it's the continuing to hold on that would be the hard part. Also, everytime I've heard the song (and the way I sing it) is that it's 14 floors, not 30 feet. That'd might just change the speed a bit - especially upon hitting the ground.

The Mythbuster segment that was the scaryest was the one where poopy seeds actually do produce false positives on opiate drug tests.

18 Feb 04 - 03:52 AM (#1118191)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Seamus Kennedy

Pat Cooksey, the writer of the song will be delighted to hear this, I'm sure!


18 Feb 04 - 04:54 AM (#1118226)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Dave Hanson

You think Pat didn't already know?

18 Feb 04 - 06:04 AM (#1118265)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Brian Hoskin


I don't pretend to know much about physics, but I thought that the distance an item falls makes no difference to its speed; whether it falls 14 floors or 30 feet the force of gravity remains the same.

(waiting for his ignorance to be pointed out and corrected)

18 Feb 04 - 06:14 AM (#1118266)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: The Fooles Troupe

Gravity accelerates an object. Air resistance slows it down. When the two effects balance out, you reach terminal velocity for that object dropped from that height.

Gravity acts on a feather and an iron cannon ball the same. Because of their difference of surface area ratio to weight (partly density but more than just that), these two objects have different terminal velicities.

One pound (or kilo - depending on where you live) MASS of both objects would reach the same velocity if subjected to the acceleration of earth's gravity in a vacuum.

An object that is attracted into the earth's gravity well, will have a maximimum theoretical terminal velocity (which is beyond me at the moment, but someone here will surely tell us!), which is modified by the above concepts discussed.


18 Feb 04 - 06:51 AM (#1118282)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Dave Bryant

Brian - once an object reaches terminal velocity it's velocity remains basically the same. Before that point, however, it is still acelerating, so the height it is dropped from does make a difference - otherwise you'd kill yourself jumping off a chair.

I'd also like to know what the result was about the "peeing on the live rail" question. When I was young, a boy in the neighborhood was reputed to have done himself some severe harm by attempting it, and while it didn't kill him, it was thought to have scuppered his chances of fatherhood. All our parents banned us from playing near the railway line as a result. I'd hate to think what would happen if it was off a bridge onto one of the more modern overhead wires which are a much higher voltage than the third rail. On the other hand we have rigged up induction coil tricks of the same kind at parties and they didn't seem to produce any lasting damage.

18 Feb 04 - 07:03 AM (#1118285)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Brian Hoskin

Some people visit this site to find out about music, with me it's physics!

18 Feb 04 - 07:23 AM (#1118290)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Hugh Jampton

Children peeing on the live rail?? Shocking behaviour!!
When I lived in France there was a kid who could hit the overhead line while standing on the station. He never died from it but did he get invited to all the parties!!

18 Feb 04 - 07:41 AM (#1118294)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Pat Cooksey.

I do indeed have a video from Discovery, prefaced with me singing the
song. It has also been used on German television, naturally I'm
delighted. I am in the middle of a tour here in Germany with Sean Cannon, who made the song famous in Europe with the Dubliners.
Before anyone asks, I don't want to discuss Celtic Music here.

All the best.

18 Feb 04 - 08:58 AM (#1118341)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Jeri

Celtic Music might be a subject for the show, but as nothing explodes, smashes, or burns, it isn't likely they'd do an episode. I'm glad to hear the producers of the show gave you proper credit.

I missed the 'Sick Note' episode, but I'm sure it'll be on again sometime. I rather liked the one about the duck's quack not echoing. (Nothing met a violent end in that one either, but ducks are cute.) And the exploding gas tank episode, in which the Fire Department guys kept backing up farther and farther, and also seemed disappointed when the first efforts failed.

18 Feb 04 - 09:11 AM (#1118352)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,soundcatcher28

I seem to remember from my skydiving days that terminal velocity (for a falling body at least) was 180 miles an hour. Could be that my badly mangled body and shaky memory are a bit innacurate but i do remember you get a hell of a jolt after you pull the ripcord at terminal velocity.

18 Feb 04 - 10:01 AM (#1118388)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Dave Hanson

A falling object falls at 16 feet per second, doubling it speed every 16 feet, so there.

18 Feb 04 - 10:11 AM (#1118395)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Martin Ryan


18 Feb 04 - 10:13 AM (#1118396)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: s&r

Depends on air resistance - 180mph is excessive for a human unless deliberately minimising wind resistance with a Superman dive or similar. We worked it out years ago in physics at 120mph. This gives 135mph example


18 Feb 04 - 10:18 AM (#1118401)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Isaac

The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s/s.
The unit of force is of cause the Newton which believe it or believe it not is approximately equal to the downward force of one Apple in the earths surface gravitational field.


PS Don't waste your time with that Alchemy Bollox it doesn't work.

18 Feb 04 - 10:45 AM (#1118423)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,hugh jampton

You sad bastards !!!!!!! you just have to show of with the why's were's and do you mind if I dont's, dont you? Who is really interested in the mumping of a few middle class pseudo intellectuals?

Cooksey's song is great and meant to be fun,which you lot should try by the way.

Get a grip saddo's

18 Feb 04 - 10:46 AM (#1118425)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: JohnInKansas

It sounds rather like the Discovery item first mentioned might well have had Red Green for a consultant.

For a "human-like" object, skydivers usually assume something on the order of 112 to 120 miles per hour for "terminal velocity" in free fall. This is for the "flat" attitude in which they like to "float" for all those fancy midair maneuvers. By assuming a "longitudinal" dive attitude, a "falling" person can reach something more like 180 to 240 mph, although the maximum freefall velocity a person can reach is not too well documented in sources I've seen.

Re Dave B's query. Pissing on the rail would have much the same effect as simply stepping on the rail. I was present at a "technical presentation" on an uncle's new electric fence, where dad and uncle were trying to convince the kids it wouldn't hurt us if we touched it. Of course, they were watching the little light on the "charger" so they only touched it "between pulses" to demonstrate. Most of the kids caught on before trying it out. Unfortunately, the old farm hound didn't detect the significance of the light and "raised a leg" with rather violent effect. He was, in fact, rather seriously injured (although he did recover).

"Hot wiring the outhouse" (or an "informal relief station") was a common enough happening in the early years of automobiles, when the "vibrator" kind of ignition coils were common, that "pissed on the magneto" was a stock shop term for doing something incredibly stupid.


18 Feb 04 - 10:48 AM (#1118429)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Ivor Bigginin

Shit man !!!!!! those bumptiouse pricks are at it again.

18 Feb 04 - 01:09 PM (#1118528)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Guest

I agree - it is a fun song. And the Mythbuster guys were having a great time testing it.
Their "peeing on the third rail" dummy was created of material to equal the electrical resistance of the human body. They had a lot of problems getting a good ground (earth) - they had to soak the area around the dummy with water. The bladder inside the dummy worked with gravity instead of muscular pressure so they had to increase the diameter of the fluid column to make a continuous stream heavy enough to conduct the current from the third rail. They got it to work, though.
The "terminal velocity" comments were covered on another myth they disproved - that if you fall off a high construction project such as a bridge into water, throwing your hammer into the water before you hit will break the surface tension enough to save you. In several drops from about 200 feet, they managed to rip several limbs off the poor crash-test dummy and only marginallly reduced the G-force from the impact from about 90Gs to 82Gs

18 Feb 04 - 07:20 PM (#1118756)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!

The story goes that Benjamin Franklin was annoyed by drunks from a nearby tavern who pissed against the wall of his house, and solved the problem by coating the wall with foil and connecting a charged Leyden jar between foil & ground. This was said to have been the first practical use of electricity.

Alas, my mother, who was an expert on B.F., told me it was not true.

18 Feb 04 - 09:01 PM (#1118806)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Mr Happy


'The Mythbuster segment that was the scaryest was the one where poopy seeds actually do produce false positives on opiate drug tests.'

What are poopy seeds?

GUEST,hugh jampton

If they're what I guess they might be, suck a few

19 Feb 04 - 04:48 AM (#1118959)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: JohnInKansas

The description of the Ben Franklin experiment, including the usual justification, is close to what was done in the auto shops mentioned, with the substitution of an ignition coil and battery for the Leyden jar.

The evidence that the motor shop incidents really did happen is pretty convincing, even if not all the reports were completely true.

In one specific instance, ca. 1938, at the Trailways bus maintenance shop in Kip Kansas, at least 3 witnesses independently recited to me the same story, with matching descriptions of the experimental apparatus, the method of wiring (an old galvanized siding sheet and Model A coil) and the name of the "experimental subject." They each had similar comments on the character of the victim. (He was not well liked.)

They even had it down to the specific day of the week when it happened, since it was two days before payday and the boss threatened to hold all their checks until someone 'fessed up.

Of course, even in this case they'd had about 25 years to match up their stories before I heard them ...


20 Feb 04 - 11:40 AM (#1119868)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,ivor bigginin

What a load of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

20 Feb 04 - 12:00 PM (#1119880)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: breezy

where did Cooksey get the idea?

G Hoff?

20 Feb 04 - 06:41 PM (#1120088)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: s&r

Yes, he states it elsewhere that the inspiration is from Gerard Hoffnung's incredibly funny address to the Oxford Union


20 Feb 04 - 08:34 PM (#1120123)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!

According to the Discovery Channel website, this episode will be repeated on March 28th at 8PM & 11PM

21 Feb 04 - 01:00 PM (#1120500)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Nancy King at work

I love "Mythbusters." I frequently don't remember the scientific/engineering details afterwards, but those guys are having so much fun, it's really a blast! Sometimes a literal blast...


21 Feb 04 - 10:25 PM (#1120819)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Jane Frier, Italy.

for us it is wonderfull to seethe writer of this song finallay get the credit he is due, in England
there is a folk singer called Noal Murpyhy, who Pat gave the song
to many years ago, and who appeared on a Scottish televiosion
programm as the writer of this song. Pat wrote the song, to Murphy's
shame he ignored Pat Cooksey and claimed the glory for himself.
As far as we know Murphy is still playing in the folk clubs of
England, maybe someone should tell him that the game is over. How
afolk singer could do this is s//t.

22 Feb 04 - 12:37 AM (#1120863)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Shimbo Darktree

Jane - it has been a long-standing tradition of folkies to knock off other people's material and claim it as their own (sometimes after a re-work). Ctertain very prominent folksingers have been guilty of this, and it doesn't seem to damage their reputation - almost seems expected.

And I too would like to know about the "third rail" bit, although I haev no plans to find out empirically (there you are, something for the choleric readers to grizzle about!).

22 Feb 04 - 02:29 AM (#1120912)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Blackcatter

That's to all for helping with the physics. I forgot about this thread until today.

Sorry about the Poopy seeds thing. . . That's almost as bad as the time I misspelled Kilt by reversing the 2 middle letters. . . You can probably do a search at Mudcat for THAT thread.

Once again, there's a BIG difference between a man falling 30 feet and approximately 140 feet. As said before, the speed is dramatically different, though if I remember correctly at near sea-level altitudes, a man would at least be close to terminal velocity after 140 feet. I've jumped at high as 28 feet before (well, ok, I fell) and was able to roll a bit and didn't suffer anything more than some bruising. 140 feet would typically kill someone.

Of course the secondary issue would be the question as to how fast "Paddy" would fall when connected to a line going through a simple pulley. One would assume that (pulley) friction would slow him down, but if the barrel of bricks is significantly heavier, it's terminal velocity would be greater (mass to surface area ratio) than Paddy's, thus acting as an accelerant. Of course the other question is the likelihood of Paddy being capable of holding on to the line, the first and especially second time he was pulled up.

Like all wonderful physic questions, this is a rather complicated one.    Which is why some of us like to discuss it.

In other words, the only "sad bastards" are the ones who find fault with people enjoying themselves with intellectual exercises. As Richard Feynman used to (loosely) say: the artist can see the beauty in a flower, where the scientist can see the beauty not only in the flower but in it's component structures as well.

pax y'all

22 Feb 04 - 03:26 AM (#1120924)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Guest

Jane Frier, I was in the audience at that TV show. It was one of the McCalmans series from the BBC studios in Glasgow and indeed Noel Murphy sang the song, the first time I'd ever heard it. I don't remember if he actually claimed to be the writer, but my impression was that he (Murphy) did. I know Pat Cooksey's name was not mentioned. (I saw the show twice - once in the studio and then on TV -I was ready with my recorder to get the words!).
Shimbo - I described the "Third Rail" procedure earlier.
Blackcatter - the poppy seed thing is true. (And I suppose that some time after you swallow them they do become "poopy" seeds!) A company for whom I worked flew about 20 new sales recruits into headquarters for a week of training and orientation. Included was a (urine) drug test. Unfortunately, the breakfast caterer had provided bread rolls with some kind of seeds on them and all the test results came back positive for heroin. We had to fly all the recruits back in a couple of weeks later to repeat the drug test.

22 Feb 04 - 06:07 AM (#1120952)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Hrothgar

The electricity thing just proves the old saying:

Some people learn by readng, some by observation, some by being taught, and some people just have to pee on the electric fence.

Also, where would Franklin have obtained foil in those days?

22 Feb 04 - 06:32 AM (#1120957)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Lil Dog Turpy

From what I remember from high school physics I believe

v = u + 1/2at^2 (u plus a half a t squared)

where v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration and t the time taken. The longer you fall, the faster you go - until viscous drag begins having a significant effect that is.

btw doesn't opium come from poppys?


22 Feb 04 - 06:49 AM (#1120965)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!

Sir your assertion that foil was not available in the former colonies at the time in question is a most outrageous slur on the coppersmiths of New england.
Msrs Ardwick and Cruickshank were the purveyors of most excellent burnished Copper foil which I used to dissuade the local rummies from attending to nature on my walls.

Yours indignantly


22 Feb 04 - 06:51 AM (#1120966)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Stan Wallace.

I spoke to Pat Cooksey in Ireland some years ago and told him that
Murphy was taking all the credit for the song. Pat already knew
this, he told me Murphy begged him for the words, and as they were friends at the time Pat was happy to give them to him.
Pat Cooksey at this time was busking for a living in Waterford and
Kilkenny while Noel Murphy was making a tidy sum from Pat's song.
The English Folk scene for many years accepted without question
Murphy's false claim to the song, and as far as I know still do.
Anyone who knows Noel Murphy, as I do, knows he would never have
been capable of writing such a classic.

22 Feb 04 - 10:06 AM (#1121038)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Maddawg

The sick note/ call it what you like, was derived from the speech of Gerard Hoffnung in oxford university, a scholar of his time with facts and figures, (incidently that speech can be found on

Reading the above Bullshit on physics, gravity and velocity, there is another opening for a modern song.
>Murphy's Physics
>The Factlayer
>The Physics note........................

apologies! just saying.................

22 Feb 04 - 10:37 AM (#1121054)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Eric.

The difference is that Gerard Hoffnung did not write the story he told to the Oxford Union, although his delivery was brilliant, Pat Cooksey did write the song.

22 Feb 04 - 11:05 AM (#1121074)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,martin

By the way and just for to combine the two prevailing topics in this discussion, there is one more such "trouble report" in song, presented recently by a funny fat showman named Tom Smith /sorry, don´t know much more about him/. The song has various titles, as A Girl, Waterbed and Cat or A Really Sick Note. Rated among "filk" I believe. I don´t remember the words exactly, but after a nice poetic prelude about how a man makes a date with a gorgeous girl and is invited to her home and as they lie on a waterbed and start that very activity a cat appears among them, tears the blanket and when both are soaked with water and massage oil the cat overturned from an above shelf, she /the cat, sorry/ breaks the bedside lamp, adding electricity into it. "Soggy, burnt and hairless, but thrance was really bad - that´s the most fantastic sex that I have ever had..."

Maybe a nice theme for the Mythbreakers to prove or disprove that:-)))

22 Feb 04 - 02:53 PM (#1121224)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Blackcatter

Yes, heroin is derived from poppys, but a wholly different type from the poppys from which we get the little edible seeds. The problem with the drug test is that is does not test for the chemicals that are the "drug" part of the plant (that part which causes a change in human physiology). It tests for other chemicals in poppys that are longer-lasting, therefore making it possible to "catch" drug users several days after they took the drug last.

Unfortunately, both legal poppys and illegal poppys have the same general chemicals.

Thanks Lil Dog Turpy for providing the equation. There is an additional aspect of Terminal Velocity - the top speed an object can reach owing to mass versus surface area versus air density (which relates to friction).

22 Feb 04 - 03:04 PM (#1121236)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Blackcatter

If you'll excuse a serious drift . . .

Here's an article I wrote about Orlandoan Joe Kittinger:

Joseph Kittinger is an Orlandoan who was important in the development of space flight. While his work was over-shadowed by the astronauts who proceeded after him, he was one of the first persons in space. Even more remarkable is that this was accomplished without the use of a rocket or an engine of any kind! In June of 1957 and again in July of 1960, Kittinger took to the air in a balloon gondola. He wore a prototype space flight suit that engineers hoped would keep him alive during his trip.

In 1957 he achieved an altitude of 95,000 feet - a distance of over 16 miles high. In 1960, his balloon took him to an altitude of 102,880 feet (nearly 18 miles). On both occasions, having reached the target altitude, he simply jumped out of the gondola and fell back to earth. He later recalled that, "I was falling on my back. It was very quiet, very still. I had very little velocity. It seemed the balloon was drifting up away from me into a dark blue sky. But of course it was I who was falling away from the balloon."

Not only was Kittinger one of the first persons in space (the atmosphere at that altitude is almost nonexistent and is considered "space"), but he also holds the following records:

Highest sky dive
Longest duration of free-fall (over 4 minutes)
Longest parachute time
Fastest unassisted speed achieved by a person (he was
traveling over 700 mph & broke the sound barrier)

And if that wasn't enough of a career: Kittinger was stationed overseas to fly jets over Vietnam. He served as commander of the famous 555th "Triple Nickel" Tactical Fighter Squadron flying F-4s and flew 483 missions. On May 11, 1972, he was shot down and spent 11 months in the "Hanoi Hilton," the infamous prisoner of war camp in North Vietnam.

After his retirement, he continued working in aeronautics. He won the Gordon Bennett Gas Balloon Race four times during the 1980s and retired the trophy with three consecutive victories. In November 1983, Kittinger established a new world record by flying a 35,300 cubic-foot (1,000 cubic-meter) helium balloon from Las Vegas, Nevada, to Franklinville, New York, covering 2,001 miles (3,220 kilometers) in 72 hours. He expended all available ballast during this trip and landed in only his underwear.

In September 1984, Kittinger set another record by flying solo across the Atlantic Ocean. He flew the 105,944-cubic-foot (3,000 cubic meter) helium-filled Rosie O'Grady from Presque Island, Maine to the Italian Riviera near Savona, Italy. His trip covered 3,535 miles (5,690 kilometers) in 86 hours.

22 Feb 04 - 10:53 PM (#1121516)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Lady Hillary

EBarnacle here--I love the linked ads on the bottom: Crash test Accelerometers and buy a training dummy--how apropos.

In the first second of fall at 32f/s/s, the faller [if there is no other influence] falls 16 feet, in the second, 48 feet; in the 3rd, 80 feet... until he reaches terminal velocity. Bear in mind that 88 ft per second is 60 mph. Also bear in mind, it's the landing, not the falling that kills.

22 Feb 04 - 11:41 PM (#1121529)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Guest

Blackcatter, I agree Joe Kittinger was a pioneer with balls of steel. I could believe that Kittinger fell at over 700 mph (i.e. the speed of sound at about one atmosphere of air pressure and non water-freezing temperature range), but at that altitude I can't believe he broke the sound "barrier". Surely, that would have produced a shock wave capable of ripping off his limbs.

22 Feb 04 - 11:59 PM (#1121536)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: The Fooles Troupe

Did you know that the height a cat falls from is related to it's survival? I don't remember the details, but there was a website - or at least an email that circulated some years ago. It's apparently to do with the cat being able to twist around and get it's feet under it. Of course, above a certain height, there's not much hope...

Which reminds me - on a musical note... Will The Turtle Be Unbroken?
- Thaks to Les Barker!


23 Feb 04 - 12:03 AM (#1121537)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: The Fooles Troupe

Incidentally, the message in the thread is dated August 2000, and is marked as harvested, but I could not turn it up in the DT, even using several search choices - I got lots of "Turtle"esponses, but none that had the Right Title...


23 Feb 04 - 12:56 AM (#1121553)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Blackcatter

Sound Barrier information:

sound barrier: The term sound barrier is often associated with supersonic flight. In particular, "breaking the sound barrier" is the process of accelerating through Mach 1 and going from subsonic to supersonic speeds. The term originated in the 1940s when researchers discovered a large increase in drag that seemed to indicate that an infinite amount of thrust would be needed to fly at the speed of sound. In other words, some believed that a physical barrier existed that would prevent an aircraft from ever being able to travel at supersonic speeds. Since there obviously is no such barrier, the term sound barrier is outdated and really should not be used any more. Nevertheless, it has become a popular part of the human language, and continues in use.

The speed of sound is a variable rate depending on the density of atmosphere. The general speed of sound at sea-level is 761.18 mph (1,224.74 km/h). At 102,000 feet, the speed of sound would be about 675 mph (1008 km/h).

Col. Kittinger easily passed the speed of sound at high altidude. As far as shock wave issues, clearly they were insignificant. I've talked with Col. Kittinger several times and he has never mentioned even the fear of the shock waves. That's about all I know. He went supersonic in "space" and probably returned to subsonic speeds well before he opened his chute, because of atmospheric friction (Goodness knows what it would be like to open a chute at 750 mph).

23 Feb 04 - 08:10 AM (#1121698)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,ivor bigginin

What a load of sad people.A simple request for a bit of information turns into a pissing contest.

I doubt very much if any any one of you lot who go on with this psudo intellectual psyco babble has done a real days work in their sad lives.Working on a building site (as i have done ) for years - and not just in vacations for a laugh - knows it is not romantic.Cookseys song is possibly the first case of industrial compensation ever recorded in verse but he turns it into a laugh.We have done this many times when the going gets rough.Why don't you lot just get on with your sad little lives and leave the work in the real world to real men, men who have to feed and clothe their famillies and don't live the privaliged closeted lives you lead.

23 Feb 04 - 01:08 PM (#1121902)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Blackcatter

F-off ivor. Until 3 years ago I made my living as a air conditioning installer in Orlando Florida. I've spent thousands of hours crawling around in dusty and rat-infested attics installing duct work among other things. I've also laid sod and mixed concrete for a living.

When you say " psudo intellectual psyco babble" you don't even know what you're talking about. Some of us are enjoying ourselves discussing the actual scientific physics of the situation described in the song (and the thread drift). If you are a "tradesman elitist" (someone who calls anthing intellectual crap), you might do well to remember that some of your tools and safety equipment was divised by people who apply physics in their work.

As wonderful as the song is, it is almost certainly meant to be an example in the extreme written in order to give people a laugh in the tradition of "black humor." There is almost no way that Paddy could have survived an accident as described. Simply holding on to the rope would be almost impossible unless he was tied to it somehow (but the song doesn't say that).

So get off your high(saw)horse and leave us alone. And don't make assumptions about people when you have little info to go on. By the way, where is the "industrial compensation" you metion in the song?

23 Feb 04 - 02:26 PM (#1121952)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Guest

Blackcatter, thanks for the info on the sound barrier. I'm just glad I wasn't the first to try to exceed it without the protection of an airplane.
I started this thread after watching a TV show that I thought might appeal to fans of the song. It has been interesting to see the convolutions of the other posts.                  
You should just ignore the spammers. They get off on riling you up. Incidentally, I read somewhere that it has been scientifically proved that 99.9% of the guys who go around boasting about the size if their equipment are sadly lacking in that department. In other words, "IVOR" probably DOESN'T!

23 Feb 04 - 06:48 PM (#1122149)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Blackcatter

Hi GUEST,Guest.

Don't worry about me and the Trolls (spammers). They don't usually like it when someone responds in a reasonable fashion. And the simple fact is none of them stay around all that long. I've been active at Mudcat for 5 years now, no real troll can say honestly say the same.

Anyone who thinks that lovers of folk music AREN'T often times trades people is clearly clueless about what folk music is all about.

Thanks for starting the thread. I stopped getting cable back in December and enjoyed the Mythbusters shows while I could, but didn't see the episode which started this conversation.

pax y'all

24 Feb 04 - 05:06 AM (#1122437)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,ivor biginnin

Who said anything about spamming. This happens to be my real name!Reasonable? argument? I don't see any of that here.I only see the usual smug people hiding behind guest and daft names making half arsed assumptions about people.Your talk on penis size only justifies my remarks about pissing contests.

Who said anything about trades people? Again assumptions.Your usual building site labourer - like your deep sea fisherman - does not have a lot of time for folk music they much prefare country and western. It is just like I said in the previouse messages your heads are that far up your arses with your own self importance you don't know about the real world.That song is about a hod carrier,who in there eyes - justifieably so - are the elite of the building trade. He would be very offended if he was called a "Tradesperson" reserving a lot of contempt for bricklayers,joiners,heating engineers etc.

Your remark about it being impossible to hold on to rope to get to the ground agains go to show how out of touch you tossers are.I have seen competitions on sites between hod carriers called "racing round the scaffolding", a variation that was used on sailing ships since Nelsons time.You would climb the scaffolding using only the poles and then use the rope over the "Gin" wheel,the pulley wheel in the song, to descend.The last one down got the first round in the pub.

And the bit about compensation? Well you have to use your imagination for that,which like a sense of humour is something you crowd of pricks are lacking.

Wake up at the back there!!! get out and learn about life and get out of the coccoon of this cosy collective ego massaging

I have been around a lot of time debunking you frauds and charlatons and will continue to do this.

24 Feb 04 - 12:52 PM (#1122677)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Guest

Hey Ivor,
You got so het up there that you finally contributed something useful to our discusion with your account of "racing around the scaffolding". Congratulations and welcome to the world of folk music.
FYI, I have been a hod carrier for a slater. Bloody heavy those slates are and trying to walk on a slate roof with a bit of dew or light rain is rather dangerous. I got a desk job after that scary period.

24 Feb 04 - 02:29 PM (#1122754)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Cheap Tracks

To get back on topic hear - there don't seem to be any strong opinions about the "third rail" theory.

I have one.

A small stream of liquid exits a nozzle at a constant velocity. As gravity acts on the stream the liquid accelerates toward the ground per the above information regarding fatal falls from a chair.

As the liquid accelerates toward earth a given volume of liquid is "stretched" over a distance of ever increasing length. The result of this is that the steady stream quickly breaks into a stream of discrete dropletes that are not connected.

Unless the daring individual's peepee was quite close to the third rail (inches), I don't believe it would be possible to have the steady stream of liquid which would be necessary to complete the circuit between the peepee and the rail.

I vote for FALSE on this one.

24 Feb 04 - 05:55 PM (#1122938)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!

Hiya Cheap Tracks.

If I remember correctly, that's pretty much what the Mythbusters guys discovered. A "stream" of pee isn't exactly that - it is a series of disconnected droplets.

24 Feb 04 - 07:09 PM (#1123005)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Blackcatter

The Guest above was me at work (Shhhh - don't tell my boss)

24 Feb 04 - 07:12 PM (#1123008)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Cheap Tracks

"If I remember correctly, that's pretty much what the Mythbusters guys discovered. A "stream" of pee isn't exactly that - it is a series of disconnected droplets."

But I'm not going to attempt to prove my theory!

(looks like I figured out how to log in)

24 Feb 04 - 07:45 PM (#1123029)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Blackcatter

Well, that's why the Mythbusters guys used a dummy. Same thing with the Dear Boss guy.

25 Feb 04 - 12:08 AM (#1123167)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,Guest

I remembered a "peeing on the third rail" case in Chicago that I thought had appeared in the Darwin Awards
but a search didn't turn it up. A GOOGLE search found this item.
Before this discussion goes much further, potential participants might want to check out the actual honest-to-God factual background of the case in question. The decision of the Illinois Supreme Court is available at _Lee v. Chicago Transit Authority,_ 152 Ill.2d 432, 605 N.E.2d 493 (1992). In that decision, the state Supreme Court *affirmed* a verdict in favor of the decedent's estate; the eventual award was $1.5 million plus $300,000 in accrued post-judgment interest. A couple of things should be pointed out at the beginning: The decedent was not killed because he urinated on the third rail. He crossed onto the property, *presumably* to urinate, and came into physical contact with the third rail. Furthermore, the jury found that the decedent was contributorily negligent, and found the CTA liable for only 50% of the plaintiff's damages.

Short account from the court opinion:

Plaintiff's decedent, Sang Yeul Lee (lee), a 46-year-old Korean immigrant who was unable to read English, attended a party on the evening of October 21, 1977. On his way home, Lee entered a CTA right-of-way at the intersection of Kedzie Avenue and the Ravenswood railway line in Chicago, apparently in order to urinate. The right-of-way was posted with signs, placed on a utility shed and on sawhorses at each side of the tracks, warning "Danger," "Keep Out," and "Electric Current." Parallel to the tracks and approximately 6-1/2 feet from the sidewalk lay a street-level third rail. The purpose of the rail, which carried 600 volts of electricity, was to supply power to trains as they passed through the street-level crossing. The CTA had laid uneven-edge boards, about six inches apart, called "jaws" on its right-of-way next to the sidewalk in order to make pedestrians aware that they were not meant to walk in that area. The uneven surface of the boards, also known as "cattle boards,"[1] makes it impossible for cattle and difficult for persons to walk atop them. The "jaws" at Kedzie Avenue extended between the end of the third rail and the sidewalk and were also placed on either side of the rail and between the tracks. Lee, whose blood-alcohol level of 0.341 placed him in the "stupor" classification of intoxication[2], made contact with the third rail and suffered fatal injuries. . . .

28 Feb 04 - 08:07 PM (#1126001)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Mark Cohen

Pat's website says that, contrary to popular opinion, he did not base the song on Hoffnung's 1958 speech to the Oxford Union. Each of them based his presentation on an English music hall recitation from the 1920's, which was printed as a story in Reader's Digest in 1937. I kid you not.


07 Jan 05 - 07:18 PM (#1374142)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: George Seto -

Discovery Channel in Canada is showing the Bricks episode of Mythbusters next Monday, Jan 10th. 7PM Atlantic or 6PM Eastern and repeats on Tuesday at 1AM Atlantic time or 3AM Eastern

08 Jan 05 - 12:10 AM (#1374353)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: The Fooles Troupe

We just had the first episode - the Jato car - this week here in Aus on SBS. My only real comment is that for guys who have been doing this sort of thing for years for Movies, they seem to be well intentioned bumblers with little evidence of much forward planning, but very watchable.

08 Jan 05 - 04:10 PM (#1374679)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: John Hardly

I thought I reached terminal velocity once. I found out that it was merely "feeling very poorly" velocity. I was so relieved to find that I was not, in fact, terminal that soon reached "completely well" velocity, which is, as we all know, 98.6 degrees farenheit.

09 Jan 05 - 06:51 AM (#1375026)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: The Fooles Troupe

A Rq

09 Jan 05 - 06:57 AM (#1375027)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: The Fooles Troupe

A Story: Well, Hardly John....

09 Jan 05 - 10:17 AM (#1375046)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Nigel Parsons

Guest; Martin: (22 Feb) Mentions filker Tom Smith, and The Really Sick Note
It appears that all of Tom's lyrics are now on-line, from "Superman's sex-life boogie" to the heart-rending "Starlight & Saxophone".

Give his sight a glance when you've got a few minutes



09 Jan 05 - 06:47 PM (#1375404)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Mark Cohen

By the way, a note to Mr. B.F., above: I should hope that the coppersmiths of Pennsylvania were of sufficient quality that you would not have had to send all the way to New England for the foil. Perhaps you had partaken of your next-door neighbor's bounty to such an extent, that you forgot for the moment that you had in fact left Boston as a young man, and settled in Philadelphia?


09 Jan 05 - 10:38 PM (#1375620)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,leeneia

My next-door neighbor, a man about 25, recently fell six stories off a building under construction. He was wearing a safety harness which saved his life, but the fear was so intense that he had to take several days off to try to get over it. I don't suppose he ever will, really.

If Ivor's account of laborers jumping off the scaffolding is correct, then he is surrounded by fools.

10 Jan 05 - 02:47 PM (#1376049)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Paul from Hull

Oh, wish I'd seen the programme!

Will look out for it on Sky telly ('cable' to our Cousins Across the Pond)

10 Jan 05 - 06:48 PM (#1376232)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: GUEST,leeneia

I should have said he fell off a six story building no doubt the safety harness caught him before he fell that far.

Interesting question - after a guy falls off the building and is dangling in space, how exactly do the others rescue him?

10 Jan 05 - 09:07 PM (#1376320)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: The Fooles Troupe

We reel them in! We reel them in!
We tell them we're the Bold Reelers In!

11 Jan 05 - 08:14 PM (#1377097)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Nigel Parsons

We are the "H & S"(health & safety) tribunal,
And of our staff we take good care.
When someone, something daft is doin'
-All of us will not be there.
But if a man falls off a scaffold,
And his har-ness provides safety.
We reel him in, we reel him in
Because we are the H.S.T.
We reel him in, we reel him in
We reel him, we reel him in in because we are the H.S.T.

Sorry! I had to extend 'stroupe's quote


12 Jan 05 - 08:01 PM (#1377774)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Jim Dixon

Regarding the man peeing on the third rail – yes, I agree the stream would probably consist of disconnected droplets, but this doesn't necessarily means it wouldn't conduct electricity. It depends on the voltage. We all know an electrical charge of sufficient voltage can jump an air gap. Lightning, for instance, can jump hundreds or thousands of feet from a cloud to the ground, and it doesn't require that the raindrops arrange themselves into a continuous stream.

So the question becomes, how far apart are the droplets? And if you add all the distances together, is it more or less than the distance the charge can jump?

12 Jan 05 - 08:36 PM (#1377815)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Joybell

I'm looking forward to future episodes of this series. Do they test the one about the frogman found in the middle of a burnt area after water-dumping planes were called in to fight a bushfire? He was sucked up from a dam so the story goes. Might be a bit expensive to reconstruct. It was reported for true here in Australia but I've heard that it originated in France. Cheers, Joy

13 Jan 05 - 06:42 PM (#1378545)
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T


They weren't fools, they jumped when they saw miserable Ivor coming.