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24 Mar 04 - 01:03 AM (#1144516)
Subject: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: Alaska Mike

Recently my Mudcat Cookie crumbled. I was unable to log into Mudcat as Alaska Mike using my laptop at home. I couldn't check my PM's, couldn't log onto the Mudchat room, couldn't post as myself to the threads.

I tried everything. Removed all cookies and tried loading them again, reset my security codes to default, shut down firewalls, disabled virus protection, I tried everything to no avail.

So I asked for help from Joe Offer. Joe was unable to come up with anything else to try so he passed me on to Pene Azul. 2 e-mails later I was Alaska Mike again. YAAAAYYYYY

Too many times we take the workings of Mudcat for granted. Occasionally we grumble when things don't work exactly right the first time. So I want to take this opportunity to thank all the Mudcat gurus who keep this wonderful site alive and functioning. Thanks Joe and Max and my special thanks to Jeff (aka PENE AZUL).


24 Mar 04 - 01:28 AM (#1144529)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: CarolC

Yes he does indeed (rock). And he's a hell of a nice guy, too.

24 Mar 04 - 01:51 AM (#1144535)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: Allan C.

Amen to that!

24 Mar 04 - 01:57 AM (#1144536)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: Joe Offer

I'm in exile in Florida, confined to using my dad's primitive WEBTV (why do Old Guys buy this crap?). Jeff has saved me from insanity half a dozen times this week. Besides, he's a good friend, and I enjoy our late-night swapping of ideas. He's a good cook, too. He's given me some great cooking advice. He may have helped Mike with cookies, but he's better with meat and potatoes.
Thanks, Jeff.

24 Mar 04 - 03:06 AM (#1144557)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: Micca

and a genuinely Nice guy, and a good friend too, (havent heard him sing yet!! though) One of the Good 'Uns

24 Mar 04 - 03:17 AM (#1144562)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: GUEST,freda underhgill

yes, thanks Jeff for all your help so far, and Jeff, Joe and Max for Mudcat!

best wishes


24 Mar 04 - 03:20 AM (#1144563)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: fat B****rd

Thank you Gentlemen,and Ladies ?

24 Mar 04 - 07:17 AM (#1144701)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: Sandra in Sydney

he's helped me in the past & I'm sure will be just as willing & expert if I ever need help again.


24 Mar 04 - 07:41 AM (#1144707)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: Tinker

Whooo.... for a momment I thought that the secret 2001 video of you drumming along to Max's blues had been released....It's the only year I've decided to keep for participants only...But you do Rock as a techie, as a musician and as an all round nice guy...


24 Mar 04 - 08:28 AM (#1144739)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: GUEST,MMario

he certainly does! and like an iceberg (he is a cool guy!) most of what he does is hidden "below the surface" -which means casual visitors and even a lot of regulars just aren't aware of all he does for the 'cat.

24 Mar 04 - 08:52 AM (#1144755)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: Big Mick

My good friend and mentor. Yep, he saves me from my "tiltin' with windmills" obsession on a regular basis. I am pretty good at that mind you, but every so often ole Jeff hops in and nails me with that damn intelligence and logic. Once, when ready to do battle with the cyber bullies, and knowing Jeff would PM, hence I had armed myself with tons of good data, and sterling Irish charm, ...... he asks the worst question ..... "Why?". Gawdammmmit ..... I wasn't ready for that one. ... LOL ...

He is a brill programmer, a great friend, and a wise man. Max gave birth to this wonder, but I will bet you that he would admit, in a heartbeat, that much of what the Mudcat is is due to Jeff.

Thanks, buddy. I am proud to be your friend.


24 Mar 04 - 09:00 AM (#1144764)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: Amos

ABsolutely -- the guy without whom life here would be a lot rougher.

Thanks, Jeff.


24 Mar 04 - 09:03 AM (#1144767)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: Leadfingers

Perhaps most of us tend to take for granted all the graft that Max and Joe and Jeff and all the other background people do just to keep this wonderful thing called Mudcat going.

24 Mar 04 - 09:06 AM (#1144772)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: GUEST,??

errm - perhaps "craft" would be a better word then "graft"?

24 Mar 04 - 09:50 AM (#1144818)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: Áine

This is fantastic to see one of the wizards behind the curtain of Mudcat exposed for what he is -- a bloody genius! (you too, of course, Joe!).

Jeff is a special guy that rarely gets the credit or cudos that he deserves. A true grand master of the ones and zeros. I'm so glad that he's on our side ;-)

Besides all that, he's a great friend who's helped me too many times to count in areas that had nothing whatsoever to do with the infernal machine.

Luv ya Big Guy, Áine

24 Mar 04 - 11:32 AM (#1144884)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: Bill D

all the, he is a connesure coneisiur coinesure good judge of beer!

But the virtues that are rare are 'restraint' and 'judgement'...'ol Jeff shows unusual amounts of both...

(go, one can see....*grin*)

24 Mar 04 - 02:26 PM (#1145039)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: Leadfingers

I think we are in a 'Two Nations Divided by a Common Language siuatuion . By Graft I mean Hard Work - Common UK usage of the word - HONEST !

24 Mar 04 - 03:07 PM (#1145087)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: Morticia

adding my tuppence worth and a snog to Jeff's accolade....MWWWHAAAA.

24 Mar 04 - 04:25 PM (#1145148)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: My guru always said

Jeff certainly deserves all our thanks. As does Max and all those scene-builders.....

Thanks BigCats,

24 Mar 04 - 05:27 PM (#1145204)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: McGrath of Harlow

I'll drink to that.

24 Mar 04 - 05:36 PM (#1145213)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: Peace

Joe, Max and Jeff,

You guys do indeed rock. You have brought together the finest collection of maniacs in the world on what I see as the ultimate site on the 'net. The Mudcat is a treasure, truly. It's lots like sex: even when it's bad it's good. And, it's never bad.

Love you guys, and thanks for making this possible.

Bruce Murdoch

PS And let me take this opportunity to extend my heart-felt best wishes to the single ladies who like men who like cats.


24 Mar 04 - 06:41 PM (#1145265)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: katlaughing

ditto that, Mick and BillD!



29 Mar 04 - 02:19 PM (#1149240)
Subject: RE: Tech: PENE AZUL ROCKS!!!
From: GUEST,Rex on the work 'puter

I sure have kept Jeff busy putting up photos and pages of our local Irish pub. And he's done a great job with it. Yessur, he rocks!
