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BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?

12 Apr 04 - 04:24 PM (#1160131)
Subject: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: dianavan

A few years ago my daughter was convinced that Bush was an alien reptile. She told me to watch him when he was speaking. He constantly thrust his tongue just like a snake! After lots of PR work, he suddenly lost this habit. He no longer has the tell-tale, tongue thrust but...

He now appears to be a beaked turtle. Most photos show him with the camera angle from above. When the camera is focussed upward, he looks like a very hostile, turtle. Maybe he is an alien race, after all. Maybe thats why U.S. intelligence won't tell us about U.F.O activity. Maybe they have already taken over the Whitehouse! This is the only logical explanation I have for the lot of them.

12 Apr 04 - 04:27 PM (#1160135)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?

silly, silly, silly.

a BUSH is a plant.

12 Apr 04 - 04:27 PM (#1160136)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: GUEST,the Omnipotent Krill

Oh, you are in big trouble now, dianavan...

12 Apr 04 - 04:39 PM (#1160148)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Stilly River Sage

Reptiles and amphibians deserve more respect than to receive this unfavorable comparison.

12 Apr 04 - 04:48 PM (#1160156)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: GUEST,Shlio

I prefer the question: Mineral or vegetable?

12 Apr 04 - 04:51 PM (#1160161)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Chief Chaos

Not to be nit-picky but I believe that amphibians are a subclass of reptiles.

To me he often looks more like a simian.
(Sorry Chongo.)

12 Apr 04 - 04:56 PM (#1160165)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: CarolC

If he lays his eggs on land, he's a reptile. If he lays them in the water (or in water saturated mud), he's an amphibian.

12 Apr 04 - 05:01 PM (#1160169)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Little Hawk

No, I don't think so, Chief. Amphibians are an earlier form of life (according to science) that predated reptiles. Amphibians were the first creatures to emerge out of the seas and start breathing air. Reptiles came later. That's the official story, anyway.

Chongo finds Bush quite irritating, because he does vaguely resemble a chimp. An ugly, immature chimp.

12 Apr 04 - 05:06 PM (#1160173)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Hawker

In Folk Song, the bush referred to is usually a polite way of talking about an intimate part of the ladies anatomy! But I guess that you are talking about the other bush - though the two could get confused!
Cheers, Lucy

12 Apr 04 - 05:21 PM (#1160192)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Peace

He's a reptilian, and part of their agenda.

12 Apr 04 - 06:33 PM (#1160242)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: McGrath of Harlow

I think Steve Bell of the Guardian has the most accurate insight into this.

12 Apr 04 - 07:51 PM (#1160280)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: DougR

The question is too stupid to merit a reply.


12 Apr 04 - 08:05 PM (#1160289)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Bobert

Come on, Dougie, ya' gotta loosen up...

I'm with some other folks on "niether". Reptiles are cool. Bush isn't. Might of fact, he's a real jerk and doesn't seem to possess any human qualities at all. I think he's an alien! I really do. I think he was sent down to kill off about half the population be starting WWIII so that his alien friends can move right in... That's what I think...


12 Apr 04 - 08:13 PM (#1160296)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Donuel

I did this long ago but you can almost tell which in this pic.

12 Apr 04 - 08:36 PM (#1160309)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: dianavan

Yes, indeed! An alien reptile with a face like a beaked, turtle. No wonder we're in so much trouble. We've been overtaken by an alien race and didn't even know it.

12 Apr 04 - 09:30 PM (#1160337)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Greg F.

If yiz want reptiles it was the sainted Ronnie RayGun that REALLY looked like a galapagos tortise. Only difference: the tortises haver greater mental acuity.

12 Apr 04 - 09:45 PM (#1160345)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Ebbie

But I notice, Doug R, that you did reply. What does that make you?

12 Apr 04 - 10:59 PM (#1160396)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Art Thieme

A reptile by any other name...
is still a reptile.

An amphibean in reptiles clothing !

A reptile is a reptile is a reptile.

Art Thieme

12 Apr 04 - 11:41 PM (#1160428)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

You people are all nuts! Bush is neither reptilian nor amphibian nor simian nor any other kind of ian!

He's a weasel.

13 Apr 04 - 03:43 AM (#1160514)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Ellenpoly

Bobert, even though it would great for us to be able to distance ourselves by saying he's an alien, I choose to accept that he is indeed a homo of us.

Having said that, I do think the guy is quite possibly not completely evolved. It's about brain size, and if and when they discover he has one, I hope someone will promptly dissect it so we'll be able to figure out just what exactly went wrong..xx..e

13 Apr 04 - 07:51 AM (#1160641)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Dave Bryant

Neither - they're all vertebrates !

13 Apr 04 - 08:02 AM (#1160649)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?

If you threw gasoline over him and set him alight, would every word he uttered from then on, be said to be coming from a Burning Bush?

13 Apr 04 - 11:02 AM (#1160822)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Little Hawk

Oh, that's nasty. I'm beginning to feel some sympathy for ol' George W. I wonder if he ever logs in here?

13 Apr 04 - 12:10 PM (#1160919)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Rapparee

Oh, fer.... I'd think that you all would know better!!

13 Apr 04 - 12:22 PM (#1160938)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Once Famous

OK, here's the answer.

A Bush is a hairy female genitalia. All guys know that.

13 Apr 04 - 07:35 PM (#1161279)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: ranger1

OK, to clear up any confusion: reptiles and amphibians are two COMPLETELY different things. Reptiles have lungs, scaly skin and lay eggs with leathery shells. Amphibians have moist skin. lay jelly-like eggs (and no, I don't know if they're good on toast) and go through at least two distinctive life phases (think tadpoles here, folks). Please do not insult either by comparing them to Dubbya. Personally, I think he is a pod person, or perhaps some mutated form of animated poison ivy.

13 Apr 04 - 07:55 PM (#1161294)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Little Hawk

Whatever he is, I just succeeded in battling my way, guns blazing, as G.W. Bush, defending the White House from hundreds and hundreds of ninja-like assassins! Try it out, and see if you can pass all 3 levels and save the World!!!

Bush gets SERIOUS with Evil enemies!!!!

You get to be Condoleeza Rice too!

13 Apr 04 - 09:53 PM (#1161361)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?

Kendall says that Bush sucks...therefore he is a mammal.

13 Apr 04 - 09:54 PM (#1161363)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Little Hawk

Or a leech. Or a mosquito.

14 Apr 04 - 12:32 AM (#1161433)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Donuel

14 Apr 04 - 03:00 PM (#1161648)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: GUEST,GuestSmartss

Taxonomically speaking, Class Amphibia and Class Reptilia are separate classes. Both are of the Subphyla Vertebrata, but really separate classes with distinctly different charactersistics (anamniote v. amniote--cutaneous respiration v. lung respiration etc).

15 Apr 04 - 03:10 AM (#1162123)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: GUEST,Boab

If he could only be a ball of lead which THOUGHT it was amphibian---

15 Apr 04 - 05:16 AM (#1162189)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: George Papavgeris

I'll never forget his speech immediately after 9/11; I told my wife "this bloke has cold eyes, the feeling is in the words and facial expressions, but totally absent in the eyes". This gives credence to the reptilian theory.

As a child of my time, flower power etc, I remain a supporter of the "make Love, not War" doctrine. So bring back Clinton... At least he knew all about sax, sorry sex, anyway that blowing thing.

15 Apr 04 - 06:53 AM (#1162228)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Bush a reptile or an amphibian?
From: Ellenpoly

"Hairy Female Genitalia"??? OH Martin Gibson...NEVER have two kinds of Bushes been more different!