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15 Apr 04 - 09:39 AM (#1162331)
Subject: BS: FLUFF
From: GUEST,Sneezy

Why do we get fluff in our belly buttons, and why is it always blue ?

15 Apr 04 - 09:44 AM (#1162333)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Shanghaiceltic

If it did not go into your belly button where would it go?

15 Apr 04 - 10:04 AM (#1162346)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Steve Parkes

See Dr Karl's IgNobel-Prize-winning work on the subject for everything you wish you'd never asked about the subject.


15 Apr 04 - 10:21 AM (#1162361)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Sttaw Legend

If you collected enough over a period of time you could then knit some blue socks. OR - if a few people collected the fluff as a co-operative then knitted the socks, then sold them, then.....

15 Apr 04 - 10:46 AM (#1162373)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: MC Fat

and why is snot green ?

15 Apr 04 - 11:02 AM (#1162396)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: wysiwyg

I put the fluff in mine, because there's no wastecan in the laundry room and when I clean the dryer filter I don't want the fluff to get to the gas heater and catch fire. I thought everyone knew that's what the innies are for? I do know that unless we put SOME in there, the little people who live in their will not have enough for their own use, and they depend on it!


15 Apr 04 - 11:03 AM (#1162398)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: JenEllen

After noting that it (the fluff, not the snot) is roughly the same consistency and texture as the throw-blankets you can buy in Mexico, SweetiePie and I have determined that it must be a collective. Humans actually excrete the fluff, much like silkworms but without all the boiling, and in their sleep, little men come along and harvest it from various belly buttons and then export it to Mexico to make blankets. Duh.....

15 Apr 04 - 11:20 AM (#1162411)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Steve Parkes

Little men? Sounds more like women's work to me! (Assuming they come from a benighted third-world country.)

15 Apr 04 - 11:22 AM (#1162414)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Sttaw Legend

I didn't know silk worms had belly buttons, and if snot wasn't green how would the song "Greensleeves" have evolved.

15 Apr 04 - 11:24 AM (#1162416)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: JenEllen

Oh, women probably do the weaving Steve, but toting heavy bags of belly-button fluff?? They leave that to the teensy men-folk. They are primed after all those years of stealthy hunter-gatherer-type stuff y'know...

15 Apr 04 - 12:17 PM (#1162456)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Rapparee

Snot weavers?

15 Apr 04 - 12:18 PM (#1162457)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: wysiwyg

Snot binds fluff.


15 Apr 04 - 12:22 PM (#1162460)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Amos

Snot binds fluff, fluff buries hope -- it's a child's game, kind of like scissors, paper and rock. One, two, THREE!!


15 Apr 04 - 12:29 PM (#1162470)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: wysiwyg

The third item ought to be toe jam, tho, I, something that would dissolve snot-- TEARS.

So that's:

Tears dissolve snot, snot binds fluff, fluff absorbs tears.


15 Apr 04 - 12:31 PM (#1162471)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Amos

Works for me, Susan -- let's get it ready for export in time for the 2004 playground season...


15 Apr 04 - 12:37 PM (#1162478)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: wysiwyg

I think the Kleenex people think they already have it cornered and will work to suppress a game so dangerous to their interests.

If only people knew they could dig in their navels for an alternative, it would be very funny-- instead of asking for a tissue, it would be considered polite to ask a good friend to pop out a spare fluff-wad, and shove it up their nose. "I say, good chap, I seem to be just a tad short of fluff at the mo', would you be a gent and shove some up me sniffer?"

It's PC, too-- the resulting product could be snorted out in a nice nugget, and stored or traded as house-building material for desert dwellers. Currency!


15 Apr 04 - 12:40 PM (#1162484)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Amos

Now you're getting gross, Susan!! Ewwwwhhh!


15 Apr 04 - 12:43 PM (#1162489)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: George Papavgeris

I don't know about others, I just keep crumbs there for a rainy day

15 Apr 04 - 12:45 PM (#1162492)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Bill D, gathering 'fluff' is "navel grazing"?

15 Apr 04 - 02:05 PM (#1162560)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: SueB

My fluff is grey, not blue, therefore I always have assumed it was simply my brain's grey matter escaping.

Also, my snot is not green!

(Clearly, I'm special, and need to be careful about associating with the likes of you blue-linted green-snotted sorts. Imagine a future in which houses in the desert are built from nuggets of snotty lint! Out here in New Mexico we prefer adobe!)

15 Apr 04 - 02:08 PM (#1162565)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Amos

Well, this is just a sort of micro-adobe, isn't it? Yuck!


15 Apr 04 - 07:39 PM (#1162792)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: JenEllen

Yeah, people always assume it's the outdoor allergies that give them the snots, but it's really because of the spawning of belly-lint. When it tries to go upstream, it plays hell with your chi.....

15 Apr 04 - 07:59 PM (#1162815)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Shanghaiceltic

But do different types of belly button collect different grades of fluff. Does an 'inny' collected more heavyweight fluff, whilst an 'outy' just collects the lighter stuff.

There must be doctorial thesis potential in this!

@@@ <-- I also call this sign the belly button as ampersand sound to posh ;-)

15 Apr 04 - 08:10 PM (#1162821)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Gray D

I thought "innies" were just somewhere to keep the salt when you're eating celery in bed? I have no knowledge of this fluff of which you all type but it doesn't sound like a good idea to keep it in the same place as the salt. Surely a combination of the two would leave the wet end of the celery all furry?

And what pleasure would that be?

Gray D

16 Apr 04 - 12:04 AM (#1162834)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Amos

Fruit loops -- it's the only explanation!



16 Apr 04 - 12:52 AM (#1162854)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: SueB

I vote JenEllen's chi post as Best of the Thread.
Other nominees were Amos and Susan's collaborative effort, "Gross Out version of Rock, Paper, Scissors."

Gray D and El Greko were closely in the running for "Most practical use of a belly button", but the honors go to Gray D.

Fruit loops, Amos? I'm afraid the explanation needs explaining.
Have you been spending too much time on the Baptists and Wiener Dogs thread? My advice is to watch two Star Treks and call me in the morning.

16 Apr 04 - 12:54 AM (#1162856)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Seamus Kennedy

Snot Binds Fluff...great name for a band, Susan!
I mean if we can have Ben Folds Five.........


16 Apr 04 - 03:32 AM (#1162914)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Liz the Squeak

I have an innie but I don't gather fluff... am I disabled in some way?

And to be pedantic - this - & - is the ampersand. This - @ - is the sectretarial symbol for at.


16 Apr 04 - 04:01 AM (#1162935)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Steve Parkes

If it was snot for the weavers, what would we do ...

Now it's a MUSIC thread!

16 Apr 04 - 08:10 AM (#1163058)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Amos


Trans: The only explanation for this thread is that its particpants are a buncha Fruit Loops (nut cases, granola types, space cadets, mental cases, loonies). The term derives from a children's breakfast cereal in the US.


16 Apr 04 - 09:00 AM (#1163111)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: SueB

Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black to me, Amos!

16 Apr 04 - 09:08 AM (#1163119)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: SueB

I mean that in the nicest possible way, of course.

16 Apr 04 - 10:33 AM (#1163189)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Amos

Yeah, I know I look kinda whacky from some more earth-type perspectives but that's just because I was born under an even number with Mars levitating and the Virgo spinning. So it means I have more orange colors and am more an air/fire kind of guy, so the water and earth types in Cancer, with blue dominating their chakras, and levorotary Chi, tend to get intimidated.

Yes, I am sure that's why it is...


16 Apr 04 - 02:32 PM (#1163369)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: JenEllen

(ta SueB--talk about gettin' your sillies out!)

Oh, GrayD, if we have learned anything from India's agriculture system, it's that over-salination plays hell with growing anything. Without proper inspection by an authority, I can only assume by now that you have a sort of 'scorched earth' belly-button, where nary a thing will grow. Bad news for lint-farmers, good news for your celery.

16 Apr 04 - 02:38 PM (#1163374)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Bill D

Oh, my goodness!! but it figgers, huh?

16 Apr 04 - 02:46 PM (#1163381)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: JenEllen

LMAO, Bill. Didja read the survey comments? It's a nice, warm-fuzzy feeling (not unlike belly lint) when you realize you're not alone....LOL

16 Apr 04 - 03:07 PM (#1163393)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Sttaw Legend

It's not allways blue then...

16 Apr 04 - 03:19 PM (#1163404)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Janie

Aah....such great minds at work here....


16 Apr 04 - 08:05 PM (#1163586)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Gray D

To JenEllen

Oh, Jen, Jen, I never said that (bold type) *I* follow the accursed practice. No, no, celery is the devil's food and should be scorned (unless it's in a nice casserole or soup with other sumptuous ingredients, of course). No. I just typed that I (bold type) *thought* that's what belly buttons were for.

I mean, just think of the practicalities. If you didn't finish all of the flavouring and stood up . . . salt in your slippers.

I can hardly stand thinking about it.

Gray D

16 Apr 04 - 08:11 PM (#1163592)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Gray D

To SueB

I am honoured.

To Liz the Squeak,

You are not disabled in some way, you just aren't fluffy. Go on, tell me I'm wrong.

Gray D

16 Apr 04 - 08:15 PM (#1163596)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: wysiwyg

Well, some navels are apparently for use as ashtrays, but only till the divorce! :~) Unfortunately, my best stories are the ones I cannot tell for reasons of pastoral confidentiality!


16 Apr 04 - 08:32 PM (#1163604)
Subject: RE: BS: FLUFF
From: Shanghaiceltic

A friend of mine when I was in the Navy had little feet tatooed around his belly button with the words 'Naval Patrol' tatooed underneath. He was drunk when he had it done.

He also had a number of other tatooes which he would show ladies, he was very pround of his 'Fox Hunt'