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BS: What do you like about Kerry?

03 May 04 - 06:03 PM (#1177181)
Subject: BS: What do you like about Kerry?

Since no one wanted to start this thread, I thought I would. Without invoking Nader as the point of comparison, what do people REALLY think of Kerry?

03 May 04 - 06:10 PM (#1177188)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: DonMeixner

I think its a lovely place what with the famous ring and all. And the people are so welcoming to us foreigners. Its like we was neighbors they hadn't meet yet. And the music there is great. Some fine fiddlers in Kerry.


03 May 04 - 06:17 PM (#1177196)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Peace

The Emerald Isle certainly has charm.

03 May 04 - 06:19 PM (#1177197)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Little Hawk




Well, he looked pretty cool in that picture with Jane Fonda, and he did protest against the Vietnam War.

And he isn't employing Karl Rove to manage his campaign.

03 May 04 - 06:38 PM (#1177209)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Amos

He's a shoe-in -- smarter, kinder, more perceptive, more responsible and more coherent than anyone since Howard Dean...


03 May 04 - 06:57 PM (#1177232)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Amergin

he's not bush.

03 May 04 - 07:00 PM (#1177234)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: akenaton

I dont care what idiot rules this countree
   Im the last man on earth,
   Thats what the matter is with me.........

    Loudon Wainwright 111

03 May 04 - 07:37 PM (#1177269)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Bobert

Not much at all and that's about the most positive think I can say about the guy.... Sorry

But like Amergin said, "He's not Bush."


03 May 04 - 07:55 PM (#1177284)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I like several things about John Kerry:

1) He's not George W. Bush
2) He's not Dick Cheney
3) He's not John Ashcroft
4) He's not Donald Rumsfeld
5) He's not Karl Rove
6) He's not Paul Wolfowitz
7) He's not Condoleezza Rice
8) He's not Joe Lieberman
9) He's not Jeb Bush

03 May 04 - 08:52 PM (#1177321)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: DonMeixner

True Amergin, Bob and Bee-Dubya.

He isn' at all like Bush or any of them others. But he could be if ya want him too.


03 May 04 - 09:13 PM (#1177341)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Once Famous

He appears to have very bad breath.

03 May 04 - 09:25 PM (#1177346)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: dick greenhaus

Sadly, Bush is Bush whether you want him to be or not.

03 May 04 - 09:32 PM (#1177352)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: michaelr

Not much, and I really don't believe he'll be noticeably different than the current Resident.

But he's not Bush.

03 May 04 - 09:44 PM (#1177364)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Amergin

I like how the Bush camp tries to paint Kerry as anti-worker because he was born into a well to do Bush wasn't born with a silver head up his arse.

03 May 04 - 09:48 PM (#1177367)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: dianavan

Martin - You like Kerry because he appears to have bad breath?

03 May 04 - 10:22 PM (#1177395)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Amos

He believes every Bush directive that favored special interests should be repealed; he believes the exit strategy for Iraq should be internationalization (turning to the UN) and victory, which I am sorry to say I see no other viable position for. He knows how to admit a mistake and he knows how to say that he sees favoritism and crooked politics right in front of his eyes. Personally I think he has more moral fiber in his large jaw than Bush has in his whole simpering body. Most of all, you should support Kerry for no other reason than that he is not stupid and is not blinded by rampant cronyism.


04 May 04 - 12:31 AM (#1177443)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: LadyJean

He calls corporate leaders who outsource jobs "Benedict Arnold CEOS".
He's borrowed Dean's campaign style, which means he may have some idea that there are more ordinary Americans than millionaires, and that we vote.
He isn't kissing up to a bunch of religious maniacs.
He will send John Ashcroft home to Missouri.
He will send Dick Cheney home to Wyoming.
He will not tell us that God wants him to be president.
So, I don't really mind that John Kerry looks like Herman Munster had stayed in the tub too long, or that his wife probably calls Pittsburghers "Yinzers".

04 May 04 - 02:41 PM (#1177604)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?

Sen JFK is here in Minnesota today raising a million dollars and invoking the name Wellstone.

As if.

04 May 04 - 02:55 PM (#1177629)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Deda

I like that he usually wins his races, after starting from behind -- as he did among the dems. If he can just do that in November!

04 May 04 - 03:06 PM (#1177643)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Once Famous

Actually, dianavan no, I don't like him at all. He stinks at either end.

I'm not a big Bush fan either, but he does support Israel big time. Right now, it's that and Kerry is only the second most experienced candidate for president.

04 May 04 - 03:53 PM (#1177688)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Art Thieme

Kerry has the background I admire most. And he is not scared to change his mind and SAY SO when it is the hard thing to do. (That in these dumb times where one is called "wishy-washy" and a "flip-flopper" as a way of denigrating someone who has the knowledge and the strength to be flexible. I admire the man for being the soldier that he was. I admire the man for seeing the situation clearly in Viet Nam. And most of all, I admire him for joining the the anti-war side when the cause for which he was fighting showed itself for what it was----a failed and unthought out policy that was killing young people on both sides, polarizing the nation and creating the "police riot" (named that by the Otto Koerner Commission) that was the Chicago Democratic National Convention in 1968. I have hope. My hope is that John Kerry can take over and bring the eventual peace in the same way that Lincoln did----first as a soldier who knew the tragedy and sadness of war himself (the BLACKHAWK WAR of 1832), and then, as Commander and Chief, he was able to fight a war when necessary ---a war that brings two violently opposed groups together EVENTUALLY. Alas, the aftermath of that uncivil war is still with us--after 150 years.

I think and hope that John Kerry can rise to this occasion better than this George Bush has.

As for Israel, as an atheist and secular Jew myself, I see the wrongness of many of the violent actions and positions taken by THAT NATION'S GOVERNMENT even while the right of Israel to exist as a homeland for the Jewish people ought never to be entertained even as a topic of discussion. We owe that to the six million whose demise, dreams and pain brought the nation to fruition.

Art Thieme

04 May 04 - 04:05 PM (#1177705)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: DougR

Well, uh, er, uh, (I'm really trying), er ...I guess the think I like best about him is his ability to flip-flop on so many issues.


04 May 04 - 04:52 PM (#1177765)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Once Famous

Like a fish laying on the pier fresh out of the water.

04 May 04 - 05:09 PM (#1177784)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Amos

Better to flipflop than to commit the nation's resources to massive stupidity or criminality.


04 May 04 - 05:39 PM (#1177810)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: DougR

Uh, Amos: you forgot to include IMO in your last post. :>)


04 May 04 - 05:47 PM (#1177820)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Once Famous

Is it better to flip-flop?

Does it reflect that the man is confident in what he is doing? Personally, I like when a person has confidence in what he is doing.

If Bush is indicted for anything we can talk criminality. Until then, Amos, your interpretation of the law hardly matters.

Stupidity? The jury is out. The history books on this administration have not been written yet.

04 May 04 - 06:19 PM (#1177856)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: DougR

Uh, Martin, no, flip-flopping is not a virtue. I merely posted a bit of "tongue in cheeck."


04 May 04 - 06:39 PM (#1177891)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Amos

I'm quite confident the phrase I used is applicable. And Martin, my opinion matters quite as much to me as yours does to you.


04 May 04 - 08:43 PM (#1177982)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Art Thieme

What I said was that "flip-flop" is only a term used to try to destroy someone you differ with who has the strength to change their mind and act on the new information instead of bullheadedly sloshing forward. As Pete Seeger said so elloquently in his Viet Nam era song, doing that will prove terribly tragic when one is "Waist Deep In The Big Muddy---and the damned fool says to push on". ------ That is the only time I have ever heard Pete Seeger use an expletive. I suspect he felt it was needed to make his point as forcefully as was possible.

The bullhead, last time I looked, was a fish that had the wisdom to flip-flop contentedly back to deep water --- where the breathing was maybe easier and healthier.

Art Thieme

04 May 04 - 08:45 PM (#1177985)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: dianavan

Amos - Your opinion counts to many of us as well. Can't say the same about Martin.

04 May 04 - 09:07 PM (#1177994)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?

mmm... appointing Saddam's right-hand men to lead us out of the troubles in Fallujah. yeah, that's brilliant. They're still wearing the friggin uniform!

04 May 04 - 09:08 PM (#1177996)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Amos

Kindly said, DV, thanks. I am also aware that Martin is speaking sooth about the history books. But unlike the President, I have read history books. When I saw and later tried to understand McCarthyism, I tried to learn, just for example, that it was something that should never be allowed to recur. Rummy, Ashcroft, Wolf and Bush seem to be determined that it should. Kerry does not strike me as one of that herd.


04 May 04 - 09:44 PM (#1178015)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Once Famous

Well, I took the flip flop thing literally because it is so true.

Yes, Amos your opinion matters. So does mine. But unless you have a law degree and are well versed on government law, and can make something happen about what you theorize is criminal activity, a pimple on an ass has more meaning.

On the other hand, dianavan's feminist opinion to me is just pure bullshit. Bug up your ass, honey?

04 May 04 - 09:54 PM (#1178027)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Amos

Aw, crap, Martin, now you're being rude to ladies. That's no way to be man!! Find something external to shoot at.


04 May 04 - 10:00 PM (#1178038)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Little Hawk

Hey, Martin, don't forget...Hitler had confidence in what he was doing too. Nooooobody could change his mind once he took a position. Ditto for Stalin. It isn't necessarily a sign of good character or good judgement.

04 May 04 - 10:06 PM (#1178045)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Once Famous

Amos, rude ladies are not ladies. They want to play in the arena, they get the same treatment. It's a tough world.

LH, you are right about Hitler and Stalin, but those guys weren't elected by their citizens, were they? They weren't part of a democracy that could throw you out of office while you were in office, were they?

04 May 04 - 10:11 PM (#1178050)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Amergin

Bush wasn't elected either.

04 May 04 - 10:13 PM (#1178054)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Once Famous

Amergin, quit whining. It's already three years later. Deal with life as it is.

I don't care if he doesn't get elected again. But if he does, I won't be whining about it YEARS later.

04 May 04 - 10:29 PM (#1178071)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Comeon Martin, it reads like you are the one that is whining, not Amergin.   Amergin made a statement that seems to rub you the wrong way.    This country turned the other cheek when the election was stolen and we should not forget what happened. We sucked it up for the last few years and we should remember that lesson come election day in November.

04 May 04 - 10:53 PM (#1178084)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

That old scoundrel Adolf was 1933. He won the most votes in a democratic fashion. Then he changed the rules by creatin' a permanent "state of emergency" after the REichstag burnt down...only his people secretly burnt it! Ya gotta watch out for that sort of thing, even in a democracy. FDR got himself elected 4 times! He sorta bent the rules, cos there was a war on. Now, I was a supporter of FDR at the time, but I can still see that there was somethin' goin' on there that was a little bit outta the ordinary.

It happened before, and it could happen again...even in a democracy. All ya need is a guy at the top who's willin' to create or take advantage of a crisis...and a congress and media who are too weak ta stop him. It can happen.

They do it by focusin' people's fear on some "enemy"...either inside or outside the country.

The point is, a leader that's too stubborn ta change his mind could be one of two things:

a) a man of principle, who's not afraid to back down
b) a man who is too proud or insecure or fanatical ta ever admit he made a mistake

If it's the second, you got a big problem. Ya can't learn from your mistakes if you ain't never willin' to change your mind.


04 May 04 - 11:24 PM (#1178106)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Once Famous

Bullshit, Chongo. Totally extreme. Comparing to Hitler's Germany is paranoid. And comparing today's situation to the FDR WWII era is silly. It's quite a different world now.

Ron, I'm not whining. He is, with a big boo hoo and comes off as a sore loser. We'll see if they remember on election day. I wasn't happy with the results either four years ago. The Supreme Court was involved though, remember. Changes did happen because of what happened in Florida. But Gore lost way too many other states, don't forget.

04 May 04 - 11:32 PM (#1178112)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Yeah Martin? Tough guy eh? You'd look funny with a potatoe stuck in your big yap, bo. I ain't comparin' nothin' to Hitler, see? I'm sayin' that a leader who won't never change his mind is dangerous. On the other hand a guy who changes his mind every time the wind blows is also dangerous. It's a question of balance. Ya gotta find the balance between strength and flexibility. This guy Bush don't seem too flexible to me. And that's puttin' it mildly. He's got mental constipation. Maybe he's just followin' orders.

I ain't got no strong opinions about Kerry.


04 May 04 - 11:36 PM (#1178116)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Once Famous

Do you have strong opinions about bananas?

How about body hair?

04 May 04 - 11:43 PM (#1178120)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Bananas? Yeah, I love 'em. Who doesn't? Body hair? The more the better, except on human dames. I am gettin' useta the fact that they got a whole different kind of beauty all their own. Nice gams too, I'd hafta say.


05 May 04 - 12:30 AM (#1178130)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Art Thieme


Amergin is simply stating the fact that an American election was STOLEN on our watch (while we are alive). Taking note of that is not living in the past. It is not wining. It is being realistic. Voting with those things in mind is not living in the past eaither. It is taking the snap and running with the ball--hopefully for a score. Your using fowl nomenclature to denegrate valid points that have been made here by many astute observers is in no way enhancing your positions. Like Jimmy Stewart said in HARVEY, "You can be, oh, so clever, or you can be, oh, so pleasant. I recommend pleasant."----And so do I.

That said, I have told you I'd like to shake your hand. Right now, I think, I would much rather send you a right-on-the-mark cyber-kick in the balls. That must be our good old American wild west mentality coming out---as I've heard and learned lately from another thread. You, good sir, are our Bin Laden/Sadam as you have focused me on the possible need, sometimes, for adopting Bush's strategies.   **BIG SMILEY FACE**

Back to Hitler who is reported to have said something like, "The best thing about what we do is that we are forcing our adversaries to adopt our tactics."

Your style, sir, is nauseatingly apparent every time I inadvertantly land on a channel where the World Wrestling guys are doing what they do in spite of all logic.

Art Thieme

05 May 04 - 12:50 AM (#1178133)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Big Mick

He indicates that he will attempt to repeal tax breaks to companies that take decent manufacturing jobs offshore. He wants to introduce an element of fairness in the trade policies. He will quit treating our "partners" in foreign policy like poor relations. He doesn't favor unilateral actions in other countries. He understands what war is, the terrible cost, and would apply these values when weighing whether to use military force. He is willing to take a principled stand with regard to his private beliefs, as opposed to the public good, in the abortion issue with his church. He doesn't believe he is on a mission from God to save the rest of the world and change them into us.

More later,


05 May 04 - 01:09 AM (#1178148)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: dianavan

Martin - What was feminist about my remark? I think that there are plenty of men who have also tried to tell you that you sound more like a Nazi sympathizer than a Jew. Sorry; live your life as you choose but don't expect me to believe anything you say. You have even less credibility than Bush.

05 May 04 - 07:51 AM (#1178367)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?

What's wrong with feminist remarks? Feminists make them all the time.

There was a very interesting news story shown here in Minnesota yesterday on Kerry. Now, I already can't remember if Kerry was speaking here, it might have been New Mexico? Anyway, he was speaking to a group of terrorist NEA educators, and one actually terrorized him, which I enjoyed the fucking hell out of. She is an anti-war, anti-militarism mother of a soldier currently serving in Iraq. And her question to him was, why, when I as a mother, and I as a teacher, do everything in my power to educate children not to use violence to solve their problems, should we support you, when your stand on the Iraq war is the same as George Bush's?

I LOVE THIS WOMAN!!! She seriously kicked some ass in that "photo op".

Kerry gave his same old, same old lame ass "I've been to war, and I know..." crap response. He said "I would have executed this war differently than George Bush..." and you could even hear a few moans from the crowd when he said it.

Kerry is a loser. He is likely going to lose this election because he is a LOUSY presidential candidate for the Democrats, and deep down inside, every Democrat knows it, but is pretending like it isn't really true. The Democrats are grasping at straws, and trying to come up with some lie they can spin about how good Kerry would be for this country.

In other words, the Democrats have parked themselves in denial mode for the duration. Billions will be spent on the presidential election industry this year (just like they school testing industry makes billions off more and more school testing), and for no good fucking reason whatsoever.

And frankly, there were plenty of us union members who WON'T support Kerry BECAUSE of his stands on trade. How about Kerry comes up with a policy that says FUCK NAFTA AND GATT? How about Kerry gets on the right fucking side of the trade and globalization issues, instead of dancing with the robber barons?

05 May 04 - 01:41 PM (#1178699)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Chief Chaos

Flip Flop? Bush defines the word.
First he doesn't want a 9/11 commision - then he makes it sound like it was his idea.
Next he doesn't want Rice or anyone else to testify - then he makes it sound like it was his great idea.
After that it's We'll go it alone without the UN in Iraq.
Then he says he wants them to take a role in Iraq.

Unfortunately he has to have his mind changed for him by extreme popular pressure.

Don't get me started on the flip flopping over the reasons for war or the waffling about semantics.

15 May 04 - 11:13 PM (#1186568)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: dianavan

and now Kerry says that he thinks Israel has the best method of dealing with terrorists.

It also looks as if he might choose a Republican as a running mate.

What do I like about Kerry? He was kinda cute when he was young. Now he's just another ugly politician.

16 May 04 - 02:53 AM (#1186644)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Ebbie

There is no way that Kerry can say/do the right things in everyone's opinion at this stage of the game; he's damned whether he does or doesn't. Right now he needs as much support from any side that he can garner and he has to walk a knife's edge to do it.

Go to his website ( and soak up some of his thinking and check out some of the people he has on board.

As for endorsements, here is one:

"The International Brotherhood of Police Officers (IBPO) endorsed John Kerry on Friday. The union endorsed George Bush in 2000. But IBPO President David Holway said that "after three and a half years of disappointing leadership under George Bush, we need to change course in November and elect a President with a real record of supporting police officers and a lifetime of standing with law enforcement."

17 May 04 - 11:20 PM (#1187572)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Ebbie


"In a speech to the California Democratic State Convention, he referred to Robert Kennedy's famous quotation: "Some men dream things that are and ask why. I dream things that never were and ask why not?" Then Kerry said:

"That is the question at the heart of our campaign. That is our cause.
Why not have an economy where equal opportunity is a fact? Where people who work hard and do the right thing can not only make ends meet but can actually reach higher and hope for more?

"Why not give every working American access to high-quality, affordable health care?

"Why not have public schools where children set out on a lifetime of learning and possibility? Where "no child left behind" is a promise kept, not broken and forgotten.

"Why not preserve our environment so our great grandchildren can breathe clean air, drink clean water, and know that they too live in a land that can be called "America the beautiful."

18 May 04 - 03:55 PM (#1187913)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: GUEST,Frank

I agree with Art on his appraisal of John Kerry.

He has proven courage.

I don't agree with Kerry on everything but I've been to a couple of rallies for him and find him consistent in what he believes.

I believe he has integrity which is totally lacking in the Bushes.

He listens and responds. He does not give out simplistic soundbite type answers.

I believe he can get us out of the royal mess that Bush has created in Iraq. Bush has lost the war.

What they will be handing over to the Iraqi people in the way of a government will be only those who answer to Bush's henchmen.
I believe that Bush doesn't care a fig about the Iraqi people.
Bush cares about his business cronies. His Adminstration has disgraced the name of America in the world.

Kerry can restore it. He will reach out to the former allies that Bush has alienated.

Since he knows much more about the act of war than Bush, he is much more qualified as a commander -in-chief.


19 May 04 - 10:39 AM (#1188488)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: GUEST,Teribus

GUEST,Frank 18 May 04 - 03:55 PM on John Kerry:

"He does not give out simplistic soundbite type answers."

Frank did you read the post just before yours for Ebbie? Each and every thing quoted forms a simplistic soundbyte type answer. Where's the substance? Where are the policies? Where does he outline the means by which all those laudable statements can be translated into reality? To date there is nothing to be seen that could be scrutinised, questioned or argued through.

19 May 04 - 12:37 PM (#1188584)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Ebbie

Guest, Teribus, it was I who cut and pasted the summary of Kerry's position. At his website you will find much more information and in depth.

19 May 04 - 02:41 PM (#1188686)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Don Firth

Those who say that there is little difference between Bush and Kerry are either not sufficiently alert or are letting a habit of cynicism blind them to reality. There are plenty of obvious differences to be seen by anyone who cares to exert the mental effort to stop sulking and take a good, long look.

This is going to be one dirty campaign, full of lies, twisted half-truths, and attempts to take things out of context and use them to try to make you think Kerry is actually the way the Bush boosters want you to think he is. This is one of the reasons why it is important to be an informed electorate, know a few facts, and not just swallow what the TV set barfs out at you.

Commercials for Bush (actually negative ads against Kerry) are devoted to misinformation such as—to mention only two of the many things being hawked currently—claiming that Kerry favors a 50¢ increase in gasoline tax and that he voted against body armor for troops in Iraq.

Facts (not opinions, Doug, facts):   a 50¢ gasoline tax was something that was proposed ten years ago in an attempt to get people to drive less. The person who proposed it was Harvard economist Gregory Mankiw, who is now the chairman of Bush's Council of Economic Advisers. Kerry neither voted for it, nor did he sponsor legislation favoring it. It is an outright lie. The same thing about weapons systems and body armor. Kerry did not vote against body armor for troops in Iraq. When he voted against the $87 billion to continue Bush's War, he knew that the money would be needed if the war wasn't going to become an even bigger cock-up than it already was, and he also knew that Congress would pass it by a wide margin even without his support, so he voted against it as a protest against the way the war was being handled. Incidentally, as far as the ceramic-based type of body armor (which made up one-third of one percent of the bill) is concerned, the troops had initially been sent to the Iraqi war without it.

These are only two of the many lies and twistings of the truth that the Bush boosters are trying to lay on Kerry, including the so-called "flip-flops." And it's interesting to note that when people talk about Kerry's "flip-flops," if you pin them down and ask them exactly which "flip-flops" they're talking about, they either babble incoherently, unable to think of anything specific, or quote one of the Bush-booster commercials.

When one takes a position, and then, in the light of new evidence, changes one's mind, this is the mark of an intelligent, thoughtful person. If that's "flip-flopping," then this country and the whole world would be a helluva lot better off right now if Bush had flip-flopped a bit before launching this country into "The Big Muddy" once again. Bush is a shining example of someone who ignores evidence, goes off half-cocked, and is afraid to change his mind for fear of looking indecisive, even when the disastrous consequences of his intended actions are obvious to everyone else. [This is the kind of "leadership" that the late historian Barbara Tuchman wrote about in her book The March of Folly.] In the meantime, of course, Bush is silly-putty in the hands of Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, et al.

By the way:
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not to their own facts.
                                                   —Sen, Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Don Firth

19 May 04 - 02:46 PM (#1188693)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Kim C

What do I like about Kerry?

Not one damn thing. I saw him on Meet the Press a few weeks ago and he didn't impress me at all. He seems to think he has a lot of Great New Ideas, when in fact, Presidents before him have said those same things.

19 May 04 - 02:50 PM (#1188695)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Amos

In a speech to the California Democratic State Convention, he referred to Robert Kennedy's famous quotation: "Some men dream things that are and ask why. I dream things that never were and ask why not?"

I believe that was John Fitzgerald Kennedy's quote, not Robert's.


20 May 04 - 12:17 AM (#1189239)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: dianavan

Kerry may not be "our hero" but at least he has the courage to challenge Bush and his mob. He has a pretty good chance of winning if more people (like me) would flip flop from wanting significant change to voting to bury Bush.

20 May 04 - 12:59 AM (#1189264)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: emjay

Kerry can not be all things to all people, nor does he pretend that he is. Bush tells us one thing while he does another to convince us that he is everyman's best friend. Bush took this country into a war telling us it was all about terrorism, then ignored the country from which the terrorists came to attack someone against whom he had a personal vendetta. He lied knowingly about conditions in Iraq to convince Americans that we needed to go after Saddam Hussein. Why hasn't he been impeached for that?
Kerry has had the courage to change his mind as he learns more, as conditions change, or as times change. Bush can't remember ever making a mistake.
We all owe it to our country to learn more, to vote on real information, not bits we have heard in 15 to 30 econd commercials repeated ad infinitum. For a democracy to succeed its citizens must be informed, they must take the time to educate themselves, an ongoing process.
The Bush power brokers stole the last election in myriad ways, all calculated to give the election to Dubya. That is a statement, it is not whining. Use that term correctly. Whining refers to the tone in which a complaint is uttered, not the complaint itself. You will frequently hear our president whine when he speaks, he does it almost any time he isn't smirking.
What do I like about Kerry? His intelligence. His willingness to listen to reason and to learn. His ability to recognize other needs, other points of view, and changing situations. His ability to learn from experience, his own and others.

20 May 04 - 11:11 AM (#1189692)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: el ted


20 May 04 - 11:22 AM (#1189703)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: GUEST,Larry K

First we need to define flip flop.   There is a HUGE difference between politicians that have core values (on any issue) and than by information/experience/maturity change their mind and take the opposite position and those who base their decisons on polls and by political correctness as to which position would by them the most votes at that time.

You can agree or disagree with Bush.   There is no question that he has a core value on religion, and terrorism.   You can agree with that or disagree with that but you know exactly where he stands.

The question is about Kerry.    What are John Kerry's core values.   Did he change his positions because he has core values about them or for political gain.    I say it is for political gain.   Kerry is a liberal.   He should be proud of that.    Instead he claims that he is running as a centerist.    How can you claim to have core values when you can't even run on who you are.

Lets look at Kerry on Iraq.    He voted against the first gulf war even though Iraq had invaded Kuwait and there were known rape and torture rooms.   Afterwards he claimed to have supported the war even though he voted against it.    In the second Gulf war he voted for the war even though he later claimed there were no proven WMD's.   Afterwards he stated that he opposed the war even though he voted for it.    What are Kerry's core values on Iraq.    I say he has none.   All of his positions are politically driven.

Even though he stated on the Senate floor that you shouldn't judge a man by how he served in viet nam (he was defending Clinton against Bob Dole) he now brings up his Viet Nam Service in every speech and article while discreting Bush for his national guard service.   A complete contradiction to what he said on public record.

That is why he is labeled a flipflopper.   And that is why the label has stuck.   Because it is true.   The vast majority of you reading this have values closer to Nader but will hold your nose and vote for Kerry.    Just think of how good it feels when you sell yourself out.

What do I like about Kerry.   He has a nice haircut.   At least he is not Dean.

20 May 04 - 11:38 AM (#1189722)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?

El Ted for president

20 May 04 - 11:39 AM (#1189724)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?

No no El Greko for president

20 May 04 - 11:40 AM (#1189728)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?

No no no jOhn from ull for pwesidunt

20 May 04 - 01:04 PM (#1189841)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Ebbie

"As Bobby Kennedy often said, "Some men see things as they are and ask, 'Why?' I dream of things that never were and ask, 'Why not?'"

Evidently, it has been said variously by a number of people, notably by G.B. Shaw.

21 May 04 - 12:37 PM (#1190874)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Kim C

"Bush tells us one thing while he does another to convince us that he is everyman's best friend."

That's called Politics. They ALL do it. And remember, too, that while the President holds the highest office in the Nation, he doesn't wield ALL the power. The President may have a great idea, or even a bad idea, that gets shot down by the House & Senate; but ultimately, it's the President who gets the rap for everything. People said the same thing about Bill Clinton too.

I'm not defending anyone, just pointing out that what may seem like two-facedness sometimes may just be the system at work. Be glad it works, even though it doesn't always work to everyone's satisfaction.

21 May 04 - 04:50 PM (#1191035)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
From: Frankham

Teribus, you should really attend a Kerry rally. It's the news media that gives out the soundbites. Kerry makes a lot of sense. Do you think American news media will cover it accurately? If so, dream on.

HIs policy is simple. Bush screwed up in Iraq. The only way out is to replace American troops with UN and NATO troops. Build up American credibility in the world. If you pull out troops , there would be more chaos than there is now. Bush made America step in it and it's up to Kerry to scrape the boots. The only conceivable exit strategy is to pull in the UN, not through one Bush controlled figurehead but by enlisting the aid of all the countries that Bush has alienated.

Here's what I think. Kerry is playing it cool. He's not announcing
a VP yet. He has a plan but is careful not to alienate those who
are undecided. The Left is pissed at him because he refuses to go on the offensive. I think that's to his credit.

He doesn't want to become a Nader.

I don't agree with his support for Sharon. But, when he is in office,
there will be a radical change from the Bush agenda. He will actively seek a second Camp David Accord because he has had diplomatic experience unlike the current Occupier.

Right now, he is looking to get votes. That's the big flaw in our system. Those who know how to get elected don't know how to run the country. America has become a television nation. The screen has hypnotized and replaced gray matter. It's the get-elected medium.

Kerry is a politician. But if you get a chance to really hear him, I think your opinion of him might change. Unfortunately because of the news blackout on substantial information, don't rely on your TV to do the job.
