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BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!

18 May 04 - 01:34 PM (#1187776)
Subject: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Allan C.

In another thread I asked for opinions as to where in North America you would travel if you had the opportunity. I asked this because such an opportunity has come to me. Now all is in readiness and the expedition is set to begin on the 20th of May.

The adventure is sure to be filled with thousands of opportunities for photographs and sounds that I would love to share with you. Much of what I will be doing will not be especially germane to the Mudcat. I just don't want to clog up the threads with such stuff even though some of you might find it interesting. After studying various means by which to accomplish such sharing, I've decided it would be best to create a separate online journal. Not only does the journal have the capability of recording my notes on what I encounter, but it also affords the possibility of the inclusion of images and even sound bytes. This is not to say I won't be posting some Mudcat related stuff here or that I won't be sending a few pictures to the Mudcat gallery. I'll be doing that as well. It is just that there will be lots of other goodies I will want to share. Like the threads on the Mudcat, you will have the ability to post comments on my journal. There is also an email feature that will allow private communications.

My daughter, Kelly, (a sometime 'Catter, currently residing in Dallas, Texas) designed the journal (Okay, it's a "blog" but I just don't like calling it that for some reason!) for me and will be helping me to update it and to maintain it during my travels. She has also been my technological coach with regard to some of the equipment I will be taking with me. For instance, I had no idea at all how a wireless internet connection works for a laptop computer. Until last month I had never even touched a laptop. Kelly has patiently explained a lot to me that will certainly come in handy. Max has also been especially helpful and has offered to be of even more help in the time to come.

Although this is certainly going to be a great adventure for me, I want very much to include you in it as much as possible. My hope is that the means I have chosen will accomplish this.

Here is the link to my journal.

As I write, it is still under construction; but Kelly assures me it will be ready to go within the next few days. I just wanted to tell you about it before I unplug my desktop computer and pack it away.

There's a lot more to tell you about the trip, but I will be adding more and more as I go along.

18 May 04 - 01:40 PM (#1187781)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Ebbie

Sounds great. You will getting lots of hits, no doubt about it. I think the Internet age is grand.

18 May 04 - 03:38 PM (#1187898)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Sorcha

Are you coming to see me???? Please????

18 May 04 - 04:36 PM (#1187945)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Joe Offer

Allan, I'll be glad to serve as your guide in the Sierra and the Sierra Foothills. Best time for the foothills is February through April, but the Sierra is worth seeing through September. Come see us!
-Joe Offer, Colfax, California-

18 May 04 - 05:09 PM (#1187969)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Wesley S

Allan - Via con Dios. I'm glad we had a chance to meet in the 3-D world - thanks for coming to the concert. Stay in touch and I'll check into your journal to keep track of you.

18 May 04 - 08:29 PM (#1188122)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: open mike

do we need to create an account, password, etc. in order to
check out the web site?
how about putting a small sample message so we can check
tos ee if it is working?

18 May 04 - 09:06 PM (#1188140)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Allan C.

Sorcha, Joe and OM, I most certainly hope to visit with you at some point. You'll know when, when I start heading your way and I will certainly be in touch. I don't currently plan to head westward until after the Getaway.

You will have the option to post anonymously, if that is what you prefer. Otherwise, creating an account (free, no strings) would allow you to post under a recognizable name, which I think would be helpful. I am allanc there, for instance.

As I said above, the website is still under construction and so there really isn't anything to see just yet. Kelly should have things together in the next few days. In fact, she probably will have it up and running before I get another opportunity to post anything more than the initial journal entry (which mentions you, Wesley S.) that I've already tentatively submitted but is not yet posted. In other words, you are likely to know about it before I will. Please do me a favor and post something here if you notice that the journal is functional. I'm guessing it will be ready by Friday or so.

I'm on the verge of overdoing the caffeine thing here at a Dallas Starbucks. I'll try to check back tomorrow; but after that it might be Saturday before I get another opportunity.

18 May 04 - 09:37 PM (#1188157)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: CarolC

Hey Allan. We got the Doc Watson tickets today. Front row, second balcony, a little to the side.

18 May 04 - 11:01 PM (#1188188)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: jimmyt

Allan, getting musicians lined up, beer on ice and steaks waiting on the grill to get hot. See you on the 6th jimmyt

19 May 04 - 06:01 AM (#1188330)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!

It would be great if Catters would post here when Allan shows up, then we can go to his journal and get his side of the story!


19 May 04 - 06:14 AM (#1188341)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

I'm logged in again (how did that happen?)

Happy trails, Allan!


19 May 04 - 02:00 PM (#1188643)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Allan C.

Carol, FAR OUT!!
Carol and JacktheSailor will be the fist 'Catters I will be visiting as I begin my journey. It has been nearly twenty-five years since I last saw Doc Watson. I'm really looking forward to the visit as well as to the concert!

As jimmyt has noted, I'll be visiting him shortly after the Florida Folk Festival. Can hardly wait to sing some old KT3 songs with him. Strangely, the last time I saw jimmyt was in Banbury!

Good point, Allison. It would be great to hear both sides. Besides, I might run out of superlatives.

Well, all of my furniture and other household goods are now on their way to storage; but I still have just a few more things to do before I can hit the road tomorrow. One of those things is that Kelly is wanting to take me out to the Tipparary this evening for a proper send-off.

Thanks for the many good wishes and thanks in advance for the wonderful hospitality that has already been offered.

19 May 04 - 02:30 PM (#1188671)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: mg

well, I for one enjoyhed Marion's travelogue and the opportunity to meet her, and I would love to just have a running thread you post to on occasion, in addition to whatever blog you do. Remember Sunnycamp first week of

19 May 04 - 02:40 PM (#1188681)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: open mike

i hope jimmy keeps those cow parts in the fridge
til you get there,not waiting on the grill !@

19 May 04 - 03:11 PM (#1188717)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: jimmyt

it was a metaphoricalcow, but the beer is a simile

19 May 04 - 03:23 PM (#1188733)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: open mike

when i tried to register, i was sent an e-mail with a link in it
but got this message :
Not Found
The requested URL /modules.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/1.3.31 Server at Port 80

19 May 04 - 04:32 PM (#1188759)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Stilly River Sage

Well, Allan, you should come visit here, and to be sure it's going to be nice, check your weather report, 'cause it's the same as mine. You won't really feel like you've even left home but stop by anyway and introduce yourself if you happen to pass through Fort Worth. I hope your method of transport gets decent mileage--I'm working at home a lot the next couple of weeks because my boss is out of town and I can do everything here that I do at the office [no smart remarks!], and I don't have to pay for gas.

You have my email, so let me know if you're coming through.


20 May 04 - 11:05 AM (#1189683)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!

Lobsters at my house when you reach Maine.

21 May 04 - 09:23 PM (#1191210)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: CarolC

Allan has landed here in Fort Mitchell, Alabama.

He's getting his trailer set up and after he's done, we're headed for a jam session in Columbus. Yee Haa!

22 May 04 - 01:38 PM (#1191555)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: CarolC

Fantastic jam session last night. It was very cool waking up today and knowing that our nearest neighbor (for the next couple of days at least) is a friend. We all had our wake-up coffee out in the privacy fenced patio area under a live oak tree, and shared the three strawberries from our container garden that weren't eaten by squirrels. JtS and Allan are out there now sharing guitar and song stuff.

We've decided that all of the people in the Mudcat should get trailers and we should travel around visiting each other and maybe have big Mudcat-trailer gatherings from time to time.

Tonight... DOC WATSON (live)!!

22 May 04 - 03:31 PM (#1191629)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Allan C.

JtS and Carol C look exactly the way they do in person! (Just kidding. I've met them before and it is wonderful to see them again.)

I wasn't scheduled to arrrive here until sometime this afternoon; but JtS persuaded me to drive straight through yesterday so that I could arrive in time for last night's jam. I failed to examine the proposition carefully and somewhat foolishly agreed - especially after being told (by persons unnamed) that the trip could be made in six or eight hours. Seven hundred miles and thirteen hours later, I arrived here just in time to leave to attend the jam. Strangely, I had plenty of energy left and had a great time.

We are now getting ready to tour the downtown "river walk" area of nearby Columbus, Georgia. Then we'll head over to see Doc. Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here!

23 May 04 - 12:11 AM (#1191835)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Jack the Sailor

Just got back from Doc.


23 May 04 - 01:05 PM (#1192030)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: kendall

Rumor has it that you are coming to OLd Songs. If so, I'd be glad to guide you to the section where the drunks, reprobates, trouble makers and Scotch drinkers park.
Oh, and one of them even plays a Martin guitar.

24 May 04 - 12:35 AM (#1192397)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: open mike

if you check the website mentioned in the first post of this thread,
you will find that allan has begun to send in reports of his adventures.

24 May 04 - 06:35 AM (#1192578)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: kendall

Yes? Does that change my offer?

24 May 04 - 09:42 AM (#1192675)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Allan C.

Kendall, I look forward to hanging out at places such as you mention. It would likely be my favorite part of OS.

24 May 04 - 11:00 AM (#1192752)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: CarolC

Allan is on the road again. He left here just a few minutes ago. He should be at his campsite in Florida in just a few hours. We had a wonderful visit and we were sorry to see him go.

25 May 04 - 10:28 AM (#1193658)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: GUEST,MMario

site looks nice!

25 May 04 - 10:45 AM (#1193674)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!

Your blog wouldn't let me register but I posted as a guest - a first for this Mudcatter. Wonder if I will get a lot of flack?

25 May 04 - 11:09 AM (#1193708)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Stilly River Sage

Here's that journal link again. It bears repeating, to make it easy to keep up with Allan.


29 May 04 - 11:38 PM (#1196899)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Marion

Good for you Allan. Have a great trip. By the way, have you ever read Steinbeck's "Travels With Charlie in Search of America?"

Love, Marion

30 May 04 - 12:46 AM (#1196919)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: katlaughing

I had a neat phone call from the Florida Folk Festival, tonight. It was Allan. I've been gone so didn't know he had some travelling companions. Imagine my surprise when he said "guess who the next person you will speak with is?" Heck if I knew, made a couple of guesses. he did the same thing to her...handed her the phone and left us to it. It was CarolC!! We had a good chat about who was there and such. It was great fun to get a LIVE report from on the road. Thanks, Allan and good to hear your voice, Carol!


05 Jun 04 - 04:17 PM (#1201052)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!

So where is our wandering boy? Kidnapped by gypsies (sorry InObu), fallen prey to white slave traders, ????????

05 Jun 04 - 06:57 PM (#1201084)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: CarolC

Thanks katlaughing. Allan is a devilish lad isn't he?

We just got home from spending a fantastic week with Allan, first at the Florida Folk Festival, and then five great days on Tybee Island and in and around Savannah, Georgia. (Here's the Tybee Island lighthouse)

Allan is "The Land of the Lost Boys" on wheels. Watch out if he comes to your neighborhood. Before you know it, you just might find yourself in some far away place having the time of your life.

We got a call from Allan as he was passing through our neck of the woods (a few hours before we got here). He's making good time heading up to Jimmy T's place up in the mountains of north Georgia.

06 Jun 04 - 03:36 PM (#1201431)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: jimmyt

AllanC has arrived safely here in north Georgia, it is 3:30 pm and we have been pickin' for a couple hours   we will eat a bite shortly and around 7ish a flock of musicians will begin showing up for a session of sorts. We are looking forward to it already   will report mire later jimmyt

06 Jun 04 - 10:33 PM (#1201636)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: open mike

"will report mire later jimmyt"

here's hoping the mire isn't too deep or terrible!

   1. An area of wet, soggy, muddy ground; a bog.
   2. Deep slimy soil or mud.
   3. A disadvantageous or difficult condition or situation:
      the mire of poverty.

07 Jun 04 - 01:39 PM (#1202139)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: jimmyt

Thank you, Laurel for pinting that oit ti me! ine mire tiime

07 Jun 04 - 02:25 PM (#1202172)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: CarolC

Message to Allan... I sent you the information you requested in an e-mail.

07 Jun 04 - 05:31 PM (#1202273)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: jimmyt

allan left this AM on his way to outerbanks NC via Asheville. We had a fun session last night and played lots of stuff, much of which Allan introduced to us. He has a fine singing voice and plays quite well. Great guitar that has been signed by lots and lots of catters from a previous sojourn. Jayne and I enjoyed our time with him a lot.

09 Jun 04 - 07:18 PM (#1203968)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Allan C.

Just a quick note to let you know I am alive and doing well. At the moment, I am visiting BarbaraLynn near Raleigh, North Carolina and will soon be seen on the streets of Hillsborough, NC where I hope to visit Janie and Dani for a short while.

The visits I have had with JacktheSailor, CarolC and jimmyt were fabulous. I've almost finished collecting my thoughts enough to post more on the blog; but probably won't submit anything until after this weekend. I will have some photos to post as soon as a glitch on the website is repaired.



10 Jun 04 - 01:03 AM (#1204093)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: open mike

request: when i visited hillsboro a couple of decades ago, there was a wonderful music museum--i mean music BOX museum. I would love to know if it still exists!@ and if it does, you might enjoy visiting it...let me know!! nickelodeons, player pianos, and other amazing things were there..the sounds were wonderful....i think i saw a similar place in Eureka Springs, ARkansas, too, or Hot Springs Ark.

10 Jun 04 - 10:46 AM (#1204341)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Tinker

Waiting less than patiently for my voyaristic update. I will not give in to bouts of green envy... Give Dani and Janie big hugs for me..


10 Jun 04 - 11:03 AM (#1204353)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: harpgirl

Allan, if you are in the Wilmington, Delaware area anytime, may I recommend a visit to Dacvid Bromberg's violin store across from the University and sitting in on his weekly jam sessions which happen just down the street. Check his website. harpy

10 Jun 04 - 04:05 PM (#1204574)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Janie

The Allan has landed here in Hillsborough, NC. He just poked his head into my office for a few minutes. Says he will stay through the weekend. Full report to follow!


14 Jun 04 - 11:44 PM (#1207427)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Janie

Allan is probably pulling out of Hillsborough as I type this. It was great to see him. He was very patient--waiting hours at a time for Dani and I to be able to clear the decks to have some time to play, and chipping in to help us deliver a catering job. The fellow even swept the cobwebs from the corners of my front porch as I was getting ready to have people over for dinner and music! Got a lot of singing in and persuaded him to stay until tonight to join our song circle. What a voice has that man!

I'll leave it to Allan to tell any details or impressions he cares to share. He is on his way now to Old Songs after a stop in Charlottesville.

Be safe on your journey Friend.


17 Jun 04 - 03:25 PM (#1209381)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Allan C.

I've finally managed to bring the blog up to date (or nearly so.) The portion currently displayed catches up to Tuesday. I've submitted another post that covers up to the current moment; but there will be a delay (for unknown reasons) before that post will be available for reading.

Like others who have visited the website, I have also had a slight adjustment period after which I could find my way around. I've learned that I am supposed to post a "teaser" in the first section. Then if the reader wants to see more, he clicks on Read More to reveal the rest of the post.

I keep promising pictures. I hope to be able to make them available soon.

Next stop: Portland, Maine

17 Jun 04 - 07:07 PM (#1209502)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: kendall

I'll battern down the hatches!

17 Jun 04 - 08:57 PM (#1209560)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: jimmyt

glad to get the update Allan!!! Good to hear from you and catch up onj your adventures. Have a nice time in MAine.

21 Jun 04 - 01:16 PM (#1211505)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!

Allan arrived Friday and gave me an excuse to take some vacation time. Shanty Sing Saturday. Tourguide Sunday. Lobster Boil Monday. Allan has posted new stuff to the Blog. See you there.

22 Jun 04 - 04:10 AM (#1211885)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Roger the Skiffler

Lovely stuff, Allan!

22 Jun 04 - 01:33 PM (#1212259)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Dani

I still haven't figured out how to make the damn thing work. Could you post a link to the most recent entry?


22 Jun 04 - 08:11 PM (#1212552)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Charley Noble

I can hardly wait til you review the activities at the Press Room shanty sing in Portsmouth, NH. Especially the part where you were swinging from the chandeler singing about a lady called Hairy Mary!

Charley Noble

22 Jun 04 - 10:51 PM (#1212625)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Allan C.

Sorry, Dani, my first post was a bit wordy. You have to scroll past it to see the most recent posts. Then you need to click on the Read More to see the rest.

Here is a link to the most recent post. BTW, so far as I know, you don't need to obtain a membership to view the site. In fact, you can even post a comment, if you want; but you will appear as "Anonymous" unless you are registered. My daughter, Kelly, is the webmaster and so I think you can be assured that your info won't be sent to every spammer in the country.

I've sent the first batches of photos to Kelly and imagine she will find a way to post them soon.

25 Jun 04 - 10:21 AM (#1214180)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!

allan left for Old Songs this AM. Not sure where he goes from there - Tinker's? Annanmill's?

25 Jun 04 - 01:57 PM (#1214326)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Tinker

I'm hoping to meet up with Allan on Sunday at Old Songs and he'll head this way on Monday. Now the floor guy finally found time to rip out my kitchen floor on Tuesday and everything is a bit topsy turvy, but luckily Allan brings his own accomodations.... It's not like he hasn't heard before that I live in chaos...


28 Jun 04 - 07:56 PM (#1215874)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: annamill

Hi. Allan will be coming to my place Thursday evening and staying indefinitly or at least until 7/6/04. We will be having a gathering. Please see the thread about this called Gathering/Annamills w/Allan 7/3 to 7/5.

Love, Annamill

28 Jun 04 - 08:28 PM (#1215891)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Charley Noble

Have fun! Allan seems like fine company and travels well.

Charley Noble

01 Jul 04 - 02:18 PM (#1217772)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: GUEST,MMario

nice update on his site from Allan re: Old Songs and time with Tinker

16 Jul 04 - 10:22 AM (#1226930)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Allan C.

I've just submitted another update. It should be posted in another day or so.

I'm having more fun than one person's normal allotment and it keeps getting better!

16 Jul 04 - 11:33 AM (#1226970)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!

And you're sharing the joy. The books arrived. Thank you! I will bring them to the Getaway for Show And Tell.

16 Jul 04 - 12:06 PM (#1226995)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Rex

Yes indeed, I must check into the mudcat more often. Allan, please consider a journey through the Denver area. There are some nice folks at an irish pub I would like you to meet.


19 Jul 04 - 10:32 AM (#1228946)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: GUEST,MMario

wow - quite an update at that! I don't know what is more fun - reading about places he goes that I know - or those I don't!!!!

20 Jul 04 - 04:12 PM (#1230119)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Allan C.

A couple of new postings have been submitted. One is already up and the other might be there in a day or two. We are still working on solutions regarding the photos. I'm dying to share them with you!

30 Jul 04 - 04:27 PM (#1237385)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!

'Nother posting is up for viewing.

15 Aug 04 - 05:11 PM (#1248178)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!

Just got a phone message from Allan. He is somewhere in the wilds of Virginia for a Marine Reunion???? I thought he was in the Air Force. Anyway, he says it will be a week or two before he can get on line. So - he is alive and well and will check in when he can.

16 Aug 04 - 05:03 PM (#1248870)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!

Refresh - for anyone wondering what happened to Allan.

27 Aug 04 - 11:23 AM (#1258236)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: GUEST,MMario


27 Aug 04 - 11:45 AM (#1258256)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Stilly River Sage

He hasn't posted to his web journal for a while.

27 Aug 04 - 01:32 PM (#1258329)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: CarolC

I talked with him on the phone yesterday. He's still in Virginia and may be there for a while. We got cut off and couldn't reestablish the connection, so I don't know much more than that.

31 Aug 04 - 04:09 PM (#1260995)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Allan C.

I am, indeed, back in Virginia and I have been able, at last, to submit an update to the blog. That should help to fill in some of the more recent blanks. I just now hit the Submit button and so it might take a day or so before my posting appears. Check back tomorrow, maybe.

Also, there is a short clip starring Mudcat's own Wesley S. now available in the Download section. There is now a concerted effort being made toward getting my many photos up for viewing. I appreciate your patience and hope that the waiting and my own exhasperation will soon be at an end.

31 Aug 04 - 04:18 PM (#1261000)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: GUEST,MMario

woo-hoo! Video!

31 Aug 04 - 04:55 PM (#1261041)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Stilly River Sage

I hope you don't get blown away there in VA!

02 Sep 04 - 11:27 AM (#1262587)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: GUEST,MMario

his latest is up!

13 Sep 04 - 09:52 PM (#1271613)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!

Allan called me yesterday...Sept 12. We had a nice but quick visit because I was on my way to a gig. He is still in VA.

14 Sep 04 - 12:00 AM (#1271695)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Sorcha

Dammit, that Guest was me and I was logged in. This is weird.

27 Sep 04 - 11:42 PM (#1282793)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Allan C.

There's a new entry on the blog. What it doesn't say is that the reason I was suddenly called to the home of Mudcatter, BarbaraLynn, is because her husband, Casey, was to be undergoing surgery for the removal of a carcinoid tumor from where his esophogus joins his stomach. The surgery went well and Casey is recovering quickly, albeit painfully. He remains in the intensive care unit at present. Tomorrow evening we will be told the definitive results of the pathology report as to whether the tumor was indeed a true cancer. Whatever the result may be, I am certain that your thoughts and prayers will be much appreciated and will be of comfort to both Barbara and Casey.


28 Sep 04 - 10:27 PM (#1283661)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Allan C.

Update: Thanks to your good thoughts and to many other factors, the pathology report today was almost as good as anyone might have expected. Yes, the tumor was malignant; but virtually all of it was successfully removed surgically. The tiny portions that could not be extracted are such that chemotherapy is almost certain to negate. Casey was tested today for leaks in the site of the reattachment of his esophogus and although a tiny leak was detected, it is expected that it will self-heal without further intervention.

Thanks from Casey, BarbaraLynn and me.

29 Sep 04 - 01:00 AM (#1283737)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: katlaughing

Very glad to hear that, Allan. Thanks for letting us know. I did pass on the request.:-)


29 Sep 04 - 12:59 PM (#1284138)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!

Good news or at least as good as could be expected. I am declaring 2004 the last year that any Mudcatters are allowed a serious illness or catastrophe. If you have to get cancer or heart disease, earth quakes or hurricanes or whatever, you have until December 31st to get it out of the way. 2005 will be the Year Of The Healthy 'Catter. So it is written; so it will be.
Dammit. I am tired of bad news.

PS By the way, Allan did Hurricane Jeanne pass you by without damage?

29 Sep 04 - 01:00 PM (#1284140)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: wysiwyg

Yes, Allan. We're with you!


18 Nov 04 - 10:27 AM (#1331081)
Subject: Pictures at last!!!
From: Allan C.

Because it seems that it will be forever before I can get my photos onto the blog website, I have finally caved in and decided to post my photos to a place where you can see them now. Although they will not be in any particular order, I think most of you can sort them out. Have a look here.

P.S. Thanks to JacktheSailor for giving me a hand with this.

18 Nov 04 - 12:57 PM (#1331226)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!

Hi Allan. Got your message. One of these days I will be home when you call. Winter is setting in - got our first taste of snow. So I know I won't see you before the spring and maybe not until the Getaway. Stay warm and safe and among friends.

19 Nov 04 - 10:49 AM (#1332366)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: GUEST,harp

I guess I don't get to see allan C on his return loop thru the south either ...sigh...

21 Nov 04 - 09:12 PM (#1334847)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: CarolC

Allan left here at about 9:00 yesterday (Saturday) morning, headed for Texas for Thanksgiving.

We had a lovely visit and we were really glad we got to see him at least once more during his on-the-road adventure.

21 Nov 04 - 09:24 PM (#1334853)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!

He called tonight from Texas. All is well. He is visiting daughter Kelly. Thanksgiving dinner was vague but he has plans for Christmas. Never a dull moment with Allan.

22 Nov 04 - 08:22 AM (#1335194)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Dani

Dear Allan! Thanks so much for the pictures. It's fun to visit with you all vicariously!

24 Nov 04 - 11:09 AM (#1337702)
Subject: New update to the blog
From: Allan C.

I've finally posted an update to the blog that nearly brings it up to the current date. I'll definitely catch it up completely sometime shortly after Turkey Day.

Kelly has finally sorted out the problems she was having with the photos and now has a few (from the earlier part of the journey) available on the blog site. I'll post the rest sometime soon and may even include some more sound bytes.

24 Nov 04 - 02:36 PM (#1337951)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: annamill

Have a wonderful holiday Allan! I cannot seem to find any more info in Meandering with Allan. It this the blog (what's a blog anyway?) you refering to? I enjoyed the pictures you posted. Have you seen Micca's thread?

Love, Annamill

27 Nov 04 - 10:41 AM (#1340453)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Edelweiss

Anna, "blog" is shorthand for "biographical log". You can read mine here. If you scroll down from the introductory message you can read the most recent post (clicking on the "more" to find the rest of it.) If you have lots of time on your hands, you can read the whole thing by starting with the bottom posting and working your way up to the most recent. I hope to have another update there soon.

27 Nov 04 - 10:43 AM (#1340455)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Edelweiss

Woops, that last post was mine. Edelweiss is Carmen's Mudcat name and I am on her computer.

Allan C.

29 Dec 04 - 02:28 PM (#1366893)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Allan C.

For any of you who are still keeping track, there's a new (final) entry in the blog

29 Dec 04 - 02:33 PM (#1366900)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: MMario


29 Dec 04 - 02:56 PM (#1366919)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: CarolC

Way to go, Allan!!!

Congratulations to the both of you!

29 Dec 04 - 03:45 PM (#1366963)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: jimmyt

Alan and Carmen, I just read your Email Alan, Wow!!I am so happy for you, Alan, and Carman, you are one lucky lady to get this guy! He is a good fellow and plays and sings like an angel( although I personally think he is a bit better if accompanied by my upright bass and lots to drink!) Hope to see you both some day soon   jimmyt

29 Dec 04 - 04:11 PM (#1366979)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Morticia

that's the greatest news, my friend, she's a lucky girl!! I couldn't be more delighted and what a wonderful way to end your journey...where it was clearly supposed to end, that is, with a new beginning.

29 Dec 04 - 04:27 PM (#1367004)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Ebbie

Congratulations! The very best of wishes to the both of you.

29 Dec 04 - 04:53 PM (#1367026)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Wesley S

Allan - Congratulations are in order. However - full disclosure is called for also. Has Carmen seen you without the beard ?

31 Dec 04 - 12:10 AM (#1367775)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Allan C.

We thank you all for your good wishes.

Wesley, Carmen knew me 40 some years ago - somewhat before the beard became a part of me in the way it is now manifested.

31 Dec 04 - 12:24 AM (#1367785)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Sorcha

Does this mean no Oz trip and no trip to see us? Congtats anyway!

31 Dec 04 - 02:30 AM (#1367834)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: open mike

well, I never!
of all the....
well I guess
you scratched
those itchy feet!
How wonderful that
you and Carmen have
found each other and
that you have discovered
a place to put down some roots!
maybe moss will grow on you now that
you are not rolling so much! enjoy a new
beginning together, and best wishes for a
long and happy time together! I was looking
forward to a visit from you in your meanderings..
if the two of you do head west, you are welcome here!

31 Dec 04 - 05:25 AM (#1367899)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Noreen

I hope you'll both be very happy for a long, long time.

Noreen x

31 Dec 04 - 06:00 AM (#1367919)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!

My original post disappeared!

I am glad to hear that our boy has stopped wandering. Settle down together and be very happy.

31 Dec 04 - 09:51 PM (#1368600)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: karen k


Best wishes to both of you. Saw you with Carmen at the Getaway but didn't get to meet her. Hope to at the next one. Let us know when the date is set.

I hope you will be very happy.

love ya,

31 Dec 04 - 11:11 PM (#1368632)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Penny G.

Wishing you much happiness in your new life. I am so happy you found your perfect love after all these years.You are home indeed !

01 Jan 05 - 01:23 AM (#1368667)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Tinker

Well, I can't get the blog to open, I'll have to try tommorrow. But having me Carmen at Getaway,I can't say I'm overly surprised. Congradulations...


01 Jan 05 - 03:20 PM (#1368884)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: annamill

I cannot tell you how happy I am you're there, my friend! You know you both have our very best wishes and love. I can't wait to meet Carmen. You have to bring her out to the coast, Allan! exciting! I'm sitting here with a big smile for you!

BTW, Happy New Year! What a way to start!

Love, Annamill

03 Jan 05 - 04:06 PM (#1370294)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Allan C.

Thanks again!

I forgot to mention that Don Meixner created the "engagement ring" I gave to Carmen (aka, Edelweiss).

Exerpt from the blog, dated May 27th at Old Songs:

Don had a bracelet that caught my eye as well. It was silver with a twist of gold worked into it. Wow! Don asked what size I wanted. I told him I didn't know because I had not yet met the recipient. We then discussed the "glass slipper" plan; but I managed to resist the purchase for the time being.

Of course what I didn't realize then was that I had, indeed, met the recipient some 40 years before!

Carmen and I have nothing but the highest of praise for Don's work as well as for his business integrity. The pictures on his website are good; but there's nothing like seeing the real thing in person - preferably at Old Songs, one of the many places where he and Cindy set up shop each year.

03 Jan 05 - 07:21 PM (#1370463)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!

Better her than me. I would require a large very nicely cut, marquis diamond ring!

04 Jan 05 - 08:43 AM (#1370810)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: Roger in Baltimore


Whereabouts in Maryland are you? Maybe we can get together sometime.

For the rest of you Mudcatters, this is fair warning. Attending the FSGW Getaways a danger to your lifestyle. Allan brought along "a former girl friend" this year and now see what's happened. I'm guessing that Kendall may have met Jacqui there and now he's married. So attend at your own risk!

Roger in Baltimore

04 Jan 05 - 07:37 PM (#1371524)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: wysiwyg



16 Feb 05 - 01:51 PM (#1412051)
Subject: RE: BS: Here comes Allan C./There he goes again!
From: annamill

Tomorrow's the big day for Allan and Carmen! I wish you the very best in life and love you, Allan and I sure I will love Carmen when we meet. I hope we meet.

Best Wishes, Love Ann & Honey