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Link: Blackcatters World of TV theme song lyrics

20 May 04 - 12:33 AM (#1189251)
Subject: Lyr Req: Non-U.S. TV theme song lyrics needed
From: Blackcatter

Hello all,

I asked this a couple years back inside a thread, but what the heck - I'll make it a thread on its own.

I host a website: Blackcatter's World of TV Theme Song Lyrics It has the lyrics and voice-overs to over 750 TV shows worldwide.

Now the request: I'm looking for any TV theme lyrics, of course, but since I'm in the U.S., I've pretty much got the American ones. But I'm still looking for more from around the world. And not just English language ones either. If you know of themes in French, or Hebrew or Chinese, I'd like those too, especially if you can provide a half-decent English translation. Voice-over introductions count too (ala A-Team and Dragnet).

So please help - check out the site to see if I already have it, but give me whatever you can - including corrections and feedback.

Thanks in advance! (by the way, 20% of my traffic is already international - but so is U.S. TV, so I guess that makes sense.)


20 May 04 - 01:49 AM (#1189288)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Non-U.S. TV theme song lyrics needed
From: Cluin

King of Kensington
- a Canadian sitcom set in Toronto, starring the late Al Waxman
- this one always went over well when we played it in Canadian pubs

When he walks down the street
He smiles at everyone    ("Hey, look, It's the King!")
Everyone that he meets
Calls him "King of Kensington"   ("How ya doin', King?" "Put `er there, King!" "Hey Karen! It's King!")

He finds his fortune in the faces that surround him
His wife says helping other people brings him luck
But then his mother tells a slightly different story
He's the only king around without a buck

He's... a... man among men
The people's champion
And when destiny calls him...
(buzz... buzz... "I'm sorry, that line is STILL busy")
He's "King of Kensington"
("Whatta guy!")

20 May 04 - 02:02 AM (#1189300)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Non-U.S. TV theme song lyrics needed
From: Cluin

I was going to add the lyrics to "The Littlest Hobo" theme too but I see you've got them already.

20 May 04 - 12:00 PM (#1189753)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Non-U.S. TV theme song lyrics needed
From: Blackcatter

Thanks Cluin.

As for Littlest Hobo - I have even met the creaters of one of the themes. Hung out in a pub here in Orlando with her.

20 May 04 - 01:11 PM (#1189851)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Non-U.S. TV theme song lyrics needed
From: Amos

Wow -- they have theme songs in foregin countries? Never even crossed my mind!!


20 May 04 - 01:20 PM (#1189867)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Non-U.S. TV theme song lyrics needed
From: Blackcatter

What's surprising is that they even have TV in other countries.

20 May 04 - 01:51 PM (#1189922)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Non-U.S. TV theme song lyrics needed
From: TS

sniff...ah Nastalgia....God...we actually did the Littlest Hobo onstage one night..the crowd went crazy!.....Slainte!

20 May 04 - 04:20 PM (#1190023)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Non-U.S. TV theme song lyrics needed
From: GUEST,Blackcatter at work

I've never hear either L. H. songs - gotta find them one day.

I regularly perform TV themes on stage - Robin Hood is great, and I surprise people with the lyrics to I Dream of Jeannie, I Love Lucy and Bewitched. Gonna sing the Odd Couple next Tuesday in memoriam of Tony Randall.

Everyone sigs along to Gilligan's Island, then I do the original theme from the pilot episode and everyone is stunned.

23 May 04 - 04:09 PM (#1192141)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Non-U.S. TV theme song lyrics needed
From: Cluin

We throw a couple of verses of "Gilligan's Island" into the middle of "Drunken Sailor". The punters go nuts for both, whereas we're just sick of both of `em. Gots to please the customers, though.

24 May 04 - 01:54 PM (#1192925)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Non-U.S. TV theme song lyrics needed
From: Blackcatter

That's part of what performin's about. Everyone sings the song when I perform it - even though few would admit that they watched it.